path: root/dpdk/dpdk-16.07_patches
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-09-12DPDK virtio patch: Enable indirect descriptor featuresPierre Pfister1-0/+34
2016-08-25VPP-345: pull in upstream checksum patch for ICMP packetsSean Chandler1-0/+18
2016-08-12VPP: NXP dpaa2 platform porting to dpdk-16.07Sachin1-0/+40106
2016-08-11Rename DPDK-16.07 patch file from 0007... to 0008... to avoid conflictJohn Lo1-0/+0
2016-08-10DPDK: Fix a crash in igb_uio driver when the device is removed.Ray Kinsella1-0/+38
2016-08-10Temporarily disable unthrottled log message from DPDK 16.07John Lo1-0/+26
2016-08-09dpdk: allow applications to override rte delayRay1-0/+43
2016-08-09DPDK: adding patch to init ptype in vmxnet3, e1000 and virtio PMDsRay1-0/+70
2016-08-08DPDK: adding patch to revert ptype change to ixgbe vpmdRay1-0/+133
2016-08-04ENIC driver patch for PKT_RX_VLAN_PKT packet flag backward compatibilityJohn Lo1-0/+42
2016-08-03VPP-180 Clean up multi-socket / multi-chunk mempool discoveryDave Barach2-0/+1321
n249'>249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502
import os
import time
import socket
import struct
from traceback import format_exc, format_stack

import scapy.compat
from scapy.utils import wrpcap, rdpcap, PcapReader
from scapy.plist import PacketList
from vpp_interface import VppInterface

from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, ARP
from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6, ICMPv6ND_NS, ICMPv6ND_NA,\
    ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr, ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr, ICMPv6ND_RA, RouterAlert, \
from util import ppp, ppc
from scapy.utils6 import in6_getnsma, in6_getnsmac, in6_ismaddr
from scapy.utils import inet_pton, inet_ntop

class CaptureTimeoutError(Exception):
    """ Exception raised if capture or packet doesn't appear within timeout """

def is_ipv6_misc(p):
    """ Is packet one of uninteresting IPv6 broadcasts? """
    if p.haslayer(ICMPv6ND_RA):
        if in6_ismaddr(p[IPv6].dst):
            return True
    if p.haslayer(IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop):
        for o in p[IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop].options:
            if isinstance(o, RouterAlert):
                return True
    return False

class VppPGInterface(VppInterface):
    VPP packet-generator interface

    def pg_index(self):
        """packet-generator interface index assigned by VPP"""
        return self._pg_index

    def gso_enabled(self):
        """gso enabled on packet-generator interface"""
        if self._gso_enabled == 0:
            return "gso-disabled"
        return "gso-enabled"

    def gso_size(self):
        """gso size on packet-generator interface"""
        return self._gso_size

    def out_path(self):
        """pcap file path - captured packets"""
        return self._out_path

    def in_path(self):
        """ pcap file path - injected packets"""
        return self._in_path

    def capture_cli(self):
        """CLI string to start capture on this interface"""
        return self._capture_cli

    def cap_name(self):
        """capture name for this interface"""
        return self._cap_name

    def input_cli(self):
        """CLI string to load the injected packets"""
        if self._nb_replays is not None:
            return "%s limit %d" % (self._input_cli, self._nb_replays)
        if self._worker is not None:
            return "%s worker %d" % (self._input_cli, self._worker)
        return self._input_cli

    def in_history_counter(self):
        """Self-incrementing counter used when renaming old pcap files"""
        v = self._in_history_counter
        self._in_history_counter += 1
        return v

    def out_history_counter(self):
        """Self-incrementing counter used when renaming old pcap files"""
        v = self._out_history_counter
        self._out_history_counter += 1
        return v

    def __init__(self, test, pg_index, gso, gso_size):
        """ Create VPP packet-generator interface """
        super(VppPGInterface, self).__init__(test)

        r = test.vapi.pg_create_interface(pg_index, gso, gso_size)

        self._in_history_counter = 0
        self._out_history_counter = 0
        self._out_assert_counter = 0
        self._pg_index = pg_index
        self._gso_enabled = gso
        self._gso_size = gso_size
        self._out_file = "pg%u_out.pcap" % self.pg_index
        self._out_path = self.test.tempdir + "/" + self._out_file
        self._in_file = "pg%u_in.pcap" % self.pg_index
        self._in_path = self.test.tempdir + "/" + self._in_file
        self._capture_cli = "packet-generator capture pg%u pcap %s" % (
            self.pg_index, self.out_path)
        self._cap_name = "pcap%u-sw_if_index-%s" % (
            self.pg_index, self.sw_if_index)
        self._input_cli = \
            "packet-generator new pcap %s source pg%u name %s" % (
                self.in_path, self.pg_index, self.cap_name)
        self._nb_replays = None

    def _rename_previous_capture_file(self, path, counter, file):
        # if a file from a previous capture exists, rename it.
            if os.path.isfile(path):
                name = "%s/history.[timestamp:%f].[%s-counter:%04d].%s" % \
                self.test.logger.debug("Renaming %s->%s" %
                                       (path, name))
                os.rename(path, name)
        except OSError:
            self.test.logger.debug("OSError: Could not rename %s %s" %
                                   (path, file))

    def enable_capture(self):
        """ Enable capture on this packet-generator interface
            of at most n packets.
            If n < 0, this is no limit
        # disable the capture to flush the capture
        # FIXME this should be an API, but no such exists atm
        self._pcap_reader = None

    def disable_capture(self):
        self.test.vapi.cli("%s disable" % self.capture_cli)

    def add_stream(self, pkts, nb_replays=None, worker=None):
        Add a stream of packets to this packet-generator

        :param pkts: iterable packets

        self._worker = worker
        self._nb_replays = nb_replays
        wrpcap(self.in_path, pkts)
        # FIXME this should be an API, but no such exists atm

    def generate_debug_aid(self, kind):
        """ Create a hardlink to the out file with a counter and a file
        containing stack trace to ease debugging in case of multiple capture
        files present. """
        self.test.logger.debug("Generating debug aid for %s on %s" %
                               (kind, self._name))
        link_path, stack_path = ["%s/debug_%s_%s_%s.%s" %
                                 (self.test.tempdir, self._name,
                                  self._out_assert_counter, kind, suffix)
                                 for suffix in ["pcap", "stack"]
        os.link(self.out_path, link_path)
        with open(stack_path, "w") as f:
        self._out_assert_counter += 1

    def _get_capture(self, timeout, filter_out_fn=is_ipv6_misc):
        """ Helper method to get capture and filter it """
            if not self.wait_for_capture_file(timeout):
                return None
            output = rdpcap(self.out_path)
            self.test.logger.debug("Capture has %s packets" % len(output.res))
            self.test.logger.debug("Exception in scapy.rdpcap (%s): %s" %
                                   (self.out_path, format_exc()))
            return None
        before = len(output.res)
        if filter_out_fn:
            output.res = [p for p in output.res if not filter_out_fn(p)]
        removed = before - len(output.res)
        if removed:
                "Filtered out %s packets from capture (returning %s)" %
                (removed, len(output.res)))
        return output

    def get_capture(self, expected_count=None, remark=None, timeout=1,
        """ Get captured packets

        :param expected_count: expected number of packets to capture, if None,
                               then self.test.packet_count_for_dst_pg_idx is
                               used to lookup the expected count
        :param remark: remark printed into debug logs
        :param timeout: how long to wait for packets
        :param filter_out_fn: filter applied to each packet, packets for which
                              the filter returns True are removed from capture
        :returns: iterable packets
        remaining_time = timeout
        capture = None
        name = self.name if remark is None else "%s (%s)" % (self.name, remark)
        based_on = "based on provided argument"
        if expected_count is None:
            expected_count = \
            based_on = "based on stored packet_infos"
            if expected_count == 0:
                raise Exception(
                    "Internal error, expected packet count for %s is 0!" %
        self.test.logger.debug("Expecting to capture %s (%s) packets on %s" % (
            expected_count, based_on, name))
        while remaining_time > 0:
            before = time.time()
            capture = self._get_capture(remaining_time, filter_out_fn)
            elapsed_time = time.time() - before
            if capture:
                if len(capture.res) == expected_count:
                    # bingo, got the packets we expected
                    return capture
                elif len(capture.res) > expected_count:
                        ppc("Unexpected packets captured:", capture))
                    self.test.logger.debug("Partial capture containing %s "
                                           "packets doesn't match expected "
                                           "count %s (yet?)" %
                                           (len(capture.res), expected_count))
            elif expected_count == 0:
                # bingo, got None as we expected - return empty capture
                return PacketList()
            remaining_time -= elapsed_time
        if capture:
            raise Exception("Captured packets mismatch, captured %s packets, "
                            "expected %s packets on %s" %
                            (len(capture.res), expected_count, name))
            raise Exception("No packets captured on %s" % name)

    def assert_nothing_captured(self, remark=None, filter_out_fn=is_ipv6_misc):
        """ Assert that nothing unfiltered was captured on interface

        :param remark: remark printed into debug logs
        :param filter_out_fn: filter applied to each packet, packets for which
                              the filter returns True are removed from capture
        if os.path.isfile(self.out_path):
                capture = self.get_capture(
                    0, remark=remark, filter_out_fn=filter_out_fn)
                if not capture or len(capture.res) == 0:
                    # junk filtered out, we're good
            if remark:
                raise AssertionError(
                    "Non-empty capture file present for interface %s (%s)" %
                    (self.name, remark))
                raise AssertionError("Capture file present for interface %s" %

    def wait_for_capture_file(self, timeout=1):
        Wait until pcap capture file appears

        :param timeout: How long to wait for the packet (default 1s)

        :returns: True/False if the file is present or appears within timeout
        deadline = time.time() + timeout
        if not os.path.isfile(self.out_path):
            self.test.logger.debug("Waiting for capture file %s to appear, "
                                   "timeout is %ss" % (self.out_path, timeout))
            self.test.logger.debug("Capture file %s already exists" %
            return True
        while time.time() < deadline:
            if os.path.isfile(self.out_path):
            self._test.sleep(0)  # yield
        if os.path.isfile(self.out_path):
            self.test.logger.debug("Capture file appeared after %fs" %
                                   (time.time() - (deadline - timeout)))
            self.test.logger.debug("Timeout - capture file still nowhere")
            return False
        return True

    def verify_enough_packet_data_in_pcap(self):
        Check if enough data is available in file handled by internal pcap
        reader so that a whole packet can be read.

        :returns: True if enough data present, else False
        orig_pos = self._pcap_reader.f.tell()  # save file position
        enough_data = False
        # read packet header from pcap
        packet_header_size = 16
        caplen = None
        end_pos = None
        hdr = self._pcap_reader.f.read(packet_header_size)
        if len(hdr) == packet_header_size:
            # parse the capture length - caplen
            sec, usec, caplen, wirelen = struct.unpack(
                self._pcap_reader.endian + "IIII", hdr)
            self._pcap_reader.f.seek(0, 2)  # seek to end of file
            end_pos = self._pcap_reader.f.tell()  # get position at end
            if end_pos >= orig_pos + len(hdr) + caplen:
                enough_data = True  # yay, we have enough data
        self._pcap_reader.f.seek(orig_pos, 0)  # restore original position
        return enough_data

    def wait_for_packet(self, timeout, filter_out_fn=is_ipv6_misc):
        Wait for next packet captured with a timeout

        :param timeout: How long to wait for the packet

        :returns: Captured packet if no packet arrived within timeout
        :raises Exception: if no packet arrives within timeout
        deadline = time.time() + timeout
        if self._pcap_reader is None:
            if not self.wait_for_capture_file(timeout):
                raise CaptureTimeoutError("Capture file %s did not appear "
                                          "within timeout" % self.out_path)
            while time.time() < deadline:
                    self._pcap_reader = PcapReader(self.out_path)
                        "Exception in scapy.PcapReader(%s): %s" %
                        (self.out_path, format_exc()))
        if not self._pcap_reader:
            raise CaptureTimeoutError("Capture file %s did not appear within "
                                      "timeout" % self.out_path)

        poll = False
        if timeout > 0:
            self.test.logger.debug("Waiting for packet")
            poll = True
            self.test.logger.debug("Polling for packet")
        while time.time() < deadline or poll:
            if not self.verify_enough_packet_data_in_pcap():
                self._test.sleep(0)  # yield
                poll = False
            p = self._pcap_reader.recv()
            if p is not None:
                if filter_out_fn is not None and filter_out_fn(p):
                        "Packet received after %ss was filtered out" %
                        (time.time() - (deadline - timeout)))
                        "Packet received after %fs" %
                        (time.time() - (deadline - timeout)))
                    return p
            self._test.sleep(0)  # yield
            poll = False
        self.test.logger.debug("Timeout - no packets received")
        raise CaptureTimeoutError("Packet didn't arrive within timeout")

    def create_arp_req(self):
        """Create ARP request applicable for this interface"""
        return (Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", src=self.remote_mac) /
                ARP(op=ARP.who_has, pdst=self.local_ip4,
                    psrc=self.remote_ip4, hwsrc=self.remote_mac))

    def create_ndp_req(self):
        """Create NDP - NS applicable for this interface"""
        nsma = in6_getnsma(inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.local_ip6))
        d = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, nsma)

        return (Ether(dst=in6_getnsmac(nsma)) /
                IPv6(dst=d, src=self.remote_ip6) /
                ICMPv6ND_NS(tgt=self.local_ip6) /

    def resolve_arp(self, pg_interface=None):
        """Resolve ARP using provided packet-generator interface

        :param pg_interface: interface used to resolve, if None then this
            interface is used

        if pg_interface is None:
            pg_interface = self
        self.test.logger.info("Sending ARP request for %s on port %s" %
                              (self.local_ip4, pg_interface.name))
        arp_req = self.create_arp_req()
        self.test.logger.info(self.test.vapi.cli("show trace"))
            captured_packet = pg_interface.wait_for_packet(1)
            self.test.logger.info("No ARP received on port %s" %
        arp_reply = captured_packet.copy()  # keep original for exception
            if arp_reply[ARP].op == ARP.is_at:
                self.test.logger.info("VPP %s MAC address is %s " %
                                      (self.name, arp_reply[ARP].hwsrc))
                self._local_mac = arp_reply[ARP].hwsrc
                self.test.logger.info("No ARP received on port %s" %
                ppp("Unexpected response to ARP request:", captured_packet))

    def resolve_ndp(self, pg_interface=None, timeout=1):
        """Resolve NDP using provided packet-generator interface

        :param pg_interface: interface used to resolve, if None then this
            interface is used
        :param timeout: how long to wait for response before giving up

        if pg_interface is None:
            pg_interface = self
        self.test.logger.info("Sending NDP request for %s on port %s" %
                              (self.local_ip6, pg_interface.name))
        ndp_req = self.create_ndp_req()
        now = time.time()
        deadline = now + timeout
        # Enabling IPv6 on an interface can generate more than the
        # ND reply we are looking for (namely MLD). So loop through
        # the replies to look for want we want.
        while now < deadline:
                captured_packet = pg_interface.wait_for_packet(
                    deadline - now, filter_out_fn=None)
                    "Timeout while waiting for NDP response")
            ndp_reply = captured_packet.copy()  # keep original for exception
                ndp_na = ndp_reply[ICMPv6ND_NA]
                opt = ndp_na[ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr]
                self.test.logger.info("VPP %s MAC address is %s " %
                                      (self.name, opt.lladdr))
                self._local_mac = opt.lladdr
                self.test.logger.debug(self.test.vapi.cli("show trace"))
                # we now have the MAC we've been after
                    ppp("Unexpected response to NDP request:",
            now = time.time()

        self.test.logger.debug(self.test.vapi.cli("show trace"))
        raise Exception("Timeout while waiting for NDP response")