path: root/docs/_scripts/siphon/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2023-08-16tests docs: update python3 venv packagesDave Wallace1-1/+0
- Package update performed by 1. updating pip, pip-tools, setuptools 2. 'make test-refresh-deps' on ubuntu 22.04 3. fixing 'make test' and 'make docs' issues on ubuntu 22.04 4. 'make test-refresh-deps' on ubuntu 20.04 - Add dependency for 'make test-refresh-deps' to insure python venv is set up. - Update of python formatter, black, caused reformating of 41 python code files. Type: make Change-Id: I7cafdf4b5189065ac57cb6b254937f6e0897a924 Signed-off-by: Dave Wallace <>
2021-10-13docs: better docs, mv doxygen to sphinxNathan Skrzypczak1-0/+31
This patch refactors the VPP sphinx docs in order to make it easier to consume for external readers as well as VPP developers. It also makes sphinx the single source of documentation, which simplifies maintenance and operation. Most important updates are: - reformat the existing documentation as rst - split and move it into separate rst files - remove section 'events' - remove section 'archive' - remove section 'related projects' - remove section 'feature by release' - remove section 'Various links' - make (Configuration reference, CLI docs, developer docs) top level items in the list - move 'Use Cases' as part of 'About VPP' - move 'Troubleshooting' as part of 'Getting Started' - move test framework docs into 'Developer Documentation' - add a 'Contributing' section for gerrit, docs and other contributer related infos - deprecate doxygen and test-docs targets - redirect the "make doxygen" target to "make docs" Type: refactor Change-Id: I552a5645d5b7964d547f99b1336e2ac24e7c209f Signed-off-by: Nathan Skrzypczak <> Signed-off-by: Andrew Yourtchenko <>