path: root/extras/vpp_if_stats/vpp_if_stats_test.go
blob: 3c22ce85d7547b0a757c53fa60b812a871313db0 (plain)

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.highlight .o { color: #f92672 } /* Operator */
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.highlight .vm { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
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.highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */
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.highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.A
package main

import (

var (
	vppDetails = vpe.ShowVersionReply{
		Program: []byte("vpe"),
		Version: []byte("18.10"),

	testSwIfIndex = uint32(0)
	testInterface = func() *vppInterface {
		return &vppInterface{
			SwInterfaceDetails: interfaces.SwInterfaceDetails{SwIfIndex: testSwIfIndex}, // TODO
			Stats:              interfaceStats{},                                        // TODO
	testInterfaces = func() []*vppInterface {
		return []*vppInterface{

	r                 = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
	testCombinedStats = interfaceStats{
		TxBytes:   r.Uint64(),
		TxPackets: r.Uint64(),
		RxBytes:   r.Uint64(),
		RxPackets: r.Uint64(),
	testCombinedStatsDump = []*adapter.StatEntry{
			Name: "/if/tx",
			Type: adapter.CombinedCounterVector,
			Data: adapter.CombinedCounterStat{
						Bytes:   adapter.Counter(testCombinedStats.TxBytes),
						Packets: adapter.Counter(testCombinedStats.TxPackets),
			Name: "/if/rx",
			Type: adapter.CombinedCounterVector,
			Data: adapter.CombinedCounterStat{
						Bytes:   adapter.Counter(testCombinedStats.RxBytes),
						Packets: adapter.Counter(testCombinedStats.RxPackets),

	testSimpleStats = interfaceStats{
		TxErrors: r.Uint64(),
		RxErrors: r.Uint64(),
		Drops:    r.Uint64(),
		Punts:    r.Uint64(),
	testSimpleStatsDump = []*adapter.StatEntry{
			Name: "/if/tx-error",
			Type: adapter.SimpleCounterVector,
			Data: adapter.SimpleCounterStat{
			Name: "/if/rx-error",
			Type: adapter.SimpleCounterVector,
			Data: adapter.SimpleCounterStat{
			Name: "/if/drops",
			Type: adapter.SimpleCounterVector,
			Data: adapter.SimpleCounterStat{
			Name: "/if/punt",
			Type: adapter.SimpleCounterVector,
			Data: adapter.SimpleCounterStat{

type showDetailsContext struct {
	details vpe.ShowVersionReply

func (ctx *showDetailsContext) ReceiveReply(msg api.Message) (err error) {
	*(msg.(*vpe.ShowVersionReply)) = vppDetails
	return nil

type interfaceDumpContext struct {
	interfaces   []interfaces.SwInterfaceDetails
	currentIndex int

func (ctx *interfaceDumpContext) ReceiveReply(msg api.Message) (lastReplyReceived bool, err error) {
	stop := ctx.currentIndex >= len(ctx.interfaces)
	if !stop {
		*(msg.(*interfaces.SwInterfaceDetails)) = ctx.interfaces[ctx.currentIndex]
	return stop, nil

func TestVppIfStats_GetVppVersion(t *testing.T) {
	mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer mockCtrl.Finish()

	mockChannel := NewMockChannel(mockCtrl)
	mockChannel.EXPECT().SendRequest(&vpe.ShowVersion{}).Return(&showDetailsContext{details: vppDetails})

	v := vppConnector{api: mockChannel}
	err := v.getVppVersion()
	assert.NoError(t, err, "GetVppVersion should not return an error")
	assert.Equal(t, vppDetails, v.VppDetails, "VPP details should be saved")

func TestVppIfStats_GetInterfaces(t *testing.T) {
	mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer mockCtrl.Finish()

	testContext := interfaceDumpContext{interfaces: []interfaces.SwInterfaceDetails{testInterface().SwInterfaceDetails}}
	mockChannel := NewMockChannel(mockCtrl)

	v := vppConnector{api: mockChannel}
	err := v.getInterfaces()
	assert.NoError(t, err, "GetInterfaces should not return an error")
	assert.Len(t, v.Interfaces, len(testContext.interfaces), "All dumped interfaces should be saved")
	if len(testContext.interfaces) > 0 {
		assert.Equal(t, testContext.interfaces[0], v.Interfaces[testInterface().SwIfIndex].SwInterfaceDetails,
			"All dumped interface info should be saved")

func TestVppIfStats_GetStatsForAllInterfacesNoStats(t *testing.T) {
	mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer mockCtrl.Finish()

	mockStatsAPI := NewMockStatsAPI(mockCtrl)
	mockStatsAPI.EXPECT().DumpStats("/if").Return([]*adapter.StatEntry{}, nil)

	v := vppConnector{stats: mockStatsAPI, Interfaces: testInterfaces()}
	err := v.getStatsForAllInterfaces()
	assert.NoError(t, err, "GetStatsForAllInterfaces should not return an error")
	assert.Equal(t, interfaceStats{}, v.Interfaces[testSwIfIndex].Stats, "Stats should be empty")

func testStats(t *testing.T, statsDump *[]*adapter.StatEntry, expectedStats *interfaceStats) {
	mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
	defer mockCtrl.Finish()

	mockStatsAPI := NewMockStatsAPI(mockCtrl)
	mockStatsAPI.EXPECT().DumpStats("/if").Return(*statsDump, nil)

	v := vppConnector{stats: mockStatsAPI, Interfaces: testInterfaces()}
	err := v.getStatsForAllInterfaces()
	assert.NoError(t, err, "GetStatsForAllInterfaces should not return an error")
	assert.Equal(t, *expectedStats, v.Interfaces[testSwIfIndex].Stats, "Collected and saved stats should match")

func TestVppIfStats_GetStatsForAllInterfacesCombinedStats(t *testing.T) {
	testStats(t, &testCombinedStatsDump, &testCombinedStats)

func TestVppIfStats_GetStatsForAllInterfacesSimpleStats(t *testing.T) {
	testStats(t, &testSimpleStatsDump, &testSimpleStats)