path: root/docs/content/methodology/measurements/data_plane_throughput
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authorVratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com>2025-02-25 14:12:27 +0100
committerVratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com>2025-02-25 14:12:27 +0100
commit573d6c09705acc9cd0423c18912cfc48a97390cc (patch)
treeae5542b70e2d463f06f61b6372d1eacb34c1a920 /docs/content/methodology/measurements/data_plane_throughput
parent7e053e65069df061748d625cea306075efdc75a8 (diff)
feat(ietf): Replace MLRsearch with draft-09
+ Also update the MLR methodology page: + Remove old descriptions when covered by draft. + List facts needed by test report requirements. + Add a skeleton of future "Additional details" documents. - The skeleton is quite unreadable for now. Change-Id: I0d3e6f4419f190fcedc5cbeb7c3e3a44b0d0d975 Signed-off-by: Maciek Konstantynowicz <mkonstan@cisco.com> Signed-off-by: Vratko Polak <vrpolak@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/content/methodology/measurements/data_plane_throughput')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/docs/content/methodology/measurements/data_plane_throughput/mlr_search.md b/docs/content/methodology/measurements/data_plane_throughput/mlr_search.md
index 71e4471905..3bf004e277 100644
--- a/docs/content/methodology/measurements/data_plane_throughput/mlr_search.md
+++ b/docs/content/methodology/measurements/data_plane_throughput/mlr_search.md
@@ -5,46 +5,9 @@ weight: 2
# MLR Search
-## Overview
-Multiple Loss Ratio search (MLRsearch) tests use an optimized search algorithm
-implemented in FD.io CSIT project. MLRsearch discovers conditional throughput
-corresponding to any number of loss ratio goals, within a single search.
-Two loss ratio goals are of interest in FD.io CSIT, leading to Non-Drop Rate
-(NDR, loss ratio goal is exact zero) and Partial Drop Rate
-(PDR, 0.5% loss ratio goal).
-Instead of a single long trial, a sequence of short (1s) trials is done.
-Thus, instead of final trial duration, a duration sum (21s) is prescribed.
-This allows the algorithm to make a decision sooner,
-when the results are quite one-sided.
-Also, only one half of the trial results is required to meet
-the loss ratio requirement, making the conditional throughput more stable.
-The conditional throughput in this case is in principle the median forwarding rate
-among all trials at the relevant lower bound intended load.
-In practice, the search stops when missing trial results cannot
-disprove the load as a lower bound, so conditional throughput
-is the worst forwarding rate among the measured good trials.
-MLRsearch discovers all the loads in single search, reducing required time
-duration compared to separate `binary search`es[^1] for each rate. Overall
-search time is reduced even further by relying on shorter trial
-duration sums for intermediate targets, with only measurements for
-final targets require the full duration sum. This results in the
-shorter overall execution time when compared to standard NDR/PDR binary
-search, while guaranteeing similar results.
- Note: The conditional throughput is *always* reported by Robot code
- as a bi-directional aggregate of two (usually symmetric)
- uni-directional packet rates received and reported by an
- external traffic generator (TRex), unless the test specifically requires
- unidirectional traffic. The underlying Python library uses
- unidirectional values instead, as min and max load are given for those.
-## Search Implementation
-Detailed description of the MLRsearch algorithm is included in the IETF
+## Specification
+Detailed description of the MLRsearch specification is included in the IETF draft
that is in the process of being standardized in the IETF Benchmarking
Methodology Working Group (BMWG).
@@ -52,61 +15,340 @@ Methodology Working Group (BMWG).
MLRsearch is also available as a
[PyPI (Python Package Index) library](https://pypi.org/project/MLRsearch/).
-## Algorithm highlights
+## Search Goals
+In CSIT we use two search goals, traditionally called NDR (non-drop rate)
+and PDR (partial drop rate):
+* Goal Initial Trial Duration = 1 second
+* Goal Final Trial Duration = 1 second
+* Goal Duration Sum = 21 seconds
+* Goal Loss Ratio = 0.0%
+* Goal Exceed Ratio = 50%
+* Goal Width = 0.5%
+* Goal Initial Trial Duration = 1 second
+* Goal Final Trial Duration = 1 second
+* Goal Duration Sum = 21 seconds
+* Goal Loss Ratio = 0.5%
+* Goal Exceed Ratio = 50%
+* Goal Width = 0.5%
+## Test Report Information
+The MLRsearch specification requires (or recommends) the test report to contain
+some information, here is the summary.
+CSIT uses TRex as the traffic generator, over SSH, bash and Python layers
+that add roughly 0.5 second delay between trials.
+That is enough to replace all the wait times listed in RFC 2544.
+The trial effective duration includes that delay, so as little as 7 trials
+is sometimes enough for load classification (instead of 11).
+TRex uses multiple worker threads (typically 8) so the traffic
+can be bursty on small time scales, but even the small buffers on DUT side
+usually make this effect invisible.
+TRex is usually precise in the number of packets sent,
+but in high-performance setups it may show "duration stretching"
+where it takes considerably longer than the intended duration
+to send all the traffic. To combat this behavior, CSIT applies
+"start+sleep+stop" approach, which can cause some number of packets
+to remain unsent. We allow 10 microseconds worth of traffic to be missing
+to allow for not all TRex workers starting at the same time,
+but larger values are included in trial loss ratio.
+Most our tests use symmetric bidirectional traffic profiles,
+and the results are presented as aggregate values, e.g. east-west plust west-east.
+Other specifics of traffic profiles are too numerous to be listed here,
+CSIT code is the authoritative documentation.
+Max load is computed from known values of per-direction NIC limits,
+usually large packets are limited by media bandwidth and small frames
+are limited by intrinsid packets-per-second (pps) limits.
+Min load is set to 9.001 kpps to ensure enough packets for latency histogram.
+If min load is classified as an upper bound for the NDR goal,
+the test fails immediatelly (not searching for PDR).
+Also, if the search takes too long, the test fails firhout a result.
+If max load is classified as a lower bound, this situation is reported
+as zero-width irregular result, usually not distinguished from regular results.
+Relevant lower bound and relevant upper bound are recorded together with
+conditional throughput for both goals, but only the conditional throughput
+is presented in our WebUI frontend.
+TRex uses lightweight way to count forwarded packets,
+so it does not identify duplicate and reordered packets.
+Some testbeds contain a link for TRex self-test, the results of such "trex" tests
+are measured as separate tests, but they are not influencing real SUT tests.
+As different test require different SUT setups, those are lightly documented
+on suite descriptions, but CSIT code is the authoritative documentation.
+TODO: Are all requirements addressed in "Deviations from RFC 2544"?
+Compliant in principle, but:
++ trial wait times
++ trial time overhead to effdur
++ start+sleep+stop
++ 10us buffer
++ TRex is bursty in principle but not in practice
++ test report shows aggregate values
++ traffic profile details are in code only
++ fails on timeout or irregular NDR
+- intermediate phases increase dursum
++ min load 9kbps per direction for latency
++ max load by nic known pps and bps limits
++ hitting that max load is treated as regular result of zero width
++ only conditional throughputs are processed
+- (at least PDR is "less discrete")
++ relevant bounds are also stored
++ duplicate and reordered packets are not detected
++ self-test is done for repeatability reasons
+- (not for max load reasons)
++ SUT config is in code
++ (only partly in suite documentation)
+TODO: Update the above when the below progresses.
+## Heuristics
MRR and receive rate at MRR load are used as initial guesses for the search.
All previously measured trials (except the very first one which acts
as a warm-up) are taken into consideration.
-For every loss ratio goal, the relevant upper and lower bound
-(intended loads, among loads of large enough duration sum) form an interval.
-Exit condition is given by that interval reaching low enough relative width.
-Small enough width is achieved by bisecting the current interval.
-The bisection can be uneven, to save measurements based on information theory.
-The width value is 0.5%, the same as PDR goal loss ratio,
-as smaller values may report PDR conditional throughput smaller than NDR.
-Switching to higher trial duration sum generally requires additional trials
-at a load from previous duration sum target.
-When this refinement does not confirm previous bound classification
-(e.g. a lower bound for preceding target
-becomes an upper bound of the new target due to new trail results),
-external search is used to find close enough bound of the lost type.
-External search is a generalization of the first stage of
-`exponential search`[^2].
-A preceding target uses double of the next width goal,
-because one bisection is always safe before risking external search.
-As different search targets are interested at different loads,
-lower intended load are measured first,
-as that approach saves more time when trial results are not very consistent.
-Other heuristics are there, aimed to prevent unneccessarily narrow intervals,
-and to handle corner cases around min and max load.
-## Deviations from RFC 2544
-RFC 2544 implies long final trial duration (just one long trial is needed
-for classification to lower or uper bound, so exceed ratio does not matter).
-With 1s trials and 0.5 exceed ratio, NDR values reported by CSIT
-are likely higher than RFC 2544 throughput (especially for less stable tests).
-CSIT does not have any explicit wait times before and after trial traffic.
-(But the TRex-based measurer takes almost half a second between targets.)
-Small difference between intended load and offered load is tolerated,
-mainly due to various time overheads preventing precise measurement
-of the traffic duration (and TRex can sometimes suffer from duration
-stretching). Large difference is reported as unsent packets
-(measurement is forcibly stopped after given time), counted as
-a packet loss, so search focuses on loads actually achievable by TRex.
-In some tests, negative loss count is observed (TRex sees more packets
-coming back to it than TRex sent this trial). CSIT code treats that
-as a packet loss (as if VPP duplicated the packets),
-but TRex does not check other packets for duplication
-(as many traffic profiles generate non-unique packets).
-[^1]: [binary search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search)
-[^2]: [exponential search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_search)
+At the start of the search, a discrete set of possible loads is pre-computed
+and used to avoid rounding errors.
+The specified search goals are treated as "final targets",
+but receded by "intermediate targets" of smaller duration sum
+and larger goal width. This allows the algorithm to quickly converge
+towards the "interesting region" where full duration sum is needed.
+Generally, smaller candidate loads are measured first.
+For more tricks (uneven splits and multiple selection strategies)
+see the source of the Python implementation.
+# Additional details
+There will be future documents linked from here.
+For now, there is only an outline of future (ambitious) content.
+## History of early versions in CSIT?
+### MLRsearch as a class of algorithms
+(mutually incompatible)
+### Example tests benefiting from different goals?
+## Design principles
+### Independence of components
+### Implementation freedom
+#### Optional and implementation-required inputs
+#### Reasonable default values
+#### Better outputs in future
+#### "allowed if makes worse" principle
+### Follow intuition, avoid surprises
+### Usage
+(anomaly detection in trending, comparison tables with low stdev for release)
+### Max load and min load
+### Size of loss
+(does not matter, only binary low-loss vs high-loss)
+### Goals used
+### Simulator
+(PLRsearch fitting functions, exotic goals)
+(Example of time savings between RFC2544 and CSIT goal at the same accuracy?)
+### Long trials vs many trials
+### Conservativeness
+### Fail fast
+### Timeout
+## Measurer questions
+### Capabilities
+(Traffic profiles specific to TRex, TG TA and Yang)
+### Self test
+### Warm-up
+### Time overhead
+### Predicting offered count
+### Duration stretching
+### Burstiness
+### Negative loss
+### Aggregate limits
+(RX+TX, sum over ports, number of queues, CPU limits, baseline vs burst in cloud)
+### Other Oload issues
+(duplex and other interferences; DUT-DUT links with encapsulation overhead)
+## Test report
+### Definition
+### Alternative units
+#### Unidirectional vs bidirectional
+#### Bandwidth
+## Heuristics
+### Intermediate phases
+### Relative width
+### Discrete loads
+### Expansion coefficient
+### Uneven splits
+### Selector strategies
+### Candidate ordering
+## DUT behaviors
+### Periodic interrupts
+### More details on distribution of big and small loss spikes
+(performance spectrum as a probabilistic distribution over trial forwarding rate)
+(trial results as small population)
+(median and other quantiles, "touching" quantiles)
+### Exceed probability
+(load regions, common patterns seen in practice)
+### Large buffers
+### Performance decrease due to resource leaks
+### Energy mode switching can cause loss inversion?
+## Correctness
+### Balancing sum from short trials
+### Optimistic and pessimistic estimates
+### Load is eventually classified
+### Gaming is possible but slow
+### Brittle heuristics
+### Goal ordering
+### Discouraged goals
+#### Goal Width > Goal Loss Ratio
+#### Goal Duration Sum value lower than Goal Final Trial Duration
+#### Incomparable goals
+(worst case: slow race to bottom)
+### When a load can become undecided again?
+## Related test procedures
+### Latency
+### Passive Telemetry
+### Active Telemetry
+### Comparison with FRMOL
+### Comparison with PLRsearch
+## Beyond frames
+### Transactions
+### Fragmentation
+### Throttled TCP
+### Ramp-up
+### Fixed scale
+### Reset
+### Bisecting for telemetry thresholds
+### Bisecting for B2B burst size
+## Future improvements
+### Return trials at relevant bounds
+### Allow flipping the conservativeness?
+(return the larger load when Loss Inversion happens)
+### Short high-loss trials to affect Conditional Throughput?
+### Multiple runs between hard SUT resets
+### Duration sum based on misclassification probability
+(needs a prior on exceed probability distribution; and error/time balance)
+### Heavy loss should be worse than narrow loss
+### Predict goodput based on loss and latency
+## Examples?
+(take a real run and discuss heuristic decisions?)
+## Summarize how MLRsearch addressed the Identified Problems?