path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2021-02-01fib: Changes to interpose sourceNeale Ranns6-22/+227
2021-02-01tap: fix the interrupt handlingMohsin Kazmi1-3/+4
2021-01-29interface: fix interface name overflow in logsBenoît Ganne1-9/+9
2021-01-29misc: fix a trunccation on vhost dumpSteven Luong1-6/+5
2021-01-29vlib: acquire barrier before exit callKommula Shiva Shankar1-0/+2
2021-01-28vcl: support set/get vrf attributeFlorin Coras3-0/+24
2021-01-28vcl: fix select want deq ntf for ct sessionsFlorin Coras1-32/+35
2021-01-28svm vcl: add helper fn that discovers mqs in segmentFlorin Coras7-9/+80
2021-01-28vcl: honor time wait in eventfd epoll waitFlorin Coras1-11/+35
2021-01-28cnat: Fix session with deleted trNathan Skrzypczak3-9/+3
2021-01-28cnat: Fix throttle hash & cleanupNathan Skrzypczak5-106/+67
2021-01-28ip: do policer thread handoff from punt policersBrian Russell3-51/+130
2021-01-28policer: add policer handoffBrian Russell2-0/+81
2021-01-28ip: add frame queues to punt policer nodesBrian Russell2-0/+10
2021-01-28policer: add thread index to policerBrian Russell2-3/+8
2021-01-28ip: Router ID included in flow hashNeale Ranns10-11/+65
2021-01-28crypto-openssl: fix iv size for AES CTRBenoît Ganne1-68/+69
2021-01-28build: do not _FORTIFY_SOURCE in debug modeMohammed Hawari1-1/+0
2021-01-27vhost: vhost interface hardware address not setSteven Luong3-6/+9
2021-01-27ikev2: add per SA statsFilip Tehlar7-15/+68
2021-01-26session: clear ct fifo flag prior to notificationFlorin Coras1-6/+7
2021-01-26interface: remove vnet_device_input_runtime_tMohammed Hawari7-432/+14
2021-01-25svm: add custom q implementation for mqFlorin Coras12-121/+313
2021-01-25vlib: add show trace limit warning at the end of output tooBenoît Ganne1-2/+4
2021-01-25crypto-ipsecmb: more explicit errors reportingBenoît Ganne1-4/+24
2021-01-25vlib: startup multi-arch variant configuration fix for interfacesRadu Nicolau5-8/+69
2021-01-24svm: use standard function to reset stale mutexBenoît Ganne1-2/+7
2021-01-22quic: quicly v0.1.2 updateMathias Raoul7-616/+388
2021-01-22tests: add generalized tags for tests, use them for run-solo testsAndrew Yourtchenko5-40/+15
2021-01-22interface: fix rx-placement api/cli for new infraMohammed Hawari3-72/+90
2021-01-22interface: let drivers control polling when downMohammed Hawari2-8/+2
2021-01-22devices: adapt af_packet to new rxq frameworkMohammed Hawari3-32/+32
2021-01-21interface: fix vnet_hw_if_update_runtime_dataMohammed Hawari1-0/+1
2021-01-21sr: SRv6 FlowLabel AddedJakub Horn1-12/+39
2021-01-21dpdk: do not use TSO for small packetsSomnath Kotur1-2/+5
2021-01-21avf: use write combining store for queues tail updateRadu Nicolau5-25/+49
2021-01-21rdma: adapt to new vnet rxq frameworkMohammed Hawari3-27/+30
2021-01-21ip: do not return uninitialized IPv6 ll attributesBenoît Ganne1-3/+7
2021-01-21memif: adapt to new rxq frameworkMohammed Hawari3-61/+59
2021-01-21af_xdp: update interrupt mode to new infraBenoît Ganne3-36/+86
2021-01-21marvell: adapt pp2 to new rxq framework.Mohammed Hawari2-9/+11
2021-01-21interface: rx queue infra rework, part oneDamjan Marion37-354/+1212
2021-01-21perfmon: added cache hits and missesRay Kinsella2-0/+70
2021-01-21dpdk: terminate device devargs stringMatthew Smith1-1/+2
2021-01-21dpdk: add support for system libdpdkNathan Moos1-85/+96
2021-01-21vppinfra: ensure _GNU_SOURCE is presentNathan Moos2-6/+13
2021-01-21ip: Use correct enum type in ip_address_setNeale Ranns5-11/+12
2021-01-21ip: use IPv6 flowlabel in flow hash computationAhmed Abdelsalam13-100/+115
2021-01-21ipsec: Honour IPSec SA table-ID over APINeale Ranns2-11/+9
2021-01-21ipsec: Tunnelled packets are locally generatedNeale Ranns1-0/+1
d by unit tests" @echo " retest - run functional tests" @echo " retest-debug - run functional tests (debug build)" @echo " test-help - show help on test framework" @echo " run-vat - run vpp-api-test tool" @echo " pkg-deb - build DEB packages" @echo " pkg-rpm - build RPM packages" @echo " dpdk-install-dev - install DPDK development packages" @echo " ctags - (re)generate ctags database" @echo " gtags - (re)generate gtags database" @echo " cscope - (re)generate cscope database" @echo " checkstyle - check coding style" @echo " fixstyle - fix coding style" @echo " doxygen - (re)generate documentation" @echo " bootstrap-doxygen - setup Doxygen dependencies" @echo " wipe-doxygen - wipe all generated documentation" @echo " test-doc - generate documentation for test framework" @echo " test-wipe-doc - wipe documentation for test framework" @echo " test-cov - generate code coverage report for test framework" @echo " test-wipe-cov - wipe code coverage report for test framework" @echo " test-checkstyle - check PEP8 compliance for test framework" @echo "" @echo "Make Arguments:" @echo " V=[0|1] - set build verbosity level" @echo " STARTUP_CONF=<path> - startup configuration file" @echo " (e.g. /etc/vpp/startup.conf)" @echo " STARTUP_DIR=<path> - startup drectory (e.g. /etc/vpp)" @echo " It also sets STARTUP_CONF if" @echo " startup.conf file is present" @echo " GDB=<path> - gdb binary to use for debugging" @echo " PLATFORM=<name> - target platform. default is vpp" @echo " TEST=<filter> - apply filter to test set, see test-help" @echo " DPDK_CONFIG=<conf> - add specified dpdk config commands to" @echo " autogenerated startup.conf" @echo " (e.g. \"no-pci\" )" @echo " SAMPLE_PLUGIN=yes - in addition build/run/debug sample plugin" @echo " DISABLED_PLUGINS=<list> - comma separated list of plugins which" @echo " should not be loaded" @echo "" @echo "Current Argument Values:" @echo " V = $(V)" @echo " STARTUP_CONF = $(STARTUP_CONF)" @echo " STARTUP_DIR = $(STARTUP_DIR)" @echo " GDB = $(GDB)" @echo " PLATFORM = $(PLATFORM)" @echo " DPDK_VERSION = $(DPDK_VERSION)" @echo " DPDK_CONFIG = $(DPDK_CONFIG)" @echo " SAMPLE_PLUGIN = $(SAMPLE_PLUGIN)" @echo " DISABLED_PLUGINS = $(DISABLED_PLUGINS)" $(BR)/.bootstrap.ok: ifeq ($(findstring y,$(UNATTENDED)),y) make install-dep endif ifeq ($(filter ubuntu debian,$(OS_ID)),$(OS_ID)) @MISSING=$$(apt-get install -y -qq -s $(DEB_DEPENDS) | grep "^Inst ") ; \ if [ -n "$$MISSING" ] ; then \ echo "\nPlease install missing packages: \n$$MISSING\n" ; \ echo "by executing \"make install-dep\"\n" ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi ; \ exit 0 else ifneq ("$(wildcard /etc/redhat-release)","") @for i in $(RPM_DEPENDS) ; do \ RPM=$$(basename -s .rpm "$${i##*/}" | cut -d- -f1,2,3) ; \ MISSING+=$$(rpm -q $$RPM | grep "^package") ; \ done ; \ if [ -n "$$MISSING" ] ; then \ echo "Please install missing RPMs: \n$$MISSING\n" ; \ echo "by executing \"make install-dep\"\n" ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi ; \ exit 0 endif @echo "SOURCE_PATH = $(WS_ROOT)" > $(BR)/build-config.mk @echo "#!/bin/bash\n" > $(BR)/path_setup @echo 'export PATH=$(BR)/tools/ccache-bin:$$PATH' >> $(BR)/path_setup @echo 'export PATH=$(BR)/tools/bin:$$PATH' >> $(BR)/path_setup @echo 'export CCACHE_DIR=$(CCACHE_DIR)' >> $(BR)/path_setup ifeq ("$(wildcard /usr/bin/ccache )","") @echo "WARNING: Please install ccache AYEC and re-run this script" else @rm -rf $(BR)/tools/ccache-bin @mkdir -p $(BR)/tools/ccache-bin @ln -s /usr/bin/ccache $(BR)/tools/ccache-bin/gcc @ln -s /usr/bin/ccache $(BR)/tools/ccache-bin/g++ endif @make -C $(BR) V=$(V) is_build_tool=yes tools-install @touch $@ bootstrap: $(BR)/.bootstrap.ok install-dep: ifeq ($(filter ubuntu debian,$(OS_ID)),$(OS_ID)) ifeq ($(OS_VERSION_ID),14.04) @sudo -E apt-get $(CONFIRM) $(FORCE) install software-properties-common @sudo -E add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa $(CONFIRM) endif ifeq ($(OS_ID)-$(OS_VERSION_ID),debian-8) @grep -q jessie-backports /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* 2> /dev/null \ || ( echo "Please install jessie-backports" ; exit 1 ) endif @sudo -E apt-get update @sudo -E apt-get $(APT_ARGS) $(CONFIRM) $(FORCE) install $(DEB_DEPENDS) else ifneq ("$(wildcard /etc/redhat-release)","") @sudo -E yum groupinstall $(CONFIRM) $(RPM_DEPENDS_GROUPS) @sudo -E yum install $(CONFIRM) $(RPM_DEPENDS) @sudo -E debuginfo-install $(CONFIRM) glibc openssl-libs zlib else ifeq ($(filter opensuse,$(OS_ID)),$(OS_ID)) @sudo -E zypper -n install -y $(RPM_SUSE_DEPENDS) else $(error "This option currently works only on Ubuntu, Debian or Centos systems") endif define make @make -C $(BR) PLATFORM=$(PLATFORM) TAG=$(1) $(2) endef $(BR)/scripts/.version: ifneq ("$(wildcard /etc/redhat-release)","") $(shell $(BR)/scripts/version rpm-string > $(BR)/scripts/.version) else $(shell $(BR)/scripts/version > $(BR)/scripts/.version) endif DIST_FILE = $(BR)/vpp-$(shell src/scripts/version).tar DIST_SUBDIR = vpp-$(shell src/scripts/version|cut -f1 -d-) dist: @if git rev-parse 2> /dev/null ; then \ git archive \ --prefix=$(DIST_SUBDIR)/ \ --format=tar \ -o $(DIST_FILE) \ HEAD ; \ git describe > $(BR)/.version ; \ else \ (cd .. ; tar -cf $(DIST_FILE) $(DIST_SUBDIR) --exclude=*.tar) ; \ src/scripts/version > $(BR)/.version ; \ fi @tar --append \ --file $(DIST_FILE) \ --transform='s,.*/.version,$(DIST_SUBDIR)/src/scripts/.version,' \ $(BR)/.version @$(RM) $(BR)/.version $(DIST_FILE).xz @xz -v --threads=0 $(DIST_FILE) @$(RM) $(BR)/vpp-latest.tar.xz @ln -rs $(DIST_FILE).xz $(BR)/vpp-latest.tar.xz build: $(BR)/.bootstrap.ok $(call make,$(PLATFORM)_debug,$(addsuffix -install,$(TARGETS))) wipedist: @$(RM) $(BR)/*.tar.xz wipe: wipedist $(BR)/.bootstrap.ok $(call make,$(PLATFORM)_debug,$(addsuffix -wipe,$(TARGETS))) rebuild: wipe build build-release: $(BR)/.bootstrap.ok $(call make,$(PLATFORM),$(addsuffix -install,$(TARGETS))) wipe-release: $(BR)/.bootstrap.ok $(call make,$(PLATFORM),$(addsuffix -wipe,$(TARGETS))) rebuild-release: wipe-release build-release export VPP_PYTHON_PREFIX=$(BR)/python libexpand = $(subst $(subst ,, ),:,$(foreach lib,$(1),$(BR)/install-$(2)-native/vpp/$(lib)/$(3))) define test $(if $(filter-out $(3),retest),make -C $(BR) PLATFORM=$(1) TAG=$(2) vpp-install,) $(eval libs:=lib lib64) make -C test \ TEST_DIR=$(WS_ROOT)/test \ VPP_TEST_BUILD_DIR=$(BR)/build-$(2)-native \ VPP_TEST_BIN=$(BR)/install-$(2)-native/vpp/bin/vpp \ VPP_TEST_PLUGIN_PATH=$(call libexpand,$(libs),$(2),vpp_plugins) \ VPP_TEST_INSTALL_PATH=$(BR)/install-$(2)-native/ \ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(call libexpand,$(libs),$(2),) \ EXTENDED_TESTS=$(EXTENDED_TESTS) \ PYTHON=$(PYTHON) \ $(3) endef test: bootstrap $(call test,vpp,vpp,test) test-debug: bootstrap $(call test,vpp,vpp_debug,test) test-all: bootstrap $(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=yes) $(call test,vpp,vpp,test) test-all-debug: bootstrap $(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=yes) $(call test,vpp,vpp_debug,test) test-help: @make -C test help test-wipe: @make -C test wipe test-shell: bootstrap $(call test,vpp,vpp,shell) test-shell-debug: bootstrap $(call test,vpp,vpp_debug,shell) test-doc: @make -C test doc test-wipe-doc: @make -C test wipe-doc test-cov: bootstrap $(eval EXTENDED_TESTS=yes) $(call test,vpp,vpp_gcov,cov) test-wipe-cov: @make -C test wipe-cov test-checkstyle: @make -C test checkstyle retest: $(call test,vpp,vpp,retest) retest-debug: $(call test,vpp,vpp_debug,retest) STARTUP_DIR ?= $(PWD) ifeq ("$(wildcard $(STARTUP_CONF))","") define run @echo "WARNING: STARTUP_CONF not defined or file doesn't exist." @echo " Running with minimal startup config: $(MINIMAL_STARTUP_CONF)\n" @cd $(STARTUP_DIR) && \ sudo $(2) $(1)/vpp/bin/vpp $(MINIMAL_STARTUP_CONF) \ plugin_path $(subst $(subst ,, ),:,$(wildcard $(1)/*/lib*/vpp_plugins)) endef else define run @cd $(STARTUP_DIR) && \ sudo $(2) $(1)/vpp/bin/vpp $(shell cat $(STARTUP_CONF) | sed -e 's/#.*//') \ plugin_path $(subst $(subst ,, ),:,$(wildcard $(1)/*/lib*/vpp_plugins)) endef endif %.files: .FORCE @find . \( -name '*\.[chyS]' -o -name '*\.java' -o -name '*\.lex' \) -and \ \( -not -path './build-root*' -o -path \ './build-root/build-vpp_debug-native/dpdk*' \) > $@ .FORCE: run: $(call run, $(BR)/install-$(PLATFORM)_debug-native) run-release: $(call run, $(BR)/install-$(PLATFORM)-native) debug: $(call run, $(BR)/install-$(PLATFORM)_debug-native,$(GDB) $(GDB_ARGS) --args) build-coverity: $(call make,$(PLATFORM)_coverity,install-packages) debug-release: $(call run, $(BR)/install-$(PLATFORM)-native,$(GDB) $(GDB_ARGS) --args) build-vat: $(call make,$(PLATFORM)_debug,vpp-api-test-install) run-vat: @sudo $(BR)/install-$(PLATFORM)_debug-native/vpp/bin/vpp_api_test pkg-deb: $(call make,$(PLATFORM),install-deb) pkg-rpm: dist make -C extras/rpm pkg-srpm: dist make -C extras/rpm srpm dpdk-install-dev: make -C dpdk install-$(PKG) ctags: ctags.files @ctags --totals --tag-relative -L $< @rm $< gtags: ctags @gtags --gtagslabel=ctags cscope: cscope.files @cscope -b -q -v checkstyle: @build-root/scripts/checkstyle.sh fixstyle: @build-root/scripts/checkstyle.sh --fix # # Build the documentation # # Doxygen configuration and our utility scripts export DOXY_DIR ?= $(WS_ROOT)/doxygen define make-doxy @OS_ID="$(OS_ID)" make -C $(DOXY_DIR) $@ endef .PHONY: bootstrap-doxygen doxygen wipe-doxygen bootstrap-doxygen: $(call make-doxy) doxygen: $(call make-doxy) wipe-doxygen: $(call make-doxy) define banner @echo "========================================================================" @echo " $(1)" @echo "========================================================================" @echo " " endef verify: install-dep $(BR)/.bootstrap.ok dpdk-install-dev $(call banner,"Building for PLATFORM=vpp using gcc") @make -C build-root PLATFORM=vpp TAG=vpp wipe-all install-packages ifeq ($(OS_ID)-$(OS_VERSION_ID),ubuntu-16.04) $(call banner,"Installing dependencies") @sudo -E apt-get update @sudo -E apt-get $(CONFIRM) $(FORCE) install clang $(call banner,"Building for PLATFORM=vpp using clang") @make -C build-root CC=clang PLATFORM=vpp TAG=vpp_clang wipe-all install-packages endif $(call banner,"Building sample-plugin") @make -C build-root PLATFORM=vpp TAG=vpp sample-plugin-install $(call banner,"Building $(PKG) packages") @make pkg-$(PKG) ifeq ($(OS_ID)-$(OS_VERSION_ID),ubuntu-16.04) @make COMPRESS_FAILED_TEST_LOGS=yes test endif