path: root/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/report/layout.py
diff options
authorTibor Frank <tifrank@cisco.com>2022-05-17 14:30:37 +0200
committerTibor Frank <tifrank@cisco.com>2022-05-19 11:58:43 +0000
commit3343fe81729eb4005319ca15b1e6881630d38c5b (patch)
treefd172c3ba1146d5ddffb3ced53e4bed0e7ad2a1c /resources/tools/dash/app/pal/report/layout.py
parent099b961a0aa234f870ff60e36492e324bb2abe11 (diff)
feat(uti): Add iterative data
Change-Id: Iaa7253b377f019235289f6bbf48eafd850a2dfc8 Signed-off-by: Tibor Frank <tifrank@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/tools/dash/app/pal/report/layout.py')
1 files changed, 1453 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/report/layout.py b/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/report/layout.py
index 70fe727efc..26b9a9f4b5 100644
--- a/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/report/layout.py
+++ b/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/report/layout.py
@@ -11,36 +11,1457 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-"""Plotly Dash HTML layout override."""
-html_layout = u"""
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <html>
- <head>
- {%metas%}
- <title>{%title%}</title>
- {%favicon%}
- {%css%}
- </head>
- <body class="dash-template">
- <header>
- <div class="nav-wrapper">
- <a href="/">
- <h1>FD.io CSIT</h1>
- </a>
- <a href="">
- <h1>Report</h1>
- </a>
- <nav>
- </nav>
- </div>
- </header>
- {%app_entry%}
- <footer>
- {%config%}
- {%scripts%}
- {%renderer%}
- </footer>
- </body>
- </html>
+"""Plotly Dash HTML layout override.
+import logging
+import pandas as pd
+import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
+from flask import Flask
+from dash import dcc
+from dash import html
+from dash import callback_context, no_update, ALL
+from dash import Input, Output, State
+from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate
+from yaml import load, FullLoader, YAMLError
+from copy import deepcopy
+from json import loads, JSONDecodeError
+from ast import literal_eval
+from pprint import pformat
+from ..data.data import Data
+from ..data.url_processing import url_decode, url_encode
+from .graphs import graph_iterative, table_comparison
+class Layout:
+ """
+ """
+ # If True, clear all inputs in control panel when button "ADD SELECTED" is
+ # pressed.
+ STYLE_DISABLED = {"display": "none"}
+ STYLE_ENABLED = {"display": "inherit"}
+ "label": "All",
+ "value": "all",
+ "disabled": True
+ }]
+ "label": "All",
+ "value": "all",
+ "disabled": False
+ }]
+ PLACEHOLDER = html.Nobr("")
+ DRIVERS = ("avf", "af-xdp", "rdma", "dpdk")
+ LABELS = {
+ "dpdk": "DPDK",
+ "container_memif": "LXC/DRC Container Memif",
+ "crypto": "IPSec IPv4 Routing",
+ "ip4": "IPv4 Routing",
+ "ip6": "IPv6 Routing",
+ "ip4_tunnels": "IPv4 Tunnels",
+ "l2": "L2 Ethernet Switching",
+ "srv6": "SRv6 Routing",
+ "vm_vhost": "VMs vhost-user",
+ "nfv_density-dcr_memif-chain_ipsec": "CNF Service Chains Routing IPSec",
+ "nfv_density-vm_vhost-chain_dot1qip4vxlan":"VNF Service Chains Tunnels",
+ "nfv_density-vm_vhost-chain": "VNF Service Chains Routing",
+ "nfv_density-dcr_memif-pipeline": "CNF Service Pipelines Routing",
+ "nfv_density-dcr_memif-chain": "CNF Service Chains Routing",
+ }
+ "background-color": "#d2ebf5",
+ "border-color": "#bce1f1",
+ "color": "#135d7c"
+ }
+ def __init__(self, app: Flask, releases: list, html_layout_file: str,
+ graph_layout_file: str, data_spec_file: str, tooltip_file: str) -> None:
+ """
+ """
+ # Inputs
+ self._app = app
+ self.releases = releases
+ self._html_layout_file = html_layout_file
+ self._graph_layout_file = graph_layout_file
+ self._data_spec_file = data_spec_file
+ self._tooltip_file = tooltip_file
+ # Read the data:
+ self._data = pd.DataFrame()
+ for rls in releases:
+ data_mrr = Data(self._data_spec_file, True).\
+ read_iterative_mrr(release=rls)
+ data_mrr["release"] = rls
+ data_ndrpdr = Data(self._data_spec_file, True).\
+ read_iterative_ndrpdr(release=rls)
+ data_ndrpdr["release"] = rls
+ self._data = pd.concat(
+ [self._data, data_mrr, data_ndrpdr], ignore_index=True)
+ # Get structure of tests:
+ tbs = dict()
+ cols = ["job", "test_id", "test_type", "dut_version", "release"]
+ for _, row in self._data[cols].drop_duplicates().iterrows():
+ rls = row["release"]
+ ttype = row["test_type"]
+ d_ver = row["dut_version"]
+ lst_job = row["job"].split("-")
+ dut = lst_job[1]
+ tbed = "-".join(lst_job[-2:])
+ lst_test_id = row["test_id"].split(".")
+ if dut == "dpdk":
+ area = "dpdk"
+ else:
+ area = "-".join(lst_test_id[3:-2])
+ suite = lst_test_id[-2].replace("2n1l-", "").replace("1n1l-", "").\
+ replace("2n-", "")
+ test = lst_test_id[-1]
+ nic = suite.split("-")[0]
+ for drv in self.DRIVERS:
+ if drv in test:
+ if drv == "af-xdp":
+ driver = "af_xdp"
+ else:
+ driver = drv
+ test = test.replace(f"{drv}-", "")
+ break
+ else:
+ driver = "dpdk"
+ infra = "-".join((tbed, nic, driver))
+ lst_test = test.split("-")
+ framesize = lst_test[0]
+ core = lst_test[1] if lst_test[1] else "8C"
+ test = "-".join(lst_test[2: -1])
+ if tbs.get(rls, None) is None:
+ tbs[rls] = dict()
+ if tbs[rls].get(dut, None) is None:
+ tbs[rls][dut] = dict()
+ if tbs[rls][dut].get(d_ver, None) is None:
+ tbs[rls][dut][d_ver] = dict()
+ if tbs[rls][dut][d_ver].get(infra, None) is None:
+ tbs[rls][dut][d_ver][infra] = dict()
+ if tbs[rls][dut][d_ver][infra].get(area, None) is None:
+ tbs[rls][dut][d_ver][infra][area] = dict()
+ if tbs[rls][dut][d_ver][infra][area].get(test, None) is None:
+ tbs[rls][dut][d_ver][infra][area][test] = dict()
+ tbs_test = tbs[rls][dut][d_ver][infra][area][test]
+ tbs_test["core"] = list()
+ tbs_test["frame-size"] = list()
+ tbs_test["test-type"] = list()
+ if core.upper() not in tbs_test["core"]:
+ tbs_test["core"].append(core.upper())
+ if framesize.upper() not in tbs_test["frame-size"]:
+ tbs_test["frame-size"].append(framesize.upper())
+ if ttype == "mrr":
+ if "MRR" not in tbs_test["test-type"]:
+ tbs_test["test-type"].append("MRR")
+ elif ttype == "ndrpdr":
+ if "NDR" not in tbs_test["test-type"]:
+ tbs_test["test-type"].extend(("NDR", "PDR", ))
+ self._spec_tbs = tbs
+ # Read from files:
+ self._html_layout = ""
+ self._graph_layout = None
+ self._tooltips = dict()
+ try:
+ with open(self._html_layout_file, "r") as file_read:
+ self._html_layout = file_read.read()
+ except IOError as err:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"Not possible to open the file {self._html_layout_file}\n{err}"
+ )
+ try:
+ with open(self._graph_layout_file, "r") as file_read:
+ self._graph_layout = load(file_read, Loader=FullLoader)
+ except IOError as err:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"Not possible to open the file {self._graph_layout_file}\n"
+ f"{err}"
+ )
+ except YAMLError as err:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f"An error occurred while parsing the specification file "
+ f"{self._graph_layout_file}\n{err}"
+ )
+ try:
+ with open(self._tooltip_file, "r") as file_read:
+ self._tooltips = load(file_read, Loader=FullLoader)
+ except IOError as err:
+ logging.warning(
+ f"Not possible to open the file {self._tooltip_file}\n{err}"
+ )
+ except YAMLError as err:
+ logging.warning(
+ f"An error occurred while parsing the specification file "
+ f"{self._tooltip_file}\n{err}"
+ )
+ # Callbacks:
+ if self._app is not None and hasattr(self, 'callbacks'):
+ self.callbacks(self._app)
+ @property
+ def html_layout(self):
+ return self._html_layout
+ @property
+ def spec_tbs(self):
+ return self._spec_tbs
+ @property
+ def data(self):
+ return self._data
+ @property
+ def layout(self):
+ return self._graph_layout
+ def label(self, key: str) -> str:
+ return self.LABELS.get(key, key)
+ def _show_tooltip(self, id: str, title: str,
+ clipboard_id: str=None) -> list:
+ """
+ """
+ return [
+ dcc.Clipboard(target_id=clipboard_id, title="Copy URL") \
+ if clipboard_id else str(),
+ f"{title} ",
+ dbc.Badge(
+ id=id,
+ children="?",
+ pill=True,
+ color="white",
+ text_color="info",
+ class_name="border ms-1",
+ ),
+ dbc.Tooltip(
+ children=self._tooltips.get(id, str()),
+ target=id,
+ placement="auto"
+ )
+ ]
+ def add_content(self):
+ """
+ """
+ if self.html_layout and self.spec_tbs:
+ return html.Div(
+ id="div-main",
+ children=[
+ dbc.Row(
+ id="row-navbar",
+ class_name="g-0",
+ children=[
+ self._add_navbar(),
+ ]
+ ),
+ dcc.Loading(
+ dbc.Offcanvas(
+ class_name="w-50",
+ id="offcanvas-metadata",
+ title="Throughput And Latency",
+ placement="end",
+ is_open=False,
+ children=[
+ dbc.Row(id="metadata-tput-lat"),
+ dbc.Row(id="metadata-hdrh-graph"),
+ ]
+ )
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ id="row-main",
+ class_name="g-0",
+ children=[
+ dcc.Store(id="selected-tests"),
+ dcc.Store(id="control-panel"),
+ dcc.Location(id="url", refresh=False),
+ self._add_ctrl_col(),
+ self._add_plotting_col(),
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return html.Div(
+ id="div-main-error",
+ children=[
+ dbc.Alert(
+ [
+ "An Error Occured",
+ ],
+ color="danger",
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ def _add_navbar(self):
+ """Add nav element with navigation panel. It is placed on the top.
+ """
+ return dbc.NavbarSimple(
+ id="navbarsimple-main",
+ children=[
+ dbc.NavItem(
+ dbc.NavLink(
+ "Iterative Test Runs",
+ disabled=True,
+ external_link=True,
+ href="#"
+ )
+ )
+ ],
+ brand="Dashboard",
+ brand_href="/",
+ brand_external_link=True,
+ class_name="p-2",
+ fluid=True,
+ )
+ def _add_ctrl_col(self) -> dbc.Col:
+ """Add column with controls. It is placed on the left side.
+ """
+ return dbc.Col(
+ id="col-controls",
+ children=[
+ self._add_ctrl_panel(),
+ ],
+ )
+ def _add_plotting_col(self) -> dbc.Col:
+ """Add column with plots and tables. It is placed on the right side.
+ """
+ return dbc.Col(
+ id="col-plotting-area",
+ children=[
+ dcc.Loading(
+ children=[
+ dbc.Row( # Graphs
+ class_name="g-0 p-2",
+ children=[
+ dbc.Col(
+ dbc.Row( # Throughput
+ id="row-graph-tput",
+ class_name="g-0 p-2",
+ children=[
+ ]
+ ),
+ width=6
+ ),
+ dbc.Col(
+ dbc.Row( # TSA
+ id="row-graph-tsa",
+ class_name="g-0 p-2",
+ children=[
+ ]
+ ),
+ width=6
+ )
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row( # Tables
+ id="row-table",
+ class_name="g-0 p-2",
+ children=[
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row( # Download
+ id="row-btn-download",
+ class_name="g-0 p-2",
+ children=[
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ ],
+ width=9
+ )
+ def _add_ctrl_panel(self) -> dbc.Row:
+ """
+ """
+ return dbc.Row(
+ id="row-ctrl-panel",
+ class_name="g-0 p-2",
+ children=[
+ dbc.Row(
+ class_name="g-0",
+ children=[
+ dbc.InputGroup(
+ [
+ dbc.InputGroupText(
+ children=self._show_tooltip(
+ "help-release", "Release")
+ ),
+ dbc.Select(
+ id="dd-ctrl-rls",
+ placeholder=("Select a Release..."),
+ options=sorted(
+ [
+ {"label": k, "value": k} \
+ for k in self.spec_tbs.keys()
+ ],
+ key=lambda d: d["label"]
+ )
+ )
+ ],
+ class_name="mb-3",
+ size="sm",
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ class_name="g-0",
+ children=[
+ dbc.InputGroup(
+ [
+ dbc.InputGroupText(
+ children=self._show_tooltip(
+ "help-dut", "DUT")
+ ),
+ dbc.Select(
+ id="dd-ctrl-dut",
+ placeholder=(
+ "Select a Device under Test..."
+ )
+ )
+ ],
+ class_name="mb-3",
+ size="sm",
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ class_name="g-0",
+ children=[
+ dbc.InputGroup(
+ [
+ dbc.InputGroupText(
+ children=self._show_tooltip(
+ "help-dut-ver", "DUT Version")
+ ),
+ dbc.Select(
+ id="dd-ctrl-dutver",
+ placeholder=(
+ "Select a Version of "
+ "Device under Test..."
+ )
+ )
+ ],
+ class_name="mb-3",
+ size="sm",
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ class_name="g-0",
+ children=[
+ dbc.InputGroup(
+ [
+ dbc.InputGroupText(
+ children=self._show_tooltip(
+ "help-infra", "Infra")
+ ),
+ dbc.Select(
+ id="dd-ctrl-phy",
+ placeholder=(
+ "Select a Physical Test Bed "
+ "Topology..."
+ )
+ )
+ ],
+ class_name="mb-3",
+ size="sm",
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ class_name="g-0",
+ children=[
+ dbc.InputGroup(
+ [
+ dbc.InputGroupText(
+ children=self._show_tooltip(
+ "help-area", "Area")
+ ),
+ dbc.Select(
+ id="dd-ctrl-area",
+ placeholder="Select an Area...",
+ disabled=True,
+ ),
+ ],
+ class_name="mb-3",
+ size="sm",
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ class_name="g-0",
+ children=[
+ dbc.InputGroup(
+ [
+ dbc.InputGroupText(
+ children=self._show_tooltip(
+ "help-test", "Test")
+ ),
+ dbc.Select(
+ id="dd-ctrl-test",
+ placeholder="Select a Test...",
+ disabled=True,
+ ),
+ ],
+ class_name="mb-3",
+ size="sm",
+ ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ id="row-ctrl-framesize",
+ class_name="gy-1",
+ children=[
+ dbc.Label(
+ children=self._show_tooltip(
+ "help-framesize", "Frame Size"),
+ class_name="p-0"
+ ),
+ dbc.Col(
+ children=[
+ dbc.Checklist(
+ id="cl-ctrl-framesize-all",
+ options=self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ inline=True,
+ switch=False
+ ),
+ ],
+ width=3
+ ),
+ dbc.Col(
+ children=[
+ dbc.Checklist(
+ id="cl-ctrl-framesize",
+ inline=True,
+ switch=False
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ id="row-ctrl-core",
+ class_name="gy-1",
+ children=[
+ dbc.Label(
+ children=self._show_tooltip(
+ "help-cores", "Number of Cores"),
+ class_name="p-0"
+ ),
+ dbc.Col(
+ children=[
+ dbc.Checklist(
+ id="cl-ctrl-core-all",
+ options=self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ inline=False,
+ switch=False
+ )
+ ],
+ width=3
+ ),
+ dbc.Col(
+ children=[
+ dbc.Checklist(
+ id="cl-ctrl-core",
+ inline=True,
+ switch=False
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ id="row-ctrl-testtype",
+ class_name="gy-1",
+ children=[
+ dbc.Label(
+ children=self._show_tooltip(
+ "help-ttype", "Test Type"),
+ class_name="p-0"
+ ),
+ dbc.Col(
+ children=[
+ dbc.Checklist(
+ id="cl-ctrl-testtype-all",
+ options=self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ inline=True,
+ switch=False
+ ),
+ ],
+ width=3
+ ),
+ dbc.Col(
+ children=[
+ dbc.Checklist(
+ id="cl-ctrl-testtype",
+ inline=True,
+ switch=False
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ class_name="gy-1 p-0",
+ children=[
+ dbc.ButtonGroup(
+ [
+ dbc.Button(
+ id="btn-ctrl-add",
+ children="Add Selected",
+ class_name="me-1",
+ color="info"
+ )
+ ],
+ size="md",
+ )
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ id="row-card-sel-tests",
+ class_name="gy-1",
+ style=self.STYLE_DISABLED,
+ children=[
+ dbc.Label(
+ "Selected tests",
+ class_name="p-0"
+ ),
+ dbc.Checklist(
+ class_name="overflow-auto",
+ id="cl-selected",
+ options=[],
+ inline=False,
+ style={"max-height": "12em"},
+ )
+ ],
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ id="row-btns-sel-tests",
+ style=self.STYLE_DISABLED,
+ children=[
+ dbc.ButtonGroup(
+ class_name="gy-2",
+ children=[
+ dbc.Button(
+ id="btn-sel-remove",
+ children="Remove Selected",
+ class_name="w-100 me-1",
+ color="info",
+ disabled=False
+ ),
+ dbc.Button(
+ id="btn-sel-remove-all",
+ children="Remove All",
+ class_name="w-100 me-1",
+ color="info",
+ disabled=False
+ ),
+ ],
+ size="md",
+ )
+ ]
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ class ControlPanel:
+ def __init__(self, panel: dict) -> None:
+ "label": "All",
+ "value": "all",
+ "disabled": True
+ }]
+ # Defines also the order of keys
+ self._defaults = {
+ "dd-rls-value": str(),
+ "dd-dut-options": list(),
+ "dd-dut-disabled": True,
+ "dd-dut-value": str(),
+ "dd-dutver-options": list(),
+ "dd-dutver-disabled": True,
+ "dd-dutver-value": str(),
+ "dd-phy-options": list(),
+ "dd-phy-disabled": True,
+ "dd-phy-value": str(),
+ "dd-area-options": list(),
+ "dd-area-disabled": True,
+ "dd-area-value": str(),
+ "dd-test-options": list(),
+ "dd-test-disabled": True,
+ "dd-test-value": str(),
+ "cl-core-options": list(),
+ "cl-core-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-options": CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-framesize-options": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-options": CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-testtype-options": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-options": CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "btn-add-disabled": True,
+ "cl-selected-options": list()
+ }
+ self._panel = deepcopy(self._defaults)
+ if panel:
+ for key in self._defaults:
+ self._panel[key] = panel[key]
+ @property
+ def defaults(self) -> dict:
+ return self._defaults
+ @property
+ def panel(self) -> dict:
+ return self._panel
+ def set(self, kwargs: dict) -> None:
+ for key, val in kwargs.items():
+ if key in self._panel:
+ self._panel[key] = val
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(f"The key {key} is not defined.")
+ def get(self, key: str) -> any:
+ return self._panel[key]
+ def values(self) -> tuple:
+ return tuple(self._panel.values())
+ @staticmethod
+ def _sync_checklists(opt: list, sel: list, all: list, id: str) -> tuple:
+ """
+ """
+ options = {v["value"] for v in opt}
+ if id =="all":
+ sel = list(options) if all else list()
+ else:
+ all = ["all", ] if set(sel) == options else list()
+ return sel, all
+ @staticmethod
+ def _list_tests(selection: dict) -> list:
+ """Display selected tests with checkboxes
+ """
+ if selection:
+ return [{"label": v["id"], "value": v["id"]} for v in selection]
+ else:
+ return list()
+ def callbacks(self, app):
+ def _generate_plotting_area(figs: tuple, table: pd.DataFrame,
+ url: str) -> tuple:
+ """
+ """
+ (fig_tput, fig_tsa) = figs
+ row_fig_tput = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_fig_tsa = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_table = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_btn_dwnld = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ if fig_tput:
+ row_fig_tput = [
+ dcc.Graph(
+ id={"type": "graph", "index": "tput"},
+ figure=fig_tput
+ )
+ ]
+ row_btn_dwnld = [
+ dbc.Col( # Download
+ width=2,
+ children=[
+ dcc.Loading(children=[
+ dbc.Button(
+ id="btn-download-data",
+ children=self._show_tooltip(
+ "help-download", "Download Data"),
+ class_name="me-1",
+ color="info"
+ ),
+ dcc.Download(id="download-data")
+ ]),
+ ]
+ ),
+ dbc.Col( # Show URL
+ width=10,
+ children=[
+ dbc.InputGroup(
+ class_name="me-1",
+ children=[
+ dbc.InputGroupText(
+ style=self.URL_STYLE,
+ children=self._show_tooltip(
+ "help-url", "URL", "input-url")
+ ),
+ dbc.Input(
+ id="input-url",
+ readonly=True,
+ type="url",
+ style=self.URL_STYLE,
+ value=url
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ if fig_tsa:
+ row_fig_tsa = [
+ dcc.Graph(
+ id={"type": "graph", "index": "lat"},
+ figure=fig_tsa
+ )
+ ]
+ if not table.empty:
+ row_table = [
+ dbc.Table.from_dataframe(
+ table,
+ id={"type": "table", "index": "compare"},
+ striped=True,
+ bordered=True,
+ hover=True
+ )
+ ]
+ return row_fig_tput, row_fig_tsa, row_table, row_btn_dwnld
+ @app.callback(
+ Output("control-panel", "data"), # Store
+ Output("selected-tests", "data"), # Store
+ Output("row-graph-tput", "children"),
+ Output("row-graph-tsa", "children"),
+ Output("row-table", "children"),
+ Output("row-btn-download", "children"),
+ Output("row-card-sel-tests", "style"),
+ Output("row-btns-sel-tests", "style"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-rls", "value"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-dut", "options"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-dut", "disabled"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-dut", "value"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-dutver", "options"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-dutver", "disabled"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-dutver", "value"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-phy", "options"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-phy", "disabled"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-phy", "value"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-area", "options"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-area", "disabled"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-area", "value"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-test", "options"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-test", "disabled"),
+ Output("dd-ctrl-test", "value"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-core", "options"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-core", "value"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-core-all", "value"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-core-all", "options"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-framesize", "options"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-framesize", "value"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-framesize-all", "value"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-framesize-all", "options"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-testtype", "options"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-testtype", "value"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-testtype-all", "value"),
+ Output("cl-ctrl-testtype-all", "options"),
+ Output("btn-ctrl-add", "disabled"),
+ Output("cl-selected", "options"), # User selection
+ State("control-panel", "data"), # Store
+ State("selected-tests", "data"), # Store
+ State("cl-selected", "value"), # User selection
+ Input("dd-ctrl-rls", "value"),
+ Input("dd-ctrl-dut", "value"),
+ Input("dd-ctrl-dutver", "value"),
+ Input("dd-ctrl-phy", "value"),
+ Input("dd-ctrl-area", "value"),
+ Input("dd-ctrl-test", "value"),
+ Input("cl-ctrl-core", "value"),
+ Input("cl-ctrl-core-all", "value"),
+ Input("cl-ctrl-framesize", "value"),
+ Input("cl-ctrl-framesize-all", "value"),
+ Input("cl-ctrl-testtype", "value"),
+ Input("cl-ctrl-testtype-all", "value"),
+ Input("btn-ctrl-add", "n_clicks"),
+ Input("btn-sel-remove", "n_clicks"),
+ Input("btn-sel-remove-all", "n_clicks"),
+ Input("url", "href")
+ )
+ def _update_ctrl_panel(cp_data: dict, store_sel: list, list_sel: list,
+ dd_rls: str, dd_dut: str, dd_dutver: str, dd_phy: str, dd_area: str,
+ dd_test: str, cl_core: list, cl_core_all: list, cl_framesize: list,
+ cl_framesize_all: list, cl_testtype: list, cl_testtype_all: list,
+ btn_add: int, btn_remove: int, btn_remove_all: int,
+ href: str) -> tuple:
+ """
+ """
+ def _gen_new_url(parsed_url: dict, store_sel: list) -> str:
+ if parsed_url:
+ new_url = url_encode({
+ "scheme": parsed_url["scheme"],
+ "netloc": parsed_url["netloc"],
+ "path": parsed_url["path"],
+ "params": {
+ "store_sel": store_sel,
+ }
+ })
+ else:
+ new_url = str()
+ return new_url
+ ctrl_panel = self.ControlPanel(cp_data)
+ # Parse the url:
+ parsed_url = url_decode(href)
+ row_fig_tput = no_update
+ row_fig_tsa = no_update
+ row_table = no_update
+ row_btn_dwnld = no_update
+ row_card_sel_tests = no_update
+ row_btns_sel_tests = no_update
+ trigger_id = callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0]
+ if trigger_id == "dd-ctrl-rls":
+ try:
+ rls = self.spec_tbs[dd_rls]
+ options = sorted(
+ [{"label": v, "value": v} for v in rls.keys()],
+ key=lambda d: d["label"]
+ )
+ disabled = False
+ except KeyError:
+ options = list()
+ disabled = True
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "dd-rls-value": dd_rls,
+ "dd-dut-value": str(),
+ "dd-dut-options": options,
+ "dd-dut-disabled": disabled,
+ "dd-dutver-value": str(),
+ "dd-dutver-options": list(),
+ "dd-dutver-disabled": True,
+ "dd-phy-value": str(),
+ "dd-phy-options": list(),
+ "dd-phy-disabled": True,
+ "dd-area-value": str(),
+ "dd-area-options": list(),
+ "dd-area-disabled": True,
+ "dd-test-value": str(),
+ "dd-test-options": list(),
+ "dd-test-disabled": True,
+ "cl-core-options": list(),
+ "cl-core-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-framesize-options": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-testtype-options": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED
+ })
+ if trigger_id == "dd-ctrl-dut":
+ try:
+ rls = ctrl_panel.get("dd-rls-value")
+ dut = self.spec_tbs[rls][dd_dut]
+ options = sorted(
+ [{"label": v, "value": v} for v in dut.keys()],
+ key=lambda d: d["label"]
+ )
+ disabled = False
+ except KeyError:
+ options = list()
+ disabled = True
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "dd-dut-value": dd_dut,
+ "dd-dutver-value": str(),
+ "dd-dutver-options": options,
+ "dd-dutver-disabled": disabled,
+ "dd-phy-value": str(),
+ "dd-phy-options": list(),
+ "dd-phy-disabled": True,
+ "dd-area-value": str(),
+ "dd-area-options": list(),
+ "dd-area-disabled": True,
+ "dd-test-value": str(),
+ "dd-test-options": list(),
+ "dd-test-disabled": True,
+ "cl-core-options": list(),
+ "cl-core-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-framesize-options": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-testtype-options": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED
+ })
+ elif trigger_id == "dd-ctrl-dutver":
+ try:
+ rls = ctrl_panel.get("dd-rls-value")
+ dut = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dut-value")
+ dutver = self.spec_tbs[rls][dut][dd_dutver]
+ options = sorted(
+ [{"label": v, "value": v} for v in dutver.keys()],
+ key=lambda d: d["label"]
+ )
+ disabled = False
+ except KeyError:
+ options = list()
+ disabled = True
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "dd-dutver-value": dd_dutver,
+ "dd-phy-value": str(),
+ "dd-phy-options": options,
+ "dd-phy-disabled": disabled,
+ "dd-area-value": str(),
+ "dd-area-options": list(),
+ "dd-area-disabled": True,
+ "dd-test-value": str(),
+ "dd-test-options": list(),
+ "dd-test-disabled": True,
+ "cl-core-options": list(),
+ "cl-core-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-framesize-options": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-testtype-options": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED
+ })
+ elif trigger_id == "dd-ctrl-phy":
+ try:
+ rls = ctrl_panel.get("dd-rls-value")
+ dut = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dut-value")
+ dutver = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dutver-value")
+ phy = self.spec_tbs[rls][dut][dutver][dd_phy]
+ options = sorted(
+ [{"label": self.label(v), "value": v}
+ for v in phy.keys()],
+ key=lambda d: d["label"]
+ )
+ disabled = False
+ except KeyError:
+ options = list()
+ disabled = True
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "dd-phy-value": dd_phy,
+ "dd-area-value": str(),
+ "dd-area-options": options,
+ "dd-area-disabled": disabled,
+ "dd-test-value": str(),
+ "dd-test-options": list(),
+ "dd-test-disabled": True,
+ "cl-core-options": list(),
+ "cl-core-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-framesize-options": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-testtype-options": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED
+ })
+ elif trigger_id == "dd-ctrl-area":
+ try:
+ rls = ctrl_panel.get("dd-rls-value")
+ dut = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dut-value")
+ dutver = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dutver-value")
+ phy = ctrl_panel.get("dd-phy-value")
+ area = self.spec_tbs[rls][dut][dutver][phy][dd_area]
+ options = sorted(
+ [{"label": v, "value": v} for v in area.keys()],
+ key=lambda d: d["label"]
+ )
+ disabled = False
+ except KeyError:
+ options = list()
+ disabled = True
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "dd-area-value": dd_area,
+ "dd-test-value": str(),
+ "dd-test-options": options,
+ "dd-test-disabled": disabled,
+ "cl-core-options": list(),
+ "cl-core-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-framesize-options": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED,
+ "cl-testtype-options": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-options": self.CL_ALL_DISABLED
+ })
+ elif trigger_id == "dd-ctrl-test":
+ rls = ctrl_panel.get("dd-rls-value")
+ dut = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dut-value")
+ dutver = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dutver-value")
+ phy = ctrl_panel.get("dd-phy-value")
+ area = ctrl_panel.get("dd-area-value")
+ test = self.spec_tbs[rls][dut][dutver][phy][area][dd_test]
+ if dut and phy and area and dd_test:
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "dd-test-value": dd_test,
+ "cl-core-options": [{"label": v, "value": v}
+ for v in sorted(test["core"])],
+ "cl-core-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-core-all-options": self.CL_ALL_ENABLED,
+ "cl-framesize-options": [{"label": v, "value": v}
+ for v in sorted(test["frame-size"])],
+ "cl-framesize-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-framesize-all-options": self.CL_ALL_ENABLED,
+ "cl-testtype-options": [{"label": v, "value": v}
+ for v in sorted(test["test-type"])],
+ "cl-testtype-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-value": list(),
+ "cl-testtype-all-options": self.CL_ALL_ENABLED,
+ })
+ elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-core":
+ val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists(
+ opt=ctrl_panel.get("cl-core-options"),
+ sel=cl_core,
+ all=list(),
+ id=""
+ )
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "cl-core-value": val_sel,
+ "cl-core-all-value": val_all,
+ })
+ elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-core-all":
+ val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists(
+ opt = ctrl_panel.get("cl-core-options"),
+ sel=list(),
+ all=cl_core_all,
+ id="all"
+ )
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "cl-core-value": val_sel,
+ "cl-core-all-value": val_all,
+ })
+ elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-framesize":
+ val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists(
+ opt = ctrl_panel.get("cl-framesize-options"),
+ sel=cl_framesize,
+ all=list(),
+ id=""
+ )
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "cl-framesize-value": val_sel,
+ "cl-framesize-all-value": val_all,
+ })
+ elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-framesize-all":
+ val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists(
+ opt = ctrl_panel.get("cl-framesize-options"),
+ sel=list(),
+ all=cl_framesize_all,
+ id="all"
+ )
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "cl-framesize-value": val_sel,
+ "cl-framesize-all-value": val_all,
+ })
+ elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-testtype":
+ val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists(
+ opt = ctrl_panel.get("cl-testtype-options"),
+ sel=cl_testtype,
+ all=list(),
+ id=""
+ )
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "cl-testtype-value": val_sel,
+ "cl-testtype-all-value": val_all,
+ })
+ elif trigger_id == "cl-ctrl-testtype-all":
+ val_sel, val_all = self._sync_checklists(
+ opt = ctrl_panel.get("cl-testtype-options"),
+ sel=list(),
+ all=cl_testtype_all,
+ id="all"
+ )
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "cl-testtype-value": val_sel,
+ "cl-testtype-all-value": val_all,
+ })
+ elif trigger_id == "btn-ctrl-add":
+ _ = btn_add
+ rls = ctrl_panel.get("dd-rls-value")
+ dut = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dut-value")
+ dutver = ctrl_panel.get("dd-dutver-value")
+ phy = ctrl_panel.get("dd-phy-value")
+ area = ctrl_panel.get("dd-area-value")
+ test = ctrl_panel.get("dd-test-value")
+ cores = ctrl_panel.get("cl-core-value")
+ framesizes = ctrl_panel.get("cl-framesize-value")
+ testtypes = ctrl_panel.get("cl-testtype-value")
+ # Add selected test to the list of tests in store:
+ if all((rls, dut, dutver, phy, area, test, cores, framesizes,
+ testtypes)):
+ if store_sel is None:
+ store_sel = list()
+ for core in cores:
+ for framesize in framesizes:
+ for ttype in testtypes:
+ if dut == "trex":
+ core = str()
+ tid = "-".join((rls, dut, dutver,
+ phy.replace('af_xdp', 'af-xdp'), area,
+ framesize.lower(), core.lower(), test,
+ ttype.lower()))
+ if tid not in [itm["id"] for itm in store_sel]:
+ store_sel.append({
+ "id": tid,
+ "rls": rls,
+ "dut": dut,
+ "dutver": dutver,
+ "phy": phy,
+ "area": area,
+ "test": test,
+ "framesize": framesize.lower(),
+ "core": core.lower(),
+ "testtype": ttype.lower()
+ })
+ store_sel = sorted(store_sel, key=lambda d: d["id"])
+ row_card_sel_tests = self.STYLE_ENABLED
+ row_btns_sel_tests = self.STYLE_ENABLED
+ ctrl_panel.set(ctrl_panel.defaults)
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "cl-selected-options": self._list_tests(store_sel)
+ })
+ row_fig_tput, row_fig_tsa, row_table, row_btn_dwnld = \
+ _generate_plotting_area(
+ graph_iterative(self.data, store_sel, self.layout),
+ table_comparison(self.data, store_sel),
+ _gen_new_url(parsed_url, store_sel)
+ )
+ elif trigger_id == "btn-sel-remove-all":
+ _ = btn_remove_all
+ row_fig_tput = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_fig_tsa = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_table = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_btn_dwnld = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_card_sel_tests = self.STYLE_DISABLED
+ row_btns_sel_tests = self.STYLE_DISABLED
+ store_sel = list()
+ ctrl_panel.set({"cl-selected-options": list()})
+ elif trigger_id == "btn-sel-remove":
+ _ = btn_remove
+ if list_sel:
+ new_store_sel = list()
+ for item in store_sel:
+ if item["id"] not in list_sel:
+ new_store_sel.append(item)
+ store_sel = new_store_sel
+ if store_sel:
+ row_fig_tput, row_fig_tsa, row_table, row_btn_dwnld = \
+ _generate_plotting_area(
+ graph_iterative(self.data, store_sel, self.layout),
+ table_comparison(self.data, store_sel),
+ _gen_new_url(parsed_url, store_sel)
+ )
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "cl-selected-options": self._list_tests(store_sel)
+ })
+ else:
+ row_fig_tput = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_fig_tsa = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_table = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_btn_dwnld = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_card_sel_tests = self.STYLE_DISABLED
+ row_btns_sel_tests = self.STYLE_DISABLED
+ store_sel = list()
+ ctrl_panel.set({"cl-selected-options": list()})
+ elif trigger_id == "url":
+ # TODO: Add verification
+ url_params = parsed_url["params"]
+ if url_params:
+ store_sel = literal_eval(
+ url_params.get("store_sel", list())[0])
+ if store_sel:
+ row_fig_tput, row_fig_tsa, row_table, row_btn_dwnld = \
+ _generate_plotting_area(
+ graph_iterative(self.data, store_sel,
+ self.layout),
+ table_comparison(self.data, store_sel),
+ _gen_new_url(parsed_url, store_sel)
+ )
+ row_card_sel_tests = self.STYLE_ENABLED
+ row_btns_sel_tests = self.STYLE_ENABLED
+ ctrl_panel.set({
+ "cl-selected-options": self._list_tests(store_sel)
+ })
+ else:
+ row_fig_tput = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_fig_tsa = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_table = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_btn_dwnld = self.PLACEHOLDER
+ row_card_sel_tests = self.STYLE_DISABLED
+ row_btns_sel_tests = self.STYLE_DISABLED
+ store_sel = list()
+ ctrl_panel.set({"cl-selected-options": list()})
+ if ctrl_panel.get("cl-core-value") and \
+ ctrl_panel.get("cl-framesize-value") and \
+ ctrl_panel.get("cl-testtype-value"):
+ disabled = False
+ else:
+ disabled = True
+ ctrl_panel.set({"btn-add-disabled": disabled})
+ ret_val = [
+ ctrl_panel.panel, store_sel,
+ row_fig_tput, row_fig_tsa, row_table, row_btn_dwnld,
+ row_card_sel_tests, row_btns_sel_tests
+ ]
+ ret_val.extend(ctrl_panel.values())
+ return ret_val
+ # @app.callback(
+ # Output("metadata-tput-lat", "children"),
+ # Output("metadata-hdrh-graph", "children"),
+ # Output("offcanvas-metadata", "is_open"),
+ # Input({"type": "graph", "index": ALL}, "clickData"),
+ # prevent_initial_call=True
+ # )
+ # def _show_metadata_from_graphs(graph_data: dict) -> tuple:
+ # """
+ # """
+ # try:
+ # trigger_id = loads(
+ # callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0]
+ # )["index"]
+ # idx = 0 if trigger_id == "tput" else 1
+ # graph_data = graph_data[idx]["points"][0]
+ # except (JSONDecodeError, IndexError, KeyError, ValueError,
+ # TypeError):
+ # raise PreventUpdate
+ # metadata = no_update
+ # graph = list()
+ # children = [
+ # dbc.ListGroupItem(
+ # [dbc.Badge(x.split(":")[0]), x.split(": ")[1]]
+ # ) for x in graph_data.get("text", "").split("<br>")
+ # ]
+ # if trigger_id == "tput":
+ # title = "Throughput"
+ # elif trigger_id == "lat":
+ # title = "Latency"
+ # hdrh_data = graph_data.get("customdata", None)
+ # if hdrh_data:
+ # graph = [dbc.Card(
+ # class_name="gy-2 p-0",
+ # children=[
+ # dbc.CardHeader(hdrh_data.pop("name")),
+ # dbc.CardBody(children=[
+ # dcc.Graph(
+ # id="hdrh-latency-graph",
+ # figure=graph_hdrh_latency(
+ # hdrh_data, self.layout
+ # )
+ # )
+ # ])
+ # ])
+ # ]
+ # metadata = [
+ # dbc.Card(
+ # class_name="gy-2 p-0",
+ # children=[
+ # dbc.CardHeader(children=[
+ # dcc.Clipboard(
+ # target_id="tput-lat-metadata",
+ # title="Copy",
+ # style={"display": "inline-block"}
+ # ),
+ # title
+ # ]),
+ # dbc.CardBody(
+ # id="tput-lat-metadata",
+ # class_name="p-0",
+ # children=[dbc.ListGroup(children, flush=True), ]
+ # )
+ # ]
+ # )
+ # ]
+ # return metadata, graph, True
+ # @app.callback(
+ # Output("download-data", "data"),
+ # State("selected-tests", "data"),
+ # Input("btn-download-data", "n_clicks"),
+ # prevent_initial_call=True
+ # )
+ # def _download_data(store_sel, n_clicks):
+ # """
+ # """
+ # if not n_clicks:
+ # raise PreventUpdate
+ # if not store_sel:
+ # raise PreventUpdate
+ # df = pd.DataFrame()
+ # for itm in store_sel:
+ # sel_data = select_trending_data(self.data, itm)
+ # if sel_data is None:
+ # continue
+ # df = pd.concat([df, sel_data], ignore_index=True)
+ # return dcc.send_data_frame(df.to_csv, "trending_data.csv")