path: root/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
3 files changed, 683 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/test/ipfix.py b/test/ipfix.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..deaff67ba42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ipfix.py
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# IPFIX support for Scapy (RFC7011)
+from scapy.all import *
+# IPFIX Information Elements http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix/ipfix.xhtml
+information_elements = {
+ 1: "octetDeltaCount",
+ 2: "packetDeltaCount",
+ 3: "deltaFlowCount",
+ 4: "protocolIdentifier",
+ 5: "ipClassOfService",
+ 6: "tcpControlBits",
+ 7: "sourceTransportPort",
+ 8: "sourceIPv4Address",
+ 9: "sourceIPv4PrefixLength",
+ 10: "ingressInterface",
+ 11: "destinationTransportPort",
+ 12: "destinationIPv4Address",
+ 13: "destinationIPv4PrefixLength",
+ 14: "egressInterface",
+ 15: "ipNextHopIPv4Address",
+ 16: "bgpSourceAsNumber",
+ 17: "bgpDestinationAsNumber",
+ 18: "bgpNextHopIPv4Address",
+ 19: "postMCastPacketDeltaCount",
+ 20: "postMCastOctetDeltaCount",
+ 21: "flowEndSysUpTime",
+ 22: "flowStartSysUpTime",
+ 23: "postOctetDeltaCount",
+ 24: "postPacketDeltaCount",
+ 25: "minimumIpTotalLength",
+ 26: "maximumIpTotalLength",
+ 27: "sourceIPv6Address",
+ 28: "destinationIPv6Address",
+ 29: "sourceIPv6PrefixLength",
+ 30: "destinationIPv6PrefixLength",
+ 31: "flowLabelIPv6",
+ 32: "icmpTypeCodeIPv4",
+ 33: "igmpType",
+ 34: "samplingInterval",
+ 35: "samplingAlgorithm",
+ 36: "flowActiveTimeout",
+ 37: "flowIdleTimeout",
+ 38: "engineType",
+ 39: "engineId",
+ 40: "exportedOctetTotalCount",
+ 41: "exportedMessageTotalCount",
+ 42: "exportedFlowRecordTotalCount",
+ 43: "ipv4RouterSc",
+ 44: "sourceIPv4Prefix",
+ 45: "destinationIPv4Prefix",
+ 46: "mplsTopLabelType",
+ 47: "mplsTopLabelIPv4Address",
+ 48: "samplerId",
+ 49: "samplerMode",
+ 50: "samplerRandomInterval",
+ 51: "classId",
+ 52: "minimumTTL",
+ 53: "maximumTTL",
+ 54: "fragmentIdentification",
+ 55: "postIpClassOfService",
+ 56: "sourceMacAddress",
+ 57: "postDestinationMacAddress",
+ 58: "vlanId",
+ 59: "postVlanId",
+ 60: "ipVersion",
+ 61: "flowDirection",
+ 62: "ipNextHopIPv6Address",
+ 63: "bgpNextHopIPv6Address",
+ 64: "ipv6ExtensionHeaders",
+ 70: "mplsTopLabelStackSection",
+ 71: "mplsLabelStackSection2",
+ 72: "mplsLabelStackSection3",
+ 73: "mplsLabelStackSection4",
+ 74: "mplsLabelStackSection5",
+ 75: "mplsLabelStackSection6",
+ 76: "mplsLabelStackSection7",
+ 77: "mplsLabelStackSection8",
+ 78: "mplsLabelStackSection9",
+ 79: "mplsLabelStackSection10",
+ 80: "destinationMacAddress",
+ 81: "postSourceMacAddress",
+ 82: "interfaceName",
+ 83: "interfaceDescription",
+ 84: "samplerName",
+ 85: "octetTotalCount",
+ 86: "packetTotalCount",
+ 87: "flagsAndSamplerId",
+ 88: "fragmentOffset",
+ 89: "forwardingStatus",
+ 90: "mplsVpnRouteDistinguisher",
+ 91: "mplsTopLabelPrefixLength",
+ 92: "srcTrafficIndex",
+ 93: "dstTrafficIndex",
+ 94: "applicationDescription",
+ 95: "applicationId",
+ 96: "applicationName",
+ 98: "postIpDiffServCodePoint",
+ 99: "multicastReplicationFactor",
+ 100: "className",
+ 101: "classificationEngineId",
+ 102: "layer2packetSectionOffset",
+ 103: "layer2packetSectionSize",
+ 104: "layer2packetSectionData",
+ 128: "bgpNextAdjacentAsNumber",
+ 129: "bgpPrevAdjacentAsNumber",
+ 130: "exporterIPv4Address",
+ 131: "exporterIPv6Address",
+ 132: "droppedOctetDeltaCount",
+ 133: "droppedPacketDeltaCount",
+ 134: "droppedOctetTotalCount",
+ 135: "droppedPacketTotalCount",
+ 136: "flowEndReason",
+ 137: "commonPropertiesId",
+ 138: "observationPointId",
+ 139: "icmpTypeCodeIPv6",
+ 140: "mplsTopLabelIPv6Address",
+ 141: "lineCardId",
+ 142: "portId",
+ 143: "meteringProcessId",
+ 144: "exportingProcessId",
+ 145: "templateId",
+ 146: "wlanChannelId",
+ 147: "wlanSSID",
+ 148: "flowId",
+ 149: "observationDomainId",
+ 150: "flowStartSeconds",
+ 151: "flowEndSeconds",
+ 152: "flowStartMilliseconds",
+ 153: "flowEndMilliseconds",
+ 154: "flowStartMicroseconds",
+ 155: "flowEndMicroseconds",
+ 156: "flowStartNanoseconds",
+ 157: "flowEndNanoseconds",
+ 158: "flowStartDeltaMicroseconds",
+ 159: "flowEndDeltaMicroseconds",
+ 160: "systemInitTimeMilliseconds",
+ 161: "flowDurationMilliseconds",
+ 162: "flowDurationMicroseconds",
+ 163: "observedFlowTotalCount",
+ 164: "ignoredPacketTotalCount",
+ 165: "ignoredOctetTotalCount",
+ 166: "notSentFlowTotalCount",
+ 167: "notSentPacketTotalCount",
+ 168: "notSentOctetTotalCount",
+ 169: "destinationIPv6Prefix",
+ 170: "sourceIPv6Prefix",
+ 171: "postOctetTotalCount",
+ 172: "postPacketTotalCount",
+ 173: "flowKeyIndicator",
+ 174: "postMCastPacketTotalCount",
+ 175: "postMCastOctetTotalCount",
+ 176: "icmpTypeIPv4",
+ 177: "icmpCodeIPv4",
+ 178: "icmpTypeIPv6",
+ 179: "icmpCodeIPv6",
+ 180: "udpSourcePort",
+ 181: "udpDestinationPort",
+ 182: "tcpSourcePort",
+ 183: "tcpDestinationPort",
+ 184: "tcpSequenceNumber",
+ 185: "tcpAcknowledgementNumber",
+ 186: "tcpWindowSize",
+ 187: "tcpUrgentPointer",
+ 188: "tcpHeaderLength",
+ 189: "ipHeaderLength",
+ 190: "totalLengthIPv4",
+ 191: "payloadLengthIPv6",
+ 192: "ipTTL",
+ 193: "nextHeaderIPv6",
+ 194: "mplsPayloadLength",
+ 195: "ipDiffServCodePoint",
+ 196: "ipPrecedence",
+ 197: "fragmentFlags",
+ 198: "octetDeltaSumOfSquares",
+ 199: "octetTotalSumOfSquares",
+ 200: "mplsTopLabelTTL",
+ 201: "mplsLabelStackLength",
+ 202: "mplsLabelStackDepth",
+ 203: "mplsTopLabelExp",
+ 204: "ipPayloadLength",
+ 205: "udpMessageLength",
+ 206: "isMulticast",
+ 207: "ipv4IHL",
+ 208: "ipv4Options",
+ 209: "tcpOptions",
+ 210: "paddingOctets",
+ 211: "collectorIPv4Address",
+ 212: "collectorIPv6Address",
+ 213: "exportInterface",
+ 214: "exportProtocolVersion",
+ 215: "exportTransportProtocol",
+ 216: "collectorTransportPort",
+ 217: "exporterTransportPort",
+ 218: "tcpSynTotalCount",
+ 219: "tcpFinTotalCount",
+ 220: "tcpRstTotalCount",
+ 221: "tcpPshTotalCount",
+ 222: "tcpAckTotalCount",
+ 223: "tcpUrgTotalCount",
+ 224: "ipTotalLength",
+ 225: "postNATSourceIPv4Address",
+ 226: "postNATDestinationIPv4Address",
+ 227: "postNAPTSourceTransportPort",
+ 228: "postNAPTDestinationTransportPort",
+ 229: "natOriginatingAddressRealm",
+ 230: "natEvent",
+ 231: "initiatorOctets",
+ 232: "responderOctets",
+ 233: "firewallEvent",
+ 234: "ingressVRFID",
+ 235: "egressVRFID",
+ 236: "VRFname",
+ 237: "postMplsTopLabelExp",
+ 238: "tcpWindowScale",
+ 239: "biflowDirection",
+ 240: "ethernetHeaderLength",
+ 241: "ethernetPayloadLength",
+ 242: "ethernetTotalLength",
+ 243: "dot1qVlanId",
+ 244: "dot1qPriority",
+ 245: "dot1qCustomerVlanId",
+ 246: "dot1qCustomerPriority",
+ 247: "metroEvcId",
+ 248: "metroEvcType",
+ 249: "pseudoWireId",
+ 250: "pseudoWireType",
+ 251: "pseudoWireControlWord",
+ 252: "ingressPhysicalInterface",
+ 253: "egressPhysicalInterface",
+ 254: "postDot1qVlanId",
+ 255: "postDot1qCustomerVlanId",
+ 256: "ethernetType",
+ 257: "postIpPrecedence",
+ 258: "collectionTimeMilliseconds",
+ 259: "exportSctpStreamId",
+ 260: "maxExportSeconds",
+ 261: "maxFlowEndSeconds",
+ 262: "messageMD5Checksum",
+ 263: "messageScope",
+ 264: "minExportSeconds",
+ 265: "minFlowStartSeconds",
+ 266: "opaqueOctets",
+ 267: "sessionScope",
+ 268: "maxFlowEndMicroseconds",
+ 269: "maxFlowEndMilliseconds",
+ 270: "maxFlowEndNanoseconds",
+ 271: "minFlowStartMicroseconds",
+ 272: "minFlowStartMilliseconds",
+ 273: "minFlowStartNanoseconds",
+ 274: "collectorCertificate",
+ 275: "exporterCertificate",
+ 276: "dataRecordsReliability",
+ 277: "observationPointType",
+ 278: "newConnectionDeltaCount",
+ 279: "connectionSumDurationSeconds",
+ 280: "connectionTransactionId",
+ 281: "postNATSourceIPv6Address",
+ 282: "postNATDestinationIPv6Address",
+ 283: "natPoolId",
+ 284: "natPoolName",
+ 285: "anonymizationFlags",
+ 286: "anonymizationTechnique",
+ 287: "informationElementIndex",
+ 288: "p2pTechnology",
+ 289: "tunnelTechnology",
+ 290: "encryptedTechnology",
+ 291: "basicList",
+ 292: "subTemplateList",
+ 293: "subTemplateMultiList",
+ 294: "bgpValidityState",
+ 295: "IPSecSPI",
+ 296: "greKey",
+ 297: "natType",
+ 298: "initiatorPackets",
+ 299: "responderPackets",
+ 300: "observationDomainName",
+ 301: "selectionSequenceId",
+ 302: "selectorId",
+ 303: "informationElementId",
+ 304: "selectorAlgorithm",
+ 305: "samplingPacketInterval",
+ 306: "samplingPacketSpace",
+ 307: "samplingTimeInterval",
+ 308: "samplingTimeSpace",
+ 309: "samplingSize",
+ 310: "samplingPopulation",
+ 311: "samplingProbability",
+ 312: "dataLinkFrameSize",
+ 313: "ipHeaderPacketSection",
+ 314: "ipPayloadPacketSection",
+ 315: "dataLinkFrameSection",
+ 316: "mplsLabelStackSection",
+ 317: "mplsPayloadPacketSection",
+ 318: "selectorIdTotalPktsObserved",
+ 319: "selectorIdTotalPktsSelected",
+ 320: "absoluteError",
+ 321: "relativeError",
+ 322: "observationTimeSeconds",
+ 323: "observationTimeMilliseconds",
+ 324: "observationTimeMicroseconds",
+ 325: "observationTimeNanoseconds",
+ 326: "digestHashValue",
+ 327: "hashIPPayloadOffset",
+ 328: "hashIPPayloadSize",
+ 329: "hashOutputRangeMin",
+ 330: "hashOutputRangeMax",
+ 331: "hashSelectedRangeMin",
+ 332: "hashSelectedRangeMax",
+ 333: "hashDigestOutput",
+ 334: "hashInitialiserValue",
+ 335: "selectorName",
+ 336: "upperCILimit",
+ 337: "lowerCILimit",
+ 338: "confidenceLevel",
+ 339: "informationElementDataType",
+ 340: "informationElementDescription",
+ 341: "informationElementName",
+ 342: "informationElementRangeBegin",
+ 343: "informationElementRangeEnd",
+ 344: "informationElementSemantics",
+ 345: "informationElementUnits",
+ 346: "privateEnterpriseNumber",
+ 347: "virtualStationInterfaceId",
+ 348: "virtualStationInterfaceName",
+ 349: "virtualStationUUID",
+ 350: "virtualStationName",
+ 351: "layer2SegmentId",
+ 352: "layer2OctetDeltaCount",
+ 353: "layer2OctetTotalCount",
+ 354: "ingressUnicastPacketTotalCount",
+ 355: "ingressMulticastPacketTotalCount",
+ 356: "ingressBroadcastPacketTotalCount",
+ 357: "egressUnicastPacketTotalCount",
+ 358: "egressBroadcastPacketTotalCount",
+ 359: "monitoringIntervalStartMilliSeconds",
+ 360: "monitoringIntervalEndMilliSeconds",
+ 361: "portRangeStart",
+ 362: "portRangeEnd",
+ 363: "portRangeStepSize",
+ 364: "portRangeNumPorts",
+ 365: "staMacAddress",
+ 366: "staIPv4Address",
+ 367: "wtpMacAddress",
+ 368: "ingressInterfaceType",
+ 369: "egressInterfaceType",
+ 370: "rtpSequenceNumber",
+ 371: "userName",
+ 372: "applicationCategoryName",
+ 373: "applicationSubCategoryName",
+ 374: "applicationGroupName",
+ 375: "originalFlowsPresent",
+ 376: "originalFlowsInitiated",
+ 377: "originalFlowsCompleted",
+ 378: "distinctCountOfSourceIPAddress",
+ 379: "distinctCountOfDestinationIPAddress",
+ 380: "distinctCountOfSourceIPv4Address",
+ 381: "distinctCountOfDestinationIPv4Address",
+ 382: "distinctCountOfSourceIPv6Address",
+ 383: "distinctCountOfDestinationIPv6Address",
+ 384: "valueDistributionMethod",
+ 385: "rfc3550JitterMilliseconds",
+ 386: "rfc3550JitterMicroseconds",
+ 387: "rfc3550JitterNanoseconds",
+ 388: "dot1qDEI",
+ 389: "dot1qCustomerDEI",
+ 390: "flowSelectorAlgorithm",
+ 391: "flowSelectedOctetDeltaCount",
+ 392: "flowSelectedPacketDeltaCount",
+ 393: "flowSelectedFlowDeltaCount",
+ 394: "selectorIDTotalFlowsObserved",
+ 395: "selectorIDTotalFlowsSelected",
+ 396: "samplingFlowInterval",
+ 397: "samplingFlowSpacing",
+ 398: "flowSamplingTimeInterval",
+ 399: "flowSamplingTimeSpacing",
+ 400: "hashFlowDomain",
+ 401: "transportOctetDeltaCount",
+ 402: "transportPacketDeltaCount",
+ 403: "originalExporterIPv4Address",
+ 404: "originalExporterIPv6Address",
+ 405: "originalObservationDomainId",
+ 406: "intermediateProcessId",
+ 407: "ignoredDataRecordTotalCount",
+ 408: "dataLinkFrameType",
+ 409: "sectionOffset",
+ 410: "sectionExportedOctets",
+ 411: "dot1qServiceInstanceTag",
+ 412: "dot1qServiceInstanceId",
+ 413: "dot1qServiceInstancePriority",
+ 414: "dot1qCustomerSourceMacAddress",
+ 415: "dot1qCustomerDestinationMacAddress",
+ 417: "postLayer2OctetDeltaCount",
+ 418: "postMCastLayer2OctetDeltaCount",
+ 420: "postLayer2OctetTotalCount",
+ 421: "postMCastLayer2OctetTotalCount",
+ 422: "minimumLayer2TotalLength",
+ 423: "maximumLayer2TotalLength",
+ 424: "droppedLayer2OctetDeltaCount",
+ 425: "droppedLayer2OctetTotalCount",
+ 426: "ignoredLayer2OctetTotalCount",
+ 427: "notSentLayer2OctetTotalCount",
+ 428: "layer2OctetDeltaSumOfSquares",
+ 429: "layer2OctetTotalSumOfSquares",
+ 430: "layer2FrameDeltaCount",
+ 431: "layer2FrameTotalCount",
+ 432: "pseudoWireDestinationIPv4Address",
+ 433: "ignoredLayer2FrameTotalCount",
+ 434: "mibObjectValueInteger",
+ 435: "mibObjectValueOctetString",
+ 436: "mibObjectValueOID",
+ 437: "mibObjectValueBits",
+ 438: "mibObjectValueIPAddress",
+ 439: "mibObjectValueCounter",
+ 440: "mibObjectValueGauge",
+ 441: "mibObjectValueTimeTicks",
+ 442: "mibObjectValueUnsigned",
+ 443: "mibObjectValueTable",
+ 444: "mibObjectValueRow",
+ 445: "mibObjectIdentifier",
+ 446: "mibSubIdentifier",
+ 447: "mibIndexIndicator",
+ 448: "mibCaptureTimeSemantics",
+ 449: "mibContextEngineID",
+ 450: "mibContextName",
+ 451: "mibObjectName",
+ 452: "mibObjectDescription",
+ 453: "mibObjectSyntax",
+ 454: "mibModuleName",
+ 455: "mobileIMSI",
+ 456: "mobileMSISDN",
+ 457: "httpStatusCode",
+ 458: "sourceTransportPortsLimit",
+ 459: "httpRequestMethod",
+ 460: "httpRequestHost",
+ 461: "httpRequestTarget",
+ 462: "httpMessageVersion"
+class IPFIX(Packet):
+ name = "IPFIX"
+ fields_desc = [ShortField("version", 10),
+ ShortField("length", None),
+ IntField("exportTime", None),
+ IntField("sequenceNumber", 1),
+ IntField("observationDomainID", 1)]
+class FieldSpecifier(Packet):
+ name = "Field Specifier"
+ fields_desc = [ShortEnumField(
+ "informationElement", None, information_elements),
+ ShortField("fieldLength", None)]
+ def extract_padding(self, s):
+ return "", s
+class Template(Packet):
+ name = "Template"
+ fields_desc = [ShortField("templateID", 256),
+ FieldLenField("fieldCount", None, count_of="fields"),
+ PacketListField("templateFields", [], FieldSpecifier,
+ count_from=lambda p: p.fieldCount)]
+class Data(Packet):
+ name = "Data"
+ fields_desc = [
+ StrLenField("data", "", length_from=lambda p: p.underlayer.length - 4)]
+ def extract_padding(self, s):
+ return "", s
+class Set(Packet):
+ name = "Set"
+ fields_desc = [ShortField("setID", 256),
+ ShortField("length", None)]
+ def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
+ if self.setID == 2:
+ return Template
+ elif self.setID > 255:
+ return Data
+ else:
+ return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
+bind_layers(IPFIX, Set)
+bind_layers(UDP, IPFIX, dport=4739)
+class IPFIXDecoder(object):
+ """ IPFIX data set decoder """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._templates = []
+ def add_template(self, template):
+ """
+ Add IPFIX tempalte
+ :param template: IPFIX template
+ """
+ templateID = template.templateID
+ fields = []
+ rec_len = 0
+ for field in template.templateFields:
+ fields.append(
+ {'name': field.informationElement, 'len': field.fieldLength})
+ rec_len += field.fieldLength
+ self._templates.append(
+ {'id': templateID, 'fields': fields, 'rec_len': rec_len})
+ def decode_data_set(self, data_set):
+ """
+ Decode IPFIX data
+ :param data_set: IPFIX data set
+ :returns: List of decoded data records.
+ """
+ data = []
+ for template in self._templates:
+ if template['id'] == data_set.setID:
+ offset = 0
+ d = data_set[Data].data
+ for i in range(len(d) / template['rec_len']):
+ record = {}
+ for field in template['fields']:
+ f = d[offset:offset + field['len']]
+ offset += field['len']
+ record.update({field['name']: f})
+ data.append(record)
+ break
+ return data
diff --git a/test/test_snat.py b/test/test_snat.py
index 653496e2880..1abb3daaa40 100644
--- a/test/test_snat.py
+++ b/test/test_snat.py
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
import socket
import unittest
+import struct
from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
from scapy.layers.inet import IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP
from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
+from scapy.data import IP_PROTOS
from util import ppp
+from ipfix import IPFIX, Set, Template, Data, IPFIXDecoder
class TestSNAT(VppTestCase):
@@ -176,6 +178,62 @@ class TestSNAT(VppTestCase):
"(inside network):", packet))
+ def verify_ipfix_nat44_ses(self, data):
+ """
+ Verify IPFIX NAT44 session create/delete event
+ :param data: Decoded IPFIX data records
+ """
+ nat44_ses_create_num = 0
+ nat44_ses_delete_num = 0
+ self.assertEqual(6, len(data))
+ for record in data:
+ # natEvent
+ self.assertIn(ord(record[230]), [4, 5])
+ if ord(record[230]) == 4:
+ nat44_ses_create_num += 1
+ else:
+ nat44_ses_delete_num += 1
+ # sourceIPv4Address
+ self.assertEqual(self.pg0.remote_ip4n, record[8])
+ # postNATSourceIPv4Address
+ self.assertEqual(socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, self.snat_addr),
+ record[225])
+ # ingressVRFID
+ self.assertEqual(struct.pack("!I", 0), record[234])
+ # protocolIdentifier/sourceTransportPort/postNAPTSourceTransportPort
+ if IP_PROTOS.icmp == ord(record[4]):
+ self.assertEqual(struct.pack("!H", self.icmp_id_in), record[7])
+ self.assertEqual(struct.pack("!H", self.icmp_id_out),
+ record[227])
+ elif IP_PROTOS.tcp == ord(record[4]):
+ self.assertEqual(struct.pack("!H", self.tcp_port_in),
+ record[7])
+ self.assertEqual(struct.pack("!H", self.tcp_port_out),
+ record[227])
+ elif IP_PROTOS.udp == ord(record[4]):
+ self.assertEqual(struct.pack("!H", self.udp_port_in),
+ record[7])
+ self.assertEqual(struct.pack("!H", self.udp_port_out),
+ record[227])
+ else:
+ self.fail("Invalid protocol")
+ self.assertEqual(3, nat44_ses_create_num)
+ self.assertEqual(3, nat44_ses_delete_num)
+ def verify_ipfix_addr_exhausted(self, data):
+ """
+ Verify IPFIX NAT addresses event
+ :param data: Decoded IPFIX data records
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(data))
+ record = data[0]
+ # natEvent
+ self.assertEqual(ord(record[230]), 3)
+ # natPoolID
+ self.assertEqual(struct.pack("!I", 0), record[283])
def clear_snat(self):
Clear SNAT configuration.
@@ -184,6 +242,8 @@ class TestSNAT(VppTestCase):
for intf in interfaces:
self.vapi.snat_add_interface_addr(intf.sw_if_index, is_add=0)
+ self.vapi.snat_ipfix(enable=0)
interfaces = self.vapi.snat_interface_dump()
for intf in interfaces:
@@ -647,11 +707,77 @@ class TestSNAT(VppTestCase):
adresses = self.vapi.snat_address_dump()
self.assertEqual(0, len(adresses))
+ def test_ipfix_nat44_sess(self):
+ """ S-NAT IPFIX logging NAT44 session created/delted """
+ self.snat_add_address(self.snat_addr)
+ self.vapi.snat_interface_add_del_feature(self.pg0.sw_if_index)
+ self.vapi.snat_interface_add_del_feature(self.pg1.sw_if_index,
+ is_inside=0)
+ self.vapi.set_ipfix_exporter(collector_address=self.pg3.remote_ip4n,
+ src_address=self.pg3.local_ip4n,
+ path_mtu=512,
+ template_interval=10)
+ self.vapi.snat_ipfix()
+ pkts = self.create_stream_in(self.pg0, self.pg1)
+ self.pg0.add_stream(pkts)
+ self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces)
+ self.pg_start()
+ capture = self.pg1.get_capture(len(pkts))
+ self.verify_capture_out(capture)
+ self.snat_add_address(self.snat_addr, is_add=0)
+ self.vapi.cli("ipfix flush") # FIXME this should be an API call
+ capture = self.pg3.get_capture(3)
+ ipfix = IPFIXDecoder()
+ # first load template
+ for p in capture:
+ self.assertTrue(p.haslayer(IPFIX))
+ if p.haslayer(Template):
+ ipfix.add_template(p.getlayer(Template))
+ # verify events in data set
+ for p in capture:
+ if p.haslayer(Data):
+ data = ipfix.decode_data_set(p.getlayer(Set))
+ self.verify_ipfix_nat44_ses(data)
+ def test_ipfix_addr_exhausted(self):
+ """ S-NAT IPFIX logging NAT addresses exhausted """
+ self.vapi.snat_interface_add_del_feature(self.pg0.sw_if_index)
+ self.vapi.snat_interface_add_del_feature(self.pg1.sw_if_index,
+ is_inside=0)
+ self.vapi.set_ipfix_exporter(collector_address=self.pg3.remote_ip4n,
+ src_address=self.pg3.local_ip4n,
+ path_mtu=512,
+ template_interval=10)
+ self.vapi.snat_ipfix()
+ p = (Ether(src=self.pg0.remote_mac, dst=self.pg0.local_mac) /
+ IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst=self.pg1.remote_ip4) /
+ TCP(sport=3025))
+ self.pg0.add_stream(p)
+ self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces)
+ self.pg_start()
+ capture = self.pg1.get_capture(0)
+ self.vapi.cli("ipfix flush") # FIXME this should be an API call
+ capture = self.pg3.get_capture(3)
+ ipfix = IPFIXDecoder()
+ # first load template
+ for p in capture:
+ self.assertTrue(p.haslayer(IPFIX))
+ if p.haslayer(Template):
+ ipfix.add_template(p.getlayer(Template))
+ # verify events in data set
+ for p in capture:
+ if p.haslayer(Data):
+ data = ipfix.decode_data_set(p.getlayer(Set))
+ self.verify_ipfix_addr_exhausted(data)
def tearDown(self):
super(TestSNAT, self).tearDown()
if not self.vpp_dead:
self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show snat verbose"))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/test/vpp_papi_provider.py b/test/vpp_papi_provider.py
index 73d3b564001..96f3ddc5dae 100644
--- a/test/vpp_papi_provider.py
+++ b/test/vpp_papi_provider.py
@@ -934,6 +934,23 @@ class VppPapiProvider(object):
return self.api(self.papi.snat_interface_addr_dump, {})
+ def snat_ipfix(
+ self,
+ domain_id=1,
+ src_port=4739,
+ enable=1):
+ """Enable/disable S-NAT IPFIX logging
+ :param domain_id: Observation domain ID (Default value = 1)
+ :param src_port: Source port number (Default value = 4739)
+ :param enable: 1 if enable, 0 if disable (Default value = 1)
+ """
+ return self.api(
+ self.papi.snat_ipfix_enable_disable,
+ {'domain_id': domain_id,
+ 'src_port': src_port,
+ 'enable': enable})
def control_ping(self):