path: root/src/vnet/l2/dir.dox
blob: 8497a2f64cc5b393f0a18179c6772397963b6a64 (plain)
 * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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 * limitations under the License.

@brief Layer 2 Forwarding Code.

This directory contains the source code for basic Layer 2 forwarding.

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# CSIT - Continuous System Integration Testing

1. [Architecture](#architecture)
1. [Directory Structure](#directory-structure)
   1. [Tests](#tests)
   1. [Keywords](#keywords)
   1. [Other Resources](#other-resources)
1. [Quickstart](#quick-start)
   1. [Vagrant](#vagrant)
   1. [Physical Testbed](#physical-testbed)
1. [Report](#report)
1. [Trending](#trending)
1. [Code Documentation](#code-documentation)
1. [Coding Guidelines](#coding-guidelines)

## Architecture

FD.io CSIT system design needs to meet continuously expanding requirements of
FD.io projects including VPP, related sub-systems (e.g. plugin applications,
DPDK drivers) and FD.io applications (e.g. DPDK applications), as well as
growing number of compute platforms running those applications. With CSIT
project scope and charter including both FD.io continuous testing AND
performance trending/comparisons, those evolving requirements further amplify
the need for CSIT framework modularity, flexibility and usability.

CSIT follows a hierarchical system design with SUTs and DUTs at the bottom level
of the hierarchy, presentation level at the top level and a number of functional
layers in-between. The current CSIT system design including CSIT framework is
depicted in the figure below.

![csit design](docs/report/csit_framework_documentation/csit_design_picture.svg "CSIT architecture")

A brief bottom-up description is provided here:

1. SUTs, DUTs, TGs
   - SUTs - Systems Under Test;
   - DUTs - Devices Under Test;
   - TGs - Traffic Generators;
1. Level-1 libraries - Robot and Python
   - Lowest level CSIT libraries abstracting underlying test environment, SUT,
     DUT and TG specifics;
   - Used commonly across multiple L2 KWs;
   - Performance and functional tests:
     - L1 KWs (KeyWords) are implemented as RF libraries and Python
   - Performance TG L1 KWs:
     - All L1 KWs are implemented as Python libraries:
       - Support for TRex only today;
   - Performance data plane traffic profiles:
     - TG-specific stream profiles provide full control of:
       - Packet definition – layers, MACs, IPs, ports, combinations thereof
         e.g. IPs and UDP ports;
       - Stream definitions - different streams can run together, delayed,
         one after each other;
       - Stream profiles are independent of CSIT framework and can be used
         in any T-rex setup, can be sent anywhere to repeat tests with
         exactly the same setup;
       - Easily extensible – one can create a new stream profile that meets
         tests requirements;
       - Same stream profile can be used for different tests with the same
         traffic needs;
   - Functional data plane traffic scripts:
     - Scapy specific traffic scripts;
1. Level-2 libraries - Robot resource files
   - Higher level CSIT libraries abstracting required functions for executing
   - L2 KWs are classified into the following functional categories:
     - Configuration, test, verification, state report;
     - Suite setup, suite teardown;
     - Test setup, test teardown;
1. Tests - Robot
   - Device tests using containerized environment with SR-IOV access to a NIC;
     - VPP;
   - Performance tests using physical testbed environment:
     - VPP;
     - DPDK-Testpmd;
     - DPDK-L3Fwd;
   - Tools:
     - Documentation generator;
     - Report generator;
     - Testbed environment setup ansible playbooks;
     - Operational debugging scripts;

## Directory Structure

### Tests

└── tests
    ├── dpdk
    │   └── perf                    # DPDK performance tests
    └── vpp
        ├── device                  # VPP device tests
        └── perf                    # VPP performance tests

### Keywords

└── libraries
    ├── bash                        # Contains a dependency of KubernetesUtils
    │   ├── config                  # Config for KubernetesUtils dependency
    │   ├── entry                   # Main bootstrap entry directory
    │   ├── function                # Bootstrap function library
    │   └── shell                   # Various functions for KubernetesUtils
    ├── python                      # Python L1 KWs
    └── robot                       # Robot Framework L2 KWs

### Other Resources

├── docs                            # Main documentaion
│── csit.infra.vagrant              # VPP device vagrant environment
|── fdio.infra.ansible              # Infrastructure provisioning
|── fdio.infra.pxe                  # Preboot eXecution Environment
|── fdio.infra.terraform            # Virtual infrastructure deployment
|── GPL                             # Files licensed under GPL
│   ├── traffic_profiles            # Performance tests traffic profiles
│   │   └── trex
│   └── traffic_scripts             # Functional tests traffic profiles
├── PyPI                            # PyPI packages provided by CSIT
│   ├── jumpavg
│   └── MLRsearch
├── resources
│   ├── api                         # API coverage
│   ├── templates                   # Templates (vpp_api_test, kubernetes, ...)
│   ├── test_data                   # Robot Test configuration
│   ├── tools
│   │   ├── doc_gen                 # Code documentation generator
│   │   ├── papi                    # PAPI driver
│   │   ├── presentation            # Report generator
│   │   ├── scripts                 # Various tools
│   │   ├── topology                # Helper scripts for topology manipulation
│   │   ├── trex                    # TRex driver
│   ├── topology_schemas
└── topologies                      # Linux Foundation topology files
    ├── available
    └── enabled

## Quickstart

### Vagrant

[Vagrant environment preparation](docs/testing_in_vagrant.rst) documentaion is
describing local VPP Device functional testing.

## Report

[CSIT Report](https://s3-docs.fd.io/csit/master/report/).

## Trending

[CSIT Trending](https://s3-docs.fd.io/csit/master/trending/).

## Code Documentation

[CSIT Code Documentation](https://s3-docs.fd.io/csit/master/docs/).

## Coding Guidelines

If you are interested in contributing, please see the
[coding guidelines](docs/test_code_guidelines.rst).