path: root/src/rpc-server
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rpc-server')
3 files changed, 247 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmd_general.cpp b/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmd_general.cpp
index 82cbaca1..60180659 100644
--- a/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmd_general.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmd_general.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ limitations under the License.
#include <internal_api/trex_platform_api.h>
#include "trex_stateless_rx_core.h"
+#include "trex_stateless_capture.h"
+#include "trex_stateless_messaging.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
@@ -339,24 +341,6 @@ TrexRpcCmdGetSysInfo::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK);
-TrexRpcCmdSetPortAttr::parse_rx_filter_mode(const Json::Value &msg, uint8_t port_id, Json::Value &result) {
- const std::string type = parse_choice(msg, "mode", {"hw", "all"}, result);
- rx_filter_mode_e filter_mode;
- if (type == "hw") {
- filter_mode = RX_FILTER_MODE_HW;
- } else if (type == "all") {
- filter_mode = RX_FILTER_MODE_ALL;
- } else {
- /* can't happen - parsed choice */
- assert(0);
- }
- return get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->set_rx_filter_mode(filter_mode);
* set port commands
@@ -399,11 +383,6 @@ TrexRpcCmdSetPortAttr::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
ret = get_stateless_obj()->get_platform_api()->getPortAttrObj(port_id)->set_flow_ctrl(mode);
- else if (name == "rx_filter_mode") {
- const Json::Value &rx = parse_object(attr, name, result);
- ret = parse_rx_filter_mode(rx, port_id, result);
- }
/* unknown attribute */
else {
generate_execute_err(result, "unknown attribute type: '" + name + "'");
@@ -588,7 +567,8 @@ TrexRpcCmdGetPortStatus::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
result["result"]["owner"] = (port->get_owner().is_free() ? "" : port->get_owner().get_name());
result["result"]["state"] = port->get_state_as_string();
result["result"]["max_stream_id"] = port->get_max_stream_id();
+ result["result"]["service"] = port->is_service_mode_on();
/* attributes */
@@ -671,6 +651,27 @@ TrexRpcCmdPushRemote::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ * set service mode on/off
+ *
+ */
+TrexRpcCmdSetServiceMode::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ uint8_t port_id = parse_port(params, result);
+ bool enabled = parse_bool(params, "enabled", result);
+ TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id);
+ try {
+ port->set_service_mode(enabled);
+ } catch (TrexException &ex) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, ex.what());
+ }
+ result["result"] = Json::objectValue;
+ return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK);
* set on/off RX software receive mode
@@ -682,11 +683,9 @@ TrexRpcCmdSetRxFeature::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id);
/* decide which feature is being set */
- const std::string type = parse_choice(params, "type", {"capture", "queue", "server"}, result);
+ const std::string type = parse_choice(params, "type", {"queue", "server"}, result);
- if (type == "capture") {
- parse_capture_msg(params, port, result);
- } else if (type == "queue") {
+ if (type == "queue") {
parse_queue_msg(params, port, result);
} else if (type == "server") {
parse_server_msg(params, port, result);
@@ -700,42 +699,14 @@ TrexRpcCmdSetRxFeature::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
-TrexRpcCmdSetRxFeature::parse_capture_msg(const Json::Value &msg, TrexStatelessPort *port, Json::Value &result) {
- bool enabled = parse_bool(msg, "enabled", result);
- if (enabled) {
- std::string pcap_filename = parse_string(msg, "pcap_filename", result);
- uint64_t limit = parse_uint32(msg, "limit", result);
- if (limit == 0) {
- generate_parse_err(result, "limit cannot be zero");
- }
- try {
- port->start_rx_capture(pcap_filename, limit);
- } catch (const TrexException &ex) {
- generate_execute_err(result, ex.what());
- }
- } else {
- try {
- port->stop_rx_capture();
- } catch (const TrexException &ex) {
- generate_execute_err(result, ex.what());
- }
- }
TrexRpcCmdSetRxFeature::parse_queue_msg(const Json::Value &msg, TrexStatelessPort *port, Json::Value &result) {
bool enabled = parse_bool(msg, "enabled", result);
if (enabled) {
+ if (!port->is_service_mode_on()) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, "setting RX queue is only available under service mode");
+ }
uint64_t size = parse_uint32(msg, "size", result);
@@ -773,8 +744,13 @@ TrexRpcCmdGetRxQueuePkts::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id);
+ if (!port->is_service_mode_on()) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, "fetching RX queue packets is only available under service mode");
+ }
try {
- const RXPacketBuffer *pkt_buffer = port->get_rx_queue_pkts();
+ const TrexPktBuffer *pkt_buffer = port->get_rx_queue_pkts();
if (pkt_buffer) {
result["result"]["pkts"] = pkt_buffer->to_json();
delete pkt_buffer;
@@ -817,6 +793,7 @@ TrexRpcCmdSetL2::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
generate_execute_err(result, ex.what());
+ result["result"] = Json::objectValue;
return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK);
@@ -874,7 +851,197 @@ TrexRpcCmdSetL3::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ result["result"] = Json::objectValue;
return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK);
+ * capture command tree
+ *
+ */
+TrexRpcCmdCapture::_run(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ const std::string cmd = parse_choice(params, "command", {"start", "stop", "fetch", "status", "remove"}, result);
+ if (cmd == "start") {
+ parse_cmd_start(params, result);
+ } else if (cmd == "stop") {
+ parse_cmd_stop(params, result);
+ } else if (cmd == "fetch") {
+ parse_cmd_fetch(params, result);
+ } else if (cmd == "status") {
+ parse_cmd_status(params, result);
+ } else if (cmd == "remove") {
+ parse_cmd_remove(params, result);
+ } else {
+ /* can't happen */
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ return TREX_RPC_CMD_OK;
+ * starts PCAP capturing
+ *
+ */
+TrexRpcCmdCapture::parse_cmd_start(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ uint32_t limit = parse_uint32(params, "limit", result);
+ /* parse mode type */
+ const std::string mode_str = parse_choice(params, "mode", {"fixed", "cyclic"}, result);
+ TrexPktBuffer::mode_e mode = ( (mode_str == "fixed") ? TrexPktBuffer::MODE_DROP_TAIL : TrexPktBuffer::MODE_DROP_HEAD);
+ /* parse filters */
+ const Json::Value &tx_json = parse_array(params, "tx", result);
+ const Json::Value &rx_json = parse_array(params, "rx", result);
+ CaptureFilter filter;
+ std::set<uint8_t> ports;
+ /* populate the filter */
+ for (int i = 0; i < tx_json.size(); i++) {
+ uint8_t tx_port = parse_byte(tx_json, i, result);
+ validate_port_id(tx_port, result);
+ filter.add_tx(tx_port);
+ ports.insert(tx_port);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < rx_json.size(); i++) {
+ uint8_t rx_port = parse_byte(rx_json, i, result);
+ validate_port_id(rx_port, result);
+ filter.add_rx(rx_port);
+ ports.insert(rx_port);
+ }
+ /* check that all ports are under service mode */
+ for (uint8_t port_id : ports) {
+ TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id);
+ if (!port->is_service_mode_on()) {
+ generate_parse_err(result, "start_capture is available only under service mode");
+ }
+ }
+ static MsgReply<TrexCaptureRCStart> reply;
+ reply.reset();
+ /* send a start message to RX core */
+ TrexStatelessRxCaptureStart *start_msg = new TrexStatelessRxCaptureStart(filter, limit, mode, reply);
+ get_stateless_obj()->send_msg_to_rx(start_msg);
+ TrexCaptureRCStart rc = reply.wait_for_reply();
+ if (!rc) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, rc.get_err());
+ }
+ result["result"]["capture_id"] = rc.get_new_id();
+ result["result"]["start_ts"] = rc.get_start_ts();
+ * stops PCAP capturing
+ *
+ */
+TrexRpcCmdCapture::parse_cmd_stop(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ uint32_t capture_id = parse_uint32(params, "capture_id", result);
+ static MsgReply<TrexCaptureRCStop> reply;
+ reply.reset();
+ TrexStatelessRxCaptureStop *stop_msg = new TrexStatelessRxCaptureStop(capture_id, reply);
+ get_stateless_obj()->send_msg_to_rx(stop_msg);
+ TrexCaptureRCStop rc = reply.wait_for_reply();
+ if (!rc) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, rc.get_err());
+ }
+ result["result"]["pkt_count"] = rc.get_pkt_count();
+ * gets the status of all captures in the system
+ *
+ */
+TrexRpcCmdCapture::parse_cmd_status(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ /* generate a status command */
+ static MsgReply<TrexCaptureRCStatus> reply;
+ reply.reset();
+ TrexStatelessRxCaptureStatus *status_msg = new TrexStatelessRxCaptureStatus(reply);
+ get_stateless_obj()->send_msg_to_rx(status_msg);
+ TrexCaptureRCStatus rc = reply.wait_for_reply();
+ if (!rc) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, rc.get_err());
+ }
+ result["result"] = rc.get_status();
+ * fetch packets from a capture
+ *
+ */
+TrexRpcCmdCapture::parse_cmd_fetch(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ uint32_t capture_id = parse_uint32(params, "capture_id", result);
+ uint32_t pkt_limit = parse_uint32(params, "pkt_limit", result);
+ /* generate a fetch command */
+ static MsgReply<TrexCaptureRCFetch> reply;
+ reply.reset();
+ TrexStatelessRxCaptureFetch *fetch_msg = new TrexStatelessRxCaptureFetch(capture_id, pkt_limit, reply);
+ get_stateless_obj()->send_msg_to_rx(fetch_msg);
+ TrexCaptureRCFetch rc = reply.wait_for_reply();
+ if (!rc) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, rc.get_err());
+ }
+ const TrexPktBuffer *pkt_buffer = rc.get_pkt_buffer();
+ result["result"]["pending"] = rc.get_pending();
+ result["result"]["start_ts"] = rc.get_start_ts();
+ result["result"]["pkts"] = pkt_buffer->to_json();
+ /* delete the buffer */
+ delete pkt_buffer;
+TrexRpcCmdCapture::parse_cmd_remove(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result) {
+ uint32_t capture_id = parse_uint32(params, "capture_id", result);
+ /* generate a remove command */
+ static MsgReply<TrexCaptureRCRemove> reply;
+ reply.reset();
+ TrexStatelessRxCaptureRemove *remove_msg = new TrexStatelessRxCaptureRemove(capture_id, reply);
+ get_stateless_obj()->send_msg_to_rx(remove_msg);
+ TrexCaptureRCRemove rc = reply.wait_for_reply();
+ if (!rc) {
+ generate_execute_err(result, rc.get_err());
+ }
+ result["result"] = Json::objectValue;
diff --git a/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmds.h b/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmds.h
index 6639be7b..54797bdf 100644
--- a/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmds.h
+++ b/src/rpc-server/commands/trex_rpc_cmds.h
@@ -94,8 +94,6 @@ TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE(TrexRpcCmdGetPortXStatsValues, "get_port_xstats_values", 1,
TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE(TrexRpcCmdGetPortXStatsNames, "get_port_xstats_names", 1, false, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE);
TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE_EXTENDED(TrexRpcCmdSetPortAttr, "set_port_attr", 2, true, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE,
- int parse_rx_filter_mode(const Json::Value &msg, uint8_t port_id, Json::Value &result);
@@ -150,16 +148,26 @@ TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE(TrexRpcCmdPushRemote, "push_remote", 6, true, APIClass::API_
TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE(TrexRpcCmdShutdown, "shutdown", 2, false, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE);
-TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE_EXTENDED(TrexRpcCmdSetRxFeature, "set_rx_feature", 3, false, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE,
- void parse_capture_msg(const Json::Value &msg, TrexStatelessPort *port, Json::Value &result);
+TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE_EXTENDED(TrexRpcCmdSetRxFeature, "set_rx_feature", 3, true, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE,
void parse_queue_msg(const Json::Value &msg, TrexStatelessPort *port, Json::Value &result);
void parse_server_msg(const Json::Value &msg, TrexStatelessPort *port, Json::Value &result);
-TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE(TrexRpcCmdSetL2, "set_l2", 2, false, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE);
-TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE(TrexRpcCmdSetL3, "set_l3", 3, false, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE);
-TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE(TrexRpcCmdGetRxQueuePkts, "get_rx_queue_pkts", 2, false, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE);
+TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE(TrexRpcCmdSetL2, "set_l2", 2, true, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE);
+TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE(TrexRpcCmdSetL3, "set_l3", 3, true, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE);
+TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE(TrexRpcCmdGetRxQueuePkts, "get_rx_queue_pkts", 1, true, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE);
+TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE(TrexRpcCmdSetServiceMode, "service", 2, true, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE);
+TREX_RPC_CMD_DEFINE_EXTENDED(TrexRpcCmdCapture, "capture", 1, false, APIClass::API_CLASS_TYPE_CORE,
+ void parse_cmd_start(const Json::Value &msg, Json::Value &result);
+ void parse_cmd_stop(const Json::Value &msg, Json::Value &result);
+ void parse_cmd_status(const Json::Value &msg, Json::Value &result);
+ void parse_cmd_fetch(const Json::Value &msg, Json::Value &result);
+ void parse_cmd_remove(const Json::Value &params, Json::Value &result);
#endif /* __TREX_RPC_CMD_H__ */
diff --git a/src/rpc-server/trex_rpc_cmds_table.cpp b/src/rpc-server/trex_rpc_cmds_table.cpp
index 94a3e1b9..2af9f4f5 100644
--- a/src/rpc-server/trex_rpc_cmds_table.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc-server/trex_rpc_cmds_table.cpp
@@ -75,8 +75,11 @@ TrexRpcCommandsTable::TrexRpcCommandsTable() {
register_command(new TrexRpcCmdSetRxFeature());
register_command(new TrexRpcCmdGetRxQueuePkts());
+ register_command(new TrexRpcCmdSetServiceMode());
register_command(new TrexRpcCmdSetL2());
register_command(new TrexRpcCmdSetL3());
+ register_command(new TrexRpcCmdCapture());