path: root/src/vnet
diff options
authorFlorin Coras <fcoras@cisco.com>2020-10-08 13:33:20 -0700
committerDave Barach <openvpp@barachs.net>2020-10-08 22:13:36 +0000
commitaa04395573f26fe420d7eb9ca329732b7197fe52 (patch)
tree923f6bc465dfe4505d0a6f071296871e800d1a70 /src/vnet
parent49036a5e82f06781e74e106827fdbbfd349d1f6b (diff)
tcp: treat pending timers as active
Type: fix Signed-off-by: Florin Coras <fcoras@cisco.com> Change-Id: Ic63af51fab8dbefe79439554ea563f20e3788afa
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vnet')
3 files changed, 4 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/vnet/tcp/tcp.c b/src/vnet/tcp/tcp.c
index 5ebb63802d7..d4da601f655 100644
--- a/src/vnet/tcp/tcp.c
+++ b/src/vnet/tcp/tcp.c
@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ tcp_dispatch_pending_timers (tcp_worker_ctx_t * wrk)
/* Skip if the timer is not pending. Probably it was reset while
- * wating for dispatch */
+ * waiting for dispatch */
if (PREDICT_FALSE (!(tc->pending_timers & (1 << timer_id))))
diff --git a/src/vnet/tcp/tcp_timer.h b/src/vnet/tcp/tcp_timer.h
index f604152cdf9..06322a27d7e 100644
--- a/src/vnet/tcp/tcp_timer.h
+++ b/src/vnet/tcp/tcp_timer.h
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ tcp_retransmit_timer_update (tcp_timer_wheel_t * tw, tcp_connection_t * tc)
always_inline u8
tcp_timer_is_active (tcp_connection_t * tc, tcp_timers_e timer)
- return tc->timers[timer] != TCP_TIMER_HANDLE_INVALID;
+ return tc->timers[timer] != TCP_TIMER_HANDLE_INVALID
+ || (tc->pending_timers & (1 << timer));
always_inline void
diff --git a/src/vnet/tcp/tcp_types.h b/src/vnet/tcp/tcp_types.h
index 95d5b73a91d..0ffc036dc39 100644
--- a/src/vnet/tcp/tcp_types.h
+++ b/src/vnet/tcp/tcp_types.h
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ typedef enum _tcp_timers
#undef _
-} tcp_timers_e;
+} __clib_packed tcp_timers_e;
#define TCP_TIMER_HANDLE_INVALID ((u32) ~0)
a> 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

*** Settings ***
| Library | resources.libraries.python.topology.Topology
| Library | resources.libraries.python.NodePath
| Library | resources.libraries.python.Trace
| Library | resources.libraries.python.IPUtil
| Library | resources.libraries.python.VPPUtil
| Library | resources.libraries.python.InterfaceUtil
| Library | resources.libraries.python.VhostUser
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/traffic.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/default.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/interfaces.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/testing_path.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/ipv4.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/vrf.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/qemu.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/bridge_domain.robot
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/lisp/lispgpe.robot
# Import configuration and test data:
| Variables | resources/test_data/lisp/ipv4_lispgpe_ipv4/ipv4_lispgpe_ipv4.py
| ...
| ...
| Test Setup | Func Test Setup
| Test Teardown | Run Keywords | Show Packet Trace on All DUTs | ${nodes}
| ... | AND | Show VAT History On All DUTs | ${nodes}
| ... | AND | Show Vpp Settings | ${nodes['DUT1']}
| ... | AND | Show Vpp Settings | ${nodes['DUT2']}
| ... | AND | Check VPP PID in Teardown
| ...
| Documentation | *ip4-lispgpe-ip4 encapsulation test cases*
| ...
| ... | *[Top] Network Topologies:* TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology\
| ... | with single links between nodes.
| ... | *[Enc] Packet Encapsulations:* Eth-IPv4-LISP-IPv4-ICMPv4 on DUT1-DUT2,\
| ... | Eth-IPv4-ICMPv4 on TG-DUTn for IPv4 routing over LISPoIPv4 tunnel.
| ... | *[Cfg] DUT configuration:* DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with IPv4\
| ... | routing and static routes. LISPoIPv4 tunnel is configured between\
| ... | DUT1 and DUT2.
| ... | *[Ver] TG verification:* Test ICMPv4 Echo Request packets are sent in\
| ... | both directions by TG on links to DUT1 and DUT2; on receive\
| ... | TG verifies packets for correctness and their IPv4 src-addr, dst-addr\
| ... | and MAC addresses.
| ... | *[Ref] Applicable standard specifications:* RFC6830.

*** Test Cases ***
| TC01: DUT1 and DUT2 route IPv4 bidirectionally over LISP GPE tunnel using physical interfaces
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Top] TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG.
| | ... | [Enc] Eth-IPv4-LISPGPE-IPv4-ICMPv4 on DUT1-DUT2, Eth-IPv4-ICMPv4 on\
| | ... | TG-DUTn.
| | ... | [Cfg] Configure IPv4 LISP static adjacencies on DUT1 and DUT2.
| | ... | [Ver] Case: ip4-lispgpe-ip4 - phy2lisp
| | ... | Make TG send ICMPv4 Echo Req between its interfaces across both\
| | ... | DUTs and LISP GPE tunnel between them; verify IPv4 headers on\
| | ... | received packets are correct.
| | ... | [Ref] RFC6830.
| | ...
| | Given Path for 3-node testing is set
| | ... | ${nodes['TG']} | ${nodes['DUT1']} | ${nodes['DUT2']} | ${nodes['TG']}
| | And Interfaces in 3-node path are up
| | And IP addresses are set on interfaces
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_to_dut2} | ${dut1_to_dut2_ip4} | ${prefix4}
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_to_tg} | ${dut1_to_tg_ip4} | ${prefix4}
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_dut1} | ${dut2_to_dut1_ip4} | ${prefix4}
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_tg} | ${dut2_to_tg_ip4} | ${prefix4}
| | And Add IP Neighbors
| | When Set up LISP GPE topology
| | ... | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_to_dut2} | ${NONE}
| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_dut1} | ${NONE}
| | ... | ${duts_locator_set} | ${dut1_ip4_eid} | ${dut2_ip4_eid}
| | ... | ${dut1_to_dut2_ip4_static_adjacency}
| | ... | ${dut2_to_dut1_ip4_static_adjacency}
| | Then Send Packet And Check Headers
| | ... | ${tg_node} | ${tg1_ip4} | ${tg2_ip4}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut1} | ${tg_to_dut1_mac} | ${dut1_to_tg_mac}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut2} | ${dut2_to_tg_mac} | ${tg_to_dut2_mac}
| | And Send Packet And Check Headers
| | ... | ${tg_node} | ${tg2_ip4} | ${tg1_ip4}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut2} | ${tg_to_dut2_mac} | ${dut2_to_tg_mac}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut1} | ${dut1_to_tg_mac} | ${tg_to_dut1_mac}

*** Keywords ***
| Add IP Neighbors
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | Add IP neighbors to physical interfaces on DUTs.\
| | ... | You can specify fib table ID for DUT-TG interfaces. Default is 0.
| | ...
| | [Arguments] | ${fib_id}=0
| | Add IP Neighbor | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_to_tg} | ${tg1_ip4}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut1_mac} | ${fib_id}
| | Add IP Neighbor | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_tg} | ${tg2_ip4}
| | ... | ${tg_to_dut2_mac} | ${fib_id}
| | Add IP Neighbor | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_to_dut2} | ${dut2_to_dut1_ip4}
| | ... | ${dut2_to_dut1_mac}
| | Add IP Neighbor | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_dut1} | ${dut1_to_dut2_ip4}
| | ... | ${dut1_to_dut2_mac}