path: root/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/scapy/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/scapy/tools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 664 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/scapy/tools/ b/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/scapy/tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index d4310eb5..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/scapy-2.3.1/scapy/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,664 +0,0 @@
-## This file is part of Scapy
-## See for more informations
-## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
-## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
-Unit testing infrastructure for Scapy
-import sys,getopt,imp
-import bz2, base64, os.path, time, traceback, zlib, sha
-#### Import tool ####
-def import_module(name):
- name = os.path.realpath(name)
- thepath = os.path.dirname(name)
- name = os.path.basename(name)
- if name.endswith(".py"):
- name = name[:-3]
- f,path,desc = imp.find_module(name,[thepath])
- try:
- return imp.load_module(name, f, path, desc)
- finally:
- if f:
- f.close()
-class File:
- def __init__(self, name, URL, local):
- = name
- self.local = local
- self.URL = URL
- def get_local(self):
- return bz2.decompress(base64.decodestring(self.local))
- def get_URL(self):
- return URL
- def write(self, dir):
- if dir:
- dir += "/"
- open(,"w").write(self.get_local())
-# Embed a base64 encoded bziped version of js and css files
-# to work if you can't reach Internet.
-class External_Files:
- UTscapy_js = File("UTscapy.js", "",
- UTscapy_css = File("UTscapy.css","",
- def get_local_dict(cls):
- return dict(map(lambda (x,y): (x,, filter(lambda (x,y): isinstance(y, File), cls.__dict__.items())))
- get_local_dict = classmethod(get_local_dict)
- def get_URL_dict(cls):
- return dict(map(lambda (x,y): (x, y.URL), filter(lambda (x,y): isinstance(y, File), cls.__dict__.items())))
- get_URL_dict = classmethod(get_URL_dict)
-class EnumClass:
- def from_string(cls,x):
- return cls.__dict__[x.upper()]
- from_string = classmethod(from_string)
-class Format(EnumClass):
- TEXT = 1
- ANSI = 2
- HTML = 3
- LATEX = 4
- XUNIT = 5
-#### TEST CLASSES ####
-class TestClass:
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- return getattr(self, item)
- def add_keywords(self, kw):
- if kw is str:
- self.keywords.append(kw)
- else:
- self.keywords += kw
-class TestCampaign(TestClass):
- def __init__(self, title):
- self.title = title
- self.filename = None
- self.headcomments = ""
- self.campaign = []
- self.keywords = []
- self.crc = None
- self.sha = None
- self.preexec = None
- self.preexec_output = None
- def add_testset(self, testset):
- self.campaign.append(testset)
- def __iter__(self):
- return self.campaign.__iter__()
- def all_tests(self):
- for ts in self:
- for t in ts:
- yield t
-class TestSet(TestClass):
- def __init__(self, name):
- = name
- self.set = []
- self.comments = ""
- self.keywords = []
- self.crc = None
- self.expand = 1
- def add_test(self, test):
- self.set.append(test)
- def __iter__(self):
- return self.set.__iter__()
-class UnitTest(TestClass):
- def __init__(self, name):
- = name
- self.test = ""
- self.comments = ""
- self.result = ""
- self.res = True # must be True at init to have a different truth value than None
- self.output = ""
- self.num = -1
- self.keywords = []
- self.crc = None
- self.expand = 1
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return self.res
-def parse_campaign_file(campaign_file):
- test_campaign = TestCampaign("Test campaign")
- test_campaign.filename=
- testset = None
- test = None
- testnb = 0
- for l in campaign_file.readlines():
- if l[0] == '#':
- continue
- if l[0] == "~":
- (test or testset or campaign_file).add_keywords(l[1:].split())
- elif l[0] == "%":
- test_campaign.title = l[1:].strip()
- elif l[0] == "+":
- testset = TestSet(l[1:].strip())
- test_campaign.add_testset(testset)
- test = None
- elif l[0] == "=":
- test = UnitTest(l[1:].strip())
- test.num = testnb
- testnb += 1
- testset.add_test(test)
- elif l[0] == "*":
- if test is not None:
- test.comments += l[1:]
- elif testset is not None:
- testset.comments += l[1:]
- else:
- test_campaign.headcomments += l[1:]
- else:
- if test is None:
- if l.strip():
- print >>sys.stderr, "Unkonwn content [%s]" % l.strip()
- else:
- test.test += l
- return test_campaign
-def dump_campaign(test_campaign):
- print "#"*(len(test_campaign.title)+6)
- print "## %(title)s ##" % test_campaign
- print "#"*(len(test_campaign.title)+6)
- if test_campaign.sha and test_campaign.crc:
- print "CRC=[%(crc)s] SHA=[%(sha)s]" % test_campaign
- print "from file %(filename)s" % test_campaign
- print
- for ts in test_campaign:
- if ts.crc:
- print "+--[%s]%s(%s)--" % (,"-"*max(2,80-len(,ts.crc)
- else:
- print "+--[%s]%s" % (,"-"*max(2,80-len(
- if ts.keywords:
- print " kw=%s" % ",".join(ts.keywords)
- for t in ts:
- print "%(num)03i %(name)s" % t
- c = k = ""
- if t.keywords:
- k = "kw=%s" % ",".join(t.keywords)
- if t.crc:
- c = "[%(crc)s] " % t
- if c or k:
- print " %s%s" % (c,k)
-def crc32(x):
- return "%08X" % (0xffffffffL & zlib.crc32(x))
-def sha1(x):
- return sha.sha(x).hexdigest().upper()
-def compute_campaign_digests(test_campaign):
- dc = ""
- for ts in test_campaign:
- dts = ""
- for t in ts:
- dt = t.test.strip()
- t.crc = crc32(dt)
- dts += "\0"+dt
- ts.crc = crc32(dts)
- dc += "\0\x01"+dts
- test_campaign.crc = crc32(dc)
- test_campaign.sha = sha1(open(test_campaign.filename).read())
-def filter_tests_on_numbers(test_campaign, num):
- if num:
- for ts in test_campaign:
- ts.set = filter(lambda t: t.num in num, ts.set)
- test_campaign.campaign = filter(lambda ts: len(ts.set) > 0, test_campaign.campaign)
-def filter_tests_keep_on_keywords(test_campaign, kw):
- def kw_match(lst, kw):
- for k in lst:
- if k in kw:
- return True
- return False
- if kw:
- for ts in test_campaign:
- ts.set = filter(lambda t: kw_match(t.keywords, kw), ts.set)
-def filter_tests_remove_on_keywords(test_campaign, kw):
- def kw_match(lst, kw):
- for k in kw:
- if k not in lst:
- return False
- return True
- if kw:
- for ts in test_campaign:
- ts.set = filter(lambda t: not kw_match(t.keywords, kw), ts.set)
-def remove_empty_testsets(test_campaign):
- test_campaign.campaign = filter(lambda ts: len(ts.set) > 0, test_campaign.campaign)
-#### RUN CAMPAIGN #####
-def run_campaign(test_campaign, get_interactive_session, verb=2):
- passed=failed=0
- if test_campaign.preexec:
- test_campaign.preexec_output = get_interactive_session(test_campaign.preexec.strip())[0]
- for testset in test_campaign:
- for t in testset:
- t.output,res = get_interactive_session(t.test.strip())
- the_res = False
- try:
- if res is None or res:
- the_res= True
- except Exception,msg:
- t.output+="UTscapy: Error during result interpretation:\n"
- t.output+="".join(traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback,))
- if the_res:
- t.res = True
- res = "passed"
- passed += 1
- else:
- t.res = False
- res = "failed"
- failed += 1
- t.result = res
- if verb > 1:
- print >>sys.stderr,"%(result)6s %(crc)s %(name)s" % t
- test_campaign.passed = passed
- test_campaign.failed = failed
- if verb:
- print >>sys.stderr,"Campaign CRC=%(crc)s SHA=%(sha)s" % test_campaign
- print >>sys.stderr,"PASSED=%i FAILED=%i" % (passed, failed)
-#### INFO LINES ####
-def info_line(test_campaign):
- filename = test_campaign.filename
- if filename is None:
- return "Run %s by UTscapy" % time.ctime()
- else:
- return "Run %s from [%s] by UTscapy" % (time.ctime(), filename)
-def html_info_line(test_campaign):
- filename = test_campaign.filename
- if filename is None:
- return """Run %s by <a href="">UTscapy</a><br>""" % time.ctime()
- else:
- return """Run %s from [%s] by <a href="">UTscapy</a><br>""" % (time.ctime(), filename)
-#### CAMPAIGN TO something ####
-def campaign_to_TEXT(test_campaign):
- output="%(title)s\n" % test_campaign
- output += "-- "+info_line(test_campaign)+"\n\n"
- output += "Passed=%(passed)i\nFailed=%(failed)i\n\n%(headcomments)s\n" % test_campaign
- for testset in test_campaign:
- output += "######\n## %(name)s\n######\n%(comments)s\n\n" % testset
- for t in testset:
- if t.expand:
- output += "###(%(num)03i)=[%(result)s] %(name)s\n%(comments)s\n%(output)s\n\n" % t
- return output
-def campaign_to_ANSI(test_campaign):
- output="%(title)s\n" % test_campaign
- output += "-- "+info_line(test_campaign)+"\n\n"
- output += "Passed=%(passed)i\nFailed=%(failed)i\n\n%(headcomments)s\n" % test_campaign
- for testset in test_campaign:
- output += "######\n## %(name)s\n######\n%(comments)s\n\n" % testset
- for t in testset:
- if t.expand:
- output += "###(%(num)03i)=[%(result)s] %(name)s\n%(comments)s\n%(output)s\n\n" % t
- return output
-def campaign_to_xUNIT(test_campaign):
- output='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n<testsuite>\n'
- for testset in test_campaign:
- for t in testset:
- output += ' <testcase classname="%s"\n' %"string_escape").replace('"',' ')
- output += ' name="%s"\n' %"string_escape").replace('"',' ')
- output += ' duration="0">\n' % t
- if not t.res:
- output += '<error><![CDATA[%(output)s]]></error>\n' % t
- output += "</testcase>\n"
- output += '</testsuite>'
- return output
-def campaign_to_HTML(test_campaign, local=0):
- output = """<html>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="%%(UTscapy_css)s" type="text/css">
-<script language="JavaScript" src="%%(UTscapy_js)s" type="text/javascript"></script>
-<span class=button onClick="hide_all('tst')">Shrink All</span>
-<span class=button onClick="show_all('tst')">Expand All</span>
-<span class=button onClick="show_passed('tst')">Expand Passed</span>
-<span class=button onClick="show_failed('tst')">Expand Failed</span>
-""" % test_campaign
- if local:
- External_Files.UTscapy_js.write(os.path.dirname(
- External_Files.UTscapy_css.write(os.path.dirname(
- output %= External_Files.get_local_dict()
- else:
- output %= External_Files.get_URL_dict()
- if test_campaign.crc is not None and test_campaign.sha is not None:
- output += "CRC=<span class=crc>%(crc)s</span> SHA=<span class=crc>%(sha)s</span><br>" % test_campaign
- output += "<small><em>"+html_info_line(test_campaign)+"</em></small>"
- output += test_campaign.headcomments + "\n<p>PASSED=%(passed)i FAILED=%(failed)i<p>\n\n" % test_campaign
- for ts in test_campaign:
- for t in ts:
- output += """<span class=button%(result)s onClick="goto_id('tst%(num)il')">%(num)03i</span>\n""" % t
- output += "\n\n"
- for testset in test_campaign:
- output += "<h2>" % testset
- if testset.crc is not None:
- output += "<span class=crc>%(crc)s</span> " % testset
- output += "%(name)s</h2>\n%(comments)s\n<ul>\n" % testset
- for t in testset:
- output += """<li class=%(result)s id="tst%(num)il">\n""" % t
- if t.expand == 2:
- output +="""
-<span id="tst%(num)i+" class="button%(result)s" onClick="show('tst%(num)i')" style="POSITION: absolute; VISIBILITY: hidden;">+%(num)03i+</span>
-<span id="tst%(num)i-" class="button%(result)s" onClick="hide('tst%(num)i')">-%(num)03i-</span>
-""" % t
- else:
- output += """
-<span id="tst%(num)i+" class="button%(result)s" onClick="show('tst%(num)i')">+%(num)03i+</span>
-<span id="tst%(num)i-" class="button%(result)s" onClick="hide('tst%(num)i')" style="POSITION: absolute; VISIBILITY: hidden;">-%(num)03i-</span>
-""" % t
- if t.crc is not None:
- output += "<span class=crc>%(crc)s</span>\n" % t
- output += """%(name)s\n<span class="comment %(result)s" id="tst%(num)i" """ % t
- if t.expand < 2:
- output += """ style="POSITION: absolute; VISIBILITY: hidden;" """
- output += """><br>%(comments)s
-""" % t
- output += "\n</ul>\n\n"
- output += "</body></html>"
- return output
-def campaign_to_LATEX(test_campaign):
- output = r"""\documentclass{report}
-\item[Passed:] %(passed)i
-\item[Failed:] %(failed)i
-""" % test_campaign
- output %= info_line(test_campaign)
- for testset in test_campaign:
- output += "\\chapter{%(name)s}\n\n%(comments)s\n\n" % testset
- for t in testset:
- if t.expand:
- output += r"""\section{%(name)s}
-[%(num)03i] [%(result)s]
-""" % t
- output += "\\end{document}\n"
- return output
-#### USAGE ####
-def usage():
- print >>sys.stderr,"""Usage: UTscapy [-m module] [-f {text|ansi|HTML|LaTeX}] [-o output_file]
- [-t testfile] [-k keywords [-k ...]] [-K keywords [-K ...]]
- [-l] [-d|-D] [-F] [-q[q]] [-P preexecute_python_code]
- [-s /path/to/scpay]
--l\t\t: generate local files
--F\t\t: expand only failed tests
--d\t\t: dump campaign
--D\t\t: dump campaign and stop
--C\t\t: don't calculate CRC and SHA
--s\t\t: path to
--q\t\t: quiet mode
--qq\t\t: [silent mode]
--n <testnum>\t: only tests whose numbers are given (eg. 1,3-7,12)
--m <module>\t: additional module to put in the namespace
--k <kw1>,<kw2>,...\t: include only tests with one of those keywords (can be used many times)
--K <kw1>,<kw2>,...\t: remove tests with one of those keywords (can be used many times)
--P <preexecute_python_code>
- raise SystemExit
-#### MAIN ####
-def main(argv):
- import __builtin__
- # Parse arguments
- FORMAT = Format.ANSI
- TESTFILE = sys.stdin
- OUTPUTFILE = sys.stdout
- LOCAL = 0
- NUM=None
- KW_OK = []
- KW_KO = []
- DUMP = 0
- CRC = 1
- VERB=2
- SCAPY="scapy"
- MODULES = []
- try:
- opts = getopt.getopt(argv, "o:t:f:hln:m:k:K:DdCFqP:s:")
- for opt,optarg in opts[0]:
- if opt == "-h":
- usage()
- elif opt == "-F":
- elif opt == "-q":
- VERB -= 1
- elif opt == "-D":
- DUMP = 2
- elif opt == "-d":
- DUMP = 1
- elif opt == "-C":
- CRC = 0
- elif opt == "-s":
- SCAPY = optarg
- elif opt == "-P":
- PREEXEC += "\n"+optarg
- elif opt == "-f":
- try:
- FORMAT = Format.from_string(optarg)
- except KeyError,msg:
- raise getopt.GetoptError("Unknown output format %s" % msg)
- elif opt == "-t":
- TESTFILE = open(optarg)
- elif opt == "-o":
- OUTPUTFILE = open(optarg, "w")
- elif opt == "-l":
- LOCAL = 1
- elif opt == "-n":
- NUM = []
- for v in map( lambda x: x.strip(), optarg.split(",") ):
- try:
- NUM.append(int(v))
- except ValueError:
- v1,v2 = map(int, v.split("-"))
- for vv in range(v1,v2+1):
- NUM.append(vv)
- elif opt == "-m":
- MODULES.append(optarg)
- elif opt == "-k":
- KW_OK.append(optarg.split(","))
- elif opt == "-K":
- KW_KO.append(optarg.split(","))
- try:
- from scapy import all as scapy
- except ImportError,e:
- raise getopt.GetoptError("cannot import [%s]: %s" % (SCAPY,e))
- for m in MODULES:
- try:
- mod = import_module(m)
- __builtin__.__dict__.update(mod.__dict__)
- except ImportError,e:
- raise getopt.GetoptError("cannot import [%s]: %s" % (m,e))
- except getopt.GetoptError,msg:
- print >>sys.stderr,"ERROR:",msg
- raise SystemExit
- autorun_func = {
- Format.TEXT: scapy.autorun_get_text_interactive_session,
- Format.ANSI: scapy.autorun_get_ansi_interactive_session,
- Format.HTML: scapy.autorun_get_html_interactive_session,
- Format.LATEX: scapy.autorun_get_latex_interactive_session,
- Format.XUNIT: scapy.autorun_get_text_interactive_session,
- }
- # Parse test file
- test_campaign = parse_campaign_file(TESTFILE)
- # Report parameters
- test_campaign.preexec = PREEXEC
- # Compute campaign CRC and SHA
- if CRC:
- compute_campaign_digests(test_campaign)
- # Filter out unwanted tests
- filter_tests_on_numbers(test_campaign, NUM)
- for k in KW_OK:
- filter_tests_keep_on_keywords(test_campaign, k)
- for k in KW_KO:
- filter_tests_remove_on_keywords(test_campaign, k)
- remove_empty_testsets(test_campaign)
- # Dump campaign
- if DUMP:
- dump_campaign(test_campaign)
- if DUMP > 1:
- sys.exit()
- # Run tests
- test_campaign.output_file = OUTPUTFILE
- run_campaign(test_campaign, autorun_func[FORMAT], verb=VERB)
- # Shrink passed
- for t in test_campaign.all_tests():
- if t:
- t.expand = 0
- else:
- t.expand = 2
- # Generate report
- if FORMAT == Format.TEXT:
- output = campaign_to_TEXT(test_campaign)
- elif FORMAT == Format.ANSI:
- output = campaign_to_ANSI(test_campaign)
- elif FORMAT == Format.HTML:
- output = campaign_to_HTML(test_campaign, local=LOCAL)
- elif FORMAT == Format.LATEX:
- output = campaign_to_LATEX(test_campaign)
- elif FORMAT == Format.XUNIT:
- output = campaign_to_xUNIT(test_campaign)
- OUTPUTFILE.write(output)
- OUTPUTFILE.close()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main(sys.argv[1:])