path: root/scripts/external_libs/zmq/auth/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/external_libs/zmq/auth/ b/scripts/external_libs/zmq/auth/
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index 9b4aaed7..00000000
--- a/scripts/external_libs/zmq/auth/
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-"""Base implementation of 0MQ authentication."""
-# Copyright (C) PyZMQ Developers
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-import logging
-import zmq
-from zmq.utils import z85
-from zmq.utils.strtypes import bytes, unicode, b, u
-from zmq.error import _check_version
-from .certs import load_certificates
-VERSION = b'1.0'
-class Authenticator(object):
- """Implementation of ZAP authentication for zmq connections.
- Note:
- - libzmq provides four levels of security: default NULL (which the Authenticator does
- not see), and authenticated NULL, PLAIN, and CURVE, which the Authenticator can see.
- - until you add policies, all incoming NULL connections are allowed
- (classic ZeroMQ behavior), and all PLAIN and CURVE connections are denied.
- """
- def __init__(self, context=None, encoding='utf-8', log=None):
- _check_version((4,0), "security")
- self.context = context or zmq.Context.instance()
- self.encoding = encoding
- self.allow_any = False
- self.zap_socket = None
- self.whitelist = set()
- self.blacklist = set()
- # passwords is a dict keyed by domain and contains values
- # of dicts with username:password pairs.
- self.passwords = {}
- # certs is dict keyed by domain and contains values
- # of dicts keyed by the public keys from the specified location.
- self.certs = {}
- self.log = log or logging.getLogger('zmq.auth')
- def start(self):
- """Create and bind the ZAP socket"""
- self.zap_socket = self.context.socket(zmq.REP)
- self.zap_socket.linger = 1
- self.zap_socket.bind("inproc://zeromq.zap.01")
- def stop(self):
- """Close the ZAP socket"""
- if self.zap_socket:
- self.zap_socket.close()
- self.zap_socket = None
- def allow(self, *addresses):
- """Allow (whitelist) IP address(es).
- Connections from addresses not in the whitelist will be rejected.
- - For NULL, all clients from this address will be accepted.
- - For PLAIN and CURVE, they will be allowed to continue with authentication.
- whitelist is mutually exclusive with blacklist.
- """
- if self.blacklist:
- raise ValueError("Only use a whitelist or a blacklist, not both")
- self.whitelist.update(addresses)
- def deny(self, *addresses):
- """Deny (blacklist) IP address(es).
- Addresses not in the blacklist will be allowed to continue with authentication.
- Blacklist is mutually exclusive with whitelist.
- """
- if self.whitelist:
- raise ValueError("Only use a whitelist or a blacklist, not both")
- self.blacklist.update(addresses)
- def configure_plain(self, domain='*', passwords=None):
- """Configure PLAIN authentication for a given domain.
- PLAIN authentication uses a plain-text password file.
- To cover all domains, use "*".
- You can modify the password file at any time; it is reloaded automatically.
- """
- if passwords:
- self.passwords[domain] = passwords
- def configure_curve(self, domain='*', location=None):
- """Configure CURVE authentication for a given domain.
- CURVE authentication uses a directory that holds all public client certificates,
- i.e. their public keys.
- To cover all domains, use "*".
- You can add and remove certificates in that directory at any time.
- To allow all client keys without checking, specify CURVE_ALLOW_ANY for the location.
- """
- # If location is CURVE_ALLOW_ANY then allow all clients. Otherwise
- # treat location as a directory that holds the certificates.
- if location == CURVE_ALLOW_ANY:
- self.allow_any = True
- else:
- self.allow_any = False
- try:
- self.certs[domain] = load_certificates(location)
- except Exception as e:
- self.log.error("Failed to load CURVE certs from %s: %s", location, e)
- def handle_zap_message(self, msg):
- """Perform ZAP authentication"""
- if len(msg) < 6:
- self.log.error("Invalid ZAP message, not enough frames: %r", msg)
- if len(msg) < 2:
- self.log.error("Not enough information to reply")
- else:
- self._send_zap_reply(msg[1], b"400", b"Not enough frames")
- return
- version, request_id, domain, address, identity, mechanism = msg[:6]
- credentials = msg[6:]
- domain = u(domain, self.encoding, 'replace')
- address = u(address, self.encoding, 'replace')
- if (version != VERSION):
- self.log.error("Invalid ZAP version: %r", msg)
- self._send_zap_reply(request_id, b"400", b"Invalid version")
- return
- self.log.debug("version: %r, request_id: %r, domain: %r,"
- " address: %r, identity: %r, mechanism: %r",
- version, request_id, domain,
- address, identity, mechanism,
- )
- # Is address is explicitly whitelisted or blacklisted?
- allowed = False
- denied = False
- reason = b"NO ACCESS"
- if self.whitelist:
- if address in self.whitelist:
- allowed = True
- self.log.debug("PASSED (whitelist) address=%s", address)
- else:
- denied = True
- reason = b"Address not in whitelist"
- self.log.debug("DENIED (not in whitelist) address=%s", address)
- elif self.blacklist:
- if address in self.blacklist:
- denied = True
- reason = b"Address is blacklisted"
- self.log.debug("DENIED (blacklist) address=%s", address)
- else:
- allowed = True
- self.log.debug("PASSED (not in blacklist) address=%s", address)
- # Perform authentication mechanism-specific checks if necessary
- username = u("user")
- if not denied:
- if mechanism == b'NULL' and not allowed:
- # For NULL, we allow if the address wasn't blacklisted
- self.log.debug("ALLOWED (NULL)")
- allowed = True
- elif mechanism == b'PLAIN':
- # For PLAIN, even a whitelisted address must authenticate
- if len(credentials) != 2:
- self.log.error("Invalid PLAIN credentials: %r", credentials)
- self._send_zap_reply(request_id, b"400", b"Invalid credentials")
- return
- username, password = [ u(c, self.encoding, 'replace') for c in credentials ]
- allowed, reason = self._authenticate_plain(domain, username, password)
- elif mechanism == b'CURVE':
- # For CURVE, even a whitelisted address must authenticate
- if len(credentials) != 1:
- self.log.error("Invalid CURVE credentials: %r", credentials)
- self._send_zap_reply(request_id, b"400", b"Invalid credentials")
- return
- key = credentials[0]
- allowed, reason = self._authenticate_curve(domain, key)
- if allowed:
- self._send_zap_reply(request_id, b"200", b"OK", username)
- else:
- self._send_zap_reply(request_id, b"400", reason)
- def _authenticate_plain(self, domain, username, password):
- """PLAIN ZAP authentication"""
- allowed = False
- reason = b""
- if self.passwords:
- # If no domain is not specified then use the default domain
- if not domain:
- domain = '*'
- if domain in self.passwords:
- if username in self.passwords[domain]:
- if password == self.passwords[domain][username]:
- allowed = True
- else:
- reason = b"Invalid password"
- else:
- reason = b"Invalid username"
- else:
- reason = b"Invalid domain"
- if allowed:
- self.log.debug("ALLOWED (PLAIN) domain=%s username=%s password=%s",
- domain, username, password,
- )
- else:
- self.log.debug("DENIED %s", reason)
- else:
- reason = b"No passwords defined"
- self.log.debug("DENIED (PLAIN) %s", reason)
- return allowed, reason
- def _authenticate_curve(self, domain, client_key):
- """CURVE ZAP authentication"""
- allowed = False
- reason = b""
- if self.allow_any:
- allowed = True
- reason = b"OK"
- self.log.debug("ALLOWED (CURVE allow any client)")
- else:
- # If no explicit domain is specified then use the default domain
- if not domain:
- domain = '*'
- if domain in self.certs:
- # The certs dict stores keys in z85 format, convert binary key to z85 bytes
- z85_client_key = z85.encode(client_key)
- if z85_client_key in self.certs[domain] or self.certs[domain] == b'OK':
- allowed = True
- reason = b"OK"
- else:
- reason = b"Unknown key"
- status = "ALLOWED" if allowed else "DENIED"
- self.log.debug("%s (CURVE) domain=%s client_key=%s",
- status, domain, z85_client_key,
- )
- else:
- reason = b"Unknown domain"
- return allowed, reason
- def _send_zap_reply(self, request_id, status_code, status_text, user_id='user'):
- """Send a ZAP reply to finish the authentication."""
- user_id = user_id if status_code == b'200' else b''
- if isinstance(user_id, unicode):
- user_id = user_id.encode(self.encoding, 'replace')
- metadata = b'' # not currently used
- self.log.debug("ZAP reply code=%s text=%s", status_code, status_text)
- reply = [VERSION, request_id, status_code, status_text, user_id, metadata]
- self.zap_socket.send_multipart(reply)
-__all__ = ['Authenticator', 'CURVE_ALLOW_ANY']