path: root/extras/hs-test/actions.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extras/hs-test/actions.go')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extras/hs-test/actions.go b/extras/hs-test/actions.go
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..aa82f49c4c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/hs-test/actions.go
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "git.fd.io/govpp.git/api"
+ "github.com/edwarnicke/exechelper"
+ "github.com/edwarnicke/govpp/binapi/af_packet"
+ interfaces "github.com/edwarnicke/govpp/binapi/interface"
+ "github.com/edwarnicke/govpp/binapi/interface_types"
+ ip_types "github.com/edwarnicke/govpp/binapi/ip_types"
+ "github.com/edwarnicke/govpp/binapi/session"
+ "github.com/edwarnicke/govpp/binapi/vlib"
+ "github.com/edwarnicke/vpphelper"
+func RegisterActions() {
+ cfgTable = make(map[string]func([]string) *ActionResult)
+ reg("echo-srv-internal", Configure2Veths)
+ reg("echo-cln-internal", Configure2Veths)
+ reg("echo-client", RunEchoClient)
+ reg("echo-server", RunEchoServer)
+ reg("vpp-proxy", ConfigureVppProxy)
+ reg("vpp-envoy", ConfigureEnvoyProxy)
+ reg("http-tps", ConfigureHttpTps)
+ reg("2veths", Configure2Veths)
+func configureProxyTcp(ifName0, ipAddr0, ifName1, ipAddr1 string) ConfFn {
+ return func(ctx context.Context,
+ vppConn api.Connection) error {
+ _, err := configureAfPacket(ctx, vppConn, ifName0, ipAddr0)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("failed to create af packet: %v", err)
+ return err
+ }
+ _, err = configureAfPacket(ctx, vppConn, ifName1, ipAddr1)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("failed to create af packet: %v", err)
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+func ConfigureVppProxy(args []string) *ActionResult {
+ ctx, cancel := newVppContext()
+ defer cancel()
+ con, vppErrCh := vpphelper.StartAndDialContext(ctx, vpphelper.WithVppConfig(configTemplate))
+ exitOnErrCh(ctx, cancel, vppErrCh)
+ confFn := configureProxyTcp("vpp0", "", "vpp1", "")
+ err := confFn(ctx, con)
+ if err != nil {
+ return NewActionResult(err, ActionResultWithDesc("configuration failed"))
+ }
+ writeSyncFile(OkResult())
+ <-ctx.Done()
+ return nil
+func ConfigureEnvoyProxy(args []string) *ActionResult {
+ var startup Stanza
+ startup.
+ NewStanza("session").
+ Append("enable").
+ Append("use-app-socket-api").
+ Append("evt_qs_memfd_seg").
+ Append("event-queue-length 100000").Close()
+ ctx, cancel := newVppContext()
+ defer cancel()
+ con, vppErrCh := vpphelper.StartAndDialContext(ctx,
+ vpphelper.WithVppConfig(configTemplate+startup.ToString()),
+ vpphelper.WithRootDir("/tmp/vpp-envoy"))
+ exitOnErrCh(ctx, cancel, vppErrCh)
+ confFn := configureProxyTcp("vpp0", "", "vpp1", "")
+ err := confFn(ctx, con)
+ if err != nil {
+ return NewActionResult(err, ActionResultWithDesc("configuration failed"))
+ }
+ err0 := exechelper.Run("chmod 777 -R /tmp/vpp-envoy")
+ if err0 != nil {
+ return NewActionResult(err, ActionResultWithDesc("setting permissions failed"))
+ }
+ writeSyncFile(OkResult())
+ <-ctx.Done()
+ return nil
+func getArgs() string {
+ s := ""
+ for i := 2; i < len(os.Args); i++ {
+ s = s + " " + os.Args[i]
+ }
+ return s
+func ApiCliInband(root, cmd string) *ActionResult {
+ ctx, _ := newVppContext()
+ con := vpphelper.DialContext(ctx, filepath.Join(root, "/var/run/vpp/api.sock"))
+ cliInband := vlib.CliInband{Cmd: cmd}
+ cliInbandReply, err := vlib.NewServiceClient(con).CliInband(ctx, &cliInband)
+ return NewActionResult(err, ActionResultWithStdout(cliInbandReply.Reply))
+func RunEchoClient(args []string) *ActionResult {
+ outBuff := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
+ errBuff := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
+ cmd := fmt.Sprintf("vpp_echo client socket-name /tmp/echo-cln/var/run/app_ns_sockets/2 use-app-socket-api uri %s://", args[2])
+ err := exechelper.Run(cmd,
+ exechelper.WithStdout(outBuff), exechelper.WithStderr(errBuff),
+ exechelper.WithStdout(os.Stdout), exechelper.WithStderr(os.Stderr))
+ return NewActionResult(err, ActionResultWithStdout(string(outBuff.String())),
+ ActionResultWithStderr(string(errBuff.String())))
+func RunEchoServer(args []string) *ActionResult {
+ cmd := fmt.Sprintf("vpp_echo server TX=RX socket-name /tmp/echo-srv/var/run/app_ns_sockets/1 use-app-socket-api uri %s://", args[2])
+ errCh := exechelper.Start(cmd)
+ select {
+ case err := <-errCh:
+ writeSyncFile(NewActionResult(err, ActionResultWithDesc("echo_server: ")))
+ default:
+ }
+ writeSyncFile(OkResult())
+ return nil
+func RunEchoSrvInternal() *ActionResult {
+ cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test echo server %s uri tcp://", getArgs())
+ return ApiCliInband("/tmp/2veths", cmd)
+func RunEchoClnInternal() *ActionResult {
+ cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test echo client %s uri tcp://", getArgs())
+ return ApiCliInband("/tmp/2veths", cmd)
+func configure2vethsTopo(ifName, interfaceAddress, namespaceId string, secret uint64) ConfFn {
+ return func(ctx context.Context,
+ vppConn api.Connection) error {
+ swIfIndex, err := configureAfPacket(ctx, vppConn, ifName, interfaceAddress)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("failed to create af packet: %v", err)
+ }
+ _, er := session.NewServiceClient(vppConn).AppNamespaceAddDelV2(ctx, &session.AppNamespaceAddDelV2{
+ Secret: secret,
+ SwIfIndex: swIfIndex,
+ NamespaceID: namespaceId,
+ })
+ if er != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("add app namespace: %v", err)
+ return err
+ }
+ _, er1 := session.NewServiceClient(vppConn).SessionEnableDisable(ctx, &session.SessionEnableDisable{
+ IsEnable: true,
+ })
+ if er1 != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("session enable %v", err)
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+func Configure2Veths(args []string) *ActionResult {
+ var startup Stanza
+ startup.
+ NewStanza("session").
+ Append("enable").
+ Append("use-app-socket-api").Close()
+ ctx, cancel := newVppContext()
+ defer cancel()
+ con, vppErrCh := vpphelper.StartAndDialContext(ctx,
+ vpphelper.WithVppConfig(configTemplate+startup.ToString()),
+ vpphelper.WithRootDir(fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/%s", args[1])))
+ exitOnErrCh(ctx, cancel, vppErrCh)
+ var fn func(context.Context, api.Connection) error
+ if args[2] == "srv" {
+ fn = configure2vethsTopo("vppsrv", "", "1", 1)
+ } else {
+ fn = configure2vethsTopo("vppcln", "", "2", 2)
+ }
+ err := fn(ctx, con)
+ if err != nil {
+ return NewActionResult(err, ActionResultWithDesc("configuration failed"))
+ }
+ writeSyncFile(OkResult())
+ <-ctx.Done()
+ return nil
+func configureAfPacket(ctx context.Context, vppCon api.Connection,
+ name, interfaceAddress string) (interface_types.InterfaceIndex, error) {
+ ifaceClient := interfaces.NewServiceClient(vppCon)
+ afPacketCreate := &af_packet.AfPacketCreateV2{
+ UseRandomHwAddr: true,
+ HostIfName: name,
+ NumRxQueues: 1,
+ }
+ afPacketCreateRsp, err := af_packet.NewServiceClient(vppCon).AfPacketCreateV2(ctx, afPacketCreate)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("failed to create af packet: %v", err)
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ _, err = ifaceClient.SwInterfaceSetFlags(ctx, &interfaces.SwInterfaceSetFlags{
+ SwIfIndex: afPacketCreateRsp.SwIfIndex,
+ Flags: interface_types.IF_STATUS_API_FLAG_ADMIN_UP,
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("set interface state up failed: %v\n", err)
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ ipPrefix, err := ip_types.ParseAddressWithPrefix(interfaceAddress)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("parse ip address %v\n", err)
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ ipAddress := &interfaces.SwInterfaceAddDelAddress{
+ IsAdd: true,
+ SwIfIndex: afPacketCreateRsp.SwIfIndex,
+ Prefix: ipPrefix,
+ }
+ _, errx := ifaceClient.SwInterfaceAddDelAddress(ctx, ipAddress)
+ if errx != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("add ip address %v\n", err)
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ return afPacketCreateRsp.SwIfIndex, nil
+func ConfigureHttpTps(args []string) *ActionResult {
+ ctx, cancel := newVppContext()
+ defer cancel()
+ con, vppErrCh := vpphelper.StartAndDialContext(ctx,
+ vpphelper.WithVppConfig(configTemplate))
+ exitOnErrCh(ctx, cancel, vppErrCh)
+ confFn := configureProxyTcp("vpp0", "", "vpp1", "")
+ err := confFn(ctx, con)
+ if err != nil {
+ return NewActionResult(err, ActionResultWithDesc("configuration failed"))
+ }
+ _, err = session.NewServiceClient(con).SessionEnableDisable(ctx, &session.SessionEnableDisable{
+ IsEnable: true,
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return NewActionResult(err, ActionResultWithDesc("configuration failed"))
+ }
+ Vppcli("", "http tps uri tcp://")
+ writeSyncFile(OkResult())
+ <-ctx.Done()
+ return nil