path: root/src/vnet/session-apps
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-07-31vcl: add read/write udp supportFlorin Coras1-4/+6
2018-07-17session: send ctrl msg over mqFlorin Coras1-1/+2
2018-07-17session: use msg queue for eventsFlorin Coras6-81/+27
2018-06-11tcp: cleanup connection/session fixesFlorin Coras1-2/+2
2018-06-11udp: fix for multiple workers and add testFlorin Coras1-2/+3
2018-06-08http server: do not close connections after replyFlorin Coras1-22/+29
2018-05-16echo client: used fixed pool for preallocated sessionsFlorin Coras2-14/+9
2018-05-14proxy: fix active open connection cleanupFlorin Coras1-2/+2
2018-05-10session: fix proxy app multithreadingFlorin Coras1-15/+50
2018-05-09session: cleanup session tx functionFlorin Coras2-4/+56
2018-05-03tcp: fix echo server rx retries counter vec allocFlorin Coras1-0/+2
2018-04-30tcp/session: debug improvements/fixesFlorin Coras1-2/+3
2018-04-18session: coverity warningsFlorin Coras1-1/+1
2018-04-18udp/session: refactor to support dgram modeFlorin Coras3-95/+132
2018-03-23tcp/session: sprinkle prefetchesFlorin Coras1-0/+1
2018-03-15tls: add openssl engineFlorin Coras3-3/+11
2018-03-08tls: make tls engines pluggableFlorin Coras1-1234/+0
2018-03-07tls: enforce certificate verificationFlorin Coras3-42/+90
2018-03-05tls: add stop listen handlerFlorin Coras1-7/+28
2018-03-02tls: clib_mem_alloc context to avoid dangling referencesFlorin Coras1-30/+32
2018-03-02session: first approximation implementation of tlsFlorin Coras5-9/+1204
2018-02-14session: support local sessions and deprecate redirectsFlorin Coras3-18/+19
2018-02-05session: segment manager refactorFlorin Coras2-4/+14
2018-01-27session: disconnect and echo client improvementsFlorin Coras1-7/+11
2018-01-26session: move builtin apps to their own folderFlorin Coras6-0/+2796
> | | Force Tags | 2_NODE_SINGLE_LINK_TOPO | 3_NODE_SINGLE_LINK_TOPO | ... | PERFTEST | HW_ENV | NDRPDR | NIC_Intel-X710 | TREX | ETH | IP4FWD | ... | N2N | IP4BASE | UDP | UDP_PPS | TG_DRV_IGB_UIO | SCALE | HOSTS_1024 | ... | ethip4udp-ip4base-h1024-p63-s64512-pps-tg | | Suite Setup | Setup suite topology interfaces with no DUT | performance_tg_nic | Suite Teardown | Tear down suite | performance | Test Setup | Start Test Export | Test Teardown | Tear down test raw | performance | | Test Template | Local Template | | # TODO CSIT-1765: Unify suite Documentation. | Documentation | **PPS on lightweight UDP transactions with L1 cross connect** | ... | | ... | - **[Top] Network Topologies:** TG-TG 1-node circular topology \ | ... | with single links between nodes. | ... | | ... | - **[Enc] Packet Encapsulations:** Eth-IPv4 for L1 cross connect patch. | ... | | ... | - **[Ver] TG verification:** TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non \ | ... | Drop Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance and throughput PDR \ | ... | (Partial Drop Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) \ | ... | expressed in percentage of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are \ | ... | discovered for different Ethernet L2 frame sizes using MLRsearch \ | ... | library. | ... | Test packets are generated by TG on links to TG. \ | ... | TG traffic profile contains client and server ASTF programs, \ | ... | generating packets containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header, \ | ... | UDP header and static payload. \ | ... | MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node interfaces. | ... | | ... | - **[Ref] Applicable standard specifications:** RFC2544. *** Variables *** | ${nic_name}= | Intel-X710 | ${nic_pfs}= | 2 | ${osi_layer}= | L7 | ${overhead}= | ${0} # Scale settings | ${n_hosts}= | ${1024} | ${n_ports}= | ${63} | ${transaction_scale}= | ${${n_hosts} * ${n_ports}} | ${packets_per_transaction_and_direction}= | ${33} # Traffic profile: | ${traffic_profile}= | trex-astf-ethip4udp-${n_hosts}h-pps | ${transaction_type}= | udp_pps | ${disable_latency}= | ${True} *** Keywords *** | Local Template | | [Documentation] | | ... | - **[Cfg]** TG runs L1 cross connect config. | | ... | - **[Ver]** Measure NDR and PDR values using MLRsearch algorithm. | | | | ... | *Arguments:* | | ... | - frame_size - Framesize in Bytes in integer or string (IMIX_v4_1). | | ... | Type: integer, string | | | | [Arguments] | ${frame_size} | | | | Set Test Variable | \${frame_size} | | | | Given Set Max Rate And Jumbo | | Then Find NDR and PDR intervals using optimized search *** Test Cases *** | 64B--ethip4udp-ip4base-h1024-p63-s64512-pps-tg-ndrpdr | | [Tags] | 64B | | frame_size=${64}