path: root/docs/gettingstarted/developers/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 308 deletions
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-Bounded-index Extensible Hashing (bihash)
-Vpp uses bounded-index extensible hashing to solve a variety of
-exact-match (key, value) lookup problems. Benefits of the current
-* Very high record count scaling, tested to 100,000,000 records.
-* Lookup performance degrades gracefully as the number of records increases
-* No reader locking required
-* Template implementation, it's easy to support arbitrary (key,value) types
-Bounded-index extensible hashing has been widely used in databases for
-Bihash uses a two-level data structure:
- +-----------------+
- | bucket-0 |
- | log2_size |
- | backing store |
- +-----------------+
- | bucket-1 |
- | log2_size | +--------------------------------+
- | backing store | --------> | KVP_PER_PAGE * key-value-pairs |
- +-----------------+ | page 0 |
- ... +--------------------------------+
- +-----------------+ | KVP_PER_PAGE * key-value-pairs |
- | bucket-2**N-1 | | page 1 |
- | log2_size | +--------------------------------+
- | backing store | ---
- +-----------------+ +--------------------------------+
- | KVP_PER_PAGE * key-value-pairs |
- | page 2**(log2(size)) - 1 |
- +--------------------------------+
-Discussion of the algorithm
-This structure has a couple of major advantages. In practice, each
-bucket entry fits into a 64-bit integer. Coincidentally, vpp's target
-CPU architectures support 64-bit atomic operations. When modifying the
-contents of a specific bucket, we do the following:
-* Make a working copy of the bucket's backing storage
-* Atomically swap a pointer to the working copy into the bucket array
-* Change the original backing store data
-* Atomically swap back to the original
-So, no reader locking is required to search a bihash table.
-At lookup time, the implementation computes a key hash code. We use
-the least-significant N bits of the hash to select the bucket.
-With the bucket in hand, we learn log2 (nBackingPages) for the
-selected bucket. At this point, we use the next log2_size bits from
-the hash code to select the specific backing page in which the
-(key,value) page will be found.
-Net result: we search **one** backing page, not 2**log2_size
-pages. This is a key property of the algorithm.
-When sufficient collisions occur to fill the backing pages for a given
-bucket, we double the bucket size, rehash, and deal the bucket
-contents into a double-sized set of backing pages. In the future, we
-may represent the size as a linear combination of two powers-of-two,
-to increase space efficiency.
-To solve the "jackpot case" where a set of records collide under
-hashing in a bad way, the implementation will fall back to linear
-search across 2**log2_size backing pages on a per-bucket basis.
-To maintain *space* efficiency, we should configure the bucket array
-so that backing pages are effectively utilized. Lookup performance
-tends to change *very little* if the bucket array is too small or too
-Bihash depends on selecting an effective hash function. If one were to
-use a truly broken hash function such as "return 1ULL." bihash would
-still work, but it would be equivalent to poorly-programmed linear
-We often use cpu intrinsic functions - think crc32 - to rapidly
-compute a hash code which has decent statistics.
-Bihash Cookbook
-### Using current (key,value) template instance types
-It's quite easy to use one of the template instance types. As of this
-writing, .../src/vppinfra provides pre-built templates for 8, 16, 20,
-24, 40, and 48 byte keys, u8 * vector keys, and 8 byte values.
-See .../src/vppinfra/{bihash_<key-size>_8}.h
-To define the data types, #include a specific template instance, most
-often in a subsystem header file:
- #include <vppinfra/bihash_8_8.h>
-If you're building a standalone application, you'll need to define the
-various functions by #including the method implementation file in a C
-source file.
-The core vpp engine currently uses most if not all of the known bihash
-types, so you probably won't need to #include the method
-implementation file.
- #include <vppinfra/bihash_template.c>
-Add an instance of the selected bihash data structure to e.g. a
-"main_t" structure:
- typedef struct
- {
- ...
- BVT (clib_bihash) hash_table;
- or
- clib_bihash_8_8_t hash_table;
- ...
- } my_main_t;
-The BV macro concatenate its argument with the value of the
-preprocessor symbol BIHASH_TYPE. The BVT macro concatenates its
-argument with the value of BIHASH_TYPE and the fixed-string "_t". So
-in the above example, BVT (clib_bihash) generates "clib_bihash_8_8_t".
-If you're sure you won't decide to change the template / type name
-later, it's perfectly OK to code "clib_bihash_8_8_t" and so forth.
-In fact, if you #include multiple template instances in a single
-source file, you **must** use fully-enumerated type names. The macros
-stand no chance of working.
-### Initializing a bihash table
-Call the init function as shown. As a rough guide, pick a number of
-buckets which is approximately
-number_of_expected_records/BIHASH_KVP_PER_PAGE from the relevant
-template instance header-file. See previous discussion.
-The amount of memory selected should easily contain all of the
-records, with a generous allowance for hash collisions. Bihash memory
-is allocated separately from the main heap, and won't cost anything
-except kernel PTE's until touched, so it's OK to be reasonably
-For example:
- my_main_t *mm = &my_main;
- clib_bihash_8_8_t *h;
- h = &mm->hash_table;
- clib_bihash_init_8_8 (h, "test", (u32) number_of_buckets,
- (uword) memory_size);
-### Add or delete a key/value pair
-Use BV(clib_bihash_add_del), or the explicit type variant:
- clib_bihash_kv_8_8_t kv;
- clib_bihash_8_8_t * h;
- my_main_t *mm = &my_main;
- clib_bihash_8_8_t *h;
- h = &mm->hash_table;
- kv.key = key_to_add_or_delete;
- kv.value = value_to_add_or_delete;
- clib_bihash_add_del_8_8 (h, &kv, is_add /* 1=add, 0=delete */);
-In the delete case, kv.value is irrelevant. To change the value associated
-with an existing (key,value) pair, simply re-add the [new] pair.
-### Simple search
-The simplest possible (key, value) search goes like so:
- clib_bihash_kv_8_8_t search_kv, return_kv;
- clib_bihash_8_8_t * h;
- my_main_t *mm = &my_main;
- clib_bihash_8_8_t *h;
- h = &mm->hash_table;
- search_kv.key = key_to_add_or_delete;
- if (clib_bihash_search_8_8 (h, &search_kv, &return_kv) < 0)
- key_not_found();
- else
- key_found();
-Note that it's perfectly fine to collect the lookup result
- if (clib_bihash_search_8_8 (h, &search_kv, &search_kv))
- key_not_found();
- etc.
-### Bihash vector processing
-When processing a vector of packets which need a certain lookup
-performed, it's worth the trouble to compute the key hash, and
-prefetch the correct bucket ahead of time.
-Here's a sketch of one way to write the required code:
-* 6 packets ahead, prefetch 2x vlib_buffer_t's and 2x packet data
- required to form the record keys
-* 4 packets ahead, form 2x record keys and call BV(clib_bihash_hash)
- or the explicit hash function to calculate the record hashes.
- Call 2x BV(clib_bihash_prefetch_bucket) to prefetch the buckets
-* 2 packets ahead, call 2x BV(clib_bihash_prefetch_data) to prefetch
- 2x (key,value) data pages.
-* In the processing section, call 2x BV(clib_bihash_search_inline_with_hash)
- to perform the search
-Programmer's choice whether to stash the hash code somewhere in
-vnet_buffer(b) metadata, or to use local variables.
-* Use simple search as shown above.
-### Walking a bihash table
-A fairly common scenario to build "show" commands involves walking a
-bihash table. It's simple enough:
- my_main_t *mm = &my_main;
- clib_bihash_8_8_t *h;
- void callback_fn (clib_bihash_kv_8_8_t *, void *);
- h = &mm->hash_table;
- BV(clib_bihash_foreach_key_value_pair) (h, callback_fn, (void *) arg);
-To nobody's great surprise: clib_bihash_foreach_key_value_pair
-iterates across the entire table, calling callback_fn with active
-#### Bihash table iteration safety
-The iterator template "clib_bihash_foreach_key_value_pair" must be
-used with a certain amount of care. For one thing, the iterator
-template does _not_ take the bihash hash table writer lock. If your
-use-case requires it, lock the table.
-For another, the iterator template is not safe under all conditions:
-* It's __OK to delete__ bihash table entries during a table-walk. The
-iterator checks whether the current bucket has been freed after each
-_callback_fn(...)_ invocation.
-* It is __not OK to add__ entries during a table-walk.
-The add-during-walk case involves a jackpot: while processing a
-key-value-pair in a particular bucket, add a certain number of
-entries. By luck, assume that one or more of the added entries causes
-the __current bucket__ to split-and-rehash.
-Since we rehash KVP's to different pages based on what amounts to a
-different hash function, either of these things can go wrong:
-* We may revisit previously-visited entries. Depending on how one
-coded the use-case, we could end up in a recursive-add situation.
-* We may skip entries that have not been visited
-One could build an add-safe iterator, at a significant cost in
-performance: copy the entire bucket, and walk the copy.
-It's hard to imagine a worthwhile add-during walk use-case in the
-first place; let alone one which couldn't be implemented by walking
-the table without modifying it, then adding a set of records.
-### Creating a new template instance
-Creating a new template is easy. Use one of the existing templates as
-a model, and make the obvious changes. The hash and key_compare
-methods are performance-critical in multiple senses.
-If the key compare method is slow, every lookup will be slow. If the
-hash function is slow, same story. If the hash function has poor
-statistical properties, space efficiency will suffer. In the limit, a
-bad enough hash function will cause large portions of the table to
-revert to linear search.
-Use of the best available vector unit is well worth the trouble in the
-hash and key_compare functions.