* Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __ABF_ITF_ATTACH_H__
#define __ABF_ITF_ATTACH_H__
#include <plugins/abf/abf_policy.h>
#include <vnet/fib/fib_path_list.h>
* Attachment data for an ABF policy to an interface
typedef struct abf_itf_attach_t_
* The ACL and DPO are cached for fast DP access
* ACL index to match
u32 aia_acl;
* The DPO actually used for forwarding
dpo_id_t aia_dpo;
* Linkage into the FIB graph
fib_node_t aia_node;
* The VPP index of the ABF policy
u32 aia_abf;
* Sibling index on the policy's path list
u32 aia_sibling;
* The protocol for the attachment. i.e. the protocol
* of the packets that are being forwarded
fib_protocol_t aia_proto;
* The interface for the attachment
u32 aia_sw_if_index;
* The priority of this policy for attachment.
* The lower the value the higher the priority.
* The higher priority policies are matched first.
u32 aia_prio;
} abf_itf_attach_t;
* Pool of ABF interface attachment objects
extern abf_itf_attach_t *abf_itf_attach_pool;
static inline abf_itf_attach_t *
abf_itf_attach_get (u32 index)
return (pool_elt_at_index (abf_itf_attach_pool, index));
extern int abf_itf_attach (fib_protocol_t fproto,
u32 policy_id, u32 priority, u32 sw_if_index);
extern int abf_itf_detach
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""IP6 VRF Multi-instance Test Case HLD:
- higher number of pg-ip6 interfaces causes problems => only 15 pg-ip6 \
interfaces in 5 VRFs are tested
- jumbo packets in configuration with 15 pg-ip6 interfaces leads to \
problems too
**config 1**
- add 15 pg-ip6 interfaces
- configure 5 hosts per pg-ip6 interface
- configure 4 VRFs
- add 3 pg-ip6 interfaces per VRF
**test 1**
- send IP6 packets between all pg-ip6 interfaces in all VRF groups
**verify 1**
- check VRF data by parsing output of ip_route_dump API command
- all packets received correctly in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in the same
- no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces not in VRF
- no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in different VRFs
**config 2**
- reset 2 VRFs
**test 2**
- send IP6 packets between all pg-ip6 interfaces in all VRF groups
**verify 2**
- check VRF data by parsing output of ip_route_dump API command
- all packets received correctly in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in the same
- no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces not in VRF
- no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in different VRFs
**config 3**
- add 1 of reset VRFs and 1 new VRF
**test 3**
- send IP6 packets between all pg-ip6 interfaces in all VRF groups
**verify 3**
- check VRF data by parsing output of ip_route_dump API command
- all packets received correctly in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in the same
- no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces not in VRF
- no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in different VRFs
**config 4**
- reset all VRFs (i.e. no VRF except VRF=0 created)
**test 4**
- send IP6 packets between all pg-ip6 interfaces in all VRF groups
**verify 4**
- check VRF data by parsing output of ip_route_dump API command
- all packets received correctly in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in the same
- no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces not in VRF
- no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in different VRFs
import unittest
import random
import socket
from scapy.packet import Raw
from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether
from scapy.layers.inet6 import UDP, IPv6, ICMPv6ND_NS, ICMPv6ND_RA, \
RouterAlert, IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop
from scapy.utils6 import in6_ismaddr, in6_isllsnmaddr, in6_getAddrType
from scapy.pton_ntop import inet_ntop
from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner
from util import ppp
from vrf import VRFState
def is_ipv6_misc_ext(p):
""" Is packet one of uninteresting IPv6 broadcasts (extended to filter out
ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Neighbor Advertisement packets too)? """
if p.haslayer(ICMPv6ND_RA):
if in6_ismaddr(p[IPv6].dst):
return True
if p.haslayer(ICMPv6ND_NS):
if in6_isllsnmaddr(p[IPv6].dst):
return True
if p.haslayer(IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop):
for o in p[IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop].options:
if isinstance(o, RouterAlert):
return True
return False
class TestIP6VrfMultiInst(VppTestCase):
""" IP6 VRF Multi-instance Test Case """
def setUpClass(cls):
Perform standard class setup (defined by class method setUpClass in
class VppTestCase) before running the test case, set test case related
variables and configure VPP.
super(TestIP6VrfMultiInst, cls).setUpClass()
# Test variables
cls.hosts_per_pg = 5
cls.nr_of_vrfs = 5
cls.pg_ifs_per_vrf = 3
# Create pg interfaces
range(cls.nr_of_vrfs * cls.pg_ifs_per_vrf))
# Packet flows mapping pg0 -> pg1, pg2 etc.
cls.flows = dict()
for i in range(len(cls.pg_interfaces)):
multiplicand = i // cls.pg_ifs_per_vrf
pg_list = [
cls.pg_interfaces[multiplicand * cls.pg_ifs_per_vrf + j]
for j in range(cls.pg_ifs_per_vrf)
if (multiplicand * cls.pg_ifs_per_vrf + j) != i]
cls.flows[cls.pg_interfaces[i]] = pg_list
# Packet sizes - jumbo packet (9018 bytes) skipped
cls.pg_if_packet_sizes = [64, 512, 1518]
# Set up all interfaces
for pg_if in cls.pg_interfaces:
# Create list of VRFs
cls.vrf_list = list()
# Create list of reset VRFs
cls.vrf_reset_list = list()
# Create list of pg_interfaces in VRFs
cls.pg_in_vrf = list()
# Create list of pg_interfaces not in VRFs
cls.pg_not_in_vrf = [pg_if for pg_if in cls.pg_interfaces]
# Create mapping of pg_interfaces to VRF IDs
cls.pg_if_by_vrf_id = dict()
for i in range(cls.nr_of_vrfs):
vrf_id = i + 1
pg_list = [
cls.pg_interfaces[i * cls.pg_ifs_per_vrf + j]
for j in range(cls.pg_ifs_per_vrf)]
cls.pg_if_by_vrf_id[vrf_id] = pg_list
except Exception:
super(TestIP6VrfMultiInst, cls).tearDownClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestIP6VrfMultiInst, cls).tearDownClass()
def setUp(self):
Clear trace and packet infos before running each test.
super(TestIP6VrfMultiInst, self).setUp()
def tearDown(self):
Show various debug prints after each test.
super(TestIP6VrfMultiInst, self).tearDown()
def show_commands_at_teardown(self):
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("show ip6 fib"))
self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("show ip6 neighbors"))
def create_vrf_and_assign_interfaces(self, count, start=1):
Create required number of FIB tables / VRFs, put 3 pg-ip6 interfaces
to every FIB table / VRF.
:param int count: Number of FIB tables / VRFs to be created.
:param int start: Starting number of the FIB table / VRF ID. \
(Default value = 1)
for i in range(count):
vrf_id = i + start
pg_if = self.pg_if_by_vrf_id[vrf_id][0]
table={'table_id': vrf_id, 'is_ip6': 1})
self.logger.info("IPv6 VRF ID %d created" % vrf_id)
if vrf_id not in self.vrf_list:
if vrf_id in self.vrf_reset_list:
for j in range(self.pg_ifs_per_vrf):
pg_if = self.pg_if_by_vrf_id[vrf_id][j]
self.logger.info("pg-interface %s added to IPv6 VRF ID %d"
% (pg_if.name, vrf_id))
if pg_if not in self.pg_in_vrf:
if pg_if in self.pg_not_in_vrf:
self.logger.debug(self.vapi.ppcli("show ip6 fib"))
self.logger.debug(self.vapi.ppcli("show ip6 neighbors"))
def reset_vrf_and_remove_from_vrf_list(self, vrf_id):
Reset required FIB table / VRF and remove it from VRF list.
:param int vrf_id: The FIB table / VRF ID to be reset.
self.vapi.ip_table_flush(table={'table_id': vrf_id, 'is_ip6': 1})
if vrf_id in self.vrf_list:
if vrf_id not in self.vrf_reset_list:
for j in range(self.pg_ifs_per_vrf):
pg_if = self.pg_if_by_vrf_id[vrf_id][j]
if pg_if in self.pg_in_vrf:
if pg_if not in self.pg_not_in_vrf:
self.logger.info("IPv6 VRF ID %d reset finished" % vrf_id)
self.logger.debug(self.vapi.ppcli("show ip6 fib"))
self.logger.debug(self.vapi.ppcli("show ip6 neighbors"))
table={'table_id': vrf_id, 'is_ip6': 1})
def create_stream(self, src_if, packet_sizes):
Create input packet stream for defined interface using hosts list.
:param object src_if: Interface to create packet stream for.
:param list packet_sizes: List of required packet sizes.
:return: Stream of packets.
pkts = []
src_hosts = src_if.remote_hosts
for dst_if in self.flows[src_if]:
for dst_host in dst_if.remote_hosts:
src_host = random.choice(src_hosts)
pkt_info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, dst_if)
payload = self.info_to_payload(pkt_info)
p = (Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_host.mac) /
IPv6(src=src_host.ip6, dst=dst_host.ip6) /
UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) /
pkt_info.data = p.copy()
size = random.choice(packet_sizes)
self.extend_packet(p, size)
self.logger.debug("Input stream created for port %s. Length: %u pkt(s)"
% (src_if.name, len(pkts)))
return pkts
def create_stream_crosswise_vrf(self, src_if, vrf_id, packet_sizes):
Create input packet stream for negative test for leaking across
different VRFs for defined interface using hosts list.
:param object src_if: Interface to create packet stream for.
:param int vrf_id: The FIB table / VRF ID where src_if is assigned.
:param list packet_sizes: List of required packet sizes.
:return: Stream of packets.
pkts = []
src_hosts = src_if.remote_hosts
vrf_lst = list(self.vrf_list)
for vrf in vrf_lst:
for dst_if in self.pg_if_by_vrf_id[vrf]:
for dst_host in dst_if.remote_hosts:
src_host = random.choice(src_hosts)
pkt_info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, dst_if)
payload = self.info_to_payload(pkt_info)
p = (Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_host.mac) /
IPv6(src=src_host.ip6, dst=dst_host.ip6) /
UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) /
pkt_info.data = p.copy()
size = random.choice(packet_sizes)
self.extend_packet(p, size)
self.logger.debug("Input stream created for port %s. Length: %u pkt(s)"
% (src_if.name, len(pkts)))
return pkts
def verify_capture(self, pg_if, capture):
Verify captured input packet stream for defined interface.
:param object pg_if: Interface to verify captured packet stream for.
:param list capture: Captured packet stream.
last_info = dict()
for i in self.pg_interfaces:
last_info[i.sw_if_index] = None
dst_sw_if_index = pg_if.sw_if_index
for packet in capture:
ip = packet[IPv6]
udp = packet[UDP]
payload_info = self.payload_to_info(packet[Raw])
packet_index = payload_info.index
self.assertEqual(payload_info.dst, dst_sw_if_index)
self.logger.debug("Got packet on port %s: src=%u (id=%u)" %
(pg_if.name, payload_info.src, packet_index))
next_info = self.get_next_packet_info_for_interface2(
payload_info.src, dst_sw_if_index,
last_info[payload_info.src] = next_info
self.assertEqual(packet_index, next_info.index)
saved_packet = next_info.data
# Check standard fields
self.assertEqual(ip.src, saved_packet[IPv6].src)
self.assertEqual(ip.dst, saved_packet[IPv6].dst)
self.assertEqual(udp.sport, saved_packet[UDP].sport)
self.assertEqual(udp.dport, saved_packet[UDP].dport)
self.logger.error(ppp("Unexpected or invalid packet:", packet))
for i in self.pg_interfaces:
remaining_packet = self.get_next_packet_info_for_interface2(
i, dst_sw_if_index, last_info[i.sw_if_index])
"Port %u: Packet expected from source %u didn't arrive" %
(dst_sw_if_index, i.sw_if_index))
def verify_vrf(self, vrf_id):
Check if the FIB table / VRF ID is configured.
:param int vrf_id: The FIB table / VRF ID to be verified.
:return: 1 if the FIB table / VRF ID is configured, otherwise return 0.
ip6_fib_dump = self.vapi.ip_route_dump(vrf_id, True)
vrf_exist = len(ip6_fib_dump)
vrf_count = 0
for ip6_fib_details in ip6_fib_dump:
addr = ip6_fib_details.route.prefix.network_address
found = False
for pg_if in self.pg_if_by_vrf_id[vrf_id]:
if found:
for host in pg_if.remote_hosts:
if str(addr) == host.ip6:
vrf_count += 1
found = True
if not vrf_exist and vrf_count == 0:
self.logger.info("IPv6 VRF ID %d is not configured" % vrf_id)
return VRFState.not_configured
elif vrf_exist and vrf_count == 0:
self.logger.info("IPv6 VRF ID %d has been reset" % vrf_id)
return VRFState.reset
self.logger.info("IPv6 VRF ID %d is configured" % vrf_id)
return VRFState.configured
def run_verify_test(self):
Create packet streams for all configured pg interfaces, send all \
prepared packet streams and verify that:
- all packets received correctly on all pg-ip6 interfaces assigned
to VRFs
- no packet received on all pg-ip6 interfaces not assigned to VRFs
:raise RuntimeError: If no packet captured on pg-ip6 interface assigned
to VRF or if any packet is captured on pg-ip6 interface not
assigned to VRF.
# Test
# Create incoming packet streams for packet-generator interfaces
for pg_if in self.pg_interfaces:
pkts = self.create_stream(pg_if, self.pg_if_packet_sizes)
# Enable packet capture and start packet sending
# Verify
# Verify outgoing packet streams per packet-generator interface
for pg_if in self.pg_interfaces:
if pg_if in self.pg_in_vrf:
capture = pg_if.get_capture(remark="interface is in VRF")
self.verify_capture(pg_if, capture)
elif pg_if in self.pg_not_in_vrf:
pg_if.assert_nothing_captured(remark="interface is not in VRF",
self.logger.debug("No capture for interface %s" % pg_if.name)
raise Exception("Unknown interface: %s" % pg_if.name)
def run_crosswise_vrf_test(self):
Create packet streams for every pg-ip6 interface in VRF towards all
pg-ip6 interfaces in other VRFs, send all prepared packet streams and \
verify that:
- no packet received on all configured pg-ip6 interfaces
:raise RuntimeError: If any packet is captured on any pg-ip6 interface.
# Test
# Create incoming packet streams for packet-generator interfaces
for vrf_id in self.vrf_list:
for pg_if in self.pg_if_by_vrf_id[vrf_id]:
pkts = self.create_stream_crosswise_vrf(
pg_if, vrf_id, self.pg_if_packet_sizes)
# Enable packet capture and start packet sending
# Verify
# Verify outgoing packet streams per packet-generator interface
for pg_if in self.pg_interfaces:
pg_if.assert_nothing_captured(remark="interface is in other VRF",
self.logger.debug("No capture for interface %s" % pg_if.name)
def test_ip6_vrf_01(self):
""" IP6 VRF Multi-instance test 1 - create 4 VRFs
# Config 1
# Create 4 VRFs
# Verify 1
for vrf_id in self.vrf_list:
VRFState.configured, VRFState)
# Test 1
def test_ip6_vrf_02(self):
""" IP6 VRF Multi-instance test 2 - reset 2 VRFs
# Config 2
# Delete 2 VRFs
# Verify 2
for vrf_id in self.vrf_reset_list:
VRFState.reset, VRFState)
for vrf_id in self.vrf_list:
VRFState.configured, VRFState)
# Test 2
# Reset routes learned from ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery
for vrf_id in self.vrf_reset_list:
def test_ip6_vrf_03(self):
""" IP6 VRF Multi-instance 3 - add 2 VRFs
# Config 3
# Add 1 of reset VRFs and 1 new VRF
self.create_vrf_and_assign_interfaces(1, start=5)
# Verify 3
for vrf_id in self.vrf_reset_list:
VRFState.reset, VRFState)
for vrf_id in self.vrf_list:
VRFState.configured, VRFState)
# Test 3
# Reset routes learned from ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery
for vrf_id in self.vrf_reset_list:
def test_ip6_vrf_04(self):
""" IP6 VRF Multi-instance test 4 - reset 4 VRFs
# Config 4
# Reset all VRFs (i.e. no VRF except VRF=0 configured)
for i in range(len(self.vrf_list)):
# Verify 4
for vrf_id in self.vrf_reset_list:
VRFState.reset, VRFState)
vrf_list_length = len(self.vrf_list)
vrf_list_length, 0,
"List of configured VRFs is not empty: %s != 0" % vrf_list_length)
# Test 4
if __name__ == '__main__':