* Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <vppinfra/elf_clib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
typedef struct
char **path;
} path_search_t;
always_inline void
path_search_free (path_search_t * p)
uword i;
for (i = 0; i < vec_len (p->path); i++)
vec_free (p->path[i]);
vec_free (p->path);
static char **
split_string (char *string, u8 delimiter)
char **result = 0;
char *p, *start, *s;
p = string;
while (1)
start = p;
while (*p != 0 && *p != delimiter)
s = 0;
vec_add (s, start, p - start);
vec_add1 (s, 0);
vec_add1 (result, s);
if (*p == 0)
return result;
static int
file_exists_and_is_executable (char *dir, char *file)
char *path = (char *) format (0, "%s/%s%c", dir, file, 0);
struct stat s;
uword yes;
yes = (stat (path, &s) >= 0
&& S_ISREG (s.st_mode)
&& 0 != (s.st_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)));
vec_free (path);
return yes;
static char *
path_search (char *file)
path_search_t ps;
uword i;
char *result;
/* Relative or absolute path. */
if (file[0] == '.' || file[0] == '/')
return file;
if (getenv ("PATH") == 0)
return file;
ps.path = split_string (getenv ("PATH"), ':');
for (i = 0; i < vec_len (ps.path); i++)
if (file_exists_and_is_executable (ps.path[i], file))
result = 0;
if (i < vec_len (ps.path))
result = (char *) format (0, "%s/%s%c", ps.path[i], file);
path_search_free (&ps);
return result;
static clib_error_t *
clib_elf_parse_file (clib_elf_main_t * cem,
char *file_name, void *link_address)
elf_main_t *em;
elf_section_t *s;
int fd;
struct stat fd_stat;
uword mmap_length = 0;
void *data = 0;
clib_error_t *error = 0;
vec_add2 (cem->elf_mains, em, 1);
fd = open (file_name, 0);
if (fd < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "open `%s'", file_name);
goto done;
if (fstat (fd, &fd_stat) < 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "fstat `%s'", file_name);
goto done;
mmap_length = fd_stat.st_size;
data = mmap (0, mmap_length, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, /* offset */ 0);
if (~pointer_to_uword (data) == 0)
error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "mmap `%s'", file_name);
goto done;
error = elf_parse (em, data, mmap_length);
if (error)
goto done;
/* Look for CLIB special sections. */
char *section_name_start = CLIB_ELF_SECTION_ADD_PREFIX ();
uword section_name_start_len = strlen (section_name_start);
vec_foreach (s, em->sections)
u8 *name = elf_section_name (em, s);
uword *p;
clib_elf_section_t *vs;
clib_elf_section_bounds_t *b;
/* Section name must begin with CLIB_ELF_SECTION key. */
if (memcmp (name, section_name_start, section_name_start_len))
name += section_name_start_len;
p = hash_get_mem (cem->section_by_name, name);
if (p)
vs = vec_elt_at_index (cem->sections, p[0]);
name = format (0, "%s%c", name, 0);
if (!cem->section_by_name)
cem->section_by_name = hash_create_string (0, sizeof (uword));
hash_set_mem (cem->section_by_name,
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.highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */
.highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
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.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""ACL plugin - MACIP tests
import random
import re
import unittest
from socket import inet_ntop, inet_pton, AF_INET, AF_INET6
from struct import *
from scapy.packet import Raw
from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP
from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6
from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests
from vpp_lo_interface import VppLoInterface
from vpp_papi_provider import L2_VTR_OP
from vpp_sub_interface import VppSubInterface, VppDot1QSubint, VppDot1ADSubint
class MethodHolder(VppTestCase):
DEBUG = False
ROUTED = False
IS_IP4 = False
IS_IP6 = True
DOT1AD = "dot1ad"
DOT1Q = "dot1q"
# rule types
DENY = 0
# ACL types
ACLS = []
def setUpClass(cls):
Perform standard class setup (defined by class method setUpClass in
class VppTestCase) before running the test case, set test case related
variables and configure VPP.
super(MethodHolder, cls).setUpClass()
cls.pg_if_packet_sizes = [64, 512, 1518, 9018] # packet sizes
cls.bd_id = 111
cls.remote_hosts_count = 200
# create 4 pg interfaces, 1 loopback interface
# create 2 subinterfaces
cls.subifs = [
VppDot1QSubint(cls, cls.pg1, 10),
VppDot1ADSubint(cls, cls.pg2, 20, 300, 400),
VppDot1QSubint(cls, cls.pg3, 30),
VppDot1ADSubint(cls, cls.pg3, 40, 600, 700)]
inner=10, push1q=1)
outer=300, inner=400, push1q=1)
inner=30, push1q=1)
outer=600, inner=700, push1q=1)
cls.interfaces = list(cls.pg_interfaces)
for i in cls.interfaces:
# Create BD with MAC learning enabled and put interfaces to this BD
cls.loop0.sw_if_index, bd_id=cls.bd_id, bvi=1)
cls.pg0.sw_if_index, bd_id=cls.bd_id)
cls.pg1.sw_if_index, bd_id=cls.bd_id)
cls.subifs[0].sw_if_index, bd_id=cls.bd_id)
cls.subifs[1].sw_if_index, bd_id=cls.bd_id)
# Configure IPv4/6 addresses on loop interface and routed interface
# Configure MAC address binding to IPv4 neighbors on loop0
# Modify host mac addresses to have different OUI parts
for i in range(2, cls.remote_hosts_count + 2):
mac = cls.loop0.remote_hosts[i-2]._mac.split(':')
mac[2] = format(int(mac[2], 16) + i, "02x")
cls.loop0.remote_hosts[i - 2]._mac = ":".join(mac)
# configure MAC address on pg3
# configure MAC address on subifs
for i in cls.subifs:
# configure MAC address on pg2
# Loopback BVI interface has remote hosts
# one half of hosts are behind pg0 second behind pg1,pg2,pg3 subifs
cls.pg0.remote_hosts = cls.loop0.remote_hosts[:100]
cls.subifs[0].remote_hosts = cls.loop0.remote_hosts[100:125]
cls.subifs[1].remote_hosts = cls.loop0.remote_hosts[125:150]
cls.subifs[2].remote_hosts = cls.loop0.remote_hosts[150:175]
cls.subifs[3].remote_hosts = cls.loop0.remote_hosts[175:]
except Exception:
super(TestMACIP, cls).tearDownClass()
def setUp(self):
super(MethodHolder, self).setUp()
del self.ACLS[:]
def tearDown(self):
Show various debug prints after each test.
super(MethodHolder, self).tearDown()
if not self.vpp_dead:
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("show interface address"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("show hardware"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin macip acl"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin macip interface"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("sh classify tables verbose"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin acl"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin interface"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin tables"))
# print self.vapi.ppcli("show interface address")
# print self.vapi.ppcli("show hardware")
# print self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin macip interface")
# print self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin macip acl")
def macip_acl_dump_debug(self):
acls = self.vapi.macip_acl_dump()
if self.DEBUG:
for acl in acls:
print "ACL #"+str(acl.acl_index)
for r in acl.r:
rule = "ACTION"
if r.is_permit == 1:
rule = "PERMIT"
elif r.is_permit == 0:
rule = "DENY "
print " IP6" if r.is_ipv6 else " IP4", \
rule, \
r.src_mac.encode('hex'), \
unpack('<16B', r.src_ip_addr), \
return acls
def create_rules(self, mac_type=EXACT_MAC, ip_type=EXACT_IP,
acl_count=1, rules_count=[1]):
acls = []
src_mac = int("220000dead00", 16)
for acl in range(2, (acl_count+1) * 2):
rules = []
host = random.choice(self.loop0.remote_hosts)
is_ip6 = acl % 2
ip4 = host.ip4.split('.')
ip6 = list(unpack('<16B', inet_pton(AF_INET6, host.ip6)))
if ip_type == self.EXACT_IP:
prefix_len4 = 32
prefix_len6 = 128
elif ip_type == self.WILD_IP:
ip4 = [0, 0, 0, 0]
ip6 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
prefix_len4 = 0
prefix_len6 = 0
rules_count[(acl / 2) - 1] = 1
prefix_len4 = 24
prefix_len6 = 64
if mac_type == self.EXACT_MAC:
mask = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
elif mac_type == self.WILD_MAC:
mask = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
elif mac_type == self.OUI_MAC:
mask = "ff:ff:ff:00:00:00"
mask = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00"
ip = ip6 if is_ip6 else ip4
ip_len = prefix_len6 if is_ip6 else prefix_len4
for i in range(0, rules_count[(acl / 2) - 1]):
src_mac += 16777217
if mac_type == self.WILD_MAC:
mac = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
elif mac_type == self.OUI_MAC:
mac = ':'.join(re.findall('..', '{:02x}'.format(
mac = ':'.join(re.findall('..', '{:02x}'.format(src_mac)))
if ip_type == self.EXACT_IP:
ip4[3] = random.randint(100, 200)
ip6[15] = random.randint(100, 200)
elif ip_type == self.SUBNET_IP:
ip4[2] = random.randint(100, 200)
ip4[3] = 0
ip6[8] = random.randint(100, 200)
ip6[15] = 0
ip_pack = ''
for j in range(0, len(ip)):
ip_pack += pack('<B', int(ip[j]))
rule = ({'is_permit': self.PERMIT,
'is_ipv6': is_ip6,
'src_ip_addr': ip_pack,
'src_ip_prefix_len': ip_len,
'src_mac': mac.replace(':', '').decode('hex'),
'src_mac_mask': mask.replace(':', '').decode('hex')})
if ip_type == self.WILD_IP:
src_mac += 1099511627776
return acls
def apply_macip_rules(self, acls):
for acl in acls:
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_add(acl)
self.assertEqual(reply.retval, 0)
def verify_macip_acls(self, acl_count, rules_count, expected_count=2):
reply = self.macip_acl_dump_debug()
for acl in range(2, (acl_count+1) * 2):
self.assertEqual(reply[acl - 2].count, rules_count[acl/2-1])
self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_add_del(sw_if_index=0, acl_index=0)
self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_add_del(sw_if_index=1, acl_index=1)
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_get()
self.assertEqual(reply.count, expected_count)
def delete_acls(self):
for acl in range(len(self.ACLS)-1, -1, -1):
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_dump()
self.assertEqual(len(reply), 0)
intf_acls = self.vapi.acl_interface_list_dump()
for i_a in intf_acls:
sw_if_index = i_a.sw_if_index
for acl_index in i_a.acls:
self.vapi.acl_interface_add_del(sw_if_index, acl_index, 0)
def create_stream(self, mac_type, ip_type, packet_count,
src_if, dst_if, traffic, is_ip6, tags=PERMIT_TAGS):
# exact MAC and exact IP
# exact MAC and subnet of IPs
# exact MAC and wildcard IP
# wildcard MAC and exact IP
# wildcard MAC and subnet of IPs
# wildcard MAC and wildcard IP
# OUI restricted MAC and exact IP
# OUI restricted MAC and subnet of IPs
# OUI restricted MAC and wildcard IP
packets = []
macip_rules = []
acl_rules = []
ip_permit = ""
mac_permit = ""
dst_mac = ""
mac_rule = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
mac_mask = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
for p in range(0, packet_count):
remote_dst_index = p % len(dst_if.remote_hosts)
remote_dst_host = dst_if.remote_hosts[remote_dst_index]
dst_port = 1234 + p
src_port = 4321 + p
is_permit = self.PERMIT if p % 3 == 0 else self.DENY
denyMAC = True if not is_permit and p % 3 == 1 else False
denyIP = True if not is_permit and p % 3 == 2 else False
if not is_permit and ip_type == self.WILD_IP:
denyMAC = True
if not is_permit and mac_type == self.WILD_MAC:
denyIP = True
if traffic == self.BRIDGED:
if is_permit:
src_mac = remote_dst_host._mac
dst_mac = 'de:ad:00:00:00:00'
src_ip4 = remote_dst_host.ip4
dst_ip4 = src_if.remote_ip4
src_ip6 = remote_dst_host.ip6
dst_ip6 = src_if.remote_ip6
ip_permit = src_ip6 if is_ip6 else src_ip4
mac_permit = src_mac
if denyMAC:
mac = src_mac.split(':')
mac[0] = format(int(mac[0], 16)+1, "02x")
src_mac = ":".join(mac)
if is_ip6:
src_ip6 = ip_permit
src_ip4 = ip_permit
if denyIP:
if ip_type != self.WILD_IP:
src_mac = mac_permit
src_ip4 = remote_dst_host.ip4
dst_ip4 = src_if.remote_ip4
src_ip6 = remote_dst_host.ip6
dst_ip6 = src_if.remote_ip6
if is_permit:
src_mac = remote_dst_host._mac
dst_mac = src_if.local_mac
src_ip4 = src_if.remote_ip4
dst_ip4 = remote_dst_host.ip4
src_ip6 = src_if.remote_ip6
dst_ip6 = remote_dst_host.ip6
ip_permit = src_ip6 if is_ip6 else src_ip4
mac_permit = src_mac
if denyMAC:
mac = src_mac.split(':')
mac[0] = format(int(mac[0], 16) + 1, "02x")
src_mac = ":".join(mac)
if is_ip6:
src_ip6 = ip_permit
src_ip4 = ip_permit
if denyIP:
src_mac = remote_dst_host._mac
if ip_type != self.WILD_IP:
src_mac = mac_permit
src_ip4 = remote_dst_host.ip4
dst_ip4 = src_if.remote_ip4
src_ip6 = remote_dst_host.ip6
dst_ip6 = src_if.remote_ip6
if is_permit:
info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, dst_if)
payload = self.info_to_payload(info)
payload = "to be blocked"
if mac_type == self.WILD_MAC:
mac = src_mac.split(':')
for i in range(1, 5):
mac[i] = format(random.randint(0, 255), "02x")
src_mac = ":".join(mac)
# create packet
packet = Ether(src=src_mac, dst=dst_mac)
ip_rule = src_ip6 if is_ip6 else src_ip4
if is_ip6:
if ip_type != self.EXACT_IP:
sub_ip = list(unpack('<16B', inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip_rule)))
if ip_type == self.WILD_IP:
sub_ip[0] = random.randint(240, 254)
sub_ip[1] = random.randint(230, 239)
sub_ip[14] = random.randint(100, 199)
sub_ip[15] = random.randint(200, 255)
elif ip_type == self.SUBNET_IP:
if denyIP:
sub_ip[2] = str(int(sub_ip[2]) + 1)
sub_ip[14] = random.randint(100, 199)
sub_ip[15] = random.randint(200, 255)
src_ip6 = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, str(bytearray(sub_ip)))
packet /= IPv6(src=src_ip6, dst=dst_ip6)
if ip_type != self.EXACT_IP:
sub_ip = ip_rule.split('.')
if ip_type == self.WILD_IP:
sub_ip[0] = str(random.randint(1, 49))
sub_ip[1] = str(random.randint(50, 99))
sub_ip[2] = str(random.randint(100, 199))
sub_ip[3] = str(random.randint(200, 255))
elif ip_type == self.SUBNET_IP:
if denyIP:
sub_ip[1] = str(int(sub_ip[1])+1)
sub_ip[2] = str(random.randint(100, 199))
sub_ip[3] = str(random.randint(200, 255))
src_ip4 = ".".join(sub_ip)
packet /= IP(src=src_ip4, dst=dst_ip4, frag=0, flags=0)
packet /= UDP(sport=src_port, dport=dst_port)/Raw(payload)
packet[Raw].load += " mac:"+src_mac
size = self.pg_if_packet_sizes[p % len(self.pg_if_packet_sizes)]
if isinstance(src_if, VppSubInterface):
size = size + 4
if isinstance(src_if, VppDot1QSubint):
if src_if is self.subifs[0]:
if tags == self.PERMIT_TAGS:
packet = src_if.add_dot1q_layer(packet, 10)
packet = src_if.add_dot1q_layer(packet, 11)
if tags == self.PERMIT_TAGS:
packet = src_if.add_dot1q_layer(packet, 30)
packet = src_if.add_dot1q_layer(packet, 33)
elif isinstance(src_if, VppDot1ADSubint):
if src_if is self.subifs[1]:
if tags == self.PERMIT_TAGS:
packet = src_if.add_dot1ad_layer(packet, 300, 400)
packet = src_if.add_dot1ad_layer(packet, 333, 444)
if tags == self.PERMIT_TAGS:
packet = src_if.add_dot1ad_layer(packet, 600, 700)
packet = src_if.add_dot1ad_layer(packet, 666, 777)
self.extend_packet(packet, size)
# create suitable MACIP rule
if mac_type == self.EXACT_MAC:
mac_rule = src_mac
mac_mask = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
elif mac_type == self.WILD_MAC:
mac_rule = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
mac_mask = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
elif mac_type == self.OUI_MAC:
mac = src_mac.split(':')
mac[3] = mac[4] = mac[5] = '00'
mac_rule = ":".join(mac)
mac_mask = "ff:ff:ff:00:00:00"
if is_ip6:
if ip_type == self.WILD_IP:
ip = "0::0"
ip = src_ip6
if ip_type == self.SUBNET_IP:
sub_ip = list(unpack('<16B', inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip)))
for i in range(8, 16):
sub_ip[i] = 0
ip = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, str(bytearray(sub_ip)))
if ip_type == self.WILD_IP:
ip = ""
ip = src_ip4
if ip_type == self.SUBNET_IP:
sub_ip = ip.split('.')
sub_ip[2] = sub_ip[3] = '0'
ip = ".".join(sub_ip)
prefix_len = 128 if is_ip6 else 32
if ip_type == self.WILD_IP:
prefix_len = 0
elif ip_type == self.SUBNET_IP:
prefix_len = 64 if is_ip6 else 16
ip_rule = inet_pton(AF_INET6 if is_ip6 else AF_INET, ip)
# create suitable ACL rule
if is_permit:
rule_l4_sport = packet[UDP].sport
rule_l4_dport = packet[UDP].dport
rule_family = AF_INET6 if packet.haslayer(IPv6) else AF_INET
rule_prefix_len = 128 if packet.haslayer(IPv6) else 32
rule_l3_layer = IPv6 if packet.haslayer(IPv6) else IP
if packet.haslayer(IPv6):
rule_l4_proto = packet[UDP].overload_fields[IPv6]['nh']
rule_l4_proto = packet[IP].proto
acl_rule = {
'is_permit': is_permit,
'is_ipv6': is_ip6,
'src_ip_addr': inet_pton(rule_family,
'src_ip_prefix_len': rule_prefix_len,
'dst_ip_addr': inet_pton(rule_family,
'dst_ip_prefix_len': rule_prefix_len,
'srcport_or_icmptype_first': rule_l4_sport,
'srcport_or_icmptype_last': rule_l4_sport,
'dstport_or_icmpcode_first': rule_l4_dport,
'dstport_or_icmpcode_last': rule_l4_dport,
'proto': rule_l4_proto}
if mac_type == self.WILD_MAC and ip_type == self.WILD_IP and p > 0:
if is_permit:
macip_rule = ({
'is_permit': is_permit,
'is_ipv6': is_ip6,
'src_ip_addr': ip_rule,
'src_ip_prefix_len': prefix_len,
'src_mac': mac_rule.replace(':', '').decode('hex'),
'src_mac_mask': mac_mask.replace(':', '').decode('hex')})
# deny all other packets
if not (mac_type == self.WILD_MAC and ip_type == self.WILD_IP):
macip_rule = ({'is_permit': 0,
'is_ipv6': is_ip6,
'src_ip_addr': "",
'src_ip_prefix_len': 0,
'src_mac': "",
'src_mac_mask': ""})
acl_rule = {'is_permit': 0,
'is_ipv6': is_ip6}
return {'stream': packets,
'macip_rules': macip_rules,
'acl_rules': acl_rules}
def verify_capture(self, stream, capture, is_ip6):
:param stream:
:param capture:
:param is_ip6:
# p_l3 = IPv6 if is_ip6 else IP
# if self.DEBUG:
# for p in stream:
# print p[Ether].src, p[Ether].dst, p[p_l3].src, p[p_l3].dst
# acls = self.macip_acl_dump_debug()
# TODO : verify
# for acl in acls:
# for r in acl.r:
# print r.src_mac.encode('hex'), \
# r.src_mac_mask.encode('hex'),\
# unpack('<16B', r.src_ip_addr), \
# r.src_ip_prefix_len
# for p in capture:
# print p[Ether].src, p[Ether].dst, p[p_l3].src, p[p_l3].dst
# data = p[Raw].load.split(':',1)[1]
# print p[p_l3].src, data
def run_traffic(self, mac_type, ip_type, traffic, is_ip6, packets,
do_not_expected_capture=False, tags=None,
apply_rules=True, isMACIP=True, permit_tags=PERMIT_TAGS,
if tags is None:
tx_if = self.pg0 if traffic == self.BRIDGED else self.pg3
rx_if = self.pg3 if traffic == self.BRIDGED else self.pg0
src_if = self.pg3
dst_if = self.loop0
if tags == self.DOT1Q:
if traffic == self.BRIDGED:
tx_if = self.subifs[0]
rx_if = self.pg0
src_if = self.subifs[0]
dst_if = self.loop0
tx_if = self.subifs[2]
rx_if = self.pg0
src_if = self.subifs[2]
dst_if = self.loop0
elif tags == self.DOT1AD:
if traffic == self.BRIDGED:
tx_if = self.subifs[1]
rx_if = self.pg0
src_if = self.subifs[1]
dst_if = self.loop0
tx_if = self.subifs[3]
rx_if = self.pg0
src_if = self.subifs[3]
dst_if = self.loop0
test_dict = self.create_stream(mac_type, ip_type, packets,
src_if, dst_if,
traffic, is_ip6,
if apply_rules:
if isMACIP:
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_add(test_dict['macip_rules'])
reply = self.vapi.acl_add_replace(acl_index=4294967295,
self.assertEqual(reply.retval, 0)
acl_index = reply.acl_index
if isMACIP:
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_get()
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[tx_if.sw_if_index], acl_index)
sw_if_index=tx_if.sw_if_index, acl_index=acl_index)
if try_replace:
if isMACIP:
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_add_replace(
reply = self.vapi.acl_add_replace(acl_index=acl_index,
self.assertEqual(reply.retval, 0)
if not isinstance(src_if, VppSubInterface):
if do_not_expected_capture:
if traffic == self.BRIDGED and mac_type == self.WILD_MAC and \
ip_type == self.WILD_IP:
capture = rx_if.get_capture(packets)
capture = rx_if.get_capture(
self.verify_capture(test_dict['stream'], capture, is_ip6)
if not isMACIP:
acl_index=acl_index, is_add=0)
def run_test_acls(self, mac_type, ip_type, acl_count,
rules_count, traffic=None, ip=None):
self.apply_macip_rules(self.create_rules(mac_type, ip_type, acl_count,
self.verify_macip_acls(acl_count, rules_count)
if traffic is not None:
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, traffic, ip, 9)
class TestMACIP_IP4(MethodHolder):
"""MACIP with IP4 traffic"""
def test_acl_bridged_ip4_exactMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP exactMAC|exactIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip4_exactMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP exactMAC|subnetIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip4_exactMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP exactMAC|wildIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip4_ouiMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP ouiMAC|exactIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4, 3)
def test_acl_bridged_ip4_ouiMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP ouiMAC|subnetIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip4_ouiMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP ouiMAC|wildIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_ac_bridgedl_ip4_wildMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP wildcardMAC|exactIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip4_wildMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP wildcardMAC|subnetIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip4_wildMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP wildcardMAC|wildIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip4_exactMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP exactMAC|exactIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip4_exactMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP exactMAC|subnetIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip4_exactMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP exactMAC|wildIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip4_ouiMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP ouiMAC|exactIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip4_ouiMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP ouiMAC|subnetIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip4_ouiMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP ouiMAC|wildIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip4_wildMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP wildcardMAC|exactIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip4_wildMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP wildcardMAC|subnetIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip4_wildMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP4 MACIP wildcardMAC|wildIP ACL
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP4, 9)
def test_acl_replace_traffic_ip4(self):
""" MACIP replace ACL with IP4 traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4, 9, try_replace=True)
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4, 9, try_replace=True)
class TestMACIP_IP6(MethodHolder):
"""MACIP with IP6 traffic"""
def test_acl_bridged_ip6_exactMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP exactMAC|exactIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip6_exactMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP exactMAC|subnetIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip6_exactMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP exactMAC|wildIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip6_ouiMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP oui_MAC|exactIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip6_ouiMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP ouiMAC|subnetIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip6_ouiMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP ouiMAC|wildIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip6_wildMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP wildcardMAC|exactIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip6_wildMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP wildcardMAC|subnetIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_bridged_ip6_wildMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP wildcardMAC|wildIP ACL bridged traffic
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip6_exactMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP exactMAC|exactIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip6_exactMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP exactMAC|subnetIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip6_exactMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP exactMAC|wildIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip6_ouiMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP ouiMAC|exactIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip6_ouiMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP ouiMAC|subnetIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip6_ouiMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP ouiMAC|wildIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip6_wildMAC_exactIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP wildcardMAC|exactIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip6_wildMAC_subnetIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP wildcardMAC|subnetIP ACL routed traffic
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_routed_ip6_wildMAC_wildIP(self):
""" IP6 MACIP wildcardMAC|wildIP ACL
self.run_traffic(self.WILD_MAC, self.WILD_IP,
self.ROUTED, self.IS_IP6, 9)
def test_acl_replace_traffic_ip6(self):
""" MACIP replace ACL with IP6 traffic
self.run_traffic(self.OUI_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6, 9, try_replace=True)
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP,
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6, 9, try_replace=True)
class TestMACIP(MethodHolder):
"""MACIP Tests"""
def test_acl_1_2(self):
""" MACIP ACL with 2 entries
self.run_test_acls(self.EXACT_MAC, self.WILD_IP, 1, [2])
def test_acl_1_5(self):
""" MACIP ACL with 5 entries
self.run_test_acls(self.EXACT_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP, 1, [5])
def test_acl_1_10(self):
""" MACIP ACL with 10 entries
self.run_test_acls(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, 1, [10])
def test_acl_1_20(self):
""" MACIP ACL with 20 entries
self.run_test_acls(self.OUI_MAC, self.WILD_IP, 1, [20])
def test_acl_1_50(self):
""" MACIP ACL with 50 entries
self.run_test_acls(self.OUI_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP, 1, [50])
def test_acl_1_100(self):
""" MACIP ACL with 100 entries
self.run_test_acls(self.OUI_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, 1, [100])
def test_acl_2_X(self):
""" MACIP 2 ACLs each with 100+ entries
self.run_test_acls(self.OUI_MAC, self.SUBNET_IP, 2, [100, 200])
def test_acl_10_X(self):
""" MACIP 10 ACLs each with 100+ entries
self.run_test_acls(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, 10,
[100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240])
def test_acl_10_X_traffic_ip4(self):
""" MACIP 10 ACLs each with 100+ entries with IP4 traffic
self.run_test_acls(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, 10,
[100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240],
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP4)
def test_acl_10_X_traffic_ip6(self):
""" MACIP 10 ACLs each with 100+ entries with IP6 traffic
self.run_test_acls(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, 10,
[100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240],
self.BRIDGED, self.IS_IP6)
def test_acl_replace(self):
""" MACIP replace ACL
r1 = self.create_rules(acl_count=3, rules_count=[2, 2, 2])
r2 = self.create_rules(mac_type=self.OUI_MAC, ip_type=self.SUBNET_IP)
acls_before = self.macip_acl_dump_debug()
# replace acls #2, #3 with new
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_add_replace(r2[0], 2)
self.assertEqual(reply.retval, 0)
self.assertEqual(reply.acl_index, 2)
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_add_replace(r2[1], 3)
self.assertEqual(reply.retval, 0)
self.assertEqual(reply.acl_index, 3)
acls_after = self.macip_acl_dump_debug()
# verify changes
self.assertEqual(len(acls_before), len(acls_after))
for acl1, acl2 in zip(
self.assertEqual(len(acl1), len(acl2))
self.assertEqual(len(acl1.r), len(acl2.r))
for r1, r2 in zip(acl1.r, acl2.r):
self.assertEqual(len(acl1.r), len(acl2.r))
self.assertEqual(acl1.r, acl2.r)
for acl1, acl2 in zip(
self.assertEqual(len(acl1), len(acl2))
self.assertNotEqual(len(acl1.r), len(acl2.r))
for r1, r2 in zip(acl1.r, acl2.r):
self.assertNotEqual(len(acl1.r), len(acl2.r))
self.assertNotEqual(acl1.r, acl2.r)
def test_delete_intf(self):
""" MACIP ACL delete intf with acl
intf_count = len(self.interfaces)+1
intf = []
rules_count=[3, 5, 4]))
sw_if_index0 = intf[0].sw_if_index
self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_add_del(sw_if_index0, 1)
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_get()
self.assertEqual(reply.count, intf_count+1)
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[sw_if_index0], 1)
sw_if_index1 = intf[1].sw_if_index
self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_add_del(sw_if_index1, 0)
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_get()
self.assertEqual(reply.count, intf_count+2)
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[sw_if_index1], 0)
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_get()
self.assertEqual(reply.count, intf_count+2)
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[sw_if_index0], 4294967295)
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[sw_if_index1], 0)
sw_if_index2 = intf[2].sw_if_index
sw_if_index3 = intf[3].sw_if_index
self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_add_del(sw_if_index2, 1)
self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_add_del(sw_if_index3, 1)
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_get()
self.assertEqual(reply.count, intf_count+3)
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[sw_if_index1], 0)
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[sw_if_index2], 1)
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[sw_if_index3], 1)
self.logger.info("MACIP ACL on multiple interfaces:")
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin macip acl"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin macip acl index 1234"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin macip acl index 1"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin macip acl index 0"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("sh acl-plugin macip interface"))
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_get()
self.assertEqual(reply.count, intf_count+3)
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[sw_if_index0], 4294967295)
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[sw_if_index1], 4294967295)
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[sw_if_index2], 4294967295)
self.assertEqual(reply.acls[sw_if_index3], 1)
reply = self.vapi.macip_acl_interface_get()
self.assertEqual(len([x for x in reply.acls if x != 4294967295]), 0)
class TestACL_dot1q_bridged(MethodHolder):
"""ACL on dot1q bridged subinterfaces Tests"""
def test_acl_bridged_ip4_subif_dot1q(self):
""" IP4 ACL SubIf Dot1Q bridged traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.BRIDGED,
self.IS_IP4, 9, tags=self.DOT1Q, isMACIP=False)
def test_acl_bridged_ip6_subif_dot1q(self):
""" IP6 ACL SubIf Dot1Q bridged traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.BRIDGED,
self.IS_IP6, 9, tags=self.DOT1Q, isMACIP=False)
class TestACL_dot1ad_bridged(MethodHolder):
"""ACL on dot1ad bridged subinterfaces Tests"""
def test_acl_bridged_ip4_subif_dot1ad(self):
""" IP4 ACL SubIf Dot1AD bridged traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.BRIDGED,
self.IS_IP4, 9, tags=self.DOT1AD, isMACIP=False)
def test_acl_bridged_ip6_subif_dot1ad(self):
""" IP6 ACL SubIf Dot1AD bridged traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.BRIDGED,
self.IS_IP6, 9, tags=self.DOT1AD, isMACIP=False)
class TestACL_dot1q_routed(MethodHolder):
"""ACL on dot1q routed subinterfaces Tests"""
def test_acl_routed_ip4_subif_dot1q(self):
""" IP4 ACL SubIf Dot1Q routed traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.ROUTED,
self.IS_IP4, 9, tags=self.DOT1Q, isMACIP=False)
def test_acl_routed_ip6_subif_dot1q(self):
""" IP6 ACL SubIf Dot1Q routed traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.ROUTED,
self.IS_IP6, 9, tags=self.DOT1Q, isMACIP=False)
def test_acl_routed_ip4_subif_dot1q_deny_by_tags(self):
""" IP4 ACL SubIf wrong tags Dot1Q routed traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.ROUTED,
self.IS_IP4, 9, True, tags=self.DOT1Q, isMACIP=False,
def test_acl_routed_ip6_subif_dot1q_deny_by_tags(self):
""" IP6 ACL SubIf wrong tags Dot1Q routed traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.ROUTED,
self.IS_IP6, 9, True, tags=self.DOT1Q, isMACIP=False,
class TestACL_dot1ad_routed(MethodHolder):
"""ACL on dot1ad routed subinterfaces Tests"""
def test_acl_routed_ip6_subif_dot1ad(self):
""" IP6 ACL SubIf Dot1AD routed traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.ROUTED,
self.IS_IP6, 9, tags=self.DOT1AD, isMACIP=False)
def test_acl_routed_ip4_subif_dot1ad(self):
""" IP4 ACL SubIf Dot1AD routed traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.ROUTED,
self.IS_IP4, 9, tags=self.DOT1AD, isMACIP=False)
def test_acl_routed_ip6_subif_dot1ad_deny_by_tags(self):
""" IP6 ACL SubIf wrong tags Dot1AD routed traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.ROUTED,
self.IS_IP6, 9, True, tags=self.DOT1AD, isMACIP=False,
def test_acl_routed_ip4_subif_dot1ad_deny_by_tags(self):
""" IP4 ACL SubIf wrong tags Dot1AD routed traffic"""
self.run_traffic(self.EXACT_MAC, self.EXACT_IP, self.ROUTED,
self.IS_IP4, 9, True, tags=self.DOT1AD, isMACIP=False,
if __name__ == '__main__':