path: root/vpp-api/java/
blob: 35e2023dab047e7094210eae15c4738a25f71bb8 (plain)
AC_INIT(vpp-japi, 1.0.0)


if test -f /usr/bin/lsb_release  && test `lsb_release -si` == "Ubuntu"  && test `lsb_release -sr` == "14.04"  && test -d /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/ ; then


n328'>328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504
Release notes for VPP 22.10

More than 212 commits since the previous release, including 118 fixes.


- Packetforge

  - Add packetforge for generic flow to extras (`ce4b64517 <;a=commit;h=ce4b64517>`_)

- Plugins

  - DPDK

    - Enable interrupt support for vmxnet3 (`157e4f5d2 <;a=commit;h=157e4f5d2>`_)
    - Bump to 22.07 (`3c285b54a <;a=commit;h=3c285b54a>`_)
    - Build MLX libraries into DPDK plugin when verified to be compatible with the DPDK & RDMA version specified
      in the matrix file. (`4e939ced <;a=commit;h=4e939ced>`_)

      | **NOTE**: A daily CI job verifies that the MLX libraries are being built into
      | the DPDK plugin and sends an email to if the job fails.
      | Anyone desiring to be notified of the absense of the MLX drivers being built
      | into the DPDK plugin should subscribe to the mailing list at

  - Wireguard

    - Add processing of received cookie messages (`44ec846f4 <;a=commit;h=44ec846f4>`_)
    - Add dos mitigation support (`ce91af8ad <;a=commit;h=ce91af8ad>`_)
    - Add handshake rate limiting support (`a6328e51e <;a=commit;h=a6328e51e>`_)
    - Add peers roaming support (`fee9853a4 <;a=commit;h=fee9853a4>`_)

  - Performance counter

    - Enable perfmon plugin for Arm (`268d7be66 <;a=commit;h=268d7be66>`_)
    - Add Arm event bundles (`af82211d3 <;a=commit;h=af82211d3>`_)

- Test Infrastructure

  - Add ipsec flow performance unit test (`422544363 <;a=commit;h=422544363>`_)
  - Add fast path ipv6 python tests for outbound policy matching (`651cc01b6 <;a=commit;h=651cc01b6>`_)


  - IP Neighbors

    - ARP and ND stats per-interface. (`fd2417b2a <;a=commit;h=fd2417b2a>`_)

  - IPSec

    - Introduce spd fast path types (`d699a347c <;a=commit;h=d699a347c>`_)
    - Add/delete ipsec fast path policy (`0464310fd <;a=commit;h=0464310fd>`_)
    - Add spd fast path matching (`e1dce3758 <;a=commit;h=e1dce3758>`_)
    - Add fast path configuration parser (`4da8a63a9 <;a=commit;h=4da8a63a9>`_)
    - Show fast path flag in cli (`93bc431df <;a=commit;h=93bc431df>`_)
    - Add fast path python tests (`ab0bf0c0c <;a=commit;h=ab0bf0c0c>`_)
    - Fast path outbound policy matching implementation for ipv6 (`86f8208af <;a=commit;h=86f8208af>`_)
    - Introduce fast path ipv4 inbound matching (`993b6bee6 <;a=commit;h=993b6bee6>`_)
    - Make chacha20-poly1305 available via API (`d7c030d60 <;a=commit;h=d7c030d60>`_)

  - Segment Routing (IPv6 and MPLS)

    - SRv6 TEF behavior support (`9cca694c8 <;a=commit;h=9cca694c8>`_)
    - Add support for SRv6 Path Tracing Infrastructure (`c933bb7e3 <;a=commit;h=c933bb7e3>`_)
    - SRv6 Path Tracing Sink node behavior (`d50e661d6 <;a=commit;h=d50e661d6>`_)

  - Session Layer

    - Support dma option (`0654242d1 <;a=commit;h=0654242d1>`_)

- VPP Comms Library

  - Add hugepage for vcl configure and svm (`c795b8836 <;a=commit;h=c795b8836>`_)

- Vector Library

  - Introduce DMA infrastructure (`abd566942 <;a=commit;h=abd566942>`_)

- VPP StrongSwan Daemon

  - Add plugin for VPP-swan (`225d15cae <;a=commit;h=225d15cae>`_)

- VPP Host Stack

  - Add test framework for host stack (`229f5fcf1 <;a=commit;h=229f5fcf1>`_)

- Packetforge

  - Add a tool to create generic flow rules using a format of naming protocols or json profile. (`ce4b64517 <;a=commit;h=ce4b64517>`_)

Known issues

For the full list of issues please refer to `JIRA <>`_.

Fixed issues

For the full list of fixed issues please refer to:
- `JIRA <>`_
- git `commit log <>`_

API changes

Description of results:

- *Definition changed*: indicates that the API file was modified between releases.
- *Only in image*: indicates the API is new for this release.
- *Only in file*: indicates the API has been removed in this release.

============================================================= ==================
Message Name                                                  Result
============================================================= ==================
ipsec_spd_entry_add_del_v2                                    only in image
ipsec_spd_entry_add_del_v2_reply                              only in image
============================================================= ==================

Found 2 api message signature differences

Newly deprecated API messages

These messages are still there in the API, but can and probably
will disappear in the next release.

- ipsec_spd_entry_add_del

In-progress API messages

These messages are provided for testing and experimentation only.
They are *not* subject to any compatibility process,
and therefore can arbitrarily change or disappear at *any* moment.
Also they may have less than satisfactory testing, making
them unsuitable for other use than the technology preview.
If you are intending to use these messages in production projects,
please collaborate with the feature maintainer on their productization.

- abf_itf_attach_add_del
- abf_itf_attach_add_del_reply
- abf_itf_attach_details
- abf_itf_attach_dump
- abf_plugin_get_version
- abf_plugin_get_version_reply
- abf_policy_add_del
- abf_policy_add_del_reply
- abf_policy_details
- abf_policy_dump
- acl_plugin_use_hash_lookup_get
- acl_plugin_use_hash_lookup_get_reply
- acl_plugin_use_hash_lookup_set
- acl_plugin_use_hash_lookup_set_reply
- adl_allowlist_enable_disable
- adl_allowlist_enable_disable_reply
- adl_interface_enable_disable
- adl_interface_enable_disable_reply
- cnat_get_snat_addresses
- cnat_get_snat_addresses_reply
- cnat_session_details
- cnat_session_dump
- cnat_session_purge
- cnat_session_purge_reply
- cnat_set_snat_addresses
- cnat_set_snat_addresses_reply
- cnat_set_snat_policy
- cnat_set_snat_policy_reply
- cnat_snat_policy_add_del_exclude_pfx
- cnat_snat_policy_add_del_exclude_pfx_reply
- cnat_snat_policy_add_del_if
- cnat_snat_policy_add_del_if_reply
- cnat_translation_del
- cnat_translation_del_reply
- cnat_translation_details
- cnat_translation_dump
- cnat_translation_update
- cnat_translation_update_reply
- crypto_sw_scheduler_set_worker
- crypto_sw_scheduler_set_worker_reply
- det44_get_timeouts_reply
- det44_interface_add_del_feature
- det44_interface_add_del_feature_reply
- det44_interface_details
- det44_interface_dump
- det44_plugin_enable_disable
- det44_plugin_enable_disable_reply
- det44_set_timeouts
- det44_set_timeouts_reply
- flow_add
- flow_add_reply
- flow_add_v2
- flow_add_v2_reply
- flow_del
- flow_del_reply
- flow_disable
- flow_disable_reply
- flow_enable
- flow_enable_reply
- flowprobe_get_params
- flowprobe_get_params_reply
- flowprobe_interface_add_del
- flowprobe_interface_add_del_reply
- flowprobe_interface_details
- flowprobe_interface_dump
- flowprobe_set_params
- flowprobe_set_params_reply
- gbp_bridge_domain_add
- gbp_bridge_domain_add_reply
- gbp_bridge_domain_del
- gbp_bridge_domain_del_reply
- gbp_bridge_domain_details
- gbp_bridge_domain_dump
- gbp_bridge_domain_dump_reply
- gbp_contract_add_del
- gbp_contract_add_del_reply
- gbp_contract_details
- gbp_contract_dump
- gbp_endpoint_add
- gbp_endpoint_add_reply
- gbp_endpoint_del
- gbp_endpoint_del_reply
- gbp_endpoint_details
- gbp_endpoint_dump
- gbp_endpoint_group_add
- gbp_endpoint_group_add_reply
- gbp_endpoint_group_del
- gbp_endpoint_group_del_reply
- gbp_endpoint_group_details
- gbp_endpoint_group_dump
- gbp_ext_itf_add_del
- gbp_ext_itf_add_del_reply
- gbp_ext_itf_details
- gbp_ext_itf_dump
- gbp_recirc_add_del
- gbp_recirc_add_del_reply
- gbp_recirc_details
- gbp_recirc_dump
- gbp_route_domain_add
- gbp_route_domain_add_reply
- gbp_route_domain_del
- gbp_route_domain_del_reply
- gbp_route_domain_details
- gbp_route_domain_dump
- gbp_route_domain_dump_reply
- gbp_subnet_add_del
- gbp_subnet_add_del_reply
- gbp_subnet_details
- gbp_subnet_dump
- gbp_vxlan_tunnel_add
- gbp_vxlan_tunnel_add_reply
- gbp_vxlan_tunnel_del
- gbp_vxlan_tunnel_del_reply
- gbp_vxlan_tunnel_details
- gbp_vxlan_tunnel_dump
- ikev2_child_sa_details
- ikev2_child_sa_dump
- ikev2_initiate_del_child_sa
- ikev2_initiate_del_child_sa_reply
- ikev2_initiate_del_ike_sa
- ikev2_initiate_del_ike_sa_reply
- ikev2_initiate_rekey_child_sa
- ikev2_initiate_rekey_child_sa_reply
- ikev2_initiate_sa_init
- ikev2_initiate_sa_init_reply
- ikev2_nonce_get
- ikev2_nonce_get_reply
- ikev2_profile_add_del
- ikev2_profile_add_del_reply
- ikev2_profile_details
- ikev2_profile_disable_natt
- ikev2_profile_disable_natt_reply
- ikev2_profile_dump
- ikev2_profile_set_auth
- ikev2_profile_set_auth_reply
- ikev2_profile_set_id
- ikev2_profile_set_id_reply
- ikev2_profile_set_ipsec_udp_port
- ikev2_profile_set_ipsec_udp_port_reply
- ikev2_profile_set_liveness
- ikev2_profile_set_liveness_reply
- ikev2_profile_set_ts
- ikev2_profile_set_ts_reply
- ikev2_profile_set_udp_encap
- ikev2_profile_set_udp_encap_reply
- ikev2_sa_details
- ikev2_sa_dump
- ikev2_set_esp_transforms
- ikev2_set_esp_transforms_reply
- ikev2_set_ike_transforms
- ikev2_set_ike_transforms_reply
- ikev2_set_local_key
- ikev2_set_local_key_reply
- ikev2_set_responder
- ikev2_set_responder_hostname
- ikev2_set_responder_hostname_reply
- ikev2_set_responder_reply
- ikev2_set_sa_lifetime
- ikev2_set_sa_lifetime_reply
- ikev2_set_tunnel_interface
- ikev2_set_tunnel_interface_reply
- ikev2_traffic_selector_details
- ikev2_traffic_selector_dump
- ip_route_add_del_v2
- ip_route_add_del_v2_reply
- ip_route_lookup_v2
- ip_route_lookup_v2_reply
- ip_route_v2_details
- ip_route_v2_dump
- l2_emulation
- l2_emulation_reply
- lcp_default_ns_get_reply
- lcp_default_ns_set
- lcp_default_ns_set_reply
- lcp_itf_pair_add_del
- lcp_itf_pair_add_del_reply
- lcp_itf_pair_add_del_v2
- lcp_itf_pair_details
- mdata_enable_disable
- mdata_enable_disable_reply
- nat44_ei_add_del_address_range
- nat44_ei_add_del_address_range_reply
- nat44_ei_add_del_static_mapping
- nat44_ei_add_del_static_mapping_reply
- nat44_ei_address_details
- nat44_ei_address_dump
- nat44_ei_del_session
- nat44_ei_del_session_reply
- nat44_ei_del_user
- nat44_ei_del_user_reply
- nat44_ei_forwarding_enable_disable
- nat44_ei_forwarding_enable_disable_reply
- nat44_ei_ha_flush
- nat44_ei_ha_flush_reply
- nat44_ei_ha_resync
- nat44_ei_ha_resync_completed_event
- nat44_ei_ha_resync_reply
- nat44_ei_ha_set_failover
- nat44_ei_ha_set_failover_reply
- nat44_ei_ha_set_listener
- nat44_ei_ha_set_listener_reply
- nat44_ei_interface_add_del_feature
- nat44_ei_interface_add_del_feature_reply
- nat44_ei_interface_details
- nat44_ei_interface_dump
- nat44_ei_ipfix_enable_disable
- nat44_ei_ipfix_enable_disable_reply
- nat44_ei_plugin_enable_disable
- nat44_ei_plugin_enable_disable_reply
- nat44_ei_set_addr_and_port_alloc_alg
- nat44_ei_set_addr_and_port_alloc_alg_reply
- nat44_ei_set_fq_options
- nat44_ei_set_fq_options_reply
- nat44_ei_set_mss_clamping
- nat44_ei_set_mss_clamping_reply
- nat44_ei_set_timeouts
- nat44_ei_set_timeouts_reply
- nat44_ei_set_workers
- nat44_ei_set_workers_reply
- nat44_ei_show_fq_options
- nat44_ei_show_fq_options_reply
- nat44_ei_show_running_config
- nat44_ei_show_running_config_reply
- nat44_ei_static_mapping_details
- nat44_ei_static_mapping_dump
- nat44_ei_user_details
- nat44_ei_user_dump
- nat44_ei_user_session_details
- nat44_ei_user_session_dump
- nat44_ei_worker_details
- nat44_ei_worker_dump
- nat64_plugin_enable_disable
- nat64_plugin_enable_disable_reply
- oddbuf_enable_disable
- oddbuf_enable_disable_reply
- pg_interface_enable_disable_coalesce
- pg_interface_enable_disable_coalesce_reply
- pnat_binding_add
- pnat_binding_add_reply
- pnat_binding_add_v2
- pnat_binding_add_v2_reply
- pnat_binding_attach
- pnat_binding_attach_reply
- pnat_binding_del
- pnat_binding_del_reply
- pnat_binding_detach
- pnat_binding_detach_reply
- pnat_bindings_details
- pnat_bindings_get
- pnat_bindings_get_reply
- pnat_interfaces_details
- pnat_interfaces_get
- pnat_interfaces_get_reply
- sample_macswap_enable_disable
- sample_macswap_enable_disable_reply
- sr_policies_with_sl_index_details
- sr_policies_with_sl_index_dump
- sw_interface_set_vxlan_gbp_bypass
- sw_interface_set_vxlan_gbp_bypass_reply
- test_addresses
- test_addresses2
- test_addresses2_reply
- test_addresses3
- test_addresses3_reply
- test_addresses_reply
- test_empty
- test_empty_reply
- test_enum
- test_enum_reply
- test_interface
- test_interface_reply
- test_prefix
- test_prefix_reply
- test_string
- test_string2
- test_string2_reply
- test_string_reply
- test_vla
- test_vla2
- test_vla2_reply
- test_vla3
- test_vla3_reply
- test_vla4
- test_vla4_reply
- test_vla5
- test_vla5_reply
- test_vla_reply
- trace_capture_packets
- trace_capture_packets_reply
- trace_clear_capture
- trace_clear_capture_reply
- trace_details
- trace_dump
- trace_dump_reply
- trace_set_filters
- trace_set_filters_reply
- vxlan_gbp_tunnel_add_del
- vxlan_gbp_tunnel_add_del_reply
- vxlan_gbp_tunnel_details
- vxlan_gbp_tunnel_dump
- want_wireguard_peer_events
- want_wireguard_peer_events_reply
- wg_set_async_mode
- wg_set_async_mode_reply
- wireguard_interface_create
- wireguard_interface_create_reply
- wireguard_interface_delete
- wireguard_interface_delete_reply
- wireguard_interface_details
- wireguard_interface_dump
- wireguard_peer_add
- wireguard_peer_add_reply
- wireguard_peer_event
- wireguard_peer_remove
- wireguard_peer_remove_reply
- wireguard_peers_details
- wireguard_peers_dump

Patches that changed API definitions


* `93688d734 <;a=commit;h=93688d734>`_ ipsec: Use .api declared error counters
* `815c6a4fb <;a=commit;h=815c6a4fb>`_ ipsec: change wildcard value for any protocol of spd policy


* `d7c030d60 <;a=commit;h=d7c030d60>`_ ipsec: make chacha20-poly1305 available via API
* `815c6a4fb <;a=commit;h=815c6a4fb>`_ ipsec: change wildcard value for any protocol of spd policy


* `41a85c0a2 <;a=commit;h=41a85c0a2>`_ mpls: Use the .api for the definition of error/info counters


* `13a74ae25 <;a=commit;h=13a74ae25>`_ arp: Use the new style error count declaration


* `b29c60660 <;a=commit;h=b29c60660>`_ ip: Use .api declarative counters for ICMP.
* `e22a70416 <;a=commit;h=e22a70416>`_ ip: Use .api declared error counters


* `6e4a56e65 <;a=commit;h=6e4a56e65>`_ ip-neighbor: Declarative .api counters.


* `5c7e579f7 <;a=commit;h=5c7e579f7>`_ bfd: Express node stats using the .api file


* `755b529c1 <;a=commit;h=755b529c1>`_ abf: add API parameter n_paths range checks


* `3f245e687 <;a=commit;h=3f245e687>`_ linux-cp: change namespace to netns
* `99e3b8b84 <;a=commit;h=99e3b8b84>`_ linux-cp: API downgrade due to namespace keyword