diff options
authorDamjan Marion <damarion@cisco.com>2022-01-08 21:07:03 +0100
committerDamjan Marion <damarion@cisco.com>2022-01-09 01:45:14 +0100
commit6815bc3d8b966a62e46cd1dac3e357f20019999c (patch)
parent7e46074cfc11f78dece339651bf40a5d65d0bab2 (diff)
dpdk: new mbuf flags in format function
Type: improvement Change-Id: I9022e29ebc0edb7946d374d6c3c45ee6962d725f Signed-off-by: Damjan Marion <damarion@cisco.com>
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/dpdk/device/format.c b/src/plugins/dpdk/device/format.c
index 4d6e6313b24..24ec7f0bfb4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/dpdk/device/format.c
+++ b/src/plugins/dpdk/device/format.c
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@
#define foreach_dpdk_pkt_rx_offload_flag \
- _ (PKT_RX_VLAN, "RX packet is a 802.1q VLAN packet") \
- _ (PKT_RX_RSS_HASH, "RX packet with RSS hash result") \
- _ (PKT_RX_FDIR, "RX packet with FDIR infos") \
- _ (PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD, "L4 cksum of RX pkt. is not OK") \
- _ (PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD, "IP cksum of RX pkt. is not OK") \
- _ (PKT_RX_OUTER_IP_CKSUM_BAD, "External IP header checksum error") \
- _ (PKT_RX_VLAN_STRIPPED, "RX packet VLAN tag stripped") \
- _ (PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD, "IP cksum of RX pkt. is valid") \
- _ (PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD, "L4 cksum of RX pkt. is valid") \
- _ (PKT_RX_IEEE1588_PTP, "RX IEEE1588 L2 Ethernet PT Packet") \
- _ (PKT_RX_IEEE1588_TMST, "RX IEEE1588 L2/L4 timestamped packet") \
- _ (PKT_RX_LRO, "LRO packet") \
- _ (PKT_RX_QINQ_STRIPPED, "RX packet QinQ tags stripped")
+ _ (RX_VLAN, "RX packet is a 802.1q VLAN packet") \
+ _ (RX_RSS_HASH, "RX packet with RSS hash result") \
+ _ (RX_FDIR, "RX packet with FDIR infos") \
+ _ (RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD, "L4 cksum of RX pkt. is not OK") \
+ _ (RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD, "IP cksum of RX pkt. is not OK") \
+ _ (RX_OUTER_IP_CKSUM_BAD, "External IP header checksum error") \
+ _ (RX_VLAN_STRIPPED, "RX packet VLAN tag stripped") \
+ _ (RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD, "IP cksum of RX pkt. is valid") \
+ _ (RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD, "L4 cksum of RX pkt. is valid") \
+ _ (RX_IEEE1588_PTP, "RX IEEE1588 L2 Ethernet PT Packet") \
+ _ (RX_IEEE1588_TMST, "RX IEEE1588 L2/L4 timestamped packet") \
+ _ (RX_LRO, "LRO packet") \
+ _ (RX_QINQ_STRIPPED, "RX packet QinQ tags stripped")
#define foreach_dpdk_pkt_type \
_ (L2, ETHER, "Ethernet packet") \
@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@
_ (INNER_L4, NONFRAG, "Inner non-fragmented IP packet")
#define foreach_dpdk_pkt_tx_offload_flag \
- _ (PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT, "TX packet is a 802.1q VLAN packet") \
- _ (PKT_TX_TUNNEL_VXLAN, "TX packet is a VXLAN packet") \
- _ (PKT_TX_IP_CKSUM, "IP cksum of TX pkt. computed by NIC") \
- _ (PKT_TX_TCP_CKSUM, "TCP cksum of TX pkt. computed by NIC") \
- _ (PKT_TX_SCTP_CKSUM, "SCTP cksum of TX pkt. computed by NIC") \
- _ (PKT_TX_OUTER_IP_CKSUM, "Outer IP cksum of Tx pkt. computed by NIC") \
- _ (PKT_TX_TCP_SEG, "TSO of TX pkt. done by NIC") \
- _ (PKT_TX_IEEE1588_TMST, "TX IEEE1588 packet to timestamp")
+ _ (TX_VLAN_PKT, "TX packet is a 802.1q VLAN packet") \
+ _ (TX_TUNNEL_VXLAN, "TX packet is a VXLAN packet") \
+ _ (TX_IP_CKSUM, "IP cksum of TX pkt. computed by NIC") \
+ _ (TX_TCP_CKSUM, "TCP cksum of TX pkt. computed by NIC") \
+ _ (TX_SCTP_CKSUM, "SCTP cksum of TX pkt. computed by NIC") \
+ _ (TX_OUTER_IP_CKSUM, "Outer IP cksum of Tx pkt. computed by NIC") \
+ _ (TX_TCP_SEG, "TSO of TX pkt. done by NIC") \
+ _ (TX_IEEE1588_TMST, "TX IEEE1588 packet to timestamp")
#define foreach_dpdk_pkt_offload_flag \
foreach_dpdk_pkt_rx_offload_flag \
@@ -847,11 +847,11 @@ format_dpdk_pkt_offload_flags (u8 * s, va_list * va)
s = format (s, "Packet Offload Flags");
-#define _(F, S) \
- if (*ol_flags & F) \
- { \
- s = format (s, "\n%U%s (0x%04x) %s", \
- format_white_space, indent, #F, F, S); \
+#define _(F, S) \
+ if (*ol_flags & RTE_MBUF_F_##F) \
+ { \
+ s = format (s, "\n%U%s (0x%04x) %s", format_white_space, indent, \
+ "PKT_" #F, RTE_MBUF_F_##F, S); \
> 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146
# Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/performance/performance_setup.robot
| ...
| ... | IACL | ACL1 | 100k_FLOWS
| ...
| Suite Setup | Set up 3-node performance topology with DUT's NIC model
| ... | L2 | Intel-X520-DA2
| Suite Teardown | Tear down 3-node performance topology
| ...
| Test Setup | Set up performance test
| Test Teardown | Tear down performance test with ACL | ${min_rate}pps
| ... | ${framesize} | ${traffic_profile}
| ...
| Documentation | *RFC2544: Packet throughput L2BD test cases with ACL*
| ...
| ... | *[Top] Network Topologies:* TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology\
| ... | with single links between nodes.
| ... | *[Enc] Packet Encapsulations:* Eth-IPv4-UDP for L2 switching of IPv4.
| ... | *[Cfg] DUT configuration:* DUT1 is configured with L2 bridge domain\
| ... | and MAC learning enabled. DUT2 is configured with L2 cross-connects.\
| ... | Required ACL rules are applied to input paths of both DUT1 intefaces.\
| ... | DUT1 and DUT2 are tested with 2p10GE NIC X520 Niantic by Intel.\
| ... | *[Ver] TG verification:* TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop\
| ... | Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance or throughput PDR (Partial Drop\
| ... | Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage\
| ... | of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different\
| ... | Ethernet L2 frame sizes using either binary search or linear search\
| ... | algorithms with configured starting rate and final step that determines\
| ... | throughput measurement resolution. Test packets are generated by TG on\
| ... | links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups\
| ... | (flow-group per direction, ${flows_per_dir} flows per flow-group) with\
| ... | all packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with UDP header and\
| ... | static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node\
| ... | interfaces.
| ... | *[Ref] Applicable standard specifications:* RFC2544.

*** Variables ***
# X520-DA2 bandwidth limit
| ${s_limit}= | ${10000000000}

# ACL test setup
| ${acl_action}= | permit+reflect
| ${acl_apply_type}= | input
| ${no_hit_aces_number}= | 1
| ${flows_per_dir}= | 100k

# starting points for non-hitting ACLs
| ${src_ip_start}= |
| ${dst_ip_start}= |
| ${ip_step}= | ${1}
| ${sport_start}= | ${1000}
| ${dport_start}= | ${1000}
| ${port_step}= | ${1}
| ${trex_stream1_subnet}= |
| ${trex_stream2_subnet}= |

*** Keywords ***
| Discover NDR or PDR for L2 Bridge Domain with ACLs
| | [Arguments] | ${wt} | ${rxq} | ${framesize} | ${min_rate} | ${search_type}
| | Set Test Variable | ${framesize}
| | Set Test Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | Given Add '${wt}' worker threads and '${rxq}' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | ${get_framesize}= | Get Frame Size | ${framesize}
| | And Run Keyword If | ${get_framesize} < ${1522} | Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 bridge domain with IPv4 ACLs on DUT1 in 3-node circular topology
| | ${traffic_profile}= | Set Variable | trex-sl-3n-ethip4udp-100u1000p-conc
| | Set Test Variable | ${traffic_profile}
| | Then Run Keyword If | '${search_type}' == 'NDR'
| | ... | Find NDR using binary search and pps
| | ... | ${framesize} | ${binary_min} | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold}
| | ... | ELSE IF | '${search_type}' == 'PDR'
| | ... | Find PDR using binary search and pps
| | ... | ${framesize} | ${binary_min} | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold}
| | ... | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance} | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance_type}

*** Test Cases ***
| tc01-64B-1t1c-eth-l2bdbasemaclrn-iacl1-stateful-flows100k-ndrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with ACL with\
| | ... | 1 thread, 1 phy core, 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find NDR for 64 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 64B | 1T1C | STHREAD | NDRDISC
| | ...
| | [Template] | Discover NDR or PDR for L2 Bridge Domain with ACLs
| | wt=1 | rxq=1 | framesize=${64} | min_rate=${10000} | search_type=NDR

| tc02-64B-1t1c-eth-l2bdbasemaclrn-iacl1-stateful-flows100k-pdrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with ACL with\
| | ... | 1 thread, 1 phy core, 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find PDR for 64 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps, LT=0.5%.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 64B | 1T1C | STHREAD | PDRDISC | SKIP_PATCH
| | ...
| | [Template] | Discover NDR or PDR for L2 Bridge Domain with ACLs
| | wt=1 | rxq=1 | framesize=${64} | min_rate=${10000} | search_type=PDR

| tc03-64B-2t2c-eth-l2bdbasemaclrn-iacl1-stateful-flows100k-ndrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with ACL with\
| | ... | 2 threads, 2 phy cores, 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find NDR for 64 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 64B | 2T2C | MTHREAD | NDRDISC
| | ...
| | [Template] | Discover NDR or PDR for L2 Bridge Domain with ACLs
| | wt=2 | rxq=1 | framesize=${64} | min_rate=${10000} | search_type=NDR

| tc04-64B-2t2c-eth-l2bdbasemaclrn-iacl1-stateful-flows100k-pdrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with ACL with\
| | ... | 2 threads, 2 phy cores, 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find PDR for 64 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps, LT=0.5%.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 64B | 2T2C | MTHREAD | PDRDISC | SKIP_PATCH
| | ...
| | [Template] | Discover NDR or PDR for L2 Bridge Domain with ACLs
| | wt=2 | rxq=1 | framesize=${64} | min_rate=${10000} | search_type=PDR