* Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <vnet/fib/ip6_fib.h>
#include <vnet/fib/fib_table.h>
static void
vnet_ip6_fib_init (u32 fib_index)
fib_prefix_t pfx = {
.fp_proto = FIB_PROTOCOL_IP6,
.fp_len = 0,
.fp_addr =
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.highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */
.highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
* tuntap.c - kernel stack (reverse) punt/inject path
* Copyright (c) 2009 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief TunTap Kernel stack (reverse) punt/inject path.
* This driver runs in one of two distinct modes:
* - "punt/inject" mode, where we send pkts not otherwise processed
* by the forwarding to the Linux kernel stack, and
* - "normal interface" mode, where we treat the Linux kernel stack
* as a peer.
* By default, we select punt/inject mode.
#include <fcntl.h> /* for open */
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/uio.h> /* for iovec */
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <linux/if_arp.h>
#include <linux/if_tun.h>
#include <vlib/vlib.h>
#include <vlib/unix/unix.h>
#include <vnet/ip/ip.h>
#include <vnet/fib/fib_table.h>
#include <vnet/ethernet/ethernet.h>
#include <vnet/devices/devices.h>
#include <vnet/feature/feature.h>
static vnet_device_class_t tuntap_dev_class;
static vnet_hw_interface_class_t tuntap_interface_class;
static void tuntap_punt_frame (vlib_main_t * vm,
vlib_node_runtime_t * node,
vlib_frame_t * frame);
static void tuntap_nopunt_frame (vlib_main_t * vm,
vlib_node_runtime_t * node,
vlib_frame_t * frame);
typedef struct
u32 sw_if_index;
u8 is_v6;
u8 addr[16];
} subif_address_t;
* @brief TUNTAP per thread struct
typedef struct
/** Vector of VLIB rx buffers to use. We allocate them in blocks
of VLIB_FRAME_SIZE (256). */
u32 *rx_buffers;
/** Vector of iovecs for readv/writev calls. */
struct iovec *iovecs;
} tuntap_per_thread_t;
* @brief TUNTAP node main state
typedef struct
/** per thread variables */
tuntap_per_thread_t *threads;
/** File descriptors for /dev/net/tun and provisioning socket. */
int dev_net_tun_fd, dev_tap_fd;
/** Create a "tap" [ethernet] encaps device */
int is_ether;
/** 1 if a "normal" routed intfc, 0 if a punt/inject interface */
int have_normal_interface;
/** tap device destination MAC address. Required, or Linux drops pkts */
u8 ether_dst_mac[6];
/** Interface MTU in bytes and # of default sized buffers. */
u32 mtu_bytes, mtu_buffers;
/** Linux interface name for tun device. */
char *tun_name;
/** Pool of subinterface addresses */
subif_address_t *subifs;
/** Hash for subif addresses */
mhash_t subif_mhash;
/** Unix file index */
u32 clib_file_index;
/** For the "normal" interface, if configured */
u32 hw_if_index, sw_if_index;
} tuntap_main_t;
static tuntap_main_t tuntap_main = {
.tun_name = "vnet",
/** Suitable defaults for an Ethernet-like tun/tap device */
.mtu_bytes = 4096 + 256,
* @brief tuntap_tx
* @node tuntap-tx
* Output node, writes the buffers comprising the incoming frame
* to the tun/tap device, aka hands them to the Linux kernel stack.
* @param *vm - vlib_main_t
* @param *node - vlib_node_runtime_t
* @param *frame - vlib_frame_t
* @return rc - uword
static uword
tuntap_tx (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame)
u32 *buffers = vlib_frame_vector_args (frame);
uword n_packets = frame->n_vectors;
tuntap_main_t *tm = &tuntap_main;
vnet_main_t *vnm = vnet_get_main ();
vnet_interface_main_t *im = &vnm->interface_main;
u32 n_bytes = 0;
int i;
u16 thread_index = vm->thread_index;
for (i = 0; i < n_packets; i++)
struct iovec *iov;
vlib_buffer_t *b;
uword l;
b = vlib_get_buffer (vm, buffers[i]);
if (tm->is_ether && (!tm->have_normal_interface))
vlib_buffer_reset (b);
clib_memcpy_fast (vlib_buffer_get_current (b), tm->ether_dst_mac,
/* Re-set iovecs if present. */
if (tm->threads[thread_index].iovecs)
_vec_len (tm->threads[thread_index].iovecs) = 0;
/** VLIB buffer chain -> Unix iovec(s). */
vec_add2 (tm->threads[thread_index].iovecs, iov, 1);
iov->iov_base = b->data + b->current_data;
iov->iov_len = l = b->current_length;
b = vlib_get_buffer (vm, b->next_buffer);
vec_add2 (tm->threads[thread_index].iovecs, iov, 1);
iov->iov_base = b->data + b->current_data;
iov->iov_len = b->current_length;
l += b->current_length;
while (b->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_NEXT_PRESENT);
if (writev (tm->dev_net_tun_fd, tm->threads[thread_index].iovecs,
vec_len (tm->threads[thread_index].iovecs)) < l)
clib_unix_warning ("writev");
n_bytes += l;
/* Update tuntap interface output stats. */
vlib_increment_combined_counter (im->combined_sw_if_counters
tm->sw_if_index, n_packets, n_bytes);
/** The normal interface path flattens the buffer chain */
if (tm->have_normal_interface)
vlib_buffer_free_no_next (vm, buffers, n_packets);
vlib_buffer_free (vm, buffers, n_packets);
return n_packets;
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (tuntap_tx_node,static) = {
.function = tuntap_tx,
.name = "tuntap-tx",
.vector_size = 4,
/* *INDENT-ON* */
* @brief TUNTAP receive node
* @node tuntap-rx
* @param *vm - vlib_main_t
* @param *node - vlib_node_runtime_t
* @param *frame - vlib_frame_t
* @return rc - uword
static uword
tuntap_rx (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame)
tuntap_main_t *tm = &tuntap_main;
vlib_buffer_t *b;
u32 bi;
const uword buffer_size = vlib_buffer_get_default_data_size (vm);
u16 thread_index = vm->thread_index;
/** Make sure we have some RX buffers. */
uword n_left = vec_len (tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers);
uword n_alloc;
if (n_left < VLIB_FRAME_SIZE / 2)
if (!tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers)
vec_alloc (tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers, VLIB_FRAME_SIZE);
n_alloc =
vlib_buffer_alloc (vm,
tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers + n_left,
VLIB_FRAME_SIZE - n_left);
_vec_len (tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers) = n_left + n_alloc;
/** Allocate RX buffers from end of rx_buffers.
Turn them into iovecs to pass to readv. */
uword i_rx = vec_len (tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers) - 1;
vlib_buffer_t *b;
word i, n_bytes_left, n_bytes_in_packet;
/** We should have enough buffers left for an MTU sized packet. */
ASSERT (vec_len (tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers) >=
vec_validate (tm->threads[thread_index].iovecs, tm->mtu_buffers - 1);
for (i = 0; i < tm->mtu_buffers; i++)
b =
vlib_get_buffer (vm,
tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers[i_rx - i]);
tm->threads[thread_index].iovecs[i].iov_base = b->data;
tm->threads[thread_index].iovecs[i].iov_len = buffer_size;
n_bytes_left =
readv (tm->dev_net_tun_fd, tm->threads[thread_index].iovecs,
n_bytes_in_packet = n_bytes_left;
if (n_bytes_left <= 0)
if (errno != EAGAIN)
clib_unix_warning ("readv %d", n_bytes_left);
return 0;
bi = tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers[i_rx];
while (1)
b = vlib_get_buffer (vm, tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers[i_rx]);
b->flags = 0;
b->current_data = 0;
b->current_length =
n_bytes_left < buffer_size ? n_bytes_left : buffer_size;
n_bytes_left -= buffer_size;
if (n_bytes_left <= 0)
b->next_buffer = tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers[i_rx];
/** Interface counters for tuntap interface. */
thread_index, tm->sw_if_index, 1, n_bytes_in_packet);
_vec_len (tm->threads[thread_index].rx_buffers) = i_rx;
b = vlib_get_buffer (vm, bi);
u32 next_index;
uword n_trace = vlib_get_trace_count (vm, node);
vnet_buffer (b)->sw_if_index[VLIB_RX] = tm->sw_if_index;
vnet_buffer (b)->sw_if_index[VLIB_TX] = (u32) ~ 0;
* Turn this on if you run into
* "bad monkey" contexts, and you want to know exactly
* which nodes they've visited...
b->pre_data[0] = 0;
b->error = node->errors[0];
if (tm->is_ether)
switch (b->data[0] & 0xf0)
case 0x40:
case 0x60:
/* The linux kernel couldn't care less if our interface is up */
if (tm->have_normal_interface)
vnet_main_t *vnm = vnet_get_main ();
vnet_sw_interface_t *si;
si = vnet_get_sw_interface (vnm, tm->sw_if_index);
vnet_feature_start_device_input_x1 (tm->sw_if_index, &next_index, b);
vlib_set_next_frame_buffer (vm, node, next_index, bi);
if (n_trace > 0)
vlib_trace_buffer (vm, node, next_index, b, /* follow_chain */ 1);
vlib_set_trace_count (vm, node, n_trace - 1);
return 1;
* @brief TUNTAP_RX error strings
static char *tuntap_rx_error_strings[] = {
"unknown packet type",
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (tuntap_rx_node,static) = {
.function = tuntap_rx,
.name = "tuntap-rx",
.sibling_of = "device-input",
.vector_size = 4,
.n_errors = 1,
.error_strings = tuntap_rx_error_strings,
/* *INDENT-ON* */
* @brief Gets called when file descriptor is ready from epoll.
* @param *uf - clib_file_t
* @return error - clib_error_t
static clib_error_t *
tuntap_read_ready (clib_file_t * uf)
vlib_main_t *vm = vlib_get_main ();
vlib_node_set_interrupt_pending (vm, tuntap_rx_node.index);
return 0;
* @brief Clean up the tun/tap device
* @param *vm - vlib_main_t
* @return error - clib_error_t
static clib_error_t *
tuntap_exit (vlib_main_t * vm)
tuntap_main_t *tm = &tuntap_main;
struct ifreq ifr;
int sfd;
/* Not present. */
if (!tm->dev_net_tun_fd || tm->dev_net_tun_fd < 0)
return 0;
sfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sfd < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("provisioning socket");
clib_memset (&ifr, 0, sizeof (ifr));
strncpy (ifr.ifr_name, tm->tun_name, sizeof (ifr.ifr_name) - 1);
/* get flags, modify to bring down interface... */
if (ioctl (sfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("SIOCGIFFLAGS");
ifr.ifr_flags &= ~(IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING);
if (ioctl (sfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("SIOCSIFFLAGS");
/* Turn off persistence */
if (ioctl (tm->dev_net_tun_fd, TUNSETPERSIST, 0) < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("TUNSETPERSIST");
close (tm->dev_tap_fd);
if (tm->dev_net_tun_fd >= 0)
close (tm->dev_net_tun_fd);
if (sfd >= 0)
close (sfd);
return 0;
* @brief CLI function for tun/tap config
* @param *vm - vlib_main_t
* @param *input - unformat_input_t
* @return error - clib_error_t
static clib_error_t *
tuntap_config (vlib_main_t * vm, unformat_input_t * input)
tuntap_main_t *tm = &tuntap_main;
clib_error_t *error = 0;
struct ifreq ifr;
u8 *name;
int flags = IFF_TUN | IFF_NO_PI;
int is_enabled = 0, is_ether = 0, have_normal_interface = 0;
const uword buffer_size = vlib_buffer_get_default_data_size (vm);
while (unformat_check_input (input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT)
if (unformat (input, "mtu %d", &tm->mtu_bytes))
else if (unformat (input, "enable"))
is_enabled = 1;
else if (unformat (input, "disable"))
is_enabled = 0;
else if (unformat (input, "ethernet") || unformat (input, "ether"))
is_ether = 1;
else if (unformat (input, "have-normal-interface") ||
unformat (input, "have-normal"))
have_normal_interface = 1;
else if (unformat (input, "name %s", &name))
tm->tun_name = (char *) name;
return clib_error_return (0, "unknown input `%U'",
format_unformat_error, input);
tm->dev_net_tun_fd = -1;
tm->dev_tap_fd = -1;
if (is_enabled == 0)
return 0;
if (geteuid ())
clib_warning ("tuntap disabled: must be superuser");
return 0;
tm->is_ether = is_ether;
tm->have_normal_interface = have_normal_interface;
if (is_ether)
flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI;
if ((tm->dev_net_tun_fd = open ("/dev/net/tun", O_RDWR)) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "open /dev/net/tun");
goto done;
clib_memset (&ifr, 0, sizeof (ifr));
strncpy (ifr.ifr_name, tm->tun_name, sizeof (ifr.ifr_name) - 1);
ifr.ifr_flags = flags;
if (ioctl (tm->dev_net_tun_fd, TUNSETIFF, (void *) &ifr) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "ioctl TUNSETIFF");
goto done;
/* Make it persistent, at least until we split. */
if (ioctl (tm->dev_net_tun_fd, TUNSETPERSIST, 1) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "TUNSETPERSIST");
goto done;
/* Open a provisioning socket */
if ((tm->dev_tap_fd = socket (PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons (ETH_P_ALL))) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "socket");
goto done;
/* Find the interface index. */
struct ifreq ifr;
struct sockaddr_ll sll;
clib_memset (&ifr, 0, sizeof (ifr));
strncpy (ifr.ifr_name, tm->tun_name, sizeof (ifr.ifr_name) - 1);
if (ioctl (tm->dev_tap_fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "ioctl SIOCGIFINDEX");
goto done;
/* Bind the provisioning socket to the interface. */
clib_memset (&sll, 0, sizeof (sll));
sll.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
sll.sll_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
sll.sll_protocol = htons (ETH_P_ALL);
if (bind (tm->dev_tap_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sll, sizeof (sll)) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "bind");
goto done;
/* non-blocking I/O on /dev/tapX */
int one = 1;
if (ioctl (tm->dev_net_tun_fd, FIONBIO, &one) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "ioctl FIONBIO");
goto done;
tm->mtu_buffers = (tm->mtu_bytes + (buffer_size - 1)) / buffer_size;
ifr.ifr_mtu = tm->mtu_bytes;
if (ioctl (tm->dev_tap_fd, SIOCSIFMTU, &ifr) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "ioctl SIOCSIFMTU");
goto done;
/* get flags, modify to bring up interface... */
if (ioctl (tm->dev_tap_fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "ioctl SIOCGIFFLAGS");
goto done;
ifr.ifr_flags |= (IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING);
if (ioctl (tm->dev_tap_fd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "ioctl SIOCSIFFLAGS");
goto done;
if (is_ether)
if (ioctl (tm->dev_tap_fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "ioctl SIOCGIFHWADDR");
goto done;
clib_memcpy_fast (tm->ether_dst_mac, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6);
if (have_normal_interface)
vnet_main_t *vnm = vnet_get_main ();
error = ethernet_register_interface
(vnm, tuntap_dev_class.index, 0 /* device instance */ ,
tm->ether_dst_mac /* ethernet address */ ,
&tm->hw_if_index, 0 /* flag change */ );
if (error)
clib_error_report (error);
tm->sw_if_index = tm->hw_if_index;
vm->os_punt_frame = tuntap_nopunt_frame;
vnet_main_t *vnm = vnet_get_main ();
vnet_hw_interface_t *hi;
vm->os_punt_frame = tuntap_punt_frame;
tm->hw_if_index = vnet_register_interface
(vnm, tuntap_dev_class.index, 0 /* device instance */ ,
tuntap_interface_class.index, 0);
hi = vnet_get_hw_interface (vnm, tm->hw_if_index);
tm->sw_if_index = hi->sw_if_index;
/* Interface is always up. */
vnet_hw_interface_set_flags (vnm, tm->hw_if_index,
vnet_sw_interface_set_flags (vnm, tm->sw_if_index,
clib_file_t template = { 0 };
template.read_function = tuntap_read_ready;
template.file_descriptor = tm->dev_net_tun_fd;
tm->clib_file_index = clib_file_add (&file_main, &template);
if (error)
if (tm->dev_net_tun_fd >= 0)
close (tm->dev_net_tun_fd);
if (tm->dev_tap_fd >= 0)
close (tm->dev_tap_fd);
return error;
VLIB_CONFIG_FUNCTION (tuntap_config, "tuntap");
* @brief Add or Del IP4 address to tun/tap interface
* @param *im - ip4_main_t
* @param opaque - uword
* @param sw_if_index - u32
* @param *address - ip4_address_t
* @param is_delete - u32
tuntap_ip4_add_del_interface_address (ip4_main_t * im,
uword opaque,
u32 sw_if_index,
ip4_address_t * address,
u32 address_length,
u32 if_address_index, u32 is_delete)
tuntap_main_t *tm = &tuntap_main;
struct ifreq ifr;
subif_address_t subif_addr, *ap;
uword *p;
/** Tuntap disabled, or using a "normal" interface. */
if (tm->have_normal_interface || tm->dev_tap_fd < 0)
/* if the address is being applied to an interface that is not in
* the same table/VRF as this tap, then ignore it.
* If we don't do this overlapping address spaces in the different tables
* breaks the linux host's routing tables */
if (fib_table_get_index_for_sw_if_index (FIB_PROTOCOL_IP4,
sw_if_index) !=
fib_table_get_index_for_sw_if_index (FIB_PROTOCOL_IP4, tm->sw_if_index))
/** See if we already know about this subif */
clib_memset (&subif_addr, 0, sizeof (subif_addr));
subif_addr.sw_if_index = sw_if_index;
clib_memcpy_fast (&subif_addr.addr, address, sizeof (*address));
p = mhash_get (&tm->subif_mhash, &subif_addr);
if (p)
ap = pool_elt_at_index (tm->subifs, p[0]);
pool_get (tm->subifs, ap);
*ap = subif_addr;
mhash_set (&tm->subif_mhash, ap, ap - tm->subifs, 0);
/* Use subif pool index to select alias device. */
clib_memset (&ifr, 0, sizeof (ifr));
snprintf (ifr.ifr_name, sizeof (ifr.ifr_name),
"%s:%d", tm->tun_name, (int) (ap - tm->subifs));
/* the tuntap punt/inject is enabled for IPv4 RX so long as
* any vpp interface has an IPv4 address.
* this is also ref counted.
ip4_sw_interface_enable_disable (tm->sw_if_index, !is_delete);
if (!is_delete)
struct sockaddr_in *sin;
sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr;
/* Set ipv4 address, netmask. */
sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
clib_memcpy_fast (&sin->sin_addr.s_addr, address, 4);
if (ioctl (tm->dev_tap_fd, SIOCSIFADDR, &ifr) < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("ioctl SIOCSIFADDR");
sin->sin_addr.s_addr = im->fib_masks[address_length];
if (ioctl (tm->dev_tap_fd, SIOCSIFNETMASK, &ifr) < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("ioctl SIOCSIFNETMASK");
mhash_unset (&tm->subif_mhash, &subif_addr, 0 /* old value ptr */ );
pool_put (tm->subifs, ap);
/* get flags, modify to bring up interface... */
if (ioctl (tm->dev_tap_fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("ioctl SIOCGIFFLAGS");
if (is_delete)
ifr.ifr_flags &= ~(IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING);
ifr.ifr_flags |= (IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING);
if (ioctl (tm->dev_tap_fd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("ioctl SIOCSIFFLAGS");
* @brief workaround for a known include file bug.
* including @c <linux/ipv6.h> causes multiple definitions if
* @c <netinet/in.h is also included.
struct in6_ifreq
struct in6_addr ifr6_addr;
u32 ifr6_prefixlen;
int ifr6_ifindex;
* @brief Add or Del tun/tap interface address.
* Both the v6 interface address API and the way ifconfig
* displays subinterfaces differ from their v4 counterparts.
* The code given here seems to work but YMMV.
* @param *im - ip6_main_t
* @param opaque - uword
* @param sw_if_index - u32
* @param *address - ip6_address_t
* @param address_length - u32
* @param if_address_index - u32
* @param is_delete - u32
tuntap_ip6_add_del_interface_address (ip6_main_t * im,
uword opaque,
u32 sw_if_index,
ip6_address_t * address,
u32 address_length,
u32 if_address_index, u32 is_delete)
tuntap_main_t *tm = &tuntap_main;
struct ifreq ifr;
struct in6_ifreq ifr6;
subif_address_t subif_addr, *ap;
uword *p;
/* Tuntap disabled, or using a "normal" interface. */
if (tm->have_normal_interface || tm->dev_tap_fd < 0)
/* if the address is being applied to an interface that is not in
* the same table/VRF as this tap, then ignore it.
* If we don't do this overlapping address spaces in the different tables
* breaks the linux host's routing tables */
if (fib_table_get_index_for_sw_if_index (FIB_PROTOCOL_IP6,
sw_if_index) !=
fib_table_get_index_for_sw_if_index (FIB_PROTOCOL_IP6, tm->sw_if_index))
/* See if we already know about this subif */
clib_memset (&subif_addr, 0, sizeof (subif_addr));
subif_addr.sw_if_index = sw_if_index;
subif_addr.is_v6 = 1;
clib_memcpy_fast (&subif_addr.addr, address, sizeof (*address));
p = mhash_get (&tm->subif_mhash, &subif_addr);
if (p)
ap = pool_elt_at_index (tm->subifs, p[0]);
pool_get (tm->subifs, ap);
*ap = subif_addr;
mhash_set (&tm->subif_mhash, ap, ap - tm->subifs, 0);
/* Use subif pool index to select alias device. */
clib_memset (&ifr, 0, sizeof (ifr));
clib_memset (&ifr6, 0, sizeof (ifr6));
snprintf (ifr.ifr_name, sizeof (ifr.ifr_name),
"%s:%d", tm->tun_name, (int) (ap - tm->subifs));
/* the tuntap punt/inject is enabled for IPv6 RX so long as
* any vpp interface has an IPv6 address.
* this is also ref counted.
ip6_sw_interface_enable_disable (tm->sw_if_index, !is_delete);
if (!is_delete)
int sockfd = socket (AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sockfd < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("get ifindex socket");
if (ioctl (sockfd, SIOGIFINDEX, &ifr) < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("get ifindex");
ifr6.ifr6_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
ifr6.ifr6_prefixlen = address_length;
clib_memcpy_fast (&ifr6.ifr6_addr, address, 16);
if (ioctl (sockfd, SIOCSIFADDR, &ifr6) < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("set address");
if (sockfd >= 0)
close (sockfd);
int sockfd = socket (AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sockfd < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("get ifindex socket");
if (ioctl (sockfd, SIOGIFINDEX, &ifr) < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("get ifindex");
ifr6.ifr6_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
ifr6.ifr6_prefixlen = address_length;
clib_memcpy_fast (&ifr6.ifr6_addr, address, 16);
if (ioctl (sockfd, SIOCDIFADDR, &ifr6) < 0)
clib_unix_warning ("del address");
if (sockfd >= 0)
close (sockfd);
mhash_unset (&tm->subif_mhash, &subif_addr, 0 /* old value ptr */ );
pool_put (tm->subifs, ap);
* @brief TX the tun/tap frame
* @param *vm - vlib_main_t
* @param *node - vlib_node_runtime_t
* @param *frame - vlib_frame_t
static void
tuntap_punt_frame (vlib_main_t * vm,
vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame)
tuntap_tx (vm, node, frame);
vlib_frame_free (vm, node, frame);
* @brief Free the tun/tap frame
* @param *vm - vlib_main_t
* @param *node - vlib_node_runtime_t
* @param *frame - vlib_frame_t
static void
tuntap_nopunt_frame (vlib_main_t * vm,
vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame)
u32 *buffers = vlib_frame_vector_args (frame);
uword n_packets = frame->n_vectors;
vlib_buffer_free (vm, buffers, n_packets);
vlib_frame_free (vm, node, frame);
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VNET_HW_INTERFACE_CLASS (tuntap_interface_class,static) = {
.name = "tuntap",
/* *INDENT-ON* */
* @brief Format tun/tap interface name
* @param *s - u8 - formatter string
* @param *args - va_list
* @return *s - u8 - formatted string
static u8 *
format_tuntap_interface_name (u8 * s, va_list * args)
u32 i = va_arg (*args, u32);
s = format (s, "tuntap-%d", i);
return s;
* @brief TX packet out tun/tap
* @param *vm - vlib_main_t
* @param *node - vlib_node_runtime_t
* @param *frame - vlib_frame_t
* @return n_buffers - uword - Packets transmitted
static uword
tuntap_intfc_tx (vlib_main_t * vm,
vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame)
tuntap_main_t *tm = &tuntap_main;
u32 *buffers = vlib_frame_vector_args (frame);
uword n_buffers = frame->n_vectors;
/* Normal interface transmit happens only on the normal interface... */
if (tm->have_normal_interface)
return tuntap_tx (vm, node, frame);
vlib_buffer_free (vm, buffers, n_buffers);
return n_buffers;
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VNET_DEVICE_CLASS (tuntap_dev_class,static) = {
.name = "tuntap",
.tx_function = tuntap_intfc_tx,
.format_device_name = format_tuntap_interface_name,
/* *INDENT-ON* */
* @brief tun/tap node init
* @param *vm - vlib_main_t
* @return error - clib_error_t
static clib_error_t *
tuntap_init (vlib_main_t * vm)
ip4_main_t *im4 = &ip4_main;
ip6_main_t *im6 = &ip6_main;
ip4_add_del_interface_address_callback_t cb4;
ip6_add_del_interface_address_callback_t cb6;
tuntap_main_t *tm = &tuntap_main;
vlib_thread_main_t *m = vlib_get_thread_main ();
mhash_init (&tm->subif_mhash, sizeof (u32), sizeof (subif_address_t));
cb4.function = tuntap_ip4_add_del_interface_address;
cb4.function_opaque = 0;
vec_add1 (im4->add_del_interface_address_callbacks, cb4);
cb6.function = tuntap_ip6_add_del_interface_address;
cb6.function_opaque = 0;
vec_add1 (im6->add_del_interface_address_callbacks, cb6);
vec_validate_aligned (tm->threads, m->n_vlib_mains - 1,
return 0;
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (tuntap_init) =
.runs_after = VLIB_INITS("ip4_init"),
/* *INDENT-ON* */
* fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON
* Local Variables:
* eval: (c-set-style "gnu")
* End: