path: root/doxygen/layout.xml
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-05-13VPP-57 Add Doxygen to VPPChris Luke1-0/+194
href='#n45'>45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
 * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#ifndef included_vnet_api_errno_h
#define included_vnet_api_errno_h

#define foreach_vnet_api_error						\
_(UNSPECIFIED, -1, "Unspecified Error")                                 \
_(INVALID_SW_IF_INDEX, -2, "Invalid sw_if_index")                       \
_(NO_SUCH_FIB, -3, "No such FIB / VRF")                                 \
_(NO_SUCH_INNER_FIB, -4, "No such inner FIB / VRF")                     \
_(NO_SUCH_LABEL, -5, "No such label")                                   \
_(NO_SUCH_ENTRY, -6, "No such entry")                                   \
_(INVALID_VALUE, -7, "Invalid value")                                   \
_(INVALID_VALUE_2, -8, "Invalid value #2")                              \
_(UNIMPLEMENTED, -9, "Unimplemented")                                   \
_(INVALID_SW_IF_INDEX_2, -10, "Invalid sw_if_index #2")                 \
_(SYSCALL_ERROR_1, -11, "System call error #1")                         \
_(SYSCALL_ERROR_2, -12, "System call error #2")                         \
_(SYSCALL_ERROR_3, -13, "System call error #3")                         \
_(SYSCALL_ERROR_4, -14, "System call error #4")                         \
_(SYSCALL_ERROR_5, -15, "System call error #5")                         \
_(SYSCALL_ERROR_6, -16, "System call error #6")                         \
_(SYSCALL_ERROR_7, -17, "System call error #7")                         \
_(SYSCALL_ERROR_8, -18, "System call error #8")                         \
_(SYSCALL_ERROR_9, -19, "System call error #9")                         \
_(SYSCALL_ERROR_10, -20, "System call error #10")                       \
_(FEATURE_DISABLED, -30, "Feature disabled by configuration")           \
_(INVALID_REGISTRATION, -31, "Invalid registration")                    \
_(NEXT_HOP_NOT_IN_FIB, -50, "Next hop not in FIB")                      \
_(UNKNOWN_DESTINATION, -51, "Unknown destination")                      \
_(PREFIX_MATCHES_NEXT_HOP, -52, "Prefix matches next hop")              \
_(NEXT_HOP_NOT_FOUND_MP, -53, "Next hop not found (multipath)")         \
_(NO_MATCHING_INTERFACE, -54, "No matching interface for probe")        \
_(INVALID_VLAN, -55, "Invalid VLAN")                                    \
_(VLAN_ALREADY_EXISTS, -56, "VLAN subif already exists")                \
_(INVALID_SRC_ADDRESS, -57, "Invalid src address")                      \
_(INVALID_DST_ADDRESS, -58, "Invalid dst address")                      \
_(ADDRESS_LENGTH_MISMATCH, -59, "Address length mismatch")              \
_(ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND_FOR_INTERFACE, -60, "Address not found for interface") \
_(ADDRESS_NOT_LINK_LOCAL, -61, "Address not link-local")                \
_(IP6_NOT_ENABLED, -62, "ip6 not enabled")				\
_(IN_PROGRESS, 10, "Operation in progress")				\
_(NO_SUCH_NODE, -63, "No such graph node")				\
_(NO_SUCH_NODE2, -64, "No such graph node #2")				\
_(NO_SUCH_TABLE, -65, "No such table")                                  \
_(NO_SUCH_TABLE2, -66, "No such table #2")                              \
_(NO_SUCH_TABLE3, -67, "No such table #3")                              \
_(SUBIF_ALREADY_EXISTS, -68, "Subinterface already exists")             \
_(SUBIF_CREATE_FAILED, -69, "Subinterface creation failed")		\
_(INVALID_MEMORY_SIZE, -70, "Invalid memory size requested")            \
_(INVALID_INTERFACE, -71, "Invalid interface")                          \
_(INVALID_VLAN_TAG_COUNT, -72, "Invalid number of tags for requested operation") \
_(INVALID_ARGUMENT, -73, "Invalid argument")                            \
_(UNEXPECTED_INTF_STATE, -74, "Unexpected interface state")             \
_(TUNNEL_EXIST, -75, "Tunnel already exists")                           \
_(INVALID_DECAP_NEXT, -76, "Invalid decap-next")			\
_(RESPONSE_NOT_READY, -77, "Response not ready")			\
_(NOT_CONNECTED, -78, "Not connected to the data plane")                \
_(IF_ALREADY_EXISTS, -79, "Interface already exists")                   \
_(BOND_SLAVE_NOT_ALLOWED, -80, "Operation not allowed on slave of BondEthernet") \
_(VALUE_EXIST, -81, "Value already exists")                             \
_(SAME_SRC_DST, -82, "Source and destination are the same")             \
_(IP6_MULTICAST_ADDRESS_NOT_PRESENT, -83, "IP6 multicast address required") \
_(SR_POLICY_NAME_NOT_PRESENT, -84, "Segement routing policy name required") \
_(NOT_RUNNING_AS_ROOT, -85, "Not running as root") \
_(ALREADY_CONNECTED, -86, "Connection to the data plane already exists") \
_(UNSUPPORTED_JNI_VERSION, -87, "Unsupported JNI version") \
_(FAILED_TO_ATTACH_TO_JAVA_THREAD, -88, "Failed to attach to Java thread") \
_(INVALID_WORKER, -89, "Invalid worker thread")                         \
_(LISP_DISABLED, -90, "LISP is disabled")                               \
_(CLASSIFY_TABLE_NOT_FOUND, -91, "Classify table not found")            \
_(INVALID_EID_TYPE, -92, "Unsupported LSIP EID type")                   \
_(CANNOT_CREATE_PCAP_FILE, -93, "Cannot create pcap file")              \
_(INCORRECT_ADJACENCY_TYPE, -94, "Invalid adjacency type for this operation") \
_(EXCEEDED_NUMBER_OF_RANGES_CAPACITY, -95, "Operation would exceed configured capacity of ranges") \
_(EXCEEDED_NUMBER_OF_PORTS_CAPACITY, -96, "Operation would exceed capacity of number of ports") \
_(INVALID_ADDRESS_FAMILY, -97, "Invalid address family")                \
_(INVALID_SUB_SW_IF_INDEX, -98, "Invalid sub-interface sw_if_index")    \
_(TABLE_TOO_BIG, -99, "Table too big")                                  \
_(CANNOT_ENABLE_DISABLE_FEATURE, -100, "Cannot enable/disable feature") \
_(BFD_EEXIST, -101, "Duplicate BFD object")                             \
_(BFD_ENOENT, -102, "No such BFD object")                               \
_(BFD_EINUSE, -103, "BFD object in use")                                \
_(BFD_NOTSUPP, -104, "BFD feature not supported")                       \
_(ADDRESS_IN_USE, -105, "Address in use")				\
_(ADDRESS_NOT_IN_USE, -106, "Address not in use")			\
_(QUEUE_FULL, -107, "Queue full")                                       \
_(UNKNOWN_URI_TYPE, -108, "Unknown URI type")				\
_(URI_FIFO_CREATE_FAILED, -109, "URI FIFO segment create failed")       \
_(LISP_RLOC_LOCAL, -110, "RLOC address is local")                       \
_(BFD_EAGAIN, -111, "BFD object cannot be manipulated at this time")	\
_(INVALID_GPE_MODE, -112, "Invalid GPE mode")                           \
_(LISP_GPE_ENTRIES_PRESENT, -113, "LISP GPE entries are present")       \
_(ADDRESS_FOUND_FOR_INTERFACE, -114, "Address found for interface")	\
_(SESSION_CONNECT_FAIL, -115, "Session failed to connect")              \
_(ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS, -116, "Entry already exists")			\
_(SVM_SEGMENT_CREATE_FAIL, -117, "svm segment create fail")		\
_(APPLICATION_NOT_ATTACHED, -118, "application not attached")           \
_(BD_ALREADY_EXISTS, -119, "Bridge domain already exists")              \
_(BD_IN_USE, -120, "Bridge domain has member interfaces")		\
_(BD_NOT_MODIFIABLE, -121, "Bridge domain 0 can't be deleted/modified") \
_(BD_ID_EXCEED_MAX, -122, "Bridge domain ID exceed 16M limit")		\
_(UNSUPPORTED, -123, "Unsupported")

typedef enum
#define _(a,b,c) VNET_API_ERROR_##a = (b),
#undef _
} vnet_api_error_t;

#endif /* included_vnet_api_errno_h */

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