path: root/vpp-api/java/jvpp/gen/jvpp_future_facade_gen.py
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authorDave Barach <dave@barachs.net>2016-06-23 11:27:51 -0400
committerKeith Burns <alagalah@gmail.com>2016-06-23 23:28:41 +0000
commitde393bb76d8c221e1145f62070f51a9ca4191f9f (patch)
tree12cb674fd9b57e1a51f63ed2fcaf40c5a81560a4 /vpp-api/java/jvpp/gen/jvpp_future_facade_gen.py
parent0f6b7960716d09129bec60fe942a6bed1ef729d5 (diff)
Show command support for ip feature paths
"show ip features" displays all available features, in execution order. "show ip interface features <intfc>" displays all features currently configures on an interface, in execution order. Change-Id: I489bbdb85799a01721ba60b12ffaffcab1e0d1df Signed-off-by: Dave Barach <dave@barachs.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'vpp-api/java/jvpp/gen/jvpp_future_facade_gen.py')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
>186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233
TRex JSON Template

Whenever TRex is publishing live data, it uses JSON notation to describe the data-object.

Each client may parse it differently, however this page will describe the values meaning when published by TRex server.

Main Fields

Each TRex server-published JSON object contains data divided to main fields under which the actual data lays.

These main fields are:

| Main field                  | Contains                                           | Comments                  |
| :ref:`trex-global-field`    | Must-have data on TRex run,                        |                           |
|                             | mainly regarding Tx/Rx and packet drops            |                           |
| :ref:`tx-gen-field`         | Data indicate the quality of the transmit process. |                           |
|                             | In case histogram is zero it means that all packets|                           |
|                             | were injected in the right time.                   |                           |
| :ref:`trex-latecny-field`   | Latency reports, containing latency data on        | - Generated when latency  |
|                             | generated data and on response traffic             |   test is enabled (``l``  |
|                             |                                                    |   param)                  |
|                             |                                                    | - *typo* on field key:    |
+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+   will be fixed on next   |   
| :ref:`trex-latecny-v2-field`| Extended latency information                       |   release                 |

Each of these fields contains keys for field general data (such as its name) and its actual data, which is always stored under the **"data"** key.

For example, in order to access some trex-global data, the access path would look like::

   AllData -> trex-global -> data -> desired_info


Detailed explanation

.. _trex-global-field:

trex-global field

|      Sub-key                   | Type  |                          Meaning                          |
| m_cpu_util                     | float | CPU utilization (0-100)                                   |
| m_platform_factor              | float | multiplier factor                                         |
| m_tx_bps                       | float | total tx bit per second                                   |
| m_rx_bps                       | float | total rx bit per second                                   |
| m_tx_pps                       | float | total tx packet per second                                |
| m_tx_cps                       | float | total tx connection per second                            |
| m_tx_expected_cps              | float | expected tx connection per second                         |
| m_tx_expected_pps              | float | expected tx packet per second                             |
| m_tx_expected_bps              | float | expected tx bit per second                                |
| m_rx_drop_bps                  | float | drop rate in bit per second                               |
| m_active_flows                 | float | active trex flows                                         |
| m_open_flows                   | float | open trex flows from startup (monotonically incrementing) |
| m_total_tx_pkts                |  int  | total tx in packets                                       |
| m_total_rx_pkts                |  int  | total rx in packets                                       |
| m_total_tx_bytes               |  int  | total tx in bytes                                         |
| m_total_rx_bytes               |  int  | total rx in bytes                                         |
| opackets-#                     |  int  | output packets (per interface)                            |
| obytes-#                       |  int  | output bytes (per interface)                              |
| ipackets-#                     |  int  | input packet (per interface)                              |
| ibytes-#                       |  int  | input bytes (per interface)                               |
| ierrors-#                      |  int  | input errors (per interface)                              |
| oerrors-#                      |  int  | input errors (per interface)                              |
| m_total_tx_bps-#               | float | total transmitted data in bit per second                  |
| unknown                        |  int  |                                                           |
| m_total_nat_learn_error [#f1]_ |  int  |                                                           |
| m_total_nat_active [#f2]_      |  int  |                                                           |
| m_total_nat_no_fid [#f2]_      |  int  |                                                           |
| m_total_nat_time_out [#f2]_    |  int  |                                                           |
| m_total_nat_open [#f2]_    	 |  int  |                                                           |

.. _tx-gen-field:

tx-gen field

|      Sub-key      | Type  |                          Meaning                          |
| realtime-hist     | dict  | histogram of transmission. See extended information about |
|                   |       | histogram object under :ref:`histogram-object-fields`.    |
|                   |       | The attribute analyzed is time packet has been sent       |
|                   |       | before/after it was intended to be                        |
| unknown           | int   |                                                           |

.. _trex-latecny-field:

trex-latecny field

| Sub-key | Type  |                         Meaning                         |
| avg-#   | float | average latency in usec (per interface)                 |
| max-#   | float | max latency in usec from the test start (per interface) |
| c-max-# | float | max in the last 1 sec window (per interface)            |
| error-# | float | errors in latency packets (per interface)               |
| unknown |  int  |                                                         |

.. _trex-latecny-v2-field:

trex-latecny-v2 field

|               Sub-key                | Type  |               Meaning                |
| cpu_util                             | float | rx thread cpu % (this is not trex DP |
|                                      |       | threads cpu%%)                       |
| port-#                               |       | Containing per interface             |
|                                      | dict  | information. See extended            |
|                                      |       | information under ``port-# ->        |
|                                      |       | key_name -> sub_key``                |
| port-#->hist                         | dict  | histogram of latency. See extended   |
|                                      |       | information about histogram object   |
|                                      |       | under :ref:`histogram-object-fields`.|
| port-#->stats                        |       | Containing per interface             |
|                                      | dict  | information. See extended            |
|                                      |       | information under ``port-# ->        |
|                                      |       | key_name -> sub_key``                |
| port-#->stats->m_tx_pkt_ok           | int   | total of try sent packets            |
| port-#->stats->m_pkt_ok              | int   | total of packets sent from hardware  |
| port-#->stats->m_no_magic            | int   | rx error with no magic               |
| port-#->stats->m_no_id               | int   | rx errors with no id                 |
| port-#->stats->m_seq_error           | int   | error in seq number                  |
| port-#->stats->m_length_error        | int   |                                      |
| port-#->stats->m_rx_check            | int   | packets tested in rx                 |
| unknown                              | int   |                                      |

.. _histogram-object-fields:

Histogram object fields

The histogram object is being used in number of place throughout the JSON object.
The following section describes its fields in detail.

|  Sub-key  | Type  |                                      Meaning                                      |
| min_usec  |  int  | min attribute value in usec. pkt with latency less than this value is not counted |
| max_usec  |  int  | max attribute value in usec                                                       |
| high_cnt  |  int  | how many packets on which its attribute > min_usec                                |
| cnt       |  int  | total packets from test startup                                                   |
| s_avg     | float | average value from test startup                                                   |
| histogram |       | histogram of relevant object by the following keys:                               |
|           | array |  - key: value in usec                                                             |
|           |       |  - val: number of packets                                                         |

Access Examples

.. rubric:: Footnotes

.. [#f1] Available only in NAT and NAT learning operation (``learn`` and ``learn-verify`` flags)

.. [#f2] Available only in NAT operation (``learn`` flag)