path: root/test/vpp_ip.py
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2020-04-28tests: implement ipaddress convenience methodsPaul Vinciguerra1-26/+11
2019-11-26fib: Table ReplaceNeale Ranns1-8/+9
2019-11-15tests: Remove the unrequired VPP IP address/prefix class wrappersNeale Ranns1-144/+19
2019-06-26api: refactor format_vl_api_prefix_t return keysPaul Vinciguerra1-3/+3
2019-06-18fib: fib api updatesNeale Ranns1-12/+67
2019-02-01VTL: Fix issue with ipaddress library use under python2.Paul Vinciguerra1-3/+7
2018-12-20test/vpp_ip.py: Correct usage of 'is'Paul Vinciguerra1-32/+28
2018-12-12PAPI: Allow ipaddress object as argument and return values from API callsOle Troan1-14/+0
2018-12-06API: Change ip4_address and ip6_address to use type alias.Ole Troan1-33/+9
2018-11-22MAP: Use explicit address/prefix types in APIOle Troan1-0/+14
2018-11-07GBP Endpoint LearningNeale Ranns1-0/+12
2018-10-18PAPI: Expose API enums to tests / applicationsOle Troan1-11/+9
2018-09-11GBP Endpoint UpdatesNeale Ranns1-18/+116
2018-08-10Use IP address types on UDP encap APINeale Ranns1-0/+135
Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** \file This file defines the vpp control-plane API messages used to control the ABF plugin */ option version = "1.0.0"; import "vnet/ip/ip_types.api"; import "vnet/fib/fib_types.api"; import "vnet/interface_types.api"; /** \brief Get the plugin version @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request */ define abf_plugin_get_version { option status="in_progress"; u32 client_index; u32 context; }; /** \brief Reply to get the plugin version @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request @param major - Incremented every time a known breaking behavior change is introduced @param minor - Incremented with small changes, may be used to avoid buggy versions */ define abf_plugin_get_version_reply { option status="in_progress"; u32 context; u32 major; u32 minor; }; /** \brief A description of an ABF policy @param policy_id User chosen Identifier for the policy @param acl_index The ACL that the policy will match against @param n_paths Number of paths @param paths The set of forwarding paths that are being added or removed. */ typedef abf_policy { u32 policy_id; u32 acl_index; u8 n_paths; vl_api_fib_path_t paths[n_paths]; }; /** \brief A description of an ABF policy @param is_add Is this the addition or removal of paths from the policy If the policy does not exist it is created. If the last path Is being removed, the policy is deleted @param policy The policy */ autoreply define abf_policy_add_del { option status="in_progress"; u32 client_index; u32 context; bool is_add; vl_api_abf_policy_t policy; }; /** \brief Policy description returned in the dump */ define abf_policy_details { option status="in_progress"; u32 context; vl_api_abf_policy_t policy; }; /** \brief Dump all ABF policies */ define abf_policy_dump { option status="in_progress"; u32 client_index; u32 context; }; /** \brief A description of a policy attachment to an interface @param The policy ID to attach @param sw_if_index The interface to attach to @param priority The priority of the attachment, w.r.t. to other attachments on this interface. lower value is 'better' @param is_ipv6 Does this attachment apply to IPv6 packets (or IPv4) */ typedef abf_itf_attach { u32 policy_id; vl_api_interface_index_t sw_if_index; u32 priority; bool is_ipv6; }; /** \brief Add or delete a policy attachment to an interface */ autoreply define abf_itf_attach_add_del { option status="in_progress"; u32 client_index; u32 context; bool is_add; vl_api_abf_itf_attach_t attach; }; /** \brief Attachment details from a dump */ define abf_itf_attach_details { option status="in_progress"; u32 context; vl_api_abf_itf_attach_t attach; }; /** \brief Dump all the policy attachments */ define abf_itf_attach_dump { option status="in_progress"; u32 client_index; u32 context; };