path: root/src/vnet/ip/ip4_to_ip6.h
blob: 9fedcc6fa3515146dbf7160dc255d314e124acae (plain)

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# <feature-name>: <subject>
# |<----  Using a maximum of 50 characters  ---->|
# Explain why this change is being made
# |<----   Try to limit each line to a maximum of 72 characters   ---->|

# Ticket: <JIRA #id>
# Type: <type>
# Fixes: <offending-git-commit-id>
# Change-Id: <sha1>
# Signed-off-by: <email>
# --- COMMIT END ---
# Type can be
#    feature     (new feature)
#    fix         (bug fix)
#    refactor    (refactoring production code)
#    improvement (minor improvements in existing feature)
#    style       (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change)
#    docs        (changes to documentation)
#    test        (adding or refactoring tests; no production code change)
#    make        (change the build process, or tools, or infrastructure)
# feature-name: Is the name of the VPP feature, plugin or directory.
#               Commits across multiple components should be split.
#               E.g. ip, fib, nat, acl, host, api
# Fixes: If type is fix refers to the original commit (optional).
# Ticket: Refers to JIRA ticket if it exists (optional).
# --------------------
# Remember to:
#    Lowercase the subject line.
#    Use the imperative mood in the subject line.
#    Not end the subject line with a period.
#    Separate subject from body with a blank line.
#    Use the body to explain what and why vs. how.
#    Use multiple lines with "-" for bullet points in body.
# --------------------
# Usage:
# The template is automatically added to the current repository by
# make install-dep.
# (git config commit.template .git_commit_template.txt)
# --------------------
ref='#n377'>377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653
 * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * @file
 * @brief IPv4 to IPv6 translation
#ifndef __included_ip4_to_ip6_h__
#define __included_ip4_to_ip6_h__

#include <vnet/ip/ip.h>

 * IPv4 to IPv6 set call back function type
typedef int (*ip4_to_ip6_set_fn_t) (ip4_header_t * ip4, ip6_header_t * ip6,
				    void *ctx);

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
static u8 icmp_to_icmp6_updater_pointer_table[] =
  { 0, 1, 4, 4, ~0,
    ~0, ~0, ~0, 7, 6,
    ~0, ~0, 8, 8, 8,
    8, 24, 24, 24, 24
/* *INDENT-ON* */

#define frag_id_4to6(id) (id)

 * @brief Get TCP/UDP port number or ICMP id from IPv4 packet.
 * @param ip4        IPv4 header.
 * @param sender     1 get sender port, 0 get receiver port.
 * @returns Port number on success, 0 otherwise.
always_inline u16
ip4_get_port (ip4_header_t * ip, u8 sender)
  if (ip->ip_version_and_header_length != 0x45 ||
      ip4_get_fragment_offset (ip))
    return 0;

  if (PREDICT_TRUE ((ip->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_TCP) ||
		    (ip->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_UDP)))
      udp_header_t *udp = (void *) (ip + 1);
      return (sender) ? udp->src_port : udp->dst_port;
  else if (ip->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_ICMP)
      icmp46_header_t *icmp = (void *) (ip + 1);
      if (icmp->type == ICMP4_echo_request || icmp->type == ICMP4_echo_reply)
	  return *((u16 *) (icmp + 1));
      else if (clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip->length) >= 64)
	  ip = (ip4_header_t *) (icmp + 2);
	  if (PREDICT_TRUE ((ip->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_TCP) ||
			    (ip->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_UDP)))
	      udp_header_t *udp = (void *) (ip + 1);
	      return (sender) ? udp->dst_port : udp->src_port;
	  else if (ip->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_ICMP)
	      icmp46_header_t *icmp = (void *) (ip + 1);
	      if (icmp->type == ICMP4_echo_request ||
		  icmp->type == ICMP4_echo_reply)
		  return *((u16 *) (icmp + 1));
  return 0;

 * @brief Convert type and code value from ICMP4 to ICMP6.
 * @param icmp      ICMP header.
 * @param inner_ip4 Inner IPv4 header if present, 0 otherwise.
 * @returns 0 on success, non-zero value otherwise.
always_inline int
icmp_to_icmp6_header (icmp46_header_t * icmp, ip4_header_t ** inner_ip4)
  *inner_ip4 = NULL;
  switch (icmp->type)
    case ICMP4_echo_reply:
      icmp->type = ICMP6_echo_reply;
    case ICMP4_echo_request:
      icmp->type = ICMP6_echo_request;
    case ICMP4_destination_unreachable:
      *inner_ip4 = (ip4_header_t *) (((u8 *) icmp) + 8);

      switch (icmp->code)
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_destination_unreachable_net:	//0
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_destination_unreachable_host:	//1
	  icmp->type = ICMP6_destination_unreachable;
	  icmp->code = ICMP6_destination_unreachable_no_route_to_destination;
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_protocol_unreachable:	//2
	  icmp->type = ICMP6_parameter_problem;
	  icmp->code = ICMP6_parameter_problem_unrecognized_next_header;
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_port_unreachable:	//3
	  icmp->type = ICMP6_destination_unreachable;
	  icmp->code = ICMP6_destination_unreachable_port_unreachable;
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_fragmentation_needed_and_dont_fragment_set:	//4
	  icmp->type =
	  icmp->code = 0;
	    u32 advertised_mtu = clib_net_to_host_u32 (*((u32 *) (icmp + 1)));
	    if (advertised_mtu)
	      advertised_mtu += 20;
	      advertised_mtu = 1000;	//FIXME ! (RFC 1191 - plateau value)

	    //FIXME: = minimum(advertised MTU+20, MTU_of_IPv6_nexthop, (MTU_of_IPv4_nexthop)+20)
	    *((u32 *) (icmp + 1)) = clib_host_to_net_u32 (advertised_mtu);

	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_source_route_failed:	//5
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_destination_network_unknown:	//6
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_destination_host_unknown:	//7
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_source_host_isolated:	//8
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_network_unreachable_for_type_of_service:	//11
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_host_unreachable_for_type_of_service:	//12
	  icmp->type =
	  icmp->code = ICMP6_destination_unreachable_no_route_to_destination;
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_network_administratively_prohibited:	//9
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_host_administratively_prohibited:	//10
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_communication_administratively_prohibited:	//13
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_precedence_cutoff_in_effect:	//15
	  icmp->type = ICMP6_destination_unreachable;
	  icmp->code =
	case ICMP4_destination_unreachable_host_precedence_violation:	//14
	  return -1;

    case ICMP4_time_exceeded:	//11
      *inner_ip4 = (ip4_header_t *) (((u8 *) icmp) + 8);
      icmp->type = ICMP6_time_exceeded;

    case ICMP4_parameter_problem:
      *inner_ip4 = (ip4_header_t *) (((u8 *) icmp) + 8);

      switch (icmp->code)
	case ICMP4_parameter_problem_pointer_indicates_error:
	case ICMP4_parameter_problem_bad_length:
	  icmp->type = ICMP6_parameter_problem;
	  icmp->code = ICMP6_parameter_problem_erroneous_header_field;
	    u8 ptr =
	      icmp_to_icmp6_updater_pointer_table[*((u8 *) (icmp + 1))];
	    if (ptr == 0xff)
	      return -1;

	    *((u32 *) (icmp + 1)) = clib_host_to_net_u32 (ptr);
	  //All other codes cause error
	  return -1;

      //All other types cause error
      return -1;
  return 0;

 * @brief Translate ICMP4 packet to ICMP6.
 * @param p         Buffer to translate.
 * @param fn        The function to translate outer header.
 * @param ctx       A context passed in the outer header translate function.
 * @param inner_fn  The function to translate inner header.
 * @param inner_ctx A context passed in the inner header translate function.
 * @returns 0 on success, non-zero value otherwise.
always_inline int
icmp_to_icmp6 (vlib_buffer_t * p, ip4_to_ip6_set_fn_t fn, void *ctx,
	       ip4_to_ip6_set_fn_t inner_fn, void *inner_ctx)
  ip4_header_t *ip4, *inner_ip4;
  ip6_header_t *ip6, *inner_ip6;
  u32 ip_len;
  icmp46_header_t *icmp;
  ip_csum_t csum;
  ip6_frag_hdr_t *inner_frag;
  u32 inner_frag_id;
  u32 inner_frag_offset;
  u8 inner_frag_more;
  u16 *inner_L4_checksum = 0;
  int rv;

  ip4 = vlib_buffer_get_current (p);
  ip_len = clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip4->length);
  ASSERT (ip_len <= p->current_length);

  icmp = (icmp46_header_t *) (ip4 + 1);
  if (icmp_to_icmp6_header (icmp, &inner_ip4))
    return -1;

  if (inner_ip4)
      //We have 2 headers to translate.
      //We need to make some room in the middle of the packet
      if (PREDICT_FALSE (ip4_is_fragment (inner_ip4)))
	  //Here it starts getting really tricky
	  //We will add a fragmentation header in the inner packet

	  if (!ip4_is_first_fragment (inner_ip4))
	      //For now we do not handle unless it is the first fragment
	      //Ideally we should handle the case as we are in slow path already
	      return -1;

	  vlib_buffer_advance (p,
			       -2 * (sizeof (*ip6) - sizeof (*ip4)) -
			       sizeof (*inner_frag));
	  ip6 = vlib_buffer_get_current (p);
	  clib_memcpy (u8_ptr_add (ip6, sizeof (*ip6) - sizeof (*ip4)), ip4,
		       20 + 8);
	  ip4 =
	    (ip4_header_t *) u8_ptr_add (ip6, sizeof (*ip6) - sizeof (*ip4));
	  icmp = (icmp46_header_t *) (ip4 + 1);

	  inner_ip6 =
	    (ip6_header_t *) u8_ptr_add (inner_ip4,
					 sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6) -
					 sizeof (*inner_frag));
	  inner_frag =
	    (ip6_frag_hdr_t *) u8_ptr_add (inner_ip6, sizeof (*inner_ip6));
	  ip6->payload_length =
	    u16_net_add (ip4->length,
			 sizeof (*ip6) - 2 * sizeof (*ip4) +
			 sizeof (*inner_frag));
	  inner_frag_id = frag_id_4to6 (inner_ip4->fragment_id);
	  inner_frag_offset = ip4_get_fragment_offset (inner_ip4);
	  inner_frag_more =
	    ! !(inner_ip4->flags_and_fragment_offset &
		clib_net_to_host_u16 (IP4_HEADER_FLAG_MORE_FRAGMENTS));
	  vlib_buffer_advance (p, -2 * (sizeof (*ip6) - sizeof (*ip4)));
	  ip6 = vlib_buffer_get_current (p);
	  clib_memcpy (u8_ptr_add (ip6, sizeof (*ip6) - sizeof (*ip4)), ip4,
		       20 + 8);
	  ip4 =
	    (ip4_header_t *) u8_ptr_add (ip6, sizeof (*ip6) - sizeof (*ip4));
	  icmp = (icmp46_header_t *) u8_ptr_add (ip4, sizeof (*ip4));
	  inner_ip6 =
	    (ip6_header_t *) u8_ptr_add (inner_ip4,
					 sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6));
	  ip6->payload_length =
	    u16_net_add (ip4->length, sizeof (*ip6) - 2 * sizeof (*ip4));
	  inner_frag = NULL;

      if (PREDICT_TRUE (inner_ip4->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_TCP))
	  inner_L4_checksum = &((tcp_header_t *) (inner_ip4 + 1))->checksum;
	  *inner_L4_checksum =
	    ip_csum_fold (ip_csum_sub_even
			   *((u64 *) (&inner_ip4->src_address))));
      else if (PREDICT_TRUE (inner_ip4->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_UDP))
	  inner_L4_checksum = &((udp_header_t *) (inner_ip4 + 1))->checksum;
	  if (*inner_L4_checksum)
	    *inner_L4_checksum =
	      ip_csum_fold (ip_csum_sub_even
			     *((u64 *) (&inner_ip4->src_address))));
      else if (inner_ip4->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_ICMP)
	  //We have an ICMP inside an ICMP
	  //It needs to be translated, but not for error ICMP messages
	  icmp46_header_t *inner_icmp = (icmp46_header_t *) (inner_ip4 + 1);
	  //Only types ICMP4_echo_request and ICMP4_echo_reply are handled by icmp_to_icmp6_header
	  inner_icmp->type = (inner_icmp->type == ICMP4_echo_request) ?
	    ICMP6_echo_request : ICMP6_echo_reply;
	  inner_L4_checksum = &inner_icmp->checksum;
	  inner_ip4->protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_ICMP6;
	  /* To shut up Coverity */
	  os_panic ();

      inner_ip6->ip_version_traffic_class_and_flow_label =
	clib_host_to_net_u32 ((6 << 28) + (inner_ip4->tos << 20));
      inner_ip6->payload_length =
	u16_net_add (inner_ip4->length, -sizeof (*inner_ip4));
      inner_ip6->hop_limit = inner_ip4->ttl;
      inner_ip6->protocol = inner_ip4->protocol;

      if ((rv = inner_fn (inner_ip4, inner_ip6, inner_ctx)) != 0)
	return rv;

      if (PREDICT_FALSE (inner_frag != NULL))
	  inner_frag->next_hdr = inner_ip6->protocol;
	  inner_frag->identification = inner_frag_id;
	  inner_frag->rsv = 0;
	  inner_frag->fragment_offset_and_more =
	    ip6_frag_hdr_offset_and_more (inner_frag_offset, inner_frag_more);
	  inner_ip6->protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_IPV6_FRAGMENTATION;
	  inner_ip6->payload_length =
	    clib_host_to_net_u16 (clib_net_to_host_u16
				  (inner_ip6->payload_length) +
				  sizeof (*inner_frag));

      csum = *inner_L4_checksum;
      if (inner_ip6->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_ICMP6)
	  //Recompute ICMP checksum
	  icmp46_header_t *inner_icmp = (icmp46_header_t *) (inner_ip4 + 1);

	  inner_icmp->checksum = 0;
	  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (0, inner_ip6->payload_length);
	  csum =
	    ip_csum_with_carry (csum,
				clib_host_to_net_u16 (inner_ip6->protocol));
	  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (csum, inner_ip6->src_address.as_u64[0]);
	  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (csum, inner_ip6->src_address.as_u64[1]);
	  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (csum, inner_ip6->dst_address.as_u64[0]);
	  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (csum, inner_ip6->dst_address.as_u64[1]);
	  csum =
	    ip_incremental_checksum (csum, inner_icmp,
	  inner_icmp->checksum = ~ip_csum_fold (csum);
	  /* UDP checksum is optional */
	  if (csum)
	      csum =
		ip_csum_add_even (csum, inner_ip6->src_address.as_u64[0]);
	      csum =
		ip_csum_add_even (csum, inner_ip6->src_address.as_u64[1]);
	      csum =
		ip_csum_add_even (csum, inner_ip6->dst_address.as_u64[0]);
	      csum =
		ip_csum_add_even (csum, inner_ip6->dst_address.as_u64[1]);
	      *inner_L4_checksum = ip_csum_fold (csum);
      vlib_buffer_advance (p, sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6));
      ip6 = vlib_buffer_get_current (p);
      ip6->payload_length =
	clib_host_to_net_u16 (clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip4->length) -
			      sizeof (*ip4));

  //Translate outer IPv6
  ip6->ip_version_traffic_class_and_flow_label =
    clib_host_to_net_u32 ((6 << 28) + (ip4->tos << 20));

  ip6->hop_limit = ip4->ttl;
  ip6->protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_ICMP6;

  if ((rv = fn (ip4, ip6, ctx)) != 0)
    return rv;

  //Truncate when the packet exceeds the minimal IPv6 MTU
  if (p->current_length > 1280)
      ip6->payload_length = clib_host_to_net_u16 (1280 - sizeof (*ip6));
      p->current_length = 1280;	//Looks too simple to be correct...

  //Recompute ICMP checksum
  icmp->checksum = 0;
  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (0, ip6->payload_length);
  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (csum, clib_host_to_net_u16 (ip6->protocol));
  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (csum, ip6->src_address.as_u64[0]);
  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (csum, ip6->src_address.as_u64[1]);
  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (csum, ip6->dst_address.as_u64[0]);
  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (csum, ip6->dst_address.as_u64[1]);
  csum =
    ip_incremental_checksum (csum, icmp,
			     clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip6->payload_length));
  icmp->checksum = ~ip_csum_fold (csum);

  return 0;

 * @brief Translate IPv4 fragmented packet to IPv6.
 * @param p   Buffer to translate.
 * @param fn  The function to translate header.
 * @param ctx A context passed in the header translate function.
 * @returns 0 on success, non-zero value otherwise.
always_inline int
ip4_to_ip6_fragmented (vlib_buffer_t * p, ip4_to_ip6_set_fn_t fn, void *ctx)
  ip4_header_t *ip4;
  ip6_header_t *ip6;
  ip6_frag_hdr_t *frag;
  int rv;

  ip4 = vlib_buffer_get_current (p);
  frag = (ip6_frag_hdr_t *) u8_ptr_add (ip4, sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*frag));
  ip6 =
    (ip6_header_t *) u8_ptr_add (ip4,
				 sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*frag) -
				 sizeof (*ip6));
  vlib_buffer_advance (p, sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6) - sizeof (*frag));

  //We know that the protocol was one of ICMP, TCP or UDP
  //because the first fragment was found and cached
  frag->next_hdr =
    (ip4->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_ICMP) ? IP_PROTOCOL_ICMP6 : ip4->protocol;
  frag->identification = frag_id_4to6 (ip4->fragment_id);
  frag->rsv = 0;
  frag->fragment_offset_and_more =
    ip6_frag_hdr_offset_and_more (ip4_get_fragment_offset (ip4),
				  (ip4->flags_and_fragment_offset) &

  ip6->ip_version_traffic_class_and_flow_label =
    clib_host_to_net_u32 ((6 << 28) + (ip4->tos << 20));
  ip6->payload_length =
    clib_host_to_net_u16 (clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip4->length) -
			  sizeof (*ip4) + sizeof (*frag));
  ip6->hop_limit = ip4->ttl;

  if ((rv = fn (ip4, ip6, ctx)) != 0)
    return rv;

  return 0;

 * @brief Translate IPv4 UDP/TCP packet to IPv6.
 * @param p   Buffer to translate.
 * @param fn  The function to translate header.
 * @param ctx A context passed in the header translate function.
 * @returns 0 on success, non-zero value otherwise.
always_inline int
ip4_to_ip6_tcp_udp (vlib_buffer_t * p, ip4_to_ip6_set_fn_t fn, void *ctx)
  ip4_header_t *ip4;
  ip6_header_t *ip6;
  ip_csum_t csum;
  u16 *checksum;
  ip6_frag_hdr_t *frag;
  u32 frag_id;
  int rv;
  ip4_address_t old_src, old_dst;

  ip4 = vlib_buffer_get_current (p);

  if (ip4->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_UDP)
      udp_header_t *udp = ip4_next_header (ip4);
      checksum = &udp->checksum;

      //UDP checksum is optional over IPv4 but mandatory for IPv6
      //We do not check udp->length sanity but use our safe computed value instead
      if (PREDICT_FALSE (!*checksum))
	  u16 udp_len = clib_host_to_net_u16 (ip4->length) - sizeof (*ip4);
	  csum = ip_incremental_checksum (0, udp, udp_len);
	  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (csum, clib_host_to_net_u16 (udp_len));
	  csum =
	    ip_csum_with_carry (csum, clib_host_to_net_u16 (IP_PROTOCOL_UDP));
	  csum = ip_csum_with_carry (csum, *((u64 *) (&ip4->src_address)));
	  *checksum = ~ip_csum_fold (csum);
      tcp_header_t *tcp = ip4_next_header (ip4);
      checksum = &tcp->checksum;

  old_src.as_u32 = ip4->src_address.as_u32;
  old_dst.as_u32 = ip4->dst_address.as_u32;

  // Deal with fragmented packets
  if (PREDICT_FALSE (ip4->flags_and_fragment_offset &
		     clib_host_to_net_u16 (IP4_HEADER_FLAG_MORE_FRAGMENTS)))
      ip6 =
	(ip6_header_t *) u8_ptr_add (ip4,
				     sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6) -
				     sizeof (*frag));
      frag =
	(ip6_frag_hdr_t *) u8_ptr_add (ip4, sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*frag));
      frag_id = frag_id_4to6 (ip4->fragment_id);
      vlib_buffer_advance (p, sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6) - sizeof (*frag));
      ip6 = (ip6_header_t *) (((u8 *) ip4) + sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6));
      vlib_buffer_advance (p, sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6));
      frag = NULL;

  ip6->ip_version_traffic_class_and_flow_label =
    clib_host_to_net_u32 ((6 << 28) + (ip4->tos << 20));
  ip6->payload_length = u16_net_add (ip4->length, -sizeof (*ip4));
  ip6->hop_limit = ip4->ttl;
  ip6->protocol = ip4->protocol;

  if (PREDICT_FALSE (frag != NULL))
      frag->next_hdr = ip6->protocol;
      frag->identification = frag_id;
      frag->rsv = 0;
      frag->fragment_offset_and_more = ip6_frag_hdr_offset_and_more (0, 1);
      ip6->protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_IPV6_FRAGMENTATION;
      ip6->payload_length = u16_net_add (ip6->payload_length, sizeof (*frag));

  if ((rv = fn (ip4, ip6, ctx)) != 0)
    return rv;

  csum = ip_csum_sub_even (*checksum, old_src.as_u32);
  csum = ip_csum_sub_even (csum, old_dst.as_u32);
  csum = ip_csum_add_even (csum, ip6->src_address.as_u64[0]);
  csum = ip_csum_add_even (csum, ip6->src_address.as_u64[1]);
  csum = ip_csum_add_even (csum, ip6->dst_address.as_u64[0]);
  csum = ip_csum_add_even (csum, ip6->dst_address.as_u64[1]);
  *checksum = ip_csum_fold (csum);

  return 0;

 * @brief Translate IPv4 packet to IPv6 (IP header only).
 * @param p   Buffer to translate.
 * @param fn  The function to translate header.
 * @param ctx A context passed in the header translate function.
 * @returns 0 on success, non-zero value otherwise.
always_inline int
ip4_to_ip6 (vlib_buffer_t * p, ip4_to_ip6_set_fn_t fn, void *ctx)
  ip4_header_t *ip4;
  ip6_header_t *ip6;
  ip6_frag_hdr_t *frag;
  u32 frag_id;
  int rv;

  ip4 = vlib_buffer_get_current (p);

  // Deal with fragmented packets
  if (PREDICT_FALSE (ip4->flags_and_fragment_offset &
		     clib_host_to_net_u16 (IP4_HEADER_FLAG_MORE_FRAGMENTS)))
      ip6 =
	(ip6_header_t *) u8_ptr_add (ip4,
				     sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6) -
				     sizeof (*frag));
      frag =
	(ip6_frag_hdr_t *) u8_ptr_add (ip4, sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*frag));
      frag_id = frag_id_4to6 (ip4->fragment_id);
      vlib_buffer_advance (p, sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6) - sizeof (*frag));
      ip6 = (ip6_header_t *) (((u8 *) ip4) + sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6));
      vlib_buffer_advance (p, sizeof (*ip4) - sizeof (*ip6));
      frag = NULL;

  ip6->ip_version_traffic_class_and_flow_label =
    clib_host_to_net_u32 ((6 << 28) + (ip4->tos << 20));
  ip6->payload_length = u16_net_add (ip4->length, -sizeof (*ip4));
  ip6->hop_limit = ip4->ttl;
  ip6->protocol = ip4->protocol;

  if (PREDICT_FALSE (frag != NULL))
      frag->next_hdr = ip6->protocol;
      frag->identification = frag_id;
      frag->rsv = 0;
      frag->fragment_offset_and_more = ip6_frag_hdr_offset_and_more (0, 1);
      ip6->protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_IPV6_FRAGMENTATION;
      ip6->payload_length = u16_net_add (ip6->payload_length, sizeof (*frag));

  if ((rv = fn (ip4, ip6, ctx)) != 0)
    return rv;

  return 0;

#endif /* __included_ip4_to_ip6_h__ */