path: root/scripts/automation/regression/stateful_tests/
blob: e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 (plain)

177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014"



    This script creates the functionality to test the performance of the TRex traffic generator
    The tested scenario is a TRex TG directly connected to a Cisco router.



       -------                         --------
      |       | Tx---1gig/10gig----Rx |        |
      | TRex  |                       | router |
      |       | Rx---1gig/10gig----Tx |        |
       -------                         --------

from nose.plugins import Plugin
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
import trex
from trex import CTRexScenario
import misc_methods
import pprint
import sys
import os
# from CPlatformUnderTest import *
from CPlatform import *
import termstyle
import threading
from .tests_exceptions import *
from platform_cmd_link import *
import unittest
from glob import glob
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def setUpModule(module):

def tearDownModule(module):

class CTRexGeneral_Test(unittest.TestCase):
    """This class defines the general stateful testcase of the TRex traffic generator"""
    def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
        unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if CTRexScenario.is_test_list:
        # Point test object to scenario global object
        self.configuration         = CTRexScenario.configuration
        self.benchmark             = CTRexScenario.benchmark
        self.trex                  = CTRexScenario.trex
        self.stl_trex              = CTRexScenario.stl_trex
        self.trex_crashed          = CTRexScenario.trex_crashed
        self.modes                 = CTRexScenario.modes
        self.GAManager             = CTRexScenario.GAManager
        self.elk                   = CTRexScenario.elk
        self.no_daemon             = CTRexScenario.no_daemon
        self.skipping              = False
        self.fail_reasons          = []
        if not hasattr(self, 'unsupported_modes'):
            self.unsupported_modes   = []
        self.is_loopback           = True if 'loopback' in self.modes else False
        self.is_virt_nics          = True if 'virt_nics' in self.modes else False
        self.is_VM                 = True if 'VM' in self.modes else False

        if not CTRexScenario.is_init:
            if self.trex and not self.no_daemon: # stateful
                CTRexScenario.trex_version = self.trex.get_trex_version()
            #update elk const object 
            if self.elk:
                timediff  = timedelta(hours=2) # workaround to get IL timezone
                date_str  = CTRexScenario.trex_version['Date'].strip()
                timestamp = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%b %d %Y , %H:%M:%S') - timediff

                img               = CTRexScenario.elk_info['info']['image']
                img['sha']        = CTRexScenario.trex_version['Git SHA']
                img['build_time'] = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                img['version']    = CTRexScenario.trex_version['Version']

                setup = CTRexScenario.elk_info['info']['setup']
                if self.is_loopback :
                    setup['dut'] = 'loopback' 
                    setup['dut'] = 'router' 

                if self.is_VM:
                    setup['baremetal'] = False
                    setup['hypervisor'] = 'ESXi'       #TBD
                    setup['baremetal'] = True
            if not self.is_loopback:
                # initilize the scenario based on received configuration, once per entire testing session
                CTRexScenario.router = CPlatform(CTRexScenario.router_cfg['silent_mode'])
                device_cfg           = CDeviceCfg()
                if CTRexScenario.router_cfg['forceImageReload']:
                    image_d = CTRexScenario.router.get_running_image_details();
                    running_image = image_d['image']
                    print('Current router image: %s' % running_image)
                    if self.elk:
                        setup['dut'] = image_d.get('model','router');
                        print('Current router model : %s' % setup['dut'])
                    needed_image = device_cfg.get_image_name()
                    if not CTRexScenario.router.is_image_matches(needed_image):
                        print('Setting router image: %s' % needed_image)
                        running_image = CTRexScenario.router.get_running_image_details()['image'] # verify image
                        if not CTRexScenario.router.is_image_matches(needed_image):
                  'Unable to set router image: %s, current image is: %s' % (needed_image, running_image))
                        print('Matches needed image: %s' % needed_image)
                    CTRexScenario.router_image = running_image

            if self.modes:
                print('\t!!!\tRunning with modes: %s, not suitable tests will be skipped.\t!!!' % list(self.modes)))

            CTRexScenario.is_init = True
            print("Done instantiating TRex scenario!\n"))

#           raise RuntimeError('CTRexScenario class is not initialized!')
        self.router = CTRexScenario.router

    def get_elk_obj (self):
        obj=trex.copy_elk_info ()
        return (obj);

#   def assert_dict_eq (self, dict, key, val, error=''):
#           v1 = int(dict[key]))
#           self.assertEqual(v1, int(val), error)
#   def assert_dict_gt (self, d, key, val, error=''):
#           v1 = int(dict[key])
#           self.assert_gt(v1, int(val), error)

    def assertEqual(self, v1, v2, s):
        if v1 != v2:
            error='ERROR '+str(v1)+' !=  '+str(v2)+ '   '+s;

    def assert_gt(self, v1, v2, s):
        if not v1 > v2:
            error='ERROR {big} <  {small}      {str}'.format(big = v1, small = v2, str = s)

    def check_results_eq (self,res,name,val):
        if res is None:
  'TRex results cannot be None !')

        if name not in res:
  'TRex results does not include key %s' % name)

        if res[name] != float(val):
  'TRex results[%s]==%f and not as expected %f ' % (name, res[name], val))

    def check_CPU_benchmark (self, trex_res, err = 25, minimal_cpu = 10, maximal_cpu = 85):
        cpu_util          = trex_res.get_avg_steady_state_value('')
        trex_tx_bps       = trex_res.get_avg_steady_state_value('')
        trex_tx_pps       = trex_res.get_avg_steady_state_value('')
        expected_norm_cpu = self.get_benchmark_param('bw_per_core')
        cores             = self.get_benchmark_param('cores')
        ports_count       = trex_res.get_ports_count()
        total_dp_cores    = cores * (ports_count/2);
        if not (cpu_util and ports_count and cores):
            print("Can't calculate CPU benchmark, need to divide by zero: cpu util: %s, ports: %s, cores: %s" % (cpu_util, ports_count, cores))
            test_norm_cpu = -1
            test_norm_cpu = trex_tx_bps / (cpu_util * ports_count * cores * 2.5e6)

        if '1G' in self.modes:
            minimal_cpu /= 10.0

        if not self.is_virt_nics:
            if cpu_util > maximal_cpu:
      "CPU is too high (%s%%), probably queue full." % cpu_util )
            #if cpu_util < minimal_cpu:
            #"CPU is too low (%s%%), can't verify performance in such low CPU%%." % cpu_util )

        print("TRex CPU utilization: %g%%, norm_cpu is : %g Gb/core" % (round(cpu_util, 2), round(test_norm_cpu, 2)))
        if test_norm_cpu < 0:

        if not expected_norm_cpu:
            expected_norm_cpu = 1

        calc_error_precent = abs(100.0 * test_norm_cpu / expected_norm_cpu - 100)
        print('Err percent: %s' % calc_error_precent)
        #if calc_error_precent > err and cpu_util > 10:
        #'Excepted bw_per_core ratio: %s, got: %g' % (expected_norm_cpu, round(test_norm_cpu)))

        trex_tx_gbps       = trex_tx_bps/1e9
        trex_tx_mpps       = trex_tx_pps/1e6

        trex_tx_gbps_pc  = trex_tx_gbps*100.0/(cpu_util*total_dp_cores);
        trex_tx_mpps_pc  = trex_tx_mpps*100.0/(cpu_util*total_dp_cores)

        trex_tx_pckt    = trex_res.get_last_value("")
        trex_drops      = trex_res.get_total_drops()
        trex_drop_precent = trex_drops *100.0/trex_tx_pckt;

        # report benchmarks
        if self.elk:
            elk_obj = self.get_elk_obj()
            print("Reporting to elk")
            elk_obj['test']={ "name" : self.get_name(),
                        "type"  : "stateful",
                        "cores" : total_dp_cores,
                        "cpu%"  : cpu_util,
                        "mpps" :  (trex_tx_mpps),
                        "streams_count" :1,
                        "mpps_pc" :  (trex_tx_mpps_pc),
                        "gbps_pc" :  (trex_tx_gbps_pc),
                        "gbps" :  (trex_tx_gbps),
                        "kcps"  : (trex_res.get_last_value("")/1000.0),
                        "avg-pktsize" : round((1000.0*trex_tx_gbps/(8.0*trex_tx_mpps))),
                        "latecny" : { "min" : min(trex_res.get_min_latency().values()),
                                      "max" : max(trex_res.get_max_latency().values()),
                                      "avr" : max(trex_res.get_avg_latency().values()),
                                      "jitter" : max(trex_res.get_jitter_latency().values()),
                                      "max-win" : max(trex_res.get_avg_window_latency ().values()),
                                      "drop-rate" :trex_drop_precent

    def check_results_gt (self, res, name, val):
        if res is None:
  'TRex results canot be None !')

        if name not in res:
  'TRex results does not include key %s' % name)

        if res[name]< float(val):
  'TRex results[%s]<%f and not as expected greater than %f ' % (name, res[name], val))

    def check_for_trex_crash(self):

    def get_benchmark_param (self, param, sub_param = None, test_name = None,default=None):
        if not test_name:
            test_name = self.get_name()
        if test_name not in self.benchmark:
            if default ==None:
               self.skip('No data in benchmark.yaml for test: %s, param: %s. Skipping.' % (test_name, param))
                return default
        if sub_param:
            return self.benchmark[test_name][param].get(sub_param)
            return self.benchmark[test_name].get(param)

    def check_general_scenario_results (self, trex_res, check_latency = True):
            # check history size is enough
            if len(trex_res._history) < 5:
      'TRex results list is too short. Increase the test duration or check unexpected stopping.')

            # check if test is valid
            if not trex_res.is_done_warmup():
      'TRex did not reach warm-up situtaion. Results are not valid.')

            # check that BW is not much more than expected
            trex_exp_bps = trex_res.get_expected_tx_rate().get('m_tx_expected_bps') / 1e6
            trex_cur_bps = max(trex_res.get_value_list('')) / 1e6

            assert trex_exp_bps > 0, 'Expected BPS is zero: %s' % trex_exp_bps

            if trex_exp_bps * 1.05 + 10 < trex_cur_bps:
                msg = 'Got BW (%gMbps) that is %g%% more than expected (%gMbps)!' % (round(trex_cur_bps, 2), round(100.0 * trex_cur_bps / trex_exp_bps - 100, 2), round(trex_exp_bps, 2))
                print('WARNING: %s' % msg)

            # check TRex number of drops
            trex_tx_pckt    = trex_res.get_last_value("")
            trex_drops      = trex_res.get_total_drops()
            trex_drop_rate  = trex_res.get_drop_rate()
            if ( trex_drops > 0.001 * trex_tx_pckt) and (trex_drop_rate > 0.0):     # deliberately mask kickoff drops when TRex first initiated
      'Number of packet drops larger than 0.1% of all traffic')

            # check queue full, queue drop, allocation error
            m_total_alloc_error = trex_res.get_last_value("")
            m_total_queue_full = trex_res.get_last_value("")
            m_total_queue_drop = trex_res.get_last_value("")
            self.assert_gt(1000, m_total_alloc_error, 'Got allocation errors. (%s), please review multiplier and templates configuration.' % m_total_alloc_error)
            self.assert_gt(1000, m_total_queue_drop, 'Too much queue_drop (%s), please review multiplier.' % m_total_queue_drop)

            if self.is_VM:
                allowed_queue_full = 10000 + trex_tx_pckt / 100
                allowed_queue_full = 1000 + trex_tx_pckt / 1000
            self.assert_gt(allowed_queue_full, m_total_queue_full, 'Too much queue_full (%s), please review multiplier.' % m_total_queue_full)

            # # check TRex expected counters
            #trex_exp_rate = trex_res.get_expected_tx_rate().get('m_tx_expected_bps')
            #assert trex_exp_rate is not None
            #trex_exp_gbps = trex_exp_rate/(10**9)

            if check_latency:
                # check that max latency does not exceed 1 msec
                if self.configuration.trex['trex_name'] == '': # temporary workaround for latency issue in kiwi02, remove it ASAP.
                    allowed_latency = 8000
                elif self.is_VM or self.is_virt_nics:
                    allowed_latency = 9999999
                else: # no excuses, check 1ms
                    allowed_latency = 1000
                if max(trex_res.get_max_latency().values()) > allowed_latency:
          'LatencyError: Maximal latency exceeds %s (usec)' % allowed_latency)

                # check that avg latency does not exceed 1 msec
                if self.is_VM or self.is_virt_nics:
                    allowed_latency = 9999999
                else: # no excuses, check 1ms
                    allowed_latency = 1000
                if max(trex_res.get_avg_latency().values()) > allowed_latency:
          'LatencyError: Average latency exceeds %s (usec)' % allowed_latency)

                ports_names = trex_res.get_last_value('', 'port\-\d+')
                if not ports_names:
                    raise AbnormalResultError('Could not find ports info in TRex results, path:*')
                for port_name in ports_names:
                    path = '' % port_name
                    lat_count = trex_res.get_last_value(path)
                    if lat_count == 0:
              'LatencyError: Number of latency packets received on %s is 0' % port_name)

            if not self.is_loopback:
                # check router number of drops --> deliberately masked- need to be figured out!!!!!
                pkt_drop_stats = self.router.get_drop_stats()
#               assert pkt_drop_stats['total_drops'] < 20

                # check for trex-router packet consistency
                # TODO: check if it's ok
                print('router drop stats: %s' % pkt_drop_stats)
                print('TRex drop stats: %s' % trex_drops)
                #self.assertEqual(pkt_drop_stats, trex_drops, "TRex's and router's drop stats don't match.")

        except KeyError as e:
            #assert False

        # except AssertionError as e:
        #     e.args += ('TRex has crashed!') 
        #     raise

    def unzip_client_package():
        client_pkg_files = glob('%s/trex_client*.tar.gz' % CTRexScenario.scripts_path)
        if not len(client_pkg_files):
            raise Exception('Could not find client package')
        if len(client_pkg_files) > 1:
            raise Exception('Found more than one client packages')
        if not os.path.exists('%s/trex_client' % CTRexScenario.scripts_path):
            print('\nUnzipping package')
            return_code, _, stderr = misc_methods.run_command("tar -xzf %s -C %s" % (client_pkg_files[0], CTRexScenario.scripts_path))
            if return_code:
                raise Exception('Could not untar the client package: %s' % stderr)
            print('\nClient package is untarred')

    # We encountered error, don't fail the test immediately
    def fail(self, reason = 'Unknown error'):
        print('Error: %s' % reason)

    # skip running of the test, counts as 'passed' but prints 'skipped'
    def skip(self, message = 'Unknown reason'):
        print('Skip: %s' % message)
        self.skipping = True
        raise SkipTest(message)

    # get name of currently running test
    def get_name(self):
        return self._testMethodName

    def setUp(self):
        test_setup_modes_conflict = self.modes & set(self.unsupported_modes)
        if test_setup_modes_conflict:
            self.skip("The test can't run with following modes of given setup: %s " % test_setup_modes_conflict)
        if not self.stl_trex and not self.trex.is_idle():
            print('Warning: TRex is not idle at setUp, trying to stop it.')
            self.trex.force_kill(confirm = False)
        if not self.is_loopback:
            if not self.stl_trex: # stateful

    ####                DO NOT ADD TESTS TO THIS FILE                   ####
    ####    Added tests here will held once for EVERY test sub-class    ####

    # masked example to such test. uncomment to watch how it affects #
#   def test_isInitialized(self):
#       assert CTRexScenario.is_init == True
    def tearDown(self):
        if not self.stl_trex and not self.trex.is_idle():
            print('Warning: TRex is not idle at tearDown, trying to stop it.')
            self.trex.force_kill(confirm = False)
        if not self.skipping:
            # print server logs of test run
            if self.trex and CTRexScenario.server_logs and not self.no_daemon:
                    print('\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Daemon log <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<'))
                    daemon_log = self.trex.get_trex_daemon_log()
                    log_size = len(daemon_log)
                    CTRexScenario.daemon_log_lines = log_size
                except Exception as e:
                    print("Can't get TRex daemon log:", e)
                    print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trex log <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<'))
                except Exception as e:
                    print("Can't get TRex log:", e)
            if len(self.fail_reasons):
                raise Exception('Test failed. Reasons:\n%s' % '\n'.join(self.fail_reasons))

    def check_for_trex_crash(self):