diff options
authorPierre Pfister <ppfister@cisco.com>2016-12-20 09:50:44 +0100
committerPierre Pfister <ppfister@cisco.com>2016-12-20 10:00:11 +0100
commitf71b5f990114c0af2b96700a18b397db4ff26c82 (patch)
parentba114e80c7a24df85be85c1fa879b2a5230999a5 (diff)
vhost-test: Add MoonGen lua script for perf profiling
mg.lua is a MoonGen script dedicated to forwarding rate and drop rate measurement. It is sort of clever at finding which points to plot in order to discover interesting behaviors. Change-Id: I40c9ce4da27f3c13c27a8b3214c96298683c2658 Signed-off-by: Pierre Pfister <ppfister@cisco.com>
2 files changed, 188 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/vhost-test/README.md b/vhost-test/README.md
index ee5f56f..5564b18 100644
--- a/vhost-test/README.md
+++ b/vhost-test/README.md
@@ -52,11 +52,30 @@ Finally, when you are done, you can stop the VMs.
$ ./vhost.sh stop
-## Traffic Generation
-Traffic generation is, for now, out of the scope of this script.
-You are supposed to update ./conf.sh by setting up the right parameters.
-Use the traffic generator you like to test the perfs.
+## Traffic Generation with MoonGen
+mg.lua is intended to be used with the MoonGen packet generator.
+This script measures packet loss and forwarding with a user-defined
+granularity. The script keeps running while consecutive measures are
+too far on both Tx axis (--maxRateInterval option) or on the drop rate
+axis (--targetDropRateRatio). The latter is a ratio instead of an interval,
+as the packet drop is mostly a logarithmic value.
+The script is used as follows:
+sudo /path/to/MoonGen ./mg.lua <options>
+Mandatory options are:
+--rxport <id> MoonGen's rx port index
+--txport <id> MoonGen's tx port index
+--dst <hwaddr> Frame's destination L2 address
+Other options are:
+--duration <seconds> Each measurement duration
+--frameSize <bytes> Each frame size
+--maxRateInterval <%> Max Tx interval between measure
+--targetDropRateRatio <ratio> Max ratio between two drop rate measures
+--minRateInterval <%> Min Tx interval (Will override drop ratio in case of non-continuous)
+--out <file> Output file
## Administrativa
diff --git a/vhost-test/mg.lua b/vhost-test/mg.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21c4afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vhost-test/mg.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+local mg = require "moongen"
+local memory = require "memory"
+local device = require "device"
+local stats = require "stats"
+local hist = require "histogram"
+local timer = require "timer"
+local barrier = require "barrier"
+local table = require "table"
+local math = require "math"
+function configure(parser)
+ parser:description("Packet loss graph.")
+ parser:option("--txport", "Device to transmit/receive from."):convert(tonumber)
+ parser:option("--rxport", "Device to transmit/receive from."):convert(tonumber)
+ parser:option("--dst", "Frame's destination hardware address")
+ parser:option("--duration", "Device to transmit/receive from."):default(20):convert(tonumber)
+ parser:option("--frameSize", "Ethernet frame size."):default(64):convert(tonumber)
+ parser:option("--maxRateInterval", "Max % rate interval between measures"):default(5):convert(tonumber)
+ parser:option("--minRateInterval", "Min % rate interval between measures"):default(0.1):convert(tonumber)
+ parser:option("--targetDropRateRatio", "Target drop rate ratio between measures"):default(2):convert(tonumber)
+ parser:option("--out", "Output file"):default("vhost_mg_"..os.date("%F_%H-%M")..".txt")
+function getHeaderString(file)
+ return string.format("%10s\t%10s\t%12s\t%12s\t%12s\t%12s\t%12s\t%12s\t%12s\t%12s",
+ "size(B)", "Time(s)", "Rate(Mbps)", "Tx(pkt)", "Rx(pkt)", "DropRate(%)", "Tx(Mpps)", "Rx(Mpps)", "Tx(Gbps)", "Rx(Gbps)")
+function getResultString(result, file)
+ return string.format("%10d\t%10d\t%12f\t%12d\t%12d\t%12f\t%12f\t%12f\t%12f\t%12f",
+ result.frameSize, result.duration, result.rate, result.tx, result.rx, result.dropRate, result.txMpps, result.rxMpps, result.txRate, result.rxRate)
+function runMeasure(txDev, rxDev, frameSize, duration, rate)
+ local bar = barrier.new(2)
+ local result = {}
+ txDev:getTxQueue(0):setRate(rate * frameSize / (frameSize+20))
+ local stask = mg.startTask("loadSlave", txDev:getTxQueue(0), frameSize, duration, bar)
+ local rtask = mg.startTask("counterSlave", rxDev:getRxQueue(0), frameSize, duration, bar)
+ result.frameSize = frameSize
+ result.duration = duration
+ result.tx = stask:wait()
+ result.rx = rtask:wait()
+ result.rate = rate
+ result.dropRate = (result.tx - result.rx)/result.tx * 100
+ result.txMpps = (result.tx) / duration / 1000000
+ result.rxMpps = (result.rx) / duration / 1000000
+ result.txRate = (result.tx * frameSize * 8) / duration / 1000000000
+ result.rxRate = (result.rx * frameSize * 8) / duration / 1000000000
+ print(getResultString(result))
+ return result
+function master(args)
+ local txDev = device.config({port = args.txport, rxQueues = 1, txQueues = 1})
+ local rxDev = device.config({port = args.rxport, rxQueues = 1, txQueues = 1})
+ local frameSize = args.frameSize
+ local duration = args.duration
+ device.waitForLinks()
+ local maxLinkRate = txDev:getLinkStatus().speed
+ local results = {}
+ -- Warming up
+ print ("Output file is: "..args.out)
+ print ("Start Warm-Up")
+ runMeasure(txDev, rxDev, frameSize, 1, maxLinkRate)
+ runMeasure(txDev, rxDev, frameSize, 1, 1000)
+ print ("Stop Warm-Up")
+ local sortFunction = function(a,b)
+ return a.rate < b.rate
+ end
+ local file = io.open(args.out, "w")
+ io.output(file)
+ io.write(getHeaderString().."\n")
+ io.close(file)
+ print ("Start Measures")
+ print(getHeaderString())
+ table.insert(results, runMeasure(txDev, rxDev, frameSize, duration, maxLinkRate))
+ table.insert(results, runMeasure(txDev, rxDev, frameSize, duration, maxLinkRate/2))
+ table.insert(results, runMeasure(txDev, rxDev, frameSize, duration, 100))
+ table.sort(results, sortFunction)
+ while mg.running() do
+ local chosen = nil
+ local chosenMeaning = 0
+ for i, r1 in ipairs(results) do
+ local r2 = results[i+1]
+ if r2 == nil then
+ break
+ end
+ local rateDiff = r2.rate - r1.rate
+ local dropRateRatio = (r2.dropRate + 0.00000001)/(r1.dropRate + 0.00000001)
+ if r2.dropRate < r1.dropRate then
+ dropRateRatio = (r1.dropRate+ 0.00000001)/(r2.dropRate + 0.00000001)
+ end
+ -- Meaning rates next measures
+ -- The idea is to compute interesting results first and get more picky later.
+ local meaning = rateDiff / ((args.maxRateInterval * maxLinkRate) / 100 ) + math.log(dropRateRatio / args.targetDropRateRatio)/math.log(2)
+ if rateDiff > (args.maxRateInterval * maxLinkRate) / 100
+ or (dropRateRatio > args.targetDropRateRatio and (rateDiff) > (args.minRateInterval * maxLinkRate) / 100) then
+ if meaning > chosenMeaning then
+ chosenMeaning = meaning
+ chosen = i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (chosen == nil) then
+ break
+ end
+ local nextRate = (results[chosen+1].rate + results[chosen].rate)/2
+ table.insert(results, runMeasure(txDev, rxDev, frameSize, duration, nextRate))
+ table.sort(results, sortFunction)
+ local file = io.open(args.out, "w")
+ io.output(file)
+ io.write(getHeaderString().."\n")
+ for i, r1 in ipairs(results) do
+ io.write(getResultString(r1).."\n")
+ end
+ io.close(file)
+ end
+function loadSlave(queue, frameSize, duration, bar)
+ bar:wait()
+ local mem = memory.createMemPool(function(buf)
+ buf:getEthernetPacket():fill{
+ ethSrc = queue,
+ ethDst = ETH_DST,
+ ethType = 0x1234
+ }
+ end)
+ local bufs = mem:bufArray()
+ local timer = timer:new(duration)
+ local total = 0;
+ while timer:running() do
+ bufs:alloc(frameSize)
+ total = total + queue:send(bufs)
+ end
+ return total
+function counterSlave(queue, frameSize, duration, bar)
+ local bufs = memory.bufArray()
+ local total = 0;
+ bar:wait()
+ local timer = timer:new(duration + 1)
+ while timer:running() do
+ total = total + queue:tryRecv(bufs, 1000)
+ bufs:freeAll()
+ end
+ return total