path: root/src/vppinfra/serialize.c
diff options
authorEyal Bari <>2017-06-25 14:42:33 +0300
committereyal bari <>2017-06-27 12:44:28 +0000
commit31a71ab497616940c105fa1719515fe7ae37f37a (patch)
tree29c4536b3b85d7d4ca81785e74afcc92d98e8a73 /src/vppinfra/serialize.c
parented92925f4d5535d7dd3e6de058ae90af209d5a8f (diff)
L2-LEARN:fix l2fib entry seq num not updated on hit (VPP-888)
fixed instability in l2bd_multi_instnce test - sometimes failing with extra packets captured it appears l2-learn was not updating hit entries but rather a copy of them. if the ager did not have a chance to run before the test was running the learning cycle - entries were not updated with the packet's seq num - causing packets to flood when hitting the stale seq_num in l2-fwd - hence the extra packets fixed handling of filter entries revert workaround for instability in test Change-Id: I16d918e6310a5bf40bad5b7335b2140c2867cb71 Signed-off-by: Eyal Bari <> (cherry picked from commit 25ff2ea3a31e422094f6d91eab46222a29a77c4b)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vppinfra/serialize.c')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
a id='n147' href='#n147'>147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362
.. _add_plugin:

Adding a plugin

.. toctree::

Strategic Choices

Plugins may implement lightly-used, experimental, or test
functionality. In such cases, please disable the plugin by default:

.. code-block:: console

    /* *INDENT-OFF* */
      .version = VPP_BUILD_VER,
      .description = "Plugin Disabled by Default...",
      .default_disabled = 1,
    /* *INDENT-ON* */

Please do not create processes, or other dynamic data structures
unless the plugin is configured by API or debug CLI.

Specifically, please don't initialize bihash tables from
VLIB_INIT_FUNCTIONS, *especially* if the bihash template involved
doesn't #define BIHASH_LAZY_INSTANTIATE 1.

.. code-block:: console

    static clib_error_t * sample_init (vlib_main_t * vm)
      /* DONT DO THIS! */
      BV(clib_bihash_init (h, ...))
    VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (sample_init);

Instead, please add a feature_init function:

.. code-block:: console

    static void
    feature_init (my_main_t * mm)
      if (mm->feature_initialized == 0)
          BV(clib_bihash_init)(mm->hash_table, ...)
          /* Create Other Things, e.g a periodic process */
          mm->feature_initialized = 1;

And call it from debug CLI and API message handlers any time the feature
is enabled.

How to create a new plugin

This section shows how a VPP developer can create a new plugin, and
add it to VPP. We assume that we are starting from the VPP <top-of-workspace>.

As an example, we will use the **** tool found in
**./extras/emacs**. is a simple wrapper for a comprehensive
plugin generator constructed from a set of emacs-lisp skeletons.

Change directory to **./src/plugins**, and run the plugin generator:

.. code-block:: console

    $ cd ./src/plugins
    $ ../../extras/emacs/
    Loading /scratch/vpp-docs/extras/emacs/tunnel-c-skel.el (source)...
    Loading /scratch/vpp-docs/extras/emacs/tunnel-decap-skel.el (source)...
    Loading /scratch/vpp-docs/extras/emacs/tunnel-encap-skel.el (source)...
    Loading /scratch/vpp-docs/extras/emacs/tunnel-h-skel.el (source)...
    Loading /scratch/vpp-docs/extras/emacs/elog-4-int-skel.el (source)...
    Loading /scratch/vpp-docs/extras/emacs/elog-4-int-track-skel.el (source)...
    Loading /scratch/vpp-docs/extras/emacs/elog-enum-skel.el (source)...
    Loading /scratch/vpp-docs/extras/emacs/elog-one-datum-skel.el (source)...
    Plugin name: myplugin
    Dispatch type [dual or qs]: dual
    (Shell command succeeded with no output)


The plugin generator script asks two questions: the name of the
plugin, and which of two dispatch types to use. Since the plugin name
finds its way into quite a number of places - filenames, typedef
names, graph arc names - it pays to think for a moment.

The dispatch type refers to the coding pattern used to construct
**node.c**, the *pro forma* data-plane node. The **dual** option
constructs a dual-single loop pair with speculative enqueueing. This
is the traditional coding pattern for load-store intensive graph

The **qs** option generates a quad-single loop pair which uses
vlib_get_buffers(...) and vlib_buffer_enqueue_to_next(...). These
operators make excellent use of available SIMD vector unit
operations. It's very simple to change a quad-single loop-pair to a
dual-single loop pair if you decide to do so later.

Generated Files

Here are the generated files. We'll go through them in a moment.

.. code-block:: console

    $ cd ./myplugin
    $ ls
    CMakeLists.txt  myplugin.api  myplugin.c  myplugin.h
    myplugin_periodic.c  myplugin_test.c  node.c

Due to recent build system improvements, you **don't** need to touch
any other files to integrate your new plugin into the vpp build. Simply
rebuild your workspace from scratch, and the new plugin will appear.

Rebuild your workspace

This is the straightforward way to reconfigure and rebuild your workspace:

.. code-block:: console

    $ cd <top-of-workspace>
    $ make rebuild [or rebuild-release]

Thanks to ccache, this operation doesn't take an annoying amount of time.

Sanity check: run vpp

As a quick sanity check, run vpp and make sure that
"" and "" are loaded:

.. code-block:: console

    $ cd <top-of-workspace>
    $ make run
    load_one_plugin:189: Loaded plugin: (myplugin description goes here)
    load_one_vat_plugin:67: Loaded plugin:

If this simple test fails, please seek assistance.

Generated Files in Detail

This section discusses the generated files in some detail. It's fine to
skim this section, and return later for more detail.


This is the build system recipe for building your plugin. Please fix
the copyright notice:

.. code-block:: console

    # Copyright (c) <current-year> <your-organization>

The rest of the build recipe is pretty simple:

.. code-block:: CMake

    add_vpp_plugin (myplugin




As you can see, the build recipe consists of several lists of
files. **SOURCES** is a list of C source files. **API_FILES** is a
list of the plugin's binary API definition files [one such file is
usually plenty], and so forth.

**MULTIARCH_SOURCES** lists data plane graph node dispatch function
source files considered to be performance-critical. Specific functions
in these files are compiled multiple times, so that they can leverage
CPU-specific features. More on this in a moment.

If you add source files, simply add them to the indicated list(s).


This is the primary #include file for the new plugin. Among other
things, it defines the plugin's *main_t* data structure. This is the
right place to add problem-specific data structures. Please **resist
the temptation** to create a set of static or [worse yet] global
variables in your plugin. Refereeing name-collisions between plugins
is not anyone's idea of a good time.


For want of a better way to describe it, myplugin.c is the vpp plugin
equivalent of "main.c". Its job is to hook the plugin into the vpp
binary API message dispatcher, and to add its messages to vpp's global
"message-name_crc" hash table. See "myplugin_init (...")"

Vpp itself uses dlsym(...) to track down the vlib_plugin_registration_t
generated by the VLIB_PLUGIN_REGISTER macro:

.. code-block:: C

        .version = VPP_BUILD_VER,
        .description = "myplugin plugin description goes here",

Vpp only loads .so files from the plugin directory which contain an
instance of this data structure.

You can enable or disable specific vpp plugins from the command
line. By default, plugins are loaded. To change that behavior, set
default_disabled in the macro VLIB_PLUGIN_REGISTER:

.. code-block:: C

        .version = VPP_BUILD_VER,
        .default_disabled = 1
        .description = "myplugin plugin description goes here",

The boilerplate generator places the graph node dispatch function
onto the "device-input" feature arc. This may or may not be useful.

.. code-block:: C

    VNET_FEATURE_INIT (myplugin, static) =
      .arc_name = "device-input",
      .node_name = "myplugin",
      .runs_before = VNET_FEATURES ("ethernet-input"),

As given by the plugin generator, myplugin.c contains the binary API
message handler for a generic "please enable my feature on such and
such an interface" binary API message. As you'll see, setting up the
vpp message API tables is simple. Big fat warning: the scheme is
intolerant of minor mistakes. Example: forgetting to add
mainp->msg_id_base can lead to very confusing failures.

If you stick to modifying the generated boilerplate with care -
instead of trying to build code from first principles - you'll save
yourself a bunch of time and aggravation


This file contains binary API message **generation** code, which is
compiled into a separate .so file. The "vpp_api_test" program loads
these plugins, yielding immediate access to your plugin APIs for
external client binary API testing.

vpp itself loads test plugins, and makes the code available via the
"binary-api" debug CLI. This is a favorite way to unit-test binary
APIs prior to integration testing.


This is the generated graph node dispatch function. You'll need to
rewrite it to solve the problem at hand. It will save considerable
time and aggravation to retain the **structure** of the node dispatch

Even for an expert, it's a waste of time to reinvent the *loop
structure*, enqueue patterns, and so forth. Simply tear out and
replace the specimen 1x, 2x, 4x packet processing code with code
relevant to the problem you're trying to solve.


This contains the API message definition. Here we only have defined
a single one named ``myplugin_enable_disable`` and an implicit
``myplugin_enable_disable_reply`` containing only a return value due
to the ``autoreply`` keyword.

The syntax reference for ``.api`` files can be found at VPP API Language

Addressing the binary API with this message will run the handler defined
in ``myplugin.c`` as ``vl_api_myplugin_enable_disable_t_handler``.
It will receive a message pointer ``*mp`` which is the struct defined
in ``myplugin.api`` and should return another message pointer ``*rmp``,
of the reply type. That's what ``REPLY_MACRO`` does.

To be noted, all API messages are in net-endian and vpp is host-endian,
so you will need to use :

* ``u32 value = ntohl(mp->value);``
* ``rmp->value = htonl(value);``

You can now use this API with :ref:`GoLang bindings <add_plugin_goapi>`


This defines a VPP process, a routine that will run indefinitely and
be woken up intermittently, here to process plugin events.

To be noted, vlib_processes aren't thread-safe, and data structures
should be locked when shared between workers.

Plugin "Friends with Benefits"

In vpp VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION functions, It's reasonably common to see a
specific init function invoke other init functions:

.. code-block:: C

    if ((error = vlib_call_init_function (vm, some_other_init_function))
       return error;

In the case where one plugin needs to call a init function in another
plugin, use the vlib_call_plugin_init_function macro:

.. code-block:: C

    if ((error = vlib_call_plugin_init_function (vm, "otherpluginname", some_init_function))
       return error;

This allows sequencing between plugin init functions.

If you wish to obtain a pointer to a symbol in another plugin, use the
vlib_plugin_get_symbol(...) API:

.. code-block:: C

    void *p = vlib_get_plugin_symbol ("plugin_name", "symbol");

More Examples

For more information you can read many example plugins in the directory "./src/plugins".