path: root/src/plugins/gbp/gbp_msg_enum.h
blob: c6f34f920058888eb604131457c18dde36b801ae (plain)
 * Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#ifndef included_gbp_msg_enum_h
#define included_gbp_msg_enum_h

#include <vppinfra/byte_order.h>

#define vl_msg_id(n,h) n,
typedef enum {
#include <gbp/gbp_all_api_h.h>
    /* We'll want to know how many messages IDs we need... */
} vl_msg_id_t;
#undef vl_msg_id

'>375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

option version = "1.0.3";

/** \brief client->vpp, attach application to session layer
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param initial_segment_size - size of the initial shm segment to be 
    @param options - segment size, fifo sizes, etc.
    @param namespace_id_len - length of the namespace id c-string
    @param namespace_id - 0 terminted c-string
 define application_attach {
    u32 client_index;
    u32 context;
    u32 initial_segment_size;
    u64 options[16];
    u8 namespace_id_len;
    u8 namespace_id [64];
 /** \brief Application attach reply
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code for the request
    @param app_event_queue_address - vpp event queue address or 0 if this 
                                 	 connection shouldn't send events
    @param segment_size - size of first shm segment
    @param segment_name_length - length of segment name 
    @param segment_name - name of segment client needs to attach to
define application_attach_reply {
    u32 context;
    i32 retval;
    u64 app_event_queue_address;
    u32 segment_size;
    u8 segment_name_length;
    u8 segment_name[128];

/** \brief Application add TLS certificate
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param cert_len - certificate length
    @param cert - certificate as a string
autoreply define application_tls_cert_add {
    u32 client_index;
    u32 context;
    u32 app_index;
    u16 cert_len;
    u8 cert[cert_len];

/** \brief Application add TLS key
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param key_len - certificate length
    @param key - PEM encoded key as a string
autoreply define application_tls_key_add {
    u32 client_index;
    u32 context;
    u32 app_index;
    u16 key_len;
    u8 key[key_len];

 /** \brief client->vpp, attach application to session layer
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
autoreply define application_detach {
    u32 client_index;
    u32 context;
/** \brief vpp->client, please map an additional shared memory segment
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param segment_name - 
autoreply define map_another_segment {
    u32 client_index;
    u32 context;
    u32 segment_size;
    u8 segment_name[128];

/** \brief vpp->client unmap shared memory segment
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param segment_name - 
autoreply define unmap_segment {
    u32 client_index;
    u32 context;
    u8 segment_name[128];

 /** \brief Bind to a given URI
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param accept_cookie - sender accept cookie, to identify this bind flavor
    @param uri - a URI, e.g. "tcp://" [ipv4]
                 "tcp://::/0/80" [ipv6] etc.
    @param options - socket options, fifo sizes, etc.
define bind_uri {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u32 accept_cookie;
  u8 uri[128];

define bind_uri_reply {
  u32 context;
  u64 handle;
  i32 retval;
  u64 rx_fifo;
  u64 tx_fifo;
  u8 lcl_is_ip4;
  u8 lcl_ip[16];
  u16 lcl_port;
  u64 vpp_evt_q;

/** \brief Unbind a given URI
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param uri - a URI, e.g. "tcp://" [ipv4]
                 "tcp://::/0/80" [ipv6], etc.
    @param options - socket options, fifo sizes, etc.
autoreply define unbind_uri {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u8 uri[128];

/** \brief Connect to a given URI
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param client_queue_address - binary API client queue address. Used by 
    							  local server when connect was redirected.
    @param options - socket options, fifo sizes, etc. passed by vpp to the
    				 server when redirecting connects 
    @param uri - a URI, e.g. "tcp4://"
                 "tcp6://::/0/80" [ipv6], etc.
autoreply define connect_uri {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u64 client_queue_address;
  u64 options[16];
  u8 uri[128];

/** \brief vpp->client, accept this session
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param listener_handle - tells client which listener this pertains to
    @param handle - unique session identifier
    @param rx_fifo_address - rx (vpp -> vpp-client) fifo address 
    @param tx_fifo_address - tx (vpp-client -> vpp) fifo address 
    @param vpp_event_queue_address - vpp's event queue address or client's
    									event queue for cut through
    @param server_event_queue_address - server's event queue address for
    									   cut through sessions
    @param port - remote port
    @param is_ip4 - 1 if the ip is ip4
    @param ip - remote ip
define accept_session {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u64 listener_handle;
  u64 handle; 
  u64 server_rx_fifo;
  u64 server_tx_fifo;
  u64 vpp_event_queue_address;
  u64 server_event_queue_address;
  u16 port;
  u8 is_ip4;
  u8 ip[16];

/** \brief client->vpp, reply to an accept message
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code for the request
    @param session_index - session index from accept_session / connect_reply
    @param session_thread_index - thread index from accept_session /
define accept_session_reply {
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;
  u64 handle;

/** \brief bidirectional disconnect API
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
                          client to vpp direction only
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param handle - session handle obtained from accept/connect
define disconnect_session {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u64 handle;

/** \brief bidirectional disconnect reply API
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
                          client to vpp direction only
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code for the request
    @param handle - session handle
define disconnect_session_reply {
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;
  u64 handle;

/** \brief vpp->client reset session API
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
                          client to vpp direction only
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param handle - session handle obtained via accept/connects
define reset_session {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u64 handle;

/** \brief client->vpp reset session reply
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
                          client to vpp direction only
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code for the request
    @param handle - session handle obtained via accept/connect
define reset_session_reply {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;
  u64 handle;

/** \brief Bind to an ip:port pair for a given transport protocol
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param vrf - bind namespace
    @param is_ip4 - flag that is 1 if ip address family is IPv4
    @param ip - ip address
    @param port - port 
    @param proto - protocol 0 - TCP 1 - UDP
    @param options - socket options, fifo sizes, etc.
define bind_sock {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u32 vrf;
  u8 is_ip4;
  u8 ip[16];
  u16 port;
  u8 proto;
  u64 options[16];

/** \brief Unbind 
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param handle - bind handle obtained from bind reply
autoreply define unbind_sock {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u64 handle;

/** \brief Connect to a remote peer
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param client_queue_address - client's API queue address. Non-zero when 
                                  used to perform redirects
    @param options - socket options, fifo sizes, etc. when doing redirects
    @param vrf - connection namespace
    @param is_ip4 - flag that is 1 if ip address family is IPv4
    @param ip - ip address
    @param port - port 
    @param proto - protocol 0 - TCP 1 - UDP
    @param hostname-len - length of hostname
    @param hostname - destination's hostname. If present, used by protocols
					  like tls.
autoreply define connect_sock {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u64 client_queue_address;
  u64 options[16];
  u32 vrf;
  u8 is_ip4;
  u8 ip[16];
  u16 port;
  u8 proto;
  u8 hostname_len;
  u8 hostname[hostname_len];

/** \brief Bind reply
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param handle - bind handle
    @param retval - return code for the request
    @param lcl_is_ip4 - local ip address type
    @param lcl_ip6 - local ip address
    @param lcl_port - local port
    @param rx_fifo - rx fifo address if allocated (connectionless)
    @param tx_fifo - tx fifo address if allocated (connectionless) 
    @param vpp_evt_q - vpp event queue address (connectionless)
    @param segment_name_length - length of segment name 
    @param segment_name - name of segment client needs to attach to
define bind_sock_reply {
  u32 context;
  u64 handle;
  i32 retval;
  u8 lcl_is_ip4;
  u8 lcl_ip[16];
  u16 lcl_port;
  u64 rx_fifo;
  u64 tx_fifo;
  u64 vpp_evt_q;
  u32 segment_size;
  u8 segment_name_length;
  u8 segment_name[128];

/* Dummy connect message -- needed to satisfy api generators
*  NEVER USED, doxygen tags elided on purpose.
define connect_session {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;

/** \brief vpp/server->client, connect reply -- used for all connect_* messages
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code for the request
    @param handle - connection handle
    @param server_rx_fifo - rx (vpp -> vpp-client) fifo address 
    @param server_tx_fifo - tx (vpp-client -> vpp) fifo address 
    @param vpp_event_queue_address - vpp's event queue address
    @param client_event_queue_address - client's event queue address
    @param segment_size - size of segment to be attached. Only for redirects.
    @param segment_name_length - non-zero if the client needs to attach to 
                                 the fifo segment
    @param segment_name - set if the client needs to attach to the segment
    @param lcl_ip - local ip for connection
    @param is_ip4 - flag to indicate if ip is v4 or v6
    @param lcl_port - local port
define connect_session_reply {
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;
  u64 handle;
  u64 server_rx_fifo;
  u64 server_tx_fifo;
  u64 vpp_event_queue_address;
  u64 client_event_queue_address;
  u32 segment_size;
  u8 segment_name_length;
  u8 segment_name[128];
  u8 lcl_ip[16];
  u8 is_ip4;
  u16 lcl_port;

/** \brief enable/disable session layer
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
                          client to vpp direction only
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param is_enable - disable session layer if 0, enable otherwise
autoreply define session_enable_disable {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u8 is_enable;

/** \brief add/del application namespace
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
                          client to vpp direction only
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param secret - secret shared between app and vpp 
    @param sw_if_index - local interface that "supports" namespace. Set to
    						~0 if no preference
    @param ip4_fib_id - id of ip4 fib that "supports" the namespace. Ignored 
    						if sw_if_index set.
    @param ip6_fib_id - id of ip6 fib that "supports" the namespace. Ignored 
    						if sw_if_index set.
    @param namespace_id_len - length of namespace id lower
    @param namespace_id - namespace id
define app_namespace_add_del {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u64 secret;
  u32 sw_if_index;
  u32 ip4_fib_id;
  u32 ip6_fib_id;
  u8 namespace_id_len;
  u8 namespace_id[64];

/** \brief Reply for app namespace add/del
    @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code
    @param appns_index - app namespace index
define app_namespace_add_del_reply
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;
  u32 appns_index;

/** \brief add/del session rule
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
                          client to vpp direction only
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param transport_proto - transport protocol (0 - tcp 1 - udp)
    @param is_ip4 - flag to indicate if ip addresses are ip4 or 6
    @param lcl_ip - local ip
    @param lcl_plen - local prefix length
    @param rmt_ip - remote ip
    @param rmt_ple - remote prefix length
    @param lcl_port - local port
    @param rmt_port - remote port
    @param action_index - the only action defined now is forward to 
    						  application with index action_index
    	@param is_add - flag to indicate if add or del
    	@param appns_index - application namespace where rule is to be applied
    	@param scope - flag that indicates scope of the rule: global or local.
    				   If 0, default is global, 1 is global 2 is local, 3 is
autoreply define session_rule_add_del {
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u8 transport_proto;
  u8 is_ip4;
  u8 lcl_ip[16];
  u8 lcl_plen;
  u8 rmt_ip[16];
  u8 rmt_plen;
  u16 lcl_port;
  u16 rmt_port;
  u32 action_index;
  u8 is_add;
  u32 appns_index;
  u8 scope;
  u8 tag[64];

/** \brief Dump session rules
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
define session_rules_dump
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;

/** \brief Session rules details
	@param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param transport_proto - transport protocol (0 - tcp 1 - udp)
    @param is_ip4 - flag to indicate if ip addresses are ip4 or 6
    @param lcl_ip - local ip
    @param lcl_plen - local prefix length
    @param rmt_ip - remote ip
    @param rmt_ple - remote prefix length
    @param lcl_port - local port
    @param rmt_port - remote port
    @param action_index - the only action defined now is forward to
    						  application with index action_index
    	@param appns_index - application namespace where rule is to be applied
    	@param scope - flag that indicates scope of the rule: global or local.
    				   If 0, default is global, 1 is global 2 is local, 3 is
define session_rules_details
  u32 context;
  u8 transport_proto;
  u8 is_ip4;
  u8 lcl_ip[16];
  u8 lcl_plen;
  u8 rmt_ip[16];
  u8 rmt_plen;
  u16 lcl_port;
  u16 rmt_port;
  u32 action_index;
  u32 appns_index;
  u8 scope;
  u8 tag[64];

 * Local Variables:
 * eval: (c-set-style "gnu")
 * End: