diff options
authorDave Barach <>2019-12-01 08:59:03 -0500
committerFlorin Coras <>2019-12-02 23:00:21 +0000
commite52d8d880ac644f07154bc2fb94035a198ed6688 (patch)
parent5ef9ca6c0de25993bde0dbc354cc4a5bc83ab0eb (diff)
vppinfra: preserve total_cpu_time across clock freq adjustment
If clib_time_verify_frequency() adjusts the clock frequency, transform total_cpu_time to the new time coordinate space. Otherwise, we break comparisons with previous clib_time_now() value. Without this correction, time jumps in one direction or the other depending on the sign of the frequency change. Reasonably harmless in most cases, but under perfect storm conditions the wheels fall off. Type: fix Signed-off-by: Dave Barach <> Change-Id: I21802c2630e2c87ff817cd732b7d78bc022cd2d7
2 files changed, 17 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/vppinfra/time.c b/src/vppinfra/time.c
index dee50024975..bfc48ce0671 100644
--- a/src/vppinfra/time.c
+++ b/src/vppinfra/time.c
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ clib_time_verify_frequency (clib_time_t * c)
f64 dtr_max;
u64 dtc = c->last_cpu_time - c->last_verify_cpu_time;
f64 new_clocks_per_second, delta;
+ f64 save_total_cpu_time_in_seconds;
c->last_verify_cpu_time = c->last_cpu_time;
c->last_verify_reference_time = now_reference;
@@ -239,10 +240,12 @@ clib_time_verify_frequency (clib_time_t * c)
flt_round_nearest ((f64) dtc / (dtr * c->round_to_units))
* c->round_to_units;
+ /* Compute abs(rate change) */
delta = new_clocks_per_second - c->clocks_per_second;
if (delta < 0.0)
delta = -delta;
+ /* If rate change > 1%, reject it and try again */
if (PREDICT_FALSE ((delta / c->clocks_per_second) > .01))
clib_warning ("Rejecting large frequency change of %.2f%%",
@@ -251,11 +254,19 @@ clib_time_verify_frequency (clib_time_t * c)
- c->clocks_per_second =
- flt_round_nearest ((f64) dtc / (dtr * c->round_to_units))
- * c->round_to_units;
+ /* Save total cpu time in seconds */
+ save_total_cpu_time_in_seconds = c->total_cpu_time * c->seconds_per_clock;
+ /* Recalculate clock rate */
+ c->clocks_per_second = new_clocks_per_second;
c->seconds_per_clock = 1 / c->clocks_per_second;
+ /*
+ * Restore total cpu time in seconds. Otherwise, if c->clocks_per_second
+ * has decreased, time may appear to flow backwards.
+ */
+ c->total_cpu_time = save_total_cpu_time_in_seconds * c->clocks_per_second;
/* Double time between verifies; max at 64 secs ~ 1 minute. */
if (c->log2_clocks_per_frequency_verify < c->log2_clocks_per_second + 6)
c->log2_clocks_per_frequency_verify += 1;
diff --git a/src/vppinfra/time.h b/src/vppinfra/time.h
index ae738db1307..b2d749256d3 100644
--- a/src/vppinfra/time.h
+++ b/src/vppinfra/time.h
@@ -205,14 +205,16 @@ clib_time_now_internal (clib_time_t * c, u64 n)
u64 l = c->last_cpu_time;
u64 t = c->total_cpu_time;
+ f64 rv;
t += n - l;
c->total_cpu_time = t;
c->last_cpu_time = n;
+ rv = t * c->seconds_per_clock;
((c->last_cpu_time -
c->last_verify_cpu_time) >> c->log2_clocks_per_frequency_verify))
clib_time_verify_frequency (c);
- return t * c->seconds_per_clock;
+ return rv;
/* Maximum f64 value as max clib_time */
5'>35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
# Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/crypto/ipsec.robot
| ... | IP4FWD | IPSEC | IPSECSW | IPSECINT | NIC_Intel-X710 | SCALE | TNL_1000
| ... | RXQ_SIZE_0 | TXQ_SIZE_0
| ... | ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir
| Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces | performance
| Suite Teardown | Tear down suite | performance
| Test Setup | Setup test | performance
| Test Teardown | Tear down test | performance | ipsec_sa
| Test Template | Local Template
| Documentation | *RFC2544: Packet loss IPv4 IPsec tunnel mode.*
| ... | *[Top] Network Topologies:* TG-DUT1-TG 2-node circular topology
| ... | with single links between nodes.
| ... | *[Enc] Packet Encapsulations:* Eth-IPv4 on TG-DUT1,
| ... | Eth-IPv4-IPSec on DUT1-TG
| ... | *[Cfg] DUT configuration:* DUT1 is configured with multiple IPsec\
| ... | tunnels between it and TG. DUT gets IPv4 traffic from TG, encrypts it\
| ... | and sends back to TG.
| ... | *[Ver] TG verification:* TG finds throughput NDR (Non Drop Rate)\
| ... | with zero packet loss tolerance, then measures loss at this load\
| ... | while additional tunnels are configured.\
| ... | Test packets are generated by TG on
| ... | links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains one L3 flow-groups
| ... | (flow-group per direction, number of flows per flow-group equals to
| ... | number of IPSec tunnels) with all packets
| ... | containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and
| ... | static payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG
| ... | node interfaces. Incrementing of IP.dst (IPv4 destination address) field
| ... | is applied to the stream.
| ... | *[Ref] Applicable standard specifications:* RFC4303 and RFC2544.

*** Variables ***
| @{plugins_to_enable}= | |
| ... | |
| ${crypto_type}= | ${None}
| ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710
| ${nic_driver}= | vfio-pci
| ${nic_rxq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_txq_size}= | 0
| ${nic_pfs}= | 2
| ${nic_vfs}= | 0
| ${osi_layer}= | L3
| ${overhead}= | ${54}
| ${tg_if1_ip4}= |
| ${dut1_if1_ip4}= |
| ${tun_if1_ip4}= |
| ${tun_if2_ip4}= |
| ${raddr_ip4}= |
| ${laddr_ip4}= |
| ${addr_range}= | ${24}
| ${n_tunnels}= | ${1000}
| ${n_added_tunnels}= | ${1}
# Traffic profile:
| ${traffic_profile}= | trex-stl-2n-ethip4-ip4dst${n_tunnels}-udir
| ${traffic_directions}= | ${1}

*** Keywords ***
| Local Template
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs IPSec tunneling AES_128_GCM config.\
| | ... | Each DUT uses ${phy_cores} physical core(s) for worker threads.
| | ... | [Ver] Measure packet loss during reconfig at NDR load.\
| |
| | ... | *Arguments:*
| | ... | - frame_size - Framesize in Bytes in integer or string (IMIX_v4_1).
| | ... | Type: integer, string
| | ... | - phy_cores - Number of physical cores. Type: integer
| | ... | - rxq - Number of RX queues, default value: ${None}. Type: integer
| |
| | [Arguments] | ${frame_size} | ${phy_cores} | ${rxq}=${None}
| |
| | Set Test Variable | \${frame_size}
| |
| | # These are enums (not strings) so they cannot be in Variables table.
| | ${encr_alg}= | Crypto Alg AES GCM 128
| | ${auth_alg}= | Set Variable | ${NONE}
| | ${ipsec_proto} = | IPsec Proto ESP
| |
| | ${n_total_tunnels} = | Evaluate | ${n_tunnels} + ${n_added_tunnels}
| | Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo
| | And Add worker threads to all DUTs | ${phy_cores} | ${rxq}
| | And Pre-initialize layer driver | ${nic_driver}
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize layer driver | ${nic_driver}
| | And Initialize layer interface
| | And Initialize IPSec in 2-node circular topology
| | And VPP IPsec Create Tunnel Interfaces
| | ... | ${nodes} | ${tun_if1_ip4} | ${tun_if2_ip4} | ${DUT1_${int}2}[0]
| | ... | ${TG_pf2}[0] | ${n_tunnels} | ${encr_alg} | ${auth_alg}
| | ... | ${laddr_ip4} | ${raddr_ip4} | ${addr_range}
| | ${unidirectional_throughput} = | Find Throughput Using MLRsearch
| | Start Traffic on Background | ${unidirectional_throughput}
| | And VPP IPsec Create Tunnel Interfaces
| | ... | ${nodes} | ${tun_if1_ip4} | ${tun_if2_ip4} | ${DUT1_${int}2}[0]
| | ... | ${TG_pf2}[0] | ${n_total_tunnels} | ${encr_alg} | ${auth_alg}
| | ... | ${laddr_ip4} | ${raddr_ip4} | ${addr_range} | ${n_tunnels}
| | ${result}= | Stop Running Traffic
| | Display Reconfig Test Message | ${result}

*** Test Cases ***
| 64B-1c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | 64B | 1C
| | frame_size=${64} | phy_cores=${1}

| 64B-2c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | 64B | 2C
| | frame_size=${64} | phy_cores=${2}

| 64B-4c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | 64B | 4C
| | frame_size=${64} | phy_cores=${4}

| 1518B-1c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | 1518B | 1C
| | frame_size=${1518} | phy_cores=${1}

| 1518B-2c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | 1518B | 2C
| | frame_size=${1518} | phy_cores=${2}

| 1518B-4c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | 1518B | 4C
| | frame_size=${1518} | phy_cores=${4}

| 9000B-1c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | 9000B | 1C
| | frame_size=${9000} | phy_cores=${1}

| 9000B-2c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | 9000B | 2C
| | frame_size=${9000} | phy_cores=${2}

| 9000B-4c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | 9000B | 4C
| | frame_size=${9000} | phy_cores=${4}

| IMIX-1c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | IMIX | 1C
| | frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 | phy_cores=${1}

| IMIX-2c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | IMIX | 2C
| | frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 | phy_cores=${2}

| IMIX-4c-ethip4ipsec1000tnlsw-1atnl-ip4base-int-aes128gcm-udir-reconf
| | [Tags] | IMIX | 4C
| | frame_size=IMIX_v4_1 | phy_cores=${4}