path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-04-20vpp-api: rename libpneum to libvppapiclientDamjan Marion1-15/+18
2017-03-30Clean up more Debian packaging symbol warningsDave Barach1-2/+0
2017-03-15Python API: Change from cPython to CFFI.Ole Troan1-0/+45
#n77'>77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334
 * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <vnet/session/application_interface.h>
#include <vnet/session/application_namespace.h>
#include <vnet/session/session_types.h>
#include <vnet/session/segment_manager.h>

#define APP_DEBUG 0

#if APP_DEBUG > 0
#define APP_DBG(_fmt, _args...) clib_warning (_fmt, ##_args)
#define APP_DBG(_fmt, _args...)

typedef struct app_worker_

  /** Worker index in global worker pool*/
  u32 wrk_index;

  /** Worker index in app's map pool */
  u32 wrk_map_index;

  /** Index of owning app */
  u32 app_index;

  /** Application listens for events on this svm queue */
  svm_msg_q_t *event_queue;

  /** Segment manager used for outgoing connects issued by the app */
  u32 connects_seg_manager;

  /** Lookup tables for listeners. Value is segment manager index */
  uword *listeners_table;

   * First segment manager has in the the first segment the application's
   * event fifo. Depending on what the app does, it may be either used for
   * a listener or for connects.
  u32 first_segment_manager;
  u8 first_segment_manager_in_use;

  /** API index for the worker. Needed for multi-process apps */
  u32 api_client_index;

  u8 app_is_builtin;

  /** Per transport proto hash tables of half-open connection handles */
  uword **half_open_table;

  /** Protects detached seg managers */
  clib_spinlock_t detached_seg_managers_lock;

  /** Vector of detached listener segment managers */
  u32 *detached_seg_managers;
} app_worker_t;

typedef struct app_worker_map_
  u32 wrk_index;
} app_worker_map_t;

typedef struct app_listener_
  clib_bitmap_t *workers;	/**< workers accepting connections */
  u32 accept_rotor;		/**< last worker to accept a connection */
  u32 al_index;			/**< app listener index in app pool */
  u32 app_index;		/**< owning app index */
  u32 local_index;		/**< local listening session index */
  u32 session_index;		/**< global listening session index */
  session_handle_t ls_handle;	/**< session handle of the local or global
				     listening session that also identifies
				     the app listener */
} app_listener_t;

typedef struct application_
  /** App index in app pool */
  u32 app_index;

  /** Flags */
  u32 flags;

  /** Callbacks: shoulder-taps for the server/client */
  session_cb_vft_t cb_fns;

  /** Segment manager properties. Shared by all segment managers */
  segment_manager_props_t sm_properties;

  /** Pool of mappings that keep track of workers associated to this app */
  app_worker_map_t *worker_maps;

  /** Name registered by builtin apps */
  u8 *name;

  /** Namespace the application belongs to */
  u32 ns_index;

  u16 proxied_transports;

  /** Pool of listeners for the app */
  app_listener_t *listeners;

  /** Preferred tls engine */
  u8 tls_engine;

  /** quic initialization vector */
  char quic_iv[17];
  u8 quic_iv_set;

} application_t;

typedef struct app_main_
   * Pool from which we allocate all applications
  application_t *app_pool;

   * Hash table of apps by api client index
  uword *app_by_api_client_index;

   * Hash table of builtin apps by name
  uword *app_by_name;

   * Pool from which we allocate certificates (key, cert)
  app_cert_key_pair_t *cert_key_pair_store;

   * Last registered crypto engine type
  crypto_engine_type_t last_crypto_engine;
} app_main_t;

typedef struct app_init_args_
#define _(_type, _name) _type _name;
#undef _
} app_init_args_t;

typedef struct _vnet_app_worker_add_del_args
  u32 app_index;		/**< App for which a new worker is requested */
  u32 wrk_map_index;		/**< Index to delete or return value if add */
  u32 api_client_index;		/**< Binary API client index */
  ssvm_private_t *segment;	/**< First segment in segment manager */
  u64 segment_handle;		/**< Handle for the segment */
  svm_msg_q_t *evt_q;		/**< Worker message queue */
  u8 is_add;			/**< Flag set if addition */
} vnet_app_worker_add_del_args_t;

#define APP_INVALID_INDEX ((u32)~0)
#define APP_NS_INVALID_INDEX ((u32)~0)

app_listener_t *app_listener_get (application_t * app, u32 al_index);
int app_listener_alloc_and_init (application_t * app,
				 session_endpoint_cfg_t * sep,
				 app_listener_t ** listener);
void app_listener_cleanup (app_listener_t * app_listener);
session_handle_t app_listener_handle (app_listener_t * app_listener);
app_listener_t *app_listener_lookup (application_t * app,
				     session_endpoint_cfg_t * sep);

 * Get app listener handle for listening session
 * For a given listening session, this can return either the session
 * handle of the app listener associated to the listening session or,
 * if no such app listener exists, the session's handle
 * @param ls		listening session
 * @return		app listener or listening session handle
session_handle_t app_listen_session_handle (session_t * ls);
 * Get app listener for listener session handle
 * Should only be called on handles that have an app listener, i.e.,
 * were obtained at the end of a @ref vnet_listen call.
 * @param handle	handle of the app listener. This is the handle of
 * 			either the global or local listener
 * @return		pointer to app listener or 0
app_listener_t *app_listener_get_w_handle (session_handle_t handle);
app_listener_t *app_listener_get_w_session (session_t * ls);
session_t *app_listener_get_session (app_listener_t * al);
session_t *app_listener_get_local_session (app_listener_t * al);

application_t *application_get (u32 index);
application_t *application_get_if_valid (u32 index);
application_t *application_lookup (u32 api_client_index);
application_t *application_lookup_name (const u8 * name);
app_worker_t *application_get_worker (application_t * app, u32 wrk_index);
app_worker_t *application_get_default_worker (application_t * app);
app_worker_t *application_listener_select_worker (session_t * ls);
int application_change_listener_owner (session_t * s, app_worker_t * app_wrk);
int application_is_proxy (application_t * app);
int application_is_builtin (application_t * app);
int application_is_builtin_proxy (application_t * app);
u32 application_session_table (application_t * app, u8 fib_proto);
u32 application_local_session_table (application_t * app);
const u8 *application_name_from_index (u32 app_or_wrk);
u8 application_has_local_scope (application_t * app);
u8 application_has_global_scope (application_t * app);
void application_setup_proxy (application_t * app);
void application_remove_proxy (application_t * app);

segment_manager_props_t *application_get_segment_manager_properties (u32

  * application_segment_manager_properties (application_t * app);

 * App worker

app_worker_t *app_worker_alloc (application_t * app);
int application_alloc_worker_and_init (application_t * app,
				       app_worker_t ** wrk);
app_worker_t *app_worker_get (u32 wrk_index);
app_worker_t *app_worker_get_if_valid (u32 wrk_index);
application_t *app_worker_get_app (u32 wrk_index);
int app_worker_own_session (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s);
void app_worker_free (app_worker_t * app_wrk);
int app_worker_connect_session (app_worker_t * app, session_endpoint_t * tep,
				u32 api_context);
int app_worker_start_listen (app_worker_t * app_wrk, app_listener_t * lstnr);
int app_worker_stop_listen (app_worker_t * app_wrk, app_listener_t * al);
int app_worker_init_accepted (session_t * s);
int app_worker_accept_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s);
int app_worker_init_connected (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s);
int app_worker_connect_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s,
			       session_error_t err, u32 opaque);
int app_worker_add_half_open (app_worker_t * app_wrk, transport_proto_t tp,
			      session_handle_t ho_handle,
			      session_handle_t wrk_handle);
int app_worker_del_half_open (app_worker_t * app_wrk, transport_proto_t tp,
			      session_handle_t ho_handle);
u64 app_worker_lookup_half_open (app_worker_t * app_wrk, transport_proto_t tp,
				 session_handle_t ho_handle);
int app_worker_close_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s);
int app_worker_transport_closed_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk,
					session_t * s);
int app_worker_reset_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s);
int app_worker_cleanup_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s,
			       session_cleanup_ntf_t ntf);
int app_worker_migrate_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s,
			       session_handle_t new_sh);
int app_worker_builtin_rx (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s);
int app_worker_builtin_tx (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s);
int app_worker_session_fifo_tuning (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s,
				    svm_fifo_t * f,
				    session_ft_action_t act, u32 len);
segment_manager_t *app_worker_get_listen_segment_manager (app_worker_t *,
							  session_t *);
segment_manager_t *app_worker_get_connect_segment_manager (app_worker_t *);
  * app_worker_get_or_alloc_connect_segment_manager (app_worker_t *);
int app_worker_alloc_connects_segment_manager (app_worker_t * app);
int app_worker_add_segment_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk,
				   u64 segment_handle);
int app_worker_del_segment_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk,
				   u64 segment_handle);
u32 app_worker_n_listeners (app_worker_t * app);
session_t *app_worker_first_listener (app_worker_t * app,
				      u8 fib_proto, u8 transport_proto);
int app_worker_send_event (app_worker_t * app, session_t * s, u8 evt);
int app_worker_lock_and_send_event (app_worker_t * app, session_t * s,
				    u8 evt_type);
session_t *app_worker_proxy_listener (app_worker_t * app, u8 fib_proto,
				      u8 transport_proto);
void app_worker_del_detached_sm (app_worker_t * app_wrk, u32 sm_index);
u8 *format_app_worker (u8 * s, va_list * args);
u8 *format_app_worker_listener (u8 * s, va_list * args);
u8 *format_crypto_engine (u8 * s, va_list * args);
u8 *format_crypto_context (u8 * s, va_list * args);
void app_worker_format_connects (app_worker_t * app_wrk, int verbose);
int vnet_app_worker_add_del (vnet_app_worker_add_del_args_t * a);

uword unformat_application_proto (unformat_input_t * input, va_list * args);

app_cert_key_pair_t *app_cert_key_pair_get (u32 index);
app_cert_key_pair_t *app_cert_key_pair_get_if_valid (u32 index);
app_cert_key_pair_t *app_cert_key_pair_get_default ();

/* Needed while we support both bapi and mq ctrl messages */
int mq_send_session_bound_cb (u32 app_wrk_index, u32 api_context,
			      session_handle_t handle, int rv);
int mq_send_session_connected_cb (u32 app_wrk_index, u32 api_context,
				  session_t * s, session_error_t err);
void mq_send_unlisten_reply (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_handle_t sh,
			     u32 context, int rv);

crypto_engine_type_t app_crypto_engine_type_add (void);
u8 app_crypto_engine_n_types (void);


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 * Local Variables:
 * eval: (c-set-style "gnu")
 * End: