path: root/src/vpp-api/java/jvpp/gen/jvppgen/
diff options
authorDamjan Marion <>2016-12-28 18:38:59 +0100
committerDamjan Marion <>2017-01-01 18:11:43 +0100
commitcb034b9b374927c7552e36dcbc306d8456b2a0cb (patch)
tree9ff64f9792560630c8cf8faa2f74fc20671c30f1 /src/vpp-api/java/jvpp/gen/jvppgen/
parentfdc62abdc113ea63dc867375bd49ef3043dcd290 (diff)
Move java,lua api and remaining plugins to src/
Change-Id: I1c3b87e886603678368428ae56a6bd3327cbc90d Signed-off-by: Damjan Marion <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vpp-api/java/jvpp/gen/jvppgen/')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vpp-api/java/jvpp/gen/jvppgen/ b/src/vpp-api/java/jvpp/gen/jvppgen/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cfddb9ef327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vpp-api/java/jvpp/gen/jvppgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+from string import Template
+import util
+dto_template = Template("""
+package $plugin_package.$dto_package;
+ * <p>This class represents $description.
+ * <br>It was generated by based on $inputfile preparsed data:
+ * <pre>
+ * </pre>
+ */
+public final class $cls_name implements $base_package.$dto_package.$base_type {
+field_template = Template(""" public $type $name;\n""")
+send_template = Template(""" @Override
+ public int send(final $base_package.JVpp jvpp) throws io.fd.vpp.jvpp.VppInvocationException {
+ return (($plugin_package.JVpp${plugin_name})jvpp).$method_name($args);
+ }""")
+def generate_dtos(func_list, base_package, plugin_package, plugin_name, dto_package, inputfile):
+ """ Generates dto objects in a dedicated package """
+ print "Generating DTOs"
+ if not os.path.exists(dto_package):
+ os.mkdir(dto_package)
+ for func in func_list:
+ camel_case_dto_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase_upper(func['name'])
+ camel_case_method_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(func['name'])
+ dto_path = os.path.join(dto_package, camel_case_dto_name + ".java")
+ if util.is_ignored(func['name']) or util.is_control_ping(camel_case_dto_name):
+ continue
+ fields = generate_dto_fields(camel_case_dto_name, func)
+ methods = generate_dto_base_methods(camel_case_dto_name, func)
+ base_type = ""
+ # Generate request/reply or dump/dumpReply even if structure can be used as notification
+ if not util.is_just_notification(func["name"]):
+ if util.is_reply(camel_case_dto_name):
+ description = "reply DTO"
+ request_dto_name = get_request_name(camel_case_dto_name, func['name'])
+ if util.is_details(camel_case_dto_name):
+ # FIXME assumption that dump calls end with "Dump" suffix. Not enforced in vpe.api
+ base_type += "JVppReply<%s.%s.%s>" % (plugin_package, dto_package, request_dto_name + "Dump")
+ generate_dump_reply_dto(request_dto_name, base_package, plugin_package, dto_package,
+ camel_case_dto_name, camel_case_method_name, func)
+ else:
+ base_type += "JVppReply<%s.%s.%s>" % (plugin_package, dto_package, request_dto_name)
+ else:
+ args = "" if fields is "" else "this"
+ methods += send_template.substitute(method_name=camel_case_method_name,
+ base_package=base_package,
+ plugin_package=plugin_package,
+ plugin_name=plugin_name,
+ args=args)
+ if util.is_dump(camel_case_dto_name):
+ base_type += "JVppDump"
+ description = "dump request DTO"
+ else:
+ base_type += "JVppRequest"
+ description = "request DTO"
+ write_dto_file(base_package, plugin_package, base_type, camel_case_dto_name, description, dto_package,
+ dto_path, fields, func, inputfile, methods)
+ # for structures that are also used as notifications, generate dedicated notification DTO
+ if util.is_notification(func["name"]):
+ base_type = "JVppNotification"
+ description = "notification DTO"
+ camel_case_dto_name = util.add_notification_suffix(camel_case_dto_name)
+ dto_path = os.path.join(dto_package, camel_case_dto_name + ".java")
+ methods = generate_dto_base_methods(camel_case_dto_name, func)
+ write_dto_file(base_package, plugin_package, base_type, camel_case_dto_name, description, dto_package,
+ dto_path, fields, func, inputfile, methods)
+ flush_dump_reply_dtos(inputfile)
+def generate_dto_base_methods(camel_case_dto_name, func):
+ methods = generate_dto_hash(func)
+ methods += generate_dto_equals(camel_case_dto_name, func)
+ methods += generate_dto_tostring(camel_case_dto_name, func)
+ return methods
+def generate_dto_fields(camel_case_dto_name, func):
+ fields = ""
+ for t in zip(func['types'], func['args']):
+ # for retval don't generate dto field in Reply
+ field_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(t[1])
+ if util.is_reply(camel_case_dto_name) and util.is_retval_field(field_name):
+ continue
+ fields += field_template.substitute(type=util.jni_2_java_type_mapping[t[0]],
+ name=field_name)
+ return fields
+tostring_field_template = Template(""" \"$field_name=\" + $field_name + ", " +\n""")
+tostring_array_field_template = Template(""" \"$field_name=\" + java.util.Arrays.toString($field_name) + ", " +\n""")
+tostring_template = Template(""" @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "$cls_name{" +
+$fields_tostring "}";
+ }\n\n""")
+def generate_dto_tostring(camel_case_dto_name, func):
+ tostring_fields = ""
+ for t in zip(func['types'], func['args']):
+ field_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(t[1])
+ # for retval don't generate dto field in Reply
+ if util.is_retval_field(field_name):
+ continue
+ # handle array types
+ if util.is_array(util.jni_2_java_type_mapping[t[0]]):
+ tostring_fields += tostring_array_field_template.substitute(field_name=field_name)
+ else:
+ tostring_fields += tostring_field_template.substitute(field_name=field_name)
+ return tostring_template.substitute(cls_name=camel_case_dto_name,
+ fields_tostring=tostring_fields[:-8])
+equals_other_template = Template("""
+ final $cls_name other = ($cls_name) o;
+equals_field_template = Template(""" if (!java.util.Objects.equals(this.$field_name, other.$field_name)) {
+ return false;
+ }\n""")
+equals_array_field_template = Template(""" if (!java.util.Arrays.equals(this.$field_name, other.$field_name)) {
+ return false;
+ }\n""")
+equals_template = Template(""" @Override
+ public boolean equals(final Object o) {
+ if (this == o) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }\n\n""")
+def generate_dto_equals(camel_case_dto_name, func):
+ equals_fields = ""
+ for t in zip(func['types'], func['args']):
+ field_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(t[1])
+ # for retval don't generate dto field in Reply
+ if util.is_retval_field(field_name):
+ continue
+ # handle array types
+ if util.is_array(util.jni_2_java_type_mapping[t[0]]):
+ equals_fields += equals_array_field_template.substitute(field_name=field_name)
+ else:
+ equals_fields += equals_field_template.substitute(field_name=field_name)
+ if equals_fields != "":
+ equals_fields = equals_other_template.substitute(cls_name=camel_case_dto_name) + equals_fields
+ return equals_template.substitute(comparisons=equals_fields)
+hash_template = Template(""" @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ return java.util.Objects.hash($fields);
+ }\n\n""")
+hash_single_array_type_template = Template(""" @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ return java.util.Arrays.hashCode($fields);
+ }\n\n""")
+def generate_dto_hash(func):
+ hash_fields = ""
+ # Special handling for hashCode in case just a single array field is present. Cannot use Objects.equals since the
+ # array is mistaken for a varargs parameter. Instead use Arrays.hashCode in such case.
+ if len(func['args']) == 1:
+ single_type = func['types'][0]
+ single_type_name = func['args'][0]
+ if util.is_array(util.jni_2_java_type_mapping[single_type]):
+ return hash_single_array_type_template.substitute(fields=util.underscore_to_camelcase(single_type_name))
+ for t in zip(func['types'], func['args']):
+ field_name = util.underscore_to_camelcase(t[1])
+ # for retval don't generate dto field in Reply
+ if util.is_retval_field(field_name):
+ continue
+ hash_fields += field_name + ", "
+ return hash_template.substitute(fields=hash_fields[:-2])
+def write_dto_file(base_package, plugin_package, base_type, camel_case_dto_name, description, dto_package, dto_path,
+ fields, func, inputfile, methods):
+ dto_file = open(dto_path, 'w')
+ dto_file.write(dto_template.substitute(inputfile=inputfile,
+ description=description,
+ docs=util.api_message_to_javadoc(func),
+ cls_name=camel_case_dto_name,
+ fields=fields,
+ methods=methods,
+ base_package=base_package,
+ plugin_package=plugin_package,
+ base_type=base_type,
+ dto_package=dto_package))
+ dto_file.flush()
+ dto_file.close()
+dump_dto_suffix = "ReplyDump"
+dump_reply_artificial_dtos = {}
+# Returns request name or special one from unconventional_naming_rep_req map
+def get_request_name(camel_case_dto_name, func_name):
+ return util.underscore_to_camelcase_upper(
+ util.unconventional_naming_rep_req[func_name]) if func_name in util.unconventional_naming_rep_req \
+ else util.remove_reply_suffix(camel_case_dto_name)
+def flush_dump_reply_dtos(inputfile):
+ for dump_reply_artificial_dto in dump_reply_artificial_dtos.values():
+ dto_path = os.path.join(dump_reply_artificial_dto['dto_package'],
+ dump_reply_artificial_dto['cls_name'] + ".java")
+ dto_file = open(dto_path, 'w')
+ dto_file.write(dto_template.substitute(inputfile=inputfile,
+ description="dump reply wrapper",
+ docs=dump_reply_artificial_dto['docs'],
+ cls_name=dump_reply_artificial_dto['cls_name'],
+ fields=dump_reply_artificial_dto['fields'],
+ methods=dump_reply_artificial_dto['methods'],
+ plugin_package=dump_reply_artificial_dto['plugin_package'],
+ base_package=dump_reply_artificial_dto['base_package'],
+ base_type=dump_reply_artificial_dto['base_type'],
+ dto_package=dump_reply_artificial_dto['dto_package']))
+ dto_file.flush()
+ dto_file.close()
+def generate_dump_reply_dto(request_dto_name, base_package, plugin_package, dto_package, camel_case_dto_name,
+ camel_case_method_name, func):
+ base_type = "JVppReplyDump<%s.%s.%s, %s.%s.%s>" % (
+ plugin_package, dto_package, util.remove_reply_suffix(camel_case_dto_name) + "Dump",
+ plugin_package, dto_package, camel_case_dto_name)
+ fields = " public java.util.List<%s> %s = new java.util.ArrayList<>();" % (camel_case_dto_name, camel_case_method_name)
+ cls_name = camel_case_dto_name + dump_dto_suffix
+ # using artificial type for fields, just to bypass the is_array check in base methods generators
+ # the type is not really used
+ artificial_type = 'u8'
+ # In case of already existing artificial reply dump DTO, just update it
+ # Used for sub-dump dtos
+ if request_dto_name in dump_reply_artificial_dtos.keys():
+ dump_reply_artificial_dtos[request_dto_name]['fields'] += '\n' + fields
+ dump_reply_artificial_dtos[request_dto_name]['field_names'].append(func['name'])
+ dump_reply_artificial_dtos[request_dto_name]['field_types'].append(artificial_type)
+ methods = '\n' + generate_dto_base_methods(dump_reply_artificial_dtos[request_dto_name]['cls_name'],
+ {'args': dump_reply_artificial_dtos[request_dto_name]['field_names'],
+ 'types': dump_reply_artificial_dtos[request_dto_name]['field_types']})
+ dump_reply_artificial_dtos[request_dto_name]['methods'] = methods
+ else:
+ methods = '\n' + generate_dto_base_methods(cls_name, {'args': [func['name']],
+ 'types': [artificial_type]})
+ dump_reply_artificial_dtos[request_dto_name] = ({'docs': util.api_message_to_javadoc(func),
+ 'cls_name': cls_name,
+ 'fields': fields,
+ 'field_names': [func['name']],
+ 'field_types': [artificial_type],
+ # strip too many newlines at the end of base method block
+ 'methods': methods,
+ 'plugin_package': plugin_package,
+ 'base_package': base_package,
+ 'base_type': base_type,
+ 'dto_package': dto_package})