* Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <vnet/vnet.h>
#include <vnet/plugin/plugin.h>
#include <acl/acl.h>
#include <vnet/l2/l2_classify.h>
#include <vnet/classify/input_acl.h>
#include <vpp/app/version.h>
#include <vlibapi/api.h>
#include <vlibmemory/api.h>
#include <vlibsocket/api.h>
/* define message IDs */
#include <acl/acl_msg_enum.h>
/* define message structures */
#define vl_typedefs
#include <acl/acl_all_api_h.h>
#undef vl_typedefs
/* define generated endian-swappers */
#define vl_endianfun
#include <acl/acl_all_api_h.h>
#undef vl_endianfun
/* instantiate all the print functions we know about */
#define vl_print(handle, ...) vlib_cli_output (handle, __VA_ARGS__)
#define vl_printfun
#include <acl/acl_all_api_h.h>
#undef vl_printfun
/* Get the API version number */
#define vl_api_version(n,v) static u32 api_version=(v);
#include <acl/acl_all_api_h.h>
#undef vl_api_version
#include "fa_node.h"
#include "hash_lookup.h"
acl_main_t acl_main;
#define REPLY_MSG_ID_BASE am->msg_id_base
#include <vlibapi/api_helper_macros.h>
/* List of message types that this plugin understands */
#define foreach_acl_plugin_api_msg \
_(ACL_PLUGIN_GET_VERSION, acl_plugin_get_version) \
_(ACL_PLUGIN_CONTROL_PING, acl_plugin_control_ping) \
_(ACL_ADD_REPLACE, acl_add_replace) \
_(ACL_DEL, acl_del) \
_(ACL_INTERFACE_ADD_DEL, acl_interface_add_del) \
_(ACL_INTERFACE_SET_ACL_LIST, acl_interface_set_acl_list) \
_(ACL_DUMP, acl_dump) \
_(ACL_INTERFACE_LIST_DUMP, acl_interface_list_dump) \
_(MACIP_ACL_ADD, macip_acl_add) \
_(MACIP_ACL_ADD_REPLACE, macip_acl_add_replace) \
_(MACIP_ACL_DEL, macip_acl_del) \
_(MACIP_ACL_INTERFACE_ADD_DEL, macip_acl_interface_add_del) \
_(MACIP_ACL_DUMP, macip_acl_dump) \
_(MACIP_ACL_INTERFACE_GET, macip_acl_interface_get) \
_(MACIP_ACL_INTERFACE_LIST_DUMP, macip_acl_interface_list_dump)
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
.version = VPP_BUILD_VER,
.description = "Access Control Lists",
/* *INDENT-ON* */
static void *
acl_set_heap(acl_main_t *am)
if (0 == am->acl_mheap) {
am->acl_mheap = mheap_alloc (0 /* use VM */ , am->acl_mheap_size);
mheap_t *h = mheap_header (am->acl_mheap);
void *oldheap = clib_mem_set_heap(am->acl_mheap);
return oldheap;
acl_plugin_acl_set_validate_heap(acl_main_t *am, int on)
mheap_t *h = mheap_header (am->acl_mheap);
if (on) {
} else {
acl_plugin_acl_set_trace_heap(acl_main_t *am, int on)
mheap_t *h = mheap_header (am->acl_mheap);
if (on) {
h->flags |= MHEAP_FLAG_TRACE;
} else {
h->flags &= ~MHEAP_FLAG_TRACE;
static void
vl_api_acl_plugin_get_version_t_handler (vl_api_acl_plugin_get_version_t * mp)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
vl_api_acl_plugin_get_version_reply_t *rmp;
int msg_size = sizeof (*rmp);
unix_shared_memory_queue_t *q;
q = vl_api_client_index_to_input_queue (mp->client_index);
if (q == 0)
rmp = vl_msg_api_alloc (msg_size);
memset (rmp, 0, msg_size);
rmp->_vl_msg_id =
ntohs (VL_API_ACL_PLUGIN_GET_VERSION_REPLY + am->msg_id_base);
rmp->context = mp->context;
rmp->major = htonl (ACL_PLUGIN_VERSION_MAJOR);
rmp->minor = htonl (ACL_PLUGIN_VERSION_MINOR);
vl_msg_api_send_shmem (q, (u8 *) & rmp);
static void
vl_api_acl_plugin_control_ping_t_handler (vl_api_acl_plugin_control_ping_t * mp)
vl_api_acl_plugin_control_ping_reply_t *rmp;
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
int rv = 0;
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
rmp->vpe_pid = ntohl (getpid ());
/* *INDENT-ON* */
static int
acl_add_list (u32 count, vl_api_acl_rule_t rules[],
u32 * acl_list_index, u8 * tag)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
acl_list_t *a;
acl_rule_t *r;
acl_rule_t *acl_new_rules = 0;
int i;
if (*acl_list_index != ~0)
/* They supplied some number, let's see if this ACL exists */
if (pool_is_free_index (am->acls, *acl_list_index))
/* tried to replace a non-existent ACL, no point doing anything */
clib_warning("acl-plugin-error: Trying to replace nonexistent ACL %d (tag %s)", *acl_list_index, tag);
return -1;
if (0 == count) {
clib_warning("acl-plugin-warning: supplied no rules for ACL %d (tag %s)", *acl_list_index, tag);
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
/* Create and populate the rules */
if (count > 0)
vec_validate(acl_new_rules, count-1);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
r = vec_elt_at_index(acl_new_rules, i);
memset(r, 0, sizeof(*r));
r->is_permit = rules[i].is_permit;
r->is_ipv6 = rules[i].is_ipv6;
if (r->is_ipv6)
memcpy (&r->src, rules[i].src_ip_addr, sizeof (r->src));
memcpy (&r->dst, rules[i].dst_ip_addr, sizeof (r->dst));
memcpy (&r->src.ip4, rules[i].src_ip_addr, sizeof (r->src.ip4));
memcpy (&r->dst.ip4, rules[i].dst_ip_addr, sizeof (r->dst.ip4));
r->src_prefixlen = rules[i].src_ip_prefix_len;
r->dst_prefixlen = rules[i].dst_ip_prefix_len;
r->proto = rules[i].proto;
r->src_port_or_type_first = ntohs ( rules[i].srcport_or_icmptype_first );
r->src_port_or_type_last = ntohs ( rules[i].srcport_or_icmptype_last );
r->dst_port_or_code_first = ntohs ( rules[i].dstport_or_icmpcode_first );
r->dst_port_or_code_last = ntohs ( rules[i].dstport_or_icmpcode_last );
r->tcp_flags_value = rules[i].tcp_flags_value;
r->tcp_flags_mask = rules[i].tcp_flags_mask;
if (~0 == *acl_list_index)
/* Get ACL index */
pool_get_aligned (am->acls, a, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES);
memset (a, 0, sizeof (*a));
/* Will return the newly allocated ACL index */
*acl_list_index = a - am->acls;
a = am->acls + *acl_list_index;
hash_acl_delete(am, *acl_list_index);
/* Get rid of the old rules */
if (a->rules)
vec_free (a->rules);
a->rules = acl_new_rules;
a->count = count;
memcpy (a->tag, tag, sizeof (a->tag));
hash_acl_add(am, *acl_list_index);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return 0;
static int
acl_del_list (u32 acl_list_index)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
acl_list_t *a;
int i, ii;
if (pool_is_free_index (am->acls, acl_list_index))
return -1;
if (acl_list_index < vec_len(am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl)) {
if (vec_len(pool_elt_at_index(am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl, acl_list_index)) > 0) {
/* ACL is applied somewhere inbound. Refuse to delete */
return -1;
if (acl_list_index < vec_len(am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl)) {
if (vec_len(pool_elt_at_index(am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl, acl_list_index)) > 0) {
/* ACL is applied somewhere outbound. Refuse to delete */
return -1;
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
/* delete any references to the ACL */
for (i = 0; i < vec_len (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index); i++)
for (ii = 0; ii < vec_len (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[i]);
/* see body */ )
if (acl_list_index == am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[i][ii])
vec_del1 (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[i], ii);
for (i = 0; i < vec_len (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index); i++)
for (ii = 0; ii < vec_len (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[i]);
/* see body */ )
if (acl_list_index == am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[i][ii])
vec_del1 (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[i], ii);
/* delete the hash table data */
hash_acl_delete(am, acl_list_index);
/* now we can delete the ACL itself */
a = pool_elt_at_index (am->acls, acl_list_index);
if (a->rules)
vec_free (a->rules);
pool_put (am->acls, a);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return 0;
/* Some aids in ASCII graphing the content */
#define XX "\377"
#define __ "\000"
#define _(x)
#define v
u8 ip4_5tuple_mask[] =
_(" dmac smac etype ")
_(ether) __ __ __ __ __ __ v __ __ __ __ __ __ v __ __ v
_(" v ihl totlen ")
__ __ __ __
_(" ident fl+fo ")
__ __ __ __
_(" ttl pr checksum ")
__ XX __ __
_(" src address ")
_(" dst address ")
_("L4 T/U sport dport ")
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __;
u8 ip6_5tuple_mask[] =
_(" dmac smac etype ")
_(ether) __ __ __ __ __ __ v __ __ __ __ __ __ v __ __ v
_(" v tc + flow ")
_(0x0000) __ __ __ __
_(" plen nh hl ")
_(0x0004) __ __ XX __
_(" src address ")
_(0x0008) XX XX XX XX
_(0x000C) XX XX XX XX
_(0x0010) XX XX XX XX
_(0x0014) XX XX XX XX
_(" dst address ")
_(0x0018) XX XX XX XX
_(0x001C) XX XX XX XX
_(0x0020) XX XX XX XX
_(0x0024) XX XX XX XX
_("L4T/U sport dport ")
_(tcpudp) XX XX XX XX _(padpad) __ __ __ __ _(padeth) __ __;
#undef XX
#undef __
#undef _
#undef v
static int count_skip (u8 * p, u32 size)
u64 *p64 = (u64 *) p;
/* Be tolerant to null pointer */
if (0 == p)
return 0;
while ((0ULL == *p64) && ((u8 *) p64 - p) < size)
return (p64 - (u64 *) p) / 2;
static int
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (vnet_classify_main_t * cm, u8 * mask,
u32 mask_len, u32 next_table_index,
u32 miss_next_index, u32 * table_index,
int is_add)
u32 nbuckets = 1;
u32 memory_size = 2 << 13;
u32 skip = count_skip (mask, mask_len);
u32 match = (mask_len / 16) - skip;
u8 *skip_mask_ptr = mask + 16 * skip;
u32 current_data_flag = 0;
int current_data_offset = 0;
if (0 == match)
match = 1;
void *oldheap = clib_mem_set_heap (cm->vlib_main->heap_base);
int ret = vnet_classify_add_del_table (cm, skip_mask_ptr, nbuckets,
memory_size, skip, match,
next_table_index, miss_next_index,
table_index, current_data_flag,
current_data_offset, is_add,
1 /* delete_chain */);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return ret;
static int
acl_classify_add_del_table_small (vnet_classify_main_t * cm, u8 * mask,
u32 mask_len, u32 next_table_index,
u32 miss_next_index, u32 * table_index,
int is_add)
u32 nbuckets = 32;
u32 memory_size = 2 << 20;
u32 skip = count_skip (mask, mask_len);
u32 match = (mask_len / 16) - skip;
u8 *skip_mask_ptr = mask + 16 * skip;
u32 current_data_flag = 0;
int current_data_offset = 0;
if (0 == match)
match = 1;
void *oldheap = clib_mem_set_heap (cm->vlib_main->heap_base);
int ret = vnet_classify_add_del_table (cm, skip_mask_ptr, nbuckets,
memory_size, skip, match,
next_table_index, miss_next_index,
table_index, current_data_flag,
current_data_offset, is_add,
1 /* delete_chain */);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return ret;
static int
acl_unhook_l2_input_classify (acl_main_t * am, u32 sw_if_index)
vnet_classify_main_t *cm = &vnet_classify_main;
u32 ip4_table_index = ~0;
u32 ip6_table_index = ~0;
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
vec_validate_init_empty (am->acl_ip4_input_classify_table_by_sw_if_index,
sw_if_index, ~0);
vec_validate_init_empty (am->acl_ip6_input_classify_table_by_sw_if_index,
sw_if_index, ~0);
/* switch to global heap while calling vnet_* functions */
clib_mem_set_heap (cm->vlib_main->heap_base);
vnet_l2_input_classify_enable_disable (sw_if_index, 0);
if (am->acl_ip4_input_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] != ~0)
ip4_table_index =
am->acl_ip4_input_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] = ~0;
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip4_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip4_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip4_table_index, 0);
if (am->acl_ip6_input_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] != ~0)
ip6_table_index =
am->acl_ip6_input_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] = ~0;
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip6_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip6_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip6_table_index, 0);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return 0;
static int
acl_unhook_l2_output_classify (acl_main_t * am, u32 sw_if_index)
vnet_classify_main_t *cm = &vnet_classify_main;
u32 ip4_table_index = ~0;
u32 ip6_table_index = ~0;
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
vec_validate_init_empty (am->acl_ip4_output_classify_table_by_sw_if_index,
sw_if_index, ~0);
vec_validate_init_empty (am->acl_ip6_output_classify_table_by_sw_if_index,
sw_if_index, ~0);
/* switch to global heap while calling vnet_* functions */
clib_mem_set_heap (cm->vlib_main->heap_base);
vnet_l2_output_classify_enable_disable (sw_if_index, 0);
if (am->acl_ip4_output_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] != ~0)
ip4_table_index =
am->acl_ip4_output_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] = ~0;
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip4_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip4_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip4_table_index, 0);
if (am->acl_ip6_output_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] != ~0)
ip6_table_index =
am->acl_ip6_output_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] = ~0;
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip6_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip6_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip6_table_index, 0);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return 0;
static int
acl_hook_l2_input_classify (acl_main_t * am, u32 sw_if_index)
vnet_classify_main_t *cm = &vnet_classify_main;
u32 ip4_table_index = ~0;
u32 ip6_table_index = ~0;
int rv;
void *prevheap = clib_mem_set_heap (cm->vlib_main->heap_base);
/* in case there were previous tables attached */
acl_unhook_l2_input_classify (am, sw_if_index);
rv =
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip4_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip4_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip4_table_index, 1);
if (rv)
goto done;
rv =
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip6_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip6_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip6_table_index, 1);
if (rv)
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip4_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip4_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip4_table_index, 0);
goto done;
rv =
vnet_l2_input_classify_set_tables (sw_if_index, ip4_table_index,
ip6_table_index, ~0);
("ACL enabling on interface sw_if_index %d, setting tables to the following: ip4: %d ip6: %d\n",
sw_if_index, ip4_table_index, ip6_table_index);
if (rv)
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip6_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip6_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip6_table_index, 0);
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip4_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip4_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip4_table_index, 0);
goto done;
am->acl_ip4_input_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] =
am->acl_ip6_input_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] =
vnet_l2_input_classify_enable_disable (sw_if_index, 1);
clib_mem_set_heap (prevheap);
return rv;
static int
acl_hook_l2_output_classify (acl_main_t * am, u32 sw_if_index)
vnet_classify_main_t *cm = &vnet_classify_main;
u32 ip4_table_index = ~0;
u32 ip6_table_index = ~0;
int rv;
void *prevheap = clib_mem_set_heap (cm->vlib_main->heap_base);
/* in case there were previous tables attached */
acl_unhook_l2_output_classify (am, sw_if_index);
rv =
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip4_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip4_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip4_table_index, 1);
if (rv)
goto done;
rv =
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip6_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip6_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip6_table_index, 1);
if (rv)
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip4_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip4_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip4_table_index, 0);
goto done;
rv =
vnet_l2_output_classify_set_tables (sw_if_index, ip4_table_index,
ip6_table_index, ~0);
("ACL enabling on interface sw_if_index %d, setting tables to the following: ip4: %d ip6: %d\n",
sw_if_index, ip4_table_index, ip6_table_index);
if (rv)
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip6_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip6_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip6_table_index, 0);
acl_classify_add_del_table_tiny (cm, ip4_5tuple_mask,
sizeof (ip4_5tuple_mask) - 1, ~0,
&ip4_table_index, 0);
goto done;
am->acl_ip4_output_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] =
am->acl_ip6_output_classify_table_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] =
vnet_l2_output_classify_enable_disable (sw_if_index, 1);
clib_mem_set_heap (prevheap);
return rv;
acl_interface_in_enable_disable (acl_main_t * am, u32 sw_if_index,
int enable_disable)
int rv;
/* Utterly wrong? */
if (pool_is_free_index (am->vnet_main->interface_main.sw_interfaces,
acl_fa_enable_disable(sw_if_index, 1, enable_disable);
if (enable_disable)
rv = acl_hook_l2_input_classify (am, sw_if_index);
rv = acl_unhook_l2_input_classify (am, sw_if_index);
return rv;
acl_interface_out_enable_disable (acl_main_t * am, u32 sw_if_index,
int enable_disable)
int rv;
/* Utterly wrong? */
if (pool_is_free_index (am->vnet_main->interface_main.sw_interfaces,
acl_fa_enable_disable(sw_if_index, 0, enable_disable);
if (enable_disable)
rv = acl_hook_l2_output_classify (am, sw_if_index);
rv = acl_unhook_l2_output_classify (am, sw_if_index);
return rv;
static int
acl_is_not_defined(acl_main_t *am, u32 acl_list_index)
return (pool_is_free_index (am->acls, acl_list_index));
static int
acl_interface_add_inout_acl (u32 sw_if_index, u8 is_input, u32 acl_list_index)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
if (acl_is_not_defined(am, acl_list_index)) {
/* ACL is not defined. Can not apply */
return -1;
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
if (is_input)
vec_validate (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index);
u32 index = vec_search(am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index], acl_list_index);
if (index < vec_len(am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index])) {
clib_warning("ACL %d is already applied inbound on sw_if_index %d (index %d)",
acl_list_index, sw_if_index, index);
/* the entry is already there */
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return -1;
/* if there was no ACL applied before, enable the ACL processing */
if (vec_len(am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]) == 0) {
acl_interface_in_enable_disable (am, sw_if_index, 1);
vec_add (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index], &acl_list_index,
vec_validate (am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl, acl_list_index);
vec_add (am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index], &sw_if_index,
vec_validate (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index);
u32 index = vec_search(am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index], acl_list_index);
if (index < vec_len(am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index])) {
clib_warning("ACL %d is already applied outbound on sw_if_index %d (index %d)",
acl_list_index, sw_if_index, index);
/* the entry is already there */
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return -1;
/* if there was no ACL applied before, enable the ACL processing */
if (vec_len(am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]) == 0) {
acl_interface_out_enable_disable (am, sw_if_index, 1);
vec_add (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index],
&acl_list_index, 1);
vec_validate (am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl, acl_list_index);
vec_add (am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index], &sw_if_index,
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return 0;
static int
acl_interface_del_inout_acl (u32 sw_if_index, u8 is_input, u32 acl_list_index)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
int i;
int rv = -1;
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
if (is_input)
vec_validate (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index);
for (i = 0; i < vec_len (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]);
if (acl_list_index ==
vec_del1 (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index], i);
rv = 0;
if (acl_list_index < vec_len(am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl)) {
u32 index = vec_search(am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index], sw_if_index);
if (index < vec_len(am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index])) {
hash_acl_unapply(am, sw_if_index, is_input, acl_list_index);
vec_del1 (am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index], index);
/* If there is no more ACLs applied on an interface, disable ACL processing */
if (0 == vec_len (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]))
acl_interface_in_enable_disable (am, sw_if_index, 0);
vec_validate (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index);
for (i = 0;
i < vec_len (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]); i++)
if (acl_list_index ==
vec_del1 (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index], i);
rv = 0;
if (acl_list_index < vec_len(am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl)) {
u32 index = vec_search(am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index], sw_if_index);
if (index < vec_len(am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index])) {
hash_acl_unapply(am, sw_if_index, is_input, acl_list_index);
vec_del1 (am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index], index);
/* If there is no more ACLs applied on an interface, disable ACL processing */
if (0 == vec_len (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]))
acl_interface_out_enable_disable (am, sw_if_index, 0);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return rv;
static void
acl_interface_reset_inout_acls (u32 sw_if_index, u8 is_input)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
int i;
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
if (is_input)
vec_validate (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index);
if (vec_len(am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]) > 0) {
acl_interface_in_enable_disable (am, sw_if_index, 0);
for(i = vec_len(am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index])-1; i>=0; i--) {
u32 acl_list_index = am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index][i];
hash_acl_unapply(am, sw_if_index, is_input, acl_list_index);
if (acl_list_index < vec_len(am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl)) {
u32 index = vec_search(am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index], sw_if_index);
if (index < vec_len(am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index])) {
vec_del1 (am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index], index);
vec_reset_length (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]);
vec_validate (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index);
if (vec_len(am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]) > 0) {
acl_interface_out_enable_disable (am, sw_if_index, 0);
for(i = vec_len(am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index])-1; i>=0; i--) {
u32 acl_list_index = am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index][i];
hash_acl_unapply(am, sw_if_index, is_input, acl_list_index);
if (acl_list_index < vec_len(am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl)) {
u32 index = vec_search(am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index], sw_if_index);
if (index < vec_len(am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index])) {
vec_del1 (am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[acl_list_index], index);
vec_reset_length (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
static int
acl_interface_add_del_inout_acl (u32 sw_if_index, u8 is_add, u8 is_input,
u32 acl_list_index)
int rv = -1;
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
if (is_add)
rv =
acl_interface_add_inout_acl (sw_if_index, is_input, acl_list_index);
if (rv == 0)
hash_acl_apply(am, sw_if_index, is_input, acl_list_index);
hash_acl_unapply(am, sw_if_index, is_input, acl_list_index);
rv =
acl_interface_del_inout_acl (sw_if_index, is_input, acl_list_index);
return rv;
typedef struct
u8 is_ipv6;
u8 mac_mask[6];
u8 prefix_len;
u32 count;
u32 table_index;
u32 arp_table_index;
} macip_match_type_t;
static u32
macip_find_match_type (macip_match_type_t * mv, u8 * mac_mask, u8 prefix_len,
u8 is_ipv6)
u32 i;
if (mv)
for (i = 0; i < vec_len (mv); i++)
if ((mv[i].prefix_len == prefix_len) && (mv[i].is_ipv6 == is_ipv6)
&& (0 == memcmp (mv[i].mac_mask, mac_mask, 6)))
return i;
return ~0;
/* Get metric used to sort match types.
The more specific and the more often seen - the bigger the metric */
static int
match_type_metric (macip_match_type_t * m)
unsigned int mac_bits_set = 0;
unsigned int mac_byte;
int i;
for (i=0; i<6; i++)
mac_byte = m->mac_mask[i];
for (; mac_byte; mac_byte >>= 1)
mac_bits_set += mac_byte & 1;
* Attempt to place the more specific and the more used rules on top.
* There are obvious caveat corner cases to this, but they do not
* seem to be sensible in real world (e.g. specific IPv4 with wildcard MAC
* going with a wildcard IPv4 with a specific MAC).
return m->prefix_len + mac_bits_set + m->is_ipv6 + 10 * m->count;
static int
match_type_compare (macip_match_type_t * m1, macip_match_type_t * m2)
/* Ascending sort based on the metric values */
return match_type_metric (m1) - match_type_metric (m2);
/* Get the offset of L3 source within ethernet packet */
static int
get_l3_src_offset(int is6)
return (sizeof(ethernet_header_t) + offsetof(ip6_header_t, src_address));
return (sizeof(ethernet_header_t) + offsetof(ip4_header_t, src_address));
static int
macip_create_classify_tables (acl_main_t * am, u32 macip_acl_index)
macip_match_type_t *mvec = NULL;
macip_match_type_t *mt;
macip_acl_list_t *a = pool_elt_at_index (am->macip_acls, macip_acl_index);
int i;
u32 match_type_index;
u32 last_table;
u8 mask[5 * 16];
vnet_classify_main_t *cm = &vnet_classify_main;
/* Count the number of different types of rules */
for (i = 0; i < a->count; i++)
if (~0 ==
(match_type_index =
macip_find_match_type (mvec, a->rules[i].src_mac_mask,
match_type_index = vec_len (mvec);
vec_validate (mvec, match_type_index);
memcpy (mvec[match_type_index].mac_mask,
a->rules[i].src_mac_mask, 6);
mvec[match_type_index].prefix_len = a->rules[i].src_prefixlen;
mvec[match_type_index].is_ipv6 = a->rules[i].is_ipv6;
mvec[match_type_index].table_index = ~0;
/* Put the most frequently used tables last in the list so we can create classifier tables in reverse order */
vec_sort_with_function (mvec, match_type_compare);
/* Create the classifier tables */
last_table = ~0;
/* First add ARP tables */
vec_foreach (mt, mvec)
int mask_len;
int is6 = mt->is_ipv6;
mt->arp_table_index = ~0;
if (!is6)
memset (mask, 0, sizeof (mask));
memcpy (&mask[6], mt->mac_mask, 6);
memset (&mask[12], 0xff, 2); /* ethernet protocol */
memcpy (&mask[14 + 8], mt->mac_mask, 6);
for (i = 0; i < (mt->prefix_len / 8); i++)
mask[14 + 14 + i] = 0xff;
if (mt->prefix_len % 8)
mask[14 + 14 + (mt->prefix_len / 8)] = 0xff - ((1 << (8 - mt->prefix_len % 8)) - 1);
mask_len = ((14 + 14 + ((mt->prefix_len+7) / 8) +
(sizeof (u32x4)-1))/sizeof(u32x4)) * sizeof (u32x4);
acl_classify_add_del_table_small (cm, mask, mask_len, last_table,
(~0 == last_table) ? 0 : ~0, &mt->arp_table_index,
last_table = mt->arp_table_index;
/* Now add IP[46] tables */
vec_foreach (mt, mvec)
int mask_len;
int is6 = mt->is_ipv6;
int l3_src_offs = get_l3_src_offset(is6);
memset (mask, 0, sizeof (mask));
memcpy (&mask[6], mt->mac_mask, 6);
for (i = 0; i < (mt->prefix_len / 8); i++)
mask[l3_src_offs + i] = 0xff;
if (mt->prefix_len % 8)
mask[l3_src_offs + (mt->prefix_len / 8)] =
0xff - ((1 << (8 - mt->prefix_len % 8)) - 1);
* Round-up the number of bytes needed to store the prefix,
* and round up the number of vectors too
mask_len = ((l3_src_offs + ((mt->prefix_len+7) / 8) +
(sizeof (u32x4)-1))/sizeof(u32x4)) * sizeof (u32x4);
acl_classify_add_del_table_small (cm, mask, mask_len, last_table,
(~0 == last_table) ? 0 : ~0, &mt->table_index,
last_table = mt->table_index;
a->ip4_table_index = last_table;
a->ip6_table_index = last_table;
a->l2_table_index = last_table;
/* Populate the classifier tables with rules from the MACIP ACL */
for (i = 0; i < a->count; i++)
u32 action = 0;
u32 metadata = 0;
int is6 = a->rules[i].is_ipv6;
int l3_src_offs = get_l3_src_offset(is6);
memset (mask, 0, sizeof (mask));
memcpy (&mask[6], a->rules[i].src_mac, 6);
memset (&mask[12], 0xff, 2); /* ethernet protocol */
if (is6)
memcpy (&mask[l3_src_offs], &a->rules[i].src_ip_addr.ip6, 16);
mask[12] = 0x86;
mask[13] = 0xdd;
memcpy (&mask[l3_src_offs], &a->rules[i].src_ip_addr.ip4, 4);
mask[12] = 0x08;
mask[13] = 0x00;
match_type_index =
macip_find_match_type (mvec, a->rules[i].src_mac_mask,
ASSERT(match_type_index != ~0);
/* add session to table mvec[match_type_index].table_index; */
vnet_classify_add_del_session (cm, mvec[match_type_index].table_index,
mask, a->rules[i].is_permit ? ~0 : 0, i,
0, action, metadata, 1);
/* add ARP table entry too */
if (!is6 && (mvec[match_type_index].arp_table_index != ~0))
memset (mask, 0, sizeof (mask));
memcpy (&mask[6], a->rules[i].src_mac, 6);
mask[12] = 0x08;
mask[13] = 0x06;
memcpy (&mask[14 + 8], a->rules[i].src_mac, 6);
memcpy (&mask[14 + 14], &a->rules[i].src_ip_addr.ip4, 4);
vnet_classify_add_del_session (cm, mvec[match_type_index].arp_table_index,
mask, a->rules[i].is_permit ? ~0 : 0, i,
0, action, metadata, 1);
return 0;
static void
macip_destroy_classify_tables (acl_main_t * am, u32 macip_acl_index)
vnet_classify_main_t *cm = &vnet_classify_main;
macip_acl_list_t *a = pool_elt_at_index (am->macip_acls, macip_acl_index);
if (a->ip4_table_index != ~0)
acl_classify_add_del_table_small (cm, 0, ~0, ~0, ~0, &a->ip4_table_index, 0);
a->ip4_table_index = ~0;
if (a->ip6_table_index != ~0)
acl_classify_add_del_table_small (cm, 0, ~0, ~0, ~0, &a->ip6_table_index, 0);
a->ip6_table_index = ~0;
if (a->l2_table_index != ~0)
acl_classify_add_del_table_small (cm, 0, ~0, ~0, ~0, &a->l2_table_index, 0);
a->l2_table_index = ~0;
static int
macip_acl_add_list (u32 count, vl_api_macip_acl_rule_t rules[],
u32 * acl_list_index, u8 * tag)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
macip_acl_list_t *a;
macip_acl_rule_t *r;
macip_acl_rule_t *acl_new_rules = 0;
int i;
if (*acl_list_index != ~0)
/* They supplied some number, let's see if this MACIP ACL exists */
if (pool_is_free_index (am->macip_acls, *acl_list_index))
/* tried to replace a non-existent ACL, no point doing anything */
clib_warning("acl-plugin-error: Trying to replace nonexistent MACIP ACL %d (tag %s)", *acl_list_index, tag);
return -1;
if (0 == count) {
clib_warning("acl-plugin-warning: Trying to create empty MACIP ACL (tag %s)", tag);
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
/* Create and populate the rules */
if (count > 0)
vec_validate(acl_new_rules, count-1);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
r = &acl_new_rules[i];
r->is_permit = rules[i].is_permit;
r->is_ipv6 = rules[i].is_ipv6;
memcpy (&r->src_mac, rules[i].src_mac, 6);
memcpy (&r->src_mac_mask, rules[i].src_mac_mask, 6);
memcpy (&r->src_ip_addr.ip6, rules[i].src_ip_addr, 16);
memcpy (&r->src_ip_addr.ip4, rules[i].src_ip_addr, 4);
r->src_prefixlen = rules[i].src_ip_prefix_len;
if (~0 == *acl_list_index)
/* Get ACL index */
pool_get_aligned (am->macip_acls, a, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES);
memset (a, 0, sizeof (*a));
/* Will return the newly allocated ACL index */
*acl_list_index = a - am->macip_acls;
a = pool_elt_at_index (am->macip_acls, *acl_list_index);
if (a->rules)
vec_free (a->rules);
macip_destroy_classify_tables (am, *acl_list_index);
a->rules = acl_new_rules;
a->count = count;
memcpy (a->tag, tag, sizeof (a->tag));
/* Create and populate the classifer tables */
macip_create_classify_tables (am, *acl_list_index);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return 0;
/* No check for validity of sw_if_index - the callers were supposed to validate */
static int
macip_acl_interface_del_acl (acl_main_t * am, u32 sw_if_index)
int rv;
u32 macip_acl_index;
macip_acl_list_t *a;
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
vec_validate_init_empty (am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index, ~0);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
macip_acl_index = am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index];
/* No point in deleting MACIP ACL which is not applied */
if (~0 == macip_acl_index)
return -1;
a = pool_elt_at_index (am->macip_acls, macip_acl_index);
/* remove the classifier tables off the interface L2 ACL */
rv =
vnet_set_input_acl_intfc (am->vlib_main, sw_if_index, a->ip4_table_index,
a->ip6_table_index, a->l2_table_index, 0);
/* Unset the MACIP ACL index */
am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] = ~0;
return rv;
/* No check for validity of sw_if_index - the callers were supposed to validate */
static int
macip_acl_interface_add_acl (acl_main_t * am, u32 sw_if_index,
u32 macip_acl_index)
macip_acl_list_t *a;
int rv;
if (pool_is_free_index (am->macip_acls, macip_acl_index))
return -1;
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
a = pool_elt_at_index (am->macip_acls, macip_acl_index);
vec_validate_init_empty (am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index, ~0);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
/* If there already a MACIP ACL applied, unapply it */
if (~0 != am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index])
macip_acl_interface_del_acl(am, sw_if_index);
am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] = macip_acl_index;
/* Apply the classifier tables for L2 ACLs */
rv =
vnet_set_input_acl_intfc (am->vlib_main, sw_if_index, a->ip4_table_index,
a->ip6_table_index, a->l2_table_index, 1);
return rv;
static int
macip_acl_del_list (u32 acl_list_index)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
macip_acl_list_t *a;
int i;
if (pool_is_free_index (am->macip_acls, acl_list_index))
return -1;
/* delete any references to the ACL */
for (i = 0; i < vec_len (am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index); i++)
if (am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index[i] == acl_list_index)
macip_acl_interface_del_acl (am, i);
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
/* Now that classifier tables are detached, clean them up */
macip_destroy_classify_tables (am, acl_list_index);
/* now we can delete the ACL itself */
a = pool_elt_at_index (am->macip_acls, acl_list_index);
if (a->rules)
vec_free (a->rules);
pool_put (am->macip_acls, a);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
return 0;
static int
macip_acl_interface_add_del_acl (u32 sw_if_index, u8 is_add,
u32 acl_list_index)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
int rv = -1;
if (is_add)
rv = macip_acl_interface_add_acl (am, sw_if_index, acl_list_index);
rv = macip_acl_interface_del_acl (am, sw_if_index);
return rv;
* If the client does not allocate enough memory for a variable-length
* message, and then proceed to use it as if the full memory allocated,
* absent the check we happily consume that on the VPP side, and go
* along as if nothing happened. However, the resulting
* effects range from just garbage in the API decode
* (because the decoder snoops too far), to potential memory
* corruptions.
* This verifies that the actual length of the message is
* at least expected_len, and complains loudly if it is not.
* A failing check here is 100% a software bug on the API user side,
* so we might as well yell.
static int verify_message_len(void *mp, u32 expected_len, char *where)
u32 supplied_len = vl_msg_api_get_msg_length (mp);
if (supplied_len < expected_len) {
clib_warning("%s: Supplied message length %d is less than expected %d",
where, supplied_len, expected_len);
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
/* API message handler */
static void
vl_api_acl_add_replace_t_handler (vl_api_acl_add_replace_t * mp)
vl_api_acl_add_replace_reply_t *rmp;
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
int rv;
u32 acl_list_index = ntohl (mp->acl_index);
u32 acl_count = ntohl (mp->count);
u32 expected_len = sizeof(*mp) + acl_count*sizeof(mp->r[0]);
if (verify_message_len(mp, expected_len, "acl_add_replace")) {
rv = acl_add_list (acl_count, mp->r, &acl_list_index, mp->tag);
} else {
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
rmp->acl_index = htonl(acl_list_index);
/* *INDENT-ON* */
static void
vl_api_acl_del_t_handler (vl_api_acl_del_t * mp)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
vl_api_acl_del_reply_t *rmp;
int rv;
rv = acl_del_list (ntohl (mp->acl_index));
static void
vl_api_acl_interface_add_del_t_handler (vl_api_acl_interface_add_del_t * mp)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
vnet_interface_main_t *im = &am->vnet_main->interface_main;
u32 sw_if_index = ntohl (mp->sw_if_index);
vl_api_acl_interface_add_del_reply_t *rmp;
int rv = -1;
if (pool_is_free_index(im->sw_interfaces, sw_if_index))
rv =
acl_interface_add_del_inout_acl (sw_if_index, mp->is_add,
mp->is_input, ntohl (mp->acl_index));
static void
(vl_api_acl_interface_set_acl_list_t * mp)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
vl_api_acl_interface_set_acl_list_reply_t *rmp;
int rv = 0;
int i;
vnet_interface_main_t *im = &am->vnet_main->interface_main;
u32 sw_if_index = ntohl (mp->sw_if_index);
if (pool_is_free_index(im->sw_interfaces, sw_if_index))
acl_interface_reset_inout_acls (sw_if_index, 0);
acl_interface_reset_inout_acls (sw_if_index, 1);
for (i = 0; i < mp->count; i++)
if(acl_is_not_defined(am, ntohl (mp->acls[i]))) {
/* ACL does not exist, so we can not apply it */
rv = -1;
if (0 == rv) {
for (i = 0; i < mp->count; i++)
acl_interface_add_del_inout_acl (sw_if_index, 1, (i < mp->n_input),
ntohl (mp->acls[i]));
static void
copy_acl_rule_to_api_rule (vl_api_acl_rule_t * api_rule, acl_rule_t * r)
api_rule->is_permit = r->is_permit;
api_rule->is_ipv6 = r->is_ipv6;
memcpy (api_rule->src_ip_addr, &r->src, sizeof (r->src));
memcpy (api_rule->dst_ip_addr, &r->dst, sizeof (r->dst));
memcpy (api_rule->src_ip_addr, &r->src.ip4, sizeof (r->src.ip4));
memcpy (api_rule->dst_ip_addr, &r->dst.ip4, sizeof (r->dst.ip4));
api_rule->src_ip_prefix_len = r->src_prefixlen;
api_rule->dst_ip_prefix_len = r->dst_prefixlen;
api_rule->proto = r->proto;
api_rule->srcport_or_icmptype_first = htons (r->src_port_or_type_first);
api_rule->srcport_or_icmptype_last = htons (r->src_port_or_type_last);
api_rule->dstport_or_icmpcode_first = htons (r->dst_port_or_code_first);
api_rule->dstport_or_icmpcode_last = htons (r->dst_port_or_code_last);
api_rule->tcp_flags_mask = r->tcp_flags_mask;
api_rule->tcp_flags_value = r->tcp_flags_value;
static void
send_acl_details (acl_main_t * am, unix_shared_memory_queue_t * q,
acl_list_t * acl, u32 context)
vl_api_acl_details_t *mp;
vl_api_acl_rule_t *rules;
int i;
int msg_size = sizeof (*mp) + sizeof (mp->r[0]) * acl->count;
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
mp = vl_msg_api_alloc (msg_size);
memset (mp, 0, msg_size);
mp->_vl_msg_id = ntohs (VL_API_ACL_DETAILS + am->msg_id_base);
/* fill in the message */
mp->context = context;
mp->count = htonl (acl->count);
mp->acl_index = htonl (acl - am->acls);
memcpy (mp->tag, acl->tag, sizeof (mp->tag));
// clib_memcpy (mp->r, acl->rules, acl->count * sizeof(acl->rules[0]));
rules = mp->r;
for (i = 0; i < acl->count; i++)
copy_acl_rule_to_api_rule (&rules[i], &acl->rules[i]);
clib_warning("Sending acl details for ACL index %d", ntohl(mp->acl_index));
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
vl_msg_api_send_shmem (q, (u8 *) & mp);
static void
vl_api_acl_dump_t_handler (vl_api_acl_dump_t * mp)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
u32 acl_index;
acl_list_t *acl;
int rv = -1;
unix_shared_memory_queue_t *q;
q = vl_api_client_index_to_input_queue (mp->client_index);
if (q == 0)
if (mp->acl_index == ~0)
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
/* Just dump all ACLs */
pool_foreach (acl, am->acls,
send_acl_details(am, q, acl, mp->context);
/* *INDENT-ON* */
acl_index = ntohl (mp->acl_index);
if (!pool_is_free_index (am->acls, acl_index))
acl = pool_elt_at_index (am->acls, acl_index);
send_acl_details (am, q, acl, mp->context);
if (rv == -1)
/* FIXME API: should we signal an error here at all ? */
static void
send_acl_interface_list_details (acl_main_t * am,
unix_shared_memory_queue_t * q,
u32 sw_if_index, u32 context)
vl_api_acl_interface_list_details_t *mp;
int msg_size;
int n_input;
int n_output;
int count;
int i = 0;
void *oldheap = acl_set_heap(am);
vec_validate (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index);
vec_validate (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index);
n_input = vec_len (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]);
n_output = vec_len (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]);
count = n_input + n_output;
msg_size = sizeof (*mp);
msg_size += sizeof (mp->acls[0]) * count;
mp = vl_msg_api_alloc (msg_size);
memset (mp, 0, msg_size);
mp->_vl_msg_id =
ntohs (VL_API_ACL_INTERFACE_LIST_DETAILS + am->msg_id_base);
/* fill in the message */
mp->context = context;
mp->sw_if_index = htonl (sw_if_index);
mp->count = count;
mp->n_input = n_input;
for (i = 0; i < n_input; i++)
mp->acls[i] = htonl (am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index][i]);
for (i = 0; i < n_output; i++)
mp->acls[n_input + i] =
htonl (am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index][i]);
clib_mem_set_heap (oldheap);
vl_msg_api_send_shmem (q, (u8 *) & mp);
static void
vl_api_acl_interface_list_dump_t_handler (vl_api_acl_interface_list_dump_t *
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
vnet_sw_interface_t *swif;
vnet_interface_main_t *im = &am->vnet_main->interface_main;
u32 sw_if_index;
unix_shared_memory_queue_t *q;
q = vl_api_client_index_to_input_queue (mp->client_index);
if (q == 0)
if (mp->sw_if_index == ~0)
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
pool_foreach (swif, im->sw_interfaces,
send_acl_interface_list_details(am, q, swif->sw_if_index, mp->context);
/* *INDENT-ON* */
sw_if_index = ntohl (mp->sw_if_index);
if (!pool_is_free_index(im->sw_interfaces, sw_if_index))
send_acl_interface_list_details (am, q, sw_if_index, mp->context);
/* MACIP ACL API handlers */
static void
vl_api_macip_acl_add_t_handler (vl_api_macip_acl_add_t * mp)
vl_api_macip_acl_add_reply_t *rmp;
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
int rv;
u32 acl_list_index = ~0;
u32 acl_count = ntohl (mp->count);
u32 expected_len = sizeof(*mp) + acl_count*sizeof(mp->r[0]);
if (verify_message_len(mp, expected_len, "macip_acl_add")) {
rv = macip_acl_add_list (acl_count, mp->r, &acl_list_index, mp->tag);
} else {
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
rmp->acl_index = htonl(acl_list_index);
/* *INDENT-ON* */
static void
vl_api_macip_acl_add_replace_t_handler (vl_api_macip_acl_add_replace_t * mp)
vl_api_macip_acl_add_replace_reply_t *rmp;
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
int rv;
u32 acl_list_index = ntohl (mp->acl_index);
u32 acl_count = ntohl (mp->count);
u32 expected_len = sizeof(*mp) + acl_count*sizeof(mp->r[0]);
if (verify_message_len(mp, expected_len, "macip_acl_add_replace")) {
rv = macip_acl_add_list (acl_count, mp->r, &acl_list_index, mp->tag);
} else {
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
rmp->acl_index = htonl(acl_list_index);
/* *INDENT-ON* */
static void
vl_api_macip_acl_del_t_handler (vl_api_macip_acl_del_t * mp)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
vl_api_macip_acl_del_reply_t *rmp;
int rv;
rv = macip_acl_del_list (ntohl (mp->acl_index));
static void
(vl_api_macip_acl_interface_add_del_t * mp)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
vl_api_macip_acl_interface_add_del_reply_t *rmp;
int rv = -1;
vnet_interface_main_t *im = &am->vnet_main->interface_main;
u32 sw_if_index = ntohl (mp->sw_if_index);
if (pool_is_free_index(im->sw_interfaces, sw_if_index))
rv =
macip_acl_interface_add_del_acl (ntohl (mp->sw_if_index), mp->is_add,
ntohl (mp->acl_index));
static void
send_macip_acl_details (acl_main_t * am, unix_shared_memory_queue_t * q,
macip_acl_list_t * acl, u32 context)
vl_api_macip_acl_details_t *mp;
vl_api_macip_acl_rule_t *rules;
macip_acl_rule_t *r;
int i;
int msg_size = sizeof (*mp) + (acl ? sizeof (mp->r[0]) * acl->count : 0);
mp = vl_msg_api_alloc (msg_size);
memset (mp, 0, msg_size);
mp->_vl_msg_id = ntohs (VL_API_MACIP_ACL_DETAILS + am->msg_id_base);
/* fill in the message */
mp->context = context;
if (acl)
memcpy (mp->tag, acl->tag, sizeof (mp->tag));
mp->count = htonl (acl->count);
mp->acl_index = htonl (acl - am->macip_acls);
rules = mp->r;
for (i = 0; i < acl->count; i++)
r = &acl->rules[i];
rules[i].is_permit = r->is_permit;
rules[i].is_ipv6 = r->is_ipv6;
memcpy (rules[i].src_mac, &r->src_mac, sizeof (r->src_mac));
memcpy (rules[i].src_mac_mask, &r->src_mac_mask,
sizeof (r->src_mac_mask));
if (r->is_ipv6)
memcpy (rules[i].src_ip_addr, &r->src_ip_addr.ip6,
sizeof (r->src_ip_addr.ip6));
memcpy (rules[i].src_ip_addr, &r->src_ip_addr.ip4,
sizeof (r->src_ip_addr.ip4));
rules[i].src_ip_prefix_len = r->src_prefixlen;
/* No martini, no party - no ACL applied to this interface. */
mp->acl_index = ~0;
mp->count = 0;
vl_msg_api_send_shmem (q, (u8 *) & mp);
static void
vl_api_macip_acl_dump_t_handler (vl_api_macip_acl_dump_t * mp)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
macip_acl_list_t *acl;
unix_shared_memory_queue_t *q;
q = vl_api_client_index_to_input_queue (mp->client_index);
if (q == 0)
if (mp->acl_index == ~0)
/* Just dump all ACLs for now, with sw_if_index = ~0 */
pool_foreach (acl, am->macip_acls, (
send_macip_acl_details (am, q, acl,
/* *INDENT-ON* */
u32 acl_index = ntohl (mp->acl_index);
if (!pool_is_free_index (am->macip_acls, acl_index))
acl = pool_elt_at_index (am->macip_acls, acl_index);
send_macip_acl_details (am, q, acl, mp->context);
static void
vl_api_macip_acl_interface_get_t_handler (vl_api_macip_acl_interface_get_t *
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
vl_api_macip_acl_interface_get_reply_t *rmp;
u32 count = vec_len (am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index);
int msg_size = sizeof (*rmp) + sizeof (rmp->acls[0]) * count;
unix_shared_memory_queue_t *q;
int i;
q = vl_api_client_index_to_input_queue (mp->client_index);
if (q == 0)
rmp = vl_msg_api_alloc (msg_size);
memset (rmp, 0, msg_size);
rmp->_vl_msg_id =
ntohs (VL_API_MACIP_ACL_INTERFACE_GET_REPLY + am->msg_id_base);
rmp->context = mp->context;
rmp->count = htonl (count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
rmp->acls[i] = htonl (am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index[i]);
vl_msg_api_send_shmem (q, (u8 *) & rmp);
static void
send_macip_acl_interface_list_details (acl_main_t * am,
unix_shared_memory_queue_t * q,
u32 sw_if_index,
u32 acl_index,
u32 context)
vl_api_macip_acl_interface_list_details_t *rmp;
/* at this time there is only ever 1 mac ip acl per interface */
int msg_size = sizeof (*rmp) + sizeof (rmp->acls[0]);
rmp = vl_msg_api_alloc (msg_size);
memset (rmp, 0, msg_size);
rmp->_vl_msg_id = ntohs (VL_API_MACIP_ACL_INTERFACE_LIST_DETAILS + am->msg_id_base);
/* fill in the message */
rmp->context = context;
rmp->count = 1;
rmp->sw_if_index = htonl (sw_if_index);
rmp->acls[0] = htonl (acl_index);
vl_msg_api_send_shmem (q, (u8 *) & rmp);
static void
vl_api_macip_acl_interface_list_dump_t_handler (vl_api_macip_acl_interface_list_dump_t *mp)
unix_shared_memory_queue_t *q;
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
u32 sw_if_index = ntohl (mp->sw_if_index);
q = vl_api_client_index_to_input_queue (mp->client_index);
if (q == 0)
if (sw_if_index == ~0)
vec_foreach_index(sw_if_index, am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index)
if (~0 != am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index])
send_macip_acl_interface_list_details(am, q, sw_if_index,
if (vec_len(am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index) > sw_if_index)
send_macip_acl_interface_list_details(am, q, sw_if_index,
/* Set up the API message handling tables */
static clib_error_t *
acl_plugin_api_hookup (vlib_main_t * vm)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
#define _(N,n) \
vl_msg_api_set_handlers((VL_API_##N + am->msg_id_base), \
#n, \
vl_api_##n##_t_handler, \
vl_noop_handler, \
vl_api_##n##_t_endian, \
vl_api_##n##_t_print, \
sizeof(vl_api_##n##_t), 1);
#undef _
return 0;
#define vl_msg_name_crc_list
#include <acl/acl_all_api_h.h>
#undef vl_msg_name_crc_list
static void
setup_message_id_table (acl_main_t * am, api_main_t * apim)
#define _(id,n,crc) \
vl_msg_api_add_msg_name_crc (apim, #n "_" #crc, id + am->msg_id_base);
#undef _
static void
acl_setup_fa_nodes (void)
vlib_main_t *vm = vlib_get_main ();
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
vlib_node_t *n, *n4, *n6;
n = vlib_get_node_by_name (vm, (u8 *) "l2-input-classify");
n4 = vlib_get_node_by_name (vm, (u8 *) "acl-plugin-in-ip4-l2");
n6 = vlib_get_node_by_name (vm, (u8 *) "acl-plugin-in-ip6-l2");
am->l2_input_classify_next_acl_ip4 =
vlib_node_add_next_with_slot (vm, n->index, n4->index, ~0);
am->l2_input_classify_next_acl_ip6 =
vlib_node_add_next_with_slot (vm, n->index, n6->index, ~0);
feat_bitmap_init_next_nodes (vm, n4->index, L2INPUT_N_FEAT,
l2input_get_feat_names (),
feat_bitmap_init_next_nodes (vm, n6->index, L2INPUT_N_FEAT,
l2input_get_feat_names (),
n = vlib_get_node_by_name (vm, (u8 *) "l2-output-classify");
n4 = vlib_get_node_by_name (vm, (u8 *) "acl-plugin-out-ip4-l2");
n6 = vlib_get_node_by_name (vm, (u8 *) "acl-plugin-out-ip6-l2");
am->l2_output_classify_next_acl_ip4 =
vlib_node_add_next_with_slot (vm, n->index, n4->index, ~0);
am->l2_output_classify_next_acl_ip6 =
vlib_node_add_next_with_slot (vm, n->index, n6->index, ~0);
feat_bitmap_init_next_nodes (vm, n4->index, L2OUTPUT_N_FEAT,
l2output_get_feat_names (),
feat_bitmap_init_next_nodes (vm, n6->index, L2OUTPUT_N_FEAT,
l2output_get_feat_names (),
static void
acl_set_timeout_sec(int timeout_type, u32 value)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
clib_time_t *ct = &am->vlib_main->clib_time;
if (timeout_type < ACL_N_TIMEOUTS) {
am->session_timeout_sec[timeout_type] = value;
} else {
clib_warning("Unknown timeout type %d", timeout_type);
am->session_timeout[timeout_type] = (u64)(((f64)value)/ct->seconds_per_clock);
static void
acl_set_session_max_entries(u32 value)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
am->fa_conn_table_max_entries = value;
static int
acl_set_skip_ipv6_eh(u32 eh, u32 value)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
if ((eh < 256) && (value < 2))
am->fa_ipv6_known_eh_bitmap = clib_bitmap_set(am->fa_ipv6_known_eh_bitmap, eh, value);
return 1;
return 0;
static clib_error_t *
acl_sw_interface_add_del (vnet_main_t * vnm, u32 sw_if_index, u32 is_add)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
if (0 == am->acl_mheap) {
/* ACL heap is not initialized, so definitely nothing to do. */
return 0;
if (0 == is_add) {
vlib_process_signal_event (am->vlib_main, am->fa_cleaner_node_index,
/* also unapply any ACLs in case the users did not do so. */
macip_acl_interface_del_acl(am, sw_if_index);
acl_interface_reset_inout_acls (sw_if_index, 0);
acl_interface_reset_inout_acls (sw_if_index, 1);
return 0;
VNET_SW_INTERFACE_ADD_DEL_FUNCTION (acl_sw_interface_add_del);
static clib_error_t *
acl_set_aclplugin_fn (vlib_main_t * vm,
unformat_input_t * input,
vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
clib_error_t *error = 0;
u32 timeout = 0;
u32 val = 0;
u32 eh_val = 0;
uword memory_size = 0;
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
if (unformat (input, "skip-ipv6-extension-header %u %u", &eh_val, &val)) {
if(!acl_set_skip_ipv6_eh(eh_val, val)) {
error = clib_error_return(0, "expecting eh=0..255, value=0..1");
goto done;
if (unformat (input, "use-hash-acl-matching %u", &val))
am->use_hash_acl_matching = (val !=0);
goto done;
if (unformat (input, "l4-match-nonfirst-fragment %u", &val))
am->l4_match_nonfirst_fragment = (val != 0);
goto done;
if (unformat (input, "heap"))
if (unformat(input, "main"))
if (unformat(input, "validate %u", &val))
acl_plugin_acl_set_validate_heap(am, val);
else if (unformat(input, "trace %u", &val))
acl_plugin_acl_set_trace_heap(am, val);
goto done;
else if (unformat(input, "hash"))
if (unformat(input, "validate %u", &val))
acl_plugin_hash_acl_set_validate_heap(am, val);
else if (unformat(input, "trace %u", &val))
acl_plugin_hash_acl_set_trace_heap(am, val);
goto done;
goto done;
if (unformat (input, "session")) {
if (unformat (input, "table")) {
/* The commands here are for tuning/testing. No user-serviceable parts inside */
if (unformat (input, "max-entries")) {
if (!unformat(input, "%u", &val)) {
error = clib_error_return(0,
"expecting maximum number of entries, got `%U`",
format_unformat_error, input);
goto done;
} else {
goto done;
if (unformat (input, "hash-table-buckets")) {
if (!unformat(input, "%u", &val)) {
error = clib_error_return(0,
"expecting maximum number of hash table buckets, got `%U`",
format_unformat_error, input);
goto done;
} else {
am->fa_conn_table_hash_num_buckets = val;
goto done;
if (unformat (input, "hash-table-memory")) {
if (!unformat(input, "%U", unformat_memory_size, &memory_size)) {
error = clib_error_return(0,
"expecting maximum amount of hash table memory, got `%U`",
format_unformat_error, input);
goto done;
} else {
am->fa_conn_table_hash_memory_size = memory_size;
goto done;
goto done;
if (unformat (input, "timeout")) {
if (unformat(input, "udp")) {
if(unformat(input, "idle")) {
if (!unformat(input, "%u", &timeout)) {
error = clib_error_return(0,
"expecting timeout value in seconds, got `%U`",
format_unformat_error, input);
goto done;
} else {
acl_set_timeout_sec(ACL_TIMEOUT_UDP_IDLE, timeout);
goto done;
if (unformat(input, "tcp")) {
if(unformat(input, "idle")) {
if (!unformat(input, "%u", &timeout)) {
error = clib_error_return(0,
"expecting timeout value in seconds, got `%U`",
format_unformat_error, input);
goto done;
} else {
acl_set_timeout_sec(ACL_TIMEOUT_TCP_IDLE, timeout);
goto done;
if(unformat(input, "transient")) {
if (!unformat(input, "%u", &timeout)) {
error = clib_error_return(0,
"expecting timeout value in seconds, got `%U`",
format_unformat_error, input);
goto done;
} else {
acl_set_timeout_sec(ACL_TIMEOUT_TCP_TRANSIENT, timeout);
goto done;
goto done;
return error;
static u8 *
my_format_mac_address (u8 * s, va_list * args)
u8 *a = va_arg (*args, u8 *);
return format (s, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]);
static inline u8 *
my_macip_acl_rule_t_pretty_format (u8 *out, va_list *args)
macip_acl_rule_t *a = va_arg (*args, macip_acl_rule_t *);
out = format(out, "%s action %d ip %U/%d mac %U mask %U",
a->is_ipv6 ? "ipv6" : "ipv4", a->is_permit,
format_ip46_address, &a->src_ip_addr, IP46_TYPE_ANY,
my_format_mac_address, a->src_mac,
my_format_mac_address, a->src_mac_mask);
static void
macip_acl_print(acl_main_t *am, u32 macip_acl_index)
vlib_main_t * vm = am->vlib_main;
int i;
/* Don't try to print someone else's memory */
if (macip_acl_index > vec_len(am->macip_acls))
macip_acl_list_t *a = vec_elt_at_index(am->macip_acls, macip_acl_index);
int free_pool_slot = pool_is_free_index(am->macip_acls, macip_acl_index);
vlib_cli_output(vm, "MACIP acl_index: %d, count: %d (true len %d) tag {%s} is free pool slot: %d\n",
macip_acl_index, a->count, vec_len(a->rules), a->tag, free_pool_slot);
vlib_cli_output(vm, " ip4_table_index %d, ip6_table_index %d, l2_table_index %d\n",
a->ip4_table_index, a->ip6_table_index, a->l2_table_index);
for(i=0; i<vec_len(a->rules); i++)
vlib_cli_output(vm, " rule %d: %U\n", i, my_macip_acl_rule_t_pretty_format,
vec_elt_at_index(a->rules, i));
static clib_error_t *
acl_show_aclplugin_macip_fn (vlib_main_t * vm,
unformat_input_t * input,
vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
clib_error_t *error = 0;
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
int i;
if (unformat (input, "interface"))
for(i=0; i < vec_len(am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index); i++)
vlib_cli_output(vm, " sw_if_index %d: %d\n", i, vec_elt(am->macip_acl_by_sw_if_index, i));
else if (unformat (input, "acl"))
for(i=0; i < vec_len(am->macip_acls); i++)
macip_acl_print(am, i);
return error;
static clib_error_t *
acl_show_aclplugin_fn (vlib_main_t * vm,
unformat_input_t * input,
vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
clib_error_t *error = 0;
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
vnet_interface_main_t *im = &am->vnet_main->interface_main;
u32 *pj;
vnet_sw_interface_t *swif;
if (unformat (input, "sessions"))
u8 * out0 = format(0, "");
u16 wk;
u32 show_bihash_verbose = 0;
u32 show_session_thread_id = ~0;
u32 show_session_session_index = ~0;
unformat (input, "thread %u index %u", &show_session_thread_id, &show_session_session_index);
unformat (input, "verbose %u", &show_bihash_verbose);
u64 n_adds = am->fa_session_total_adds;
u64 n_dels = am->fa_session_total_dels;
out0 = format(out0, "Sessions total: add %lu - del %lu = %lu\n", n_adds, n_dels, n_adds - n_dels);
out0 = format(out0, "\n\nPer-thread data:\n");
for (wk = 0; wk < vec_len (am->per_worker_data); wk++) {
acl_fa_per_worker_data_t *pw = &am->per_worker_data[wk];
out0 = format(out0, "Thread #%d:\n", wk);
if (show_session_thread_id == wk && show_session_session_index < pool_len(pw->fa_sessions_pool)) {
out0 = format(out0, " session index %u:\n", show_session_session_index);
fa_session_t *sess = pw->fa_sessions_pool + show_session_session_index;
u64 *m = (u64 *)&sess->info;
out0 = format(out0, " info: %016llx %016llx %016llx %016llx %016llx %016llx\n", m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]);
out0 = format(out0, " sw_if_index: %u\n", sess->sw_if_index);
out0 = format(out0, " tcp_flags_seen: %x\n", sess->tcp_flags_seen.as_u16);
out0 = format(out0, " last active time: %lu\n", sess->last_active_time);
out0 = format(out0, " thread index: %u\n", sess->thread_index);
out0 = format(out0, " link enqueue time: %lu\n", sess->link_enqueue_time);
out0 = format(out0, " link next index: %u\n", sess->link_next_idx);
out0 = format(out0, " link prev index: %u\n", sess->link_prev_idx);
out0 = format(out0, " link list id: %u\n", sess->link_list_id);
out0 = format(out0, " connection add/del stats:\n", wk);
pool_foreach (swif, im->sw_interfaces,
u32 sw_if_index = swif->sw_if_index;
u64 n_adds = sw_if_index < vec_len(pw->fa_session_adds_by_sw_if_index) ? pw->fa_session_adds_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] : 0;
u64 n_dels = sw_if_index < vec_len(pw->fa_session_dels_by_sw_if_index) ? pw->fa_session_dels_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] : 0;
out0 = format(out0, " sw_if_index %d: add %lu - del %lu = %lu\n", sw_if_index, n_adds, n_dels, n_adds - n_dels);
out0 = format(out0, " connection timeout type lists:\n", wk);
u8 tt = 0;
for(tt = 0; tt < ACL_N_TIMEOUTS; tt++) {
u32 head_session_index = pw->fa_conn_list_head[tt];
out0 = format(out0, " fa_conn_list_head[%d]: %d\n", tt, head_session_index);
if (~0 != head_session_index) {
fa_session_t *sess = pw->fa_sessions_pool + head_session_index;
out0 = format(out0, " last active time: %lu\n", sess->last_active_time);
out0 = format(out0, " link enqueue time: %lu\n", sess->link_enqueue_time);
out0 = format(out0, " Next expiry time: %lu\n", pw->next_expiry_time);
out0 = format(out0, " Requeue until time: %lu\n", pw->requeue_until_time);
out0 = format(out0, " Current time wait interval: %lu\n", pw->current_time_wait_interval);
out0 = format(out0, " Count of deleted sessions: %lu\n", pw->cnt_deleted_sessions);
out0 = format(out0, " Delete already deleted: %lu\n", pw->cnt_already_deleted_sessions);
out0 = format(out0, " Session timers restarted: %lu\n", pw->cnt_session_timer_restarted);
out0 = format(out0, " Swipe until this time: %lu\n", pw->swipe_end_time);
out0 = format(out0, " sw_if_index serviced bitmap: %U\n", format_bitmap_hex, pw->serviced_sw_if_index_bitmap);
out0 = format(out0, " pending clear intfc bitmap : %U\n", format_bitmap_hex, pw->pending_clear_sw_if_index_bitmap);
out0 = format(out0, " clear in progress: %u\n", pw->clear_in_process);
out0 = format(out0, " interrupt is pending: %d\n", pw->interrupt_is_pending);
out0 = format(out0, " interrupt is needed: %d\n", pw->interrupt_is_needed);
out0 = format(out0, " interrupt is unwanted: %d\n", pw->interrupt_is_unwanted);
out0 = format(out0, " interrupt generation: %d\n", pw->interrupt_generation);
out0 = format(out0, "\n\nConn cleaner thread counters:\n");
#define _(cnt, desc) out0 = format(out0, " %20lu: %s\n", am->cnt, desc);
#undef _
vlib_cli_output(vm, "\n\n%s\n\n", out0);
vlib_cli_output(vm, "Interrupt generation: %d\n", am->fa_interrupt_generation);
vlib_cli_output(vm, "Sessions per interval: min %lu max %lu increment: %f ms current: %f ms",
am->fa_min_deleted_sessions_per_interval, am->fa_max_deleted_sessions_per_interval,
am->fa_cleaner_wait_time_increment * 1000.0, ((f64)am->fa_current_cleaner_timer_wait_interval) * 1000.0/(f64)vm->clib_time.clocks_per_second);
show_fa_sessions_hash(vm, show_bihash_verbose);
else if (unformat (input, "interface"))
u32 sw_if_index = ~0;
u32 swi;
u8 * out0 = format(0, "");
unformat (input, "sw_if_index %u", &sw_if_index);
for(swi = 0; (swi < vec_len(am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index)) ||
(swi < vec_len(am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index)); swi++) {
out0 = format(out0, "sw_if_index %d:\n", swi);
if ((swi < vec_len(am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index)) &&
(vec_len(am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[swi]) > 0)) {
out0 = format(out0, " input acl(s): ");
vec_foreach(pj, am->input_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[swi]) {
out0 = format(out0, "%d ", *pj);
out0 = format(out0, "\n");
if ((swi < vec_len(am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index)) &&
(vec_len(am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[swi]) > 0)) {
out0 = format(out0, " output acl(s): ");
vec_foreach(pj, am->output_acl_vec_by_sw_if_index[swi]) {
out0 = format(out0, "%d ", *pj);
out0 = format(out0, "\n");
vlib_cli_output(vm, "\n%s\n", out0);
else if (unformat (input, "acl"))
u32 acl_index = ~0;
u32 i;
u8 * out0 = format(0, "");
unformat (input, "index %u", &acl_index);
for(i=0; i<vec_len(am->acls); i++) {
if (acl_is_not_defined(am, i)) {
/* don't attempt to show the ACLs that do not exist */
if ((acl_index != ~0) && (acl_index != i)) {
out0 = format(out0, "acl-index %u count %u tag {%s}\n", i, am->acls[i].count, am->acls[i].tag);
acl_rule_t *r;
int j;
for(j=0; j<am->acls[i].count; j++) {
r = &am->acls[i].rules[j];
out0 = format(out0, " %4d: %s ", j, r->is_ipv6 ? "ipv6" : "ipv4");
out0 = format_acl_action(out0, r->is_permit);
out0 = format(out0, " src %U/%d", format_ip46_address, &r->src, IP46_TYPE_ANY, r->src_prefixlen);
out0 = format(out0, " dst %U/%d", format_ip46_address, &r->dst, IP46_TYPE_ANY, r->dst_prefixlen);
out0 = format(out0, " proto %d", r->proto);
out0 = format(out0, " sport %d", r->src_port_or_type_first);
if (r->src_port_or_type_first != r->src_port_or_type_last) {
out0 = format(out0, "-%d", r->src_port_or_type_last);
out0 = format(out0, " dport %d", r->dst_port_or_code_first);
if (r->dst_port_or_code_first != r->dst_port_or_code_last) {
out0 = format(out0, "-%d", r->dst_port_or_code_last);
if (r->tcp_flags_mask || r->tcp_flags_value) {
out0 = format(out0, " tcpflags %d mask %d", r->tcp_flags_value, r->tcp_flags_mask);
out0 = format(out0, "\n");
if (i<vec_len(am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl)) {
out0 = format(out0, " applied inbound on sw_if_index: ");
vec_foreach(pj, am->input_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[i]) {
out0 = format(out0, "%d ", *pj);
out0 = format(out0, "\n");
if (i<vec_len(am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl)) {
out0 = format(out0, " applied outbound on sw_if_index: ");
vec_foreach(pj, am->output_sw_if_index_vec_by_acl[i]) {
out0 = format(out0, "%d ", *pj);
out0 = format(out0, "\n");
vlib_cli_output(vm, "\n%s\n", out0);
else if (unformat (input, "memory"))
vlib_cli_output (vm, "ACL plugin main heap statistics:\n");
if (am->acl_mheap) {
vlib_cli_output (vm, " %U\n", format_mheap, am->acl_mheap, 1);
} else {
vlib_cli_output (vm, " Not initialized\n");
vlib_cli_output (vm, "ACL hash lookup support heap statistics:\n");
if (am->hash_lookup_mheap) {
vlib_cli_output (vm, " %U\n", format_mheap, am->hash_lookup_mheap, 1);
} else {
vlib_cli_output (vm, " Not initialized\n");
else if (unformat (input, "tables"))
ace_mask_type_entry_t *mte;
u32 acl_index = ~0;
u32 sw_if_index = ~0;
int show_acl_hash_info = 0;
int show_applied_info = 0;
int show_mask_type = 0;
int show_bihash = 0;
u32 show_bihash_verbose = 0;
if (unformat (input, "acl")) {
show_acl_hash_info = 1;
/* mask-type is handy to see as well right there */
show_mask_type = 1;
unformat (input, "index %u", &acl_index);
} else if (unformat (input, "applied")) {
show_applied_info = 1;
unformat (input, "sw_if_index %u", &sw_if_index);
} else if (unformat (input, "mask")) {
show_mask_type = 1;
} else if (unformat (input, "hash")) {
show_bihash = 1;
unformat (input, "verbose %u", &show_bihash_verbose);
if ( ! (show_mask_type || show_acl_hash_info || show_applied_info || show_bihash) ) {
/* if no qualifiers specified, show all */
show_mask_type = 1;
show_acl_hash_info = 1;
show_applied_info = 1;
show_bihash = 1;
if (show_mask_type) {
vlib_cli_output(vm, "Mask-type entries:");
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
pool_foreach(mte, am->ace_mask_type_pool,
vlib_cli_output(vm, " %3d: %016llx %016llx %016llx %016llx %016llx %016llx refcount %d",
mte - am->ace_mask_type_pool,
mte->mask.kv.key[0], mte->mask.kv.key[1], mte->mask.kv.key[2],
mte->mask.kv.key[3], mte->mask.kv.key[4], mte->mask.kv.value, mte->refcount);
/* *INDENT-ON* */
if (show_acl_hash_info) {
u32 i,j;
u8 * out0 = format(0, "");
u64 *m;
out0 = format(out0, "Mask-ready ACL representations\n");
for (i=0; i< vec_len(am->hash_acl_infos); i++) {
if ((acl_index != ~0) && (acl_index != i)) {
hash_acl_info_t *ha = &am->hash_acl_infos[i];
out0 = format(out0, "acl-index %u bitmask-ready layout\n", i);
out0 = format(out0, " applied inbound on sw_if_index list: %U\n", format_vec32, ha->inbound_sw_if_index_list, "%d");
out0 = format(out0, " applied outbound on sw_if_index list: %U\n", format_vec32, ha->outbound_sw_if_index_list, "%d");
out0 = format(out0, " mask type index bitmap: %U\n", format_bitmap_hex, ha->mask_type_index_bitmap);
for(j=0; j<vec_len(ha->rules); j++) {
hash_ace_info_t *pa = &ha->rules[j];
m = (u64 *)&pa->match;
out0 = format(out0, " %4d: %016llx %016llx %016llx %016llx %016llx %016llx mask index %d acl %d rule %d action %d src/dst portrange not ^2: %d,%d\n",
j, m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5], pa->mask_type_index,
pa->acl_index, pa->ace_index, pa->action,
pa->src_portrange_not_powerof2, pa->dst_portrange_not_powerof2);
vlib_cli_output(vm, "\n%s\n", out0);
if (show_applied_info) {
u32 swi, j;
u8 * out0 = format(0, "");
out0 = format(out0, "Applied lookup entries for interfaces\n");
for(swi = 0; (swi < vec_len(am->input_applied_hash_acl_info_by_sw_if_index)) ||
(swi < vec_len(am->output_applied_hash_acl_info_by_sw_if_index)) ||
(swi < vec_len(am->input_hash_entry_vec_by_sw_if_index)) ||
(swi < vec_len(am->output_hash_entry_vec_by_sw_if_index)); swi++) {
if ((sw_if_index != ~0) && (sw_if_index != swi)) {
out0 = format(out0, "sw_if_index %d:\n", swi);
if (swi < vec_len(am->input_applied_hash_acl_info_by_sw_if_index)) {
applied_hash_acl_info_t *pal = &am->input_applied_hash_acl_info_by_sw_if_index[swi];
out0 = format(out0, " input lookup mask_type_index_bitmap: %U\n", format_bitmap_hex, pal->mask_type_index_bitmap);
out0 = format(out0, " input applied acls: %U\n", format_vec32, pal->applied_acls, "%d");
if (swi < vec_len(am->input_hash_entry_vec_by_sw_if_index)) {
out0 = format(out0, " input lookup applied entries:\n");
for(j=0; j<vec_len(am->input_hash_entry_vec_by_sw_if_index[swi]); j++) {
applied_hash_ace_entry_t *pae = &am->input_hash_entry_vec_by_sw_if_index[swi][j];
out0 = format(out0, " %4d: acl %d rule %d action %d bitmask-ready rule %d next %d prev %d tail %d hitcount %lld\n",
j, pae->acl_index, pae->ace_index, pae->action, pae->hash_ace_info_index,
pae->next_applied_entry_index, pae->prev_applied_entry_index, pae->tail_applied_entry_index, pae->hitcount);
if (swi < vec_len(am->output_applied_hash_acl_info_by_sw_if_index)) {
applied_hash_acl_info_t *pal = &am->output_applied_hash_acl_info_by_sw_if_index[swi];
out0 = format(out0, " output lookup mask_type_index_bitmap: %U\n", format_bitmap_hex, pal->mask_type_index_bitmap);
out0 = format(out0, " output applied acls: %U\n", format_vec32, pal->applied_acls, "%d");
if (swi < vec_len(am->output_hash_entry_vec_by_sw_if_index)) {
out0 = format(out0, " output lookup applied entries:\n");
for(j=0; j<vec_len(am->output_hash_entry_vec_by_sw_if_index[swi]); j++) {
applied_hash_ace_entry_t *pae = &am->output_hash_entry_vec_by_sw_if_index[swi][j];
out0 = format(out0, " %4d: acl %d rule %d action %d bitmask-ready rule %d next %d prev %d tail %d hitcount %lld\n",
j, pae->acl_index, pae->ace_index, pae->action, pae->hash_ace_info_index,
pae->next_applied_entry_index, pae->prev_applied_entry_index, pae->tail_applied_entry_index, pae->hitcount);
vlib_cli_output(vm, "\n%s\n", out0);
if (show_bihash) {
show_hash_acl_hash(vm, am, show_bihash_verbose);
return error;
static clib_error_t *
acl_clear_aclplugin_fn (vlib_main_t * vm,
unformat_input_t * input,
vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
clib_error_t *error = 0;
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
vlib_process_signal_event (am->vlib_main, am->fa_cleaner_node_index,
return error;
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (aclplugin_set_command, static) = {
.path = "set acl-plugin",
.short_help = "set acl-plugin session timeout {{udp idle}|tcp {idle|transient}} <seconds>",
.function = acl_set_aclplugin_fn,
VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (aclplugin_show_command, static) = {
.path = "show acl-plugin",
.short_help = "show acl-plugin {sessions|acl|interface|tables}",
.function = acl_show_aclplugin_fn,
VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (aclplugin_show_macip_command, static) = {
.path = "show acl-plugin macip",
.short_help = "show acl-plugin macip {acl|interface}",
.function = acl_show_aclplugin_macip_fn,
VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (aclplugin_clear_command, static) = {
.path = "clear acl-plugin sessions",
.short_help = "clear acl-plugin sessions",
.function = acl_clear_aclplugin_fn,
/* *INDENT-ON* */
static clib_error_t *
acl_plugin_config (vlib_main_t * vm, unformat_input_t * input)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
u32 conn_table_hash_buckets;
u32 conn_table_hash_memory_size;
u32 conn_table_max_entries;
u32 main_heap_size;
u32 hash_heap_size;
u32 hash_lookup_hash_buckets;
u32 hash_lookup_hash_memory;
while (unformat_check_input (input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT)
if (unformat (input, "connection hash buckets %d", &conn_table_hash_buckets))
am->fa_conn_table_hash_num_buckets = conn_table_hash_buckets;
else if (unformat (input, "connection hash memory %d",
am->fa_conn_table_hash_memory_size = conn_table_hash_memory_size;
else if (unformat (input, "connection count max %d",
am->fa_conn_table_max_entries = conn_table_max_entries;
else if (unformat (input, "main heap size %d",
am->acl_mheap_size = main_heap_size;
else if (unformat (input, "hash lookup heap size %d",
am->hash_lookup_mheap_size = hash_heap_size;
else if (unformat (input, "hash lookup hash buckets %d",
am->hash_lookup_hash_buckets = hash_lookup_hash_buckets;
else if (unformat (input, "hash lookup hash memory %d",
am->hash_lookup_hash_memory = hash_lookup_hash_memory;
return clib_error_return (0, "unknown input '%U'",
format_unformat_error, input);
return 0;
VLIB_CONFIG_FUNCTION (acl_plugin_config, "acl-plugin");
static clib_error_t *
acl_init (vlib_main_t * vm)
acl_main_t *am = &acl_main;
clib_error_t *error = 0;
memset (am, 0, sizeof (*am));
am->vlib_main = vm;
am->vnet_main = vnet_get_main ();
u8 *name = format (0, "acl_%08x%c", api_version, 0);
/* Ask for a correctly-sized block of API message decode slots */
am->msg_id_base = vl_msg_api_get_msg_ids ((char *) name,
error = acl_plugin_api_hookup (vm);
/* Add our API messages to the global name_crc hash table */
setup_message_id_table (am, &api_main);
vec_free (name);
am->acl_mheap_size = ACL_FA_DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE;
am->hash_lookup_mheap_size = ACL_PLUGIN_HASH_LOOKUP_HEAP_SIZE;
am->hash_lookup_hash_buckets = ACL_PLUGIN_HASH_LOOKUP_HASH_BUCKETS;
am->hash_lookup_hash_memory = ACL_PLUGIN_HASH_LOOKUP_HASH_MEMORY;
am->fa_conn_table_hash_num_buckets = ACL_FA_CONN_TABLE_DEFAULT_HASH_NUM_BUCKETS;
am->fa_conn_table_hash_memory_size = ACL_FA_CONN_TABLE_DEFAULT_HASH_MEMORY_SIZE;
am->fa_conn_table_max_entries = ACL_FA_CONN_TABLE_DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES;
vlib_thread_main_t *tm = vlib_get_thread_main ();
vec_validate(am->per_worker_data, tm->n_vlib_mains-1);
u16 wk;
u8 tt;
for (wk = 0; wk < vec_len (am->per_worker_data); wk++) {
acl_fa_per_worker_data_t *pw = &am->per_worker_data[wk];
vec_validate(pw->fa_conn_list_head, ACL_N_TIMEOUTS-1);
vec_validate(pw->fa_conn_list_tail, ACL_N_TIMEOUTS-1);
for(tt = 0; tt < ACL_N_TIMEOUTS; tt++) {
pw->fa_conn_list_head[tt] = ~0;
pw->fa_conn_list_tail[tt] = ~0;
am->fa_min_deleted_sessions_per_interval = ACL_FA_DEFAULT_MIN_DELETED_SESSIONS_PER_INTERVAL;
am->fa_max_deleted_sessions_per_interval = ACL_FA_DEFAULT_MAX_DELETED_SESSIONS_PER_INTERVAL;
am->fa_cleaner_wait_time_increment = ACL_FA_DEFAULT_CLEANER_WAIT_TIME_INCREMENT;
am->fa_cleaner_cnt_delete_by_sw_index = 0;
am->fa_cleaner_cnt_delete_by_sw_index_ok = 0;
am->fa_cleaner_cnt_unknown_event = 0;
am->fa_cleaner_cnt_timer_restarted = 0;
am->fa_cleaner_cnt_wait_with_timeout = 0;
#define _(N, v, s) am->fa_ipv6_known_eh_bitmap = clib_bitmap_set(am->fa_ipv6_known_eh_bitmap, v, 1);
#undef _
am->l4_match_nonfirst_fragment = 1;
/* use the new fancy hash-based matching */
am->use_hash_acl_matching = 1;
return error;