path: root/extras/scripts
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Diffstat (limited to 'extras/scripts')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extras/scripts/vfctl b/extras/scripts/vfctl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..8942a9cfe60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/scripts/vfctl
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+function die() {
+ echo "ERROR: $*" >&2
+ exit 1
+function show_vfs() {
+ path=$1
+ netdev=$2
+ printf "\nVirtual Functions:\n%-2s %-12s %-9s %-12s %-17s %s\n" \
+ "ID" "PCI Addr" "PCI ID" "Driver" "MAC Addr" "Config"
+ for vf_path in ${path}/virtfn*; do
+ vf=$(basename $(readlink ${vf_path}))
+ vfid=$(basename ${vf_path//virtfn/})
+ line=$(ip link show dev ${netdev} | grep "vf ${vfid}")
+ driver=$(basename $(readlink ${vf_path}/driver))
+ pciid="$(cat ${vf_path}/vendor | cut -dx -f2):$(cat ${vf_path}/device | cut -dx -f2)"
+ mac=$(echo $line | sed -n -E -e 's/.*MAC ([0-9a-f:]+),.*/\1/p')
+ cfg=$(echo $line | cut -d, -f2-)
+ printf "%-2s %-12s %-9s %-12s %-17s%s\n" \
+ $vfid $vf $pciid $driver $mac "$cfg"
+ done
+function get_pci_addr() {
+ local addr
+ if [ -d /sys/class/net/$2/device ]; then
+ addr=$(basename $(readlink /sys/class/net/${2}/device))
+ else
+ addr=$2
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d /sys/bus/pci/devices/${pci_addr} ]; then
+ die "PCI device $2 doesn't exist"
+ fi
+ eval "$1=${addr}"
+function show () {
+ get_pci_addr pci_addr $1
+ path="/sys/bus/pci/devices/${pci_addr}"
+ if [ ! -f ${path}/sriov_numvfs ]; then
+ die "PCI device $1 is not SR-IOV device"
+ fi
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "PCI Address" ${pci_addr}
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "PCI ID" \
+ "$(cat ${path}/vendor | cut -dx -f2):$(cat ${path}/device | cut -dx -f2)"
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "Driver name" $(basename $(readlink ${path}/driver))
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "Driver Version" $(cat ${path}/driver/module/version)
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "PCI Link Speed (max)" "$(cat ${path}/current_link_speed) ($(cat ${path}/max_link_speed))"
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "PCI Link Width (max)" "$(cat ${path}/current_link_width) ($(cat ${path}/max_link_width))"
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "NUMA Node" $(cat ${path}/numa_node)
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "Number of VFs" $(cat ${path}/sriov_numvfs)
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "Total VFs" $(cat ${path}/sriov_totalvfs)
+ if [ -d ${path}/net/* ] ; then
+ netdev=$(basename ${path}/net/*)
+ netdev_path=${path}/net/${netdev}
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "Interface" ${netdev}
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "MAC Address" $(cat ${netdev_path}/address)
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "Speed" $(cat ${netdev_path}/speed)
+ printf "%-20s: %s\n" "State" $(cat ${netdev_path}/operstate)
+ fi
+ [ $(cat ${path}/sriov_numvfs) -gt 0 ] && show_vfs ${path} ${netdev}
+function remove_all () {
+ get_pci_addr pci_addr $1
+ path="/sys/bus/pci/devices/${pci_addr}"
+ [ $(cat ${path}/sriov_numvfs) -gt 0 ] || die "No VFs configured on $1"
+ echo 0 | sudo tee ${path}/sriov_numvfs > /dev/null
+ echo "VFs removed..."
+function create () {
+ get_pci_addr pci_addr $1
+ path="/sys/bus/pci/devices/${pci_addr}"
+ [ $(cat ${path}/sriov_numvfs) -gt 0 ] && die "VFs already configured on $1"
+ [ "0$2" -gt 0 ] || die "Please specify number of VFs to create"
+ echo $2 | sudo tee ${path}/sriov_numvfs > /dev/null
+ [ -d ${path}/net/* ] || die "No net device for $1"
+ netdev=$(basename ${path}/net/*)
+ netdev_path=${path}/net/${netdev}
+ mac_prefix=$(cat ${netdev_path}/address | cut -d: -f1,3,4,5,6 )
+ for vf_path in ${path}/virtfn*; do
+ vf=$(basename $(readlink ${vf_path}))
+ vfid=$(basename ${vf_path//virtfn/})
+ mac="${mac_prefix}:$(printf "%02x" ${vfid})"
+ sudo ip link set dev ${netdev} vf ${vfid} mac ${mac}
+ done
+ [ $(cat ${path}/sriov_numvfs) -gt 0 ] && show_vfs ${path} ${netdev}
+function help() {
+cat << __EOF__
+$0 show <dev>
+ Displays information about <dev> where <dev> is PCI address
+ or linux interface name.
+$0 remove-all <dev>
+ Remove all virtual functions from device <dev>.
+$0 remove-all <dev> <num>
+ Create <num> virtual functions on device<dev>.
+case $1 in
+ show)
+ show $2
+ ;;
+ create)
+ create $2 $3
+ ;;
+ remove-all)
+ remove_all $2
+ ;;
+ help)
+ help $2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Please specify command (show, create, remove-all)"
+ help
+ ;;