path: root/csit.infra.dash/app/cdash/utils/utils.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'csit.infra.dash/app/cdash/utils/utils.py')
1 files changed, 895 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/csit.infra.dash/app/cdash/utils/utils.py b/csit.infra.dash/app/cdash/utils/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..306b4f60d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csit.infra.dash/app/cdash/utils/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Functions used by Dash applications.
+import pandas as pd
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
+import hdrh.histogram
+import hdrh.codec
+from math import sqrt
+from dash import dcc, no_update, html
+from datetime import datetime
+from ..utils.constants import Constants as C
+from ..utils.url_processing import url_encode
+from ..utils.trigger import Trigger
+def get_color(idx: int) -> str:
+ """Returns a color from the list defined in Constants.PLOT_COLORS defined by
+ its index.
+ :param idx: Index of the color.
+ :type idx: int
+ :returns: Color defined by hex code.
+ :trype: str
+ """
+ return C.PLOT_COLORS[idx % len(C.PLOT_COLORS)]
+def show_tooltip(tooltips:dict, id: str, title: str,
+ clipboard_id: str=None) -> list:
+ """Generate list of elements to display a text (e.g. a title) with a
+ tooltip and optionaly with Copy&Paste icon and the clipboard
+ functionality enabled.
+ :param tooltips: Dictionary with tooltips.
+ :param id: Tooltip ID.
+ :param title: A text for which the tooltip will be displayed.
+ :param clipboard_id: If defined, a Copy&Paste icon is displayed and the
+ clipboard functionality is enabled.
+ :type tooltips: dict
+ :type id: str
+ :type title: str
+ :type clipboard_id: str
+ :returns: List of elements to display a text with a tooltip and
+ optionaly with Copy&Paste icon.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ return [
+ dcc.Clipboard(target_id=clipboard_id, title="Copy URL") \
+ if clipboard_id else str(),
+ f"{title} ",
+ dbc.Badge(
+ id=id,
+ children="?",
+ pill=True,
+ color="white",
+ text_color="info",
+ class_name="border ms-1",
+ ),
+ dbc.Tooltip(
+ children=tooltips.get(id, str()),
+ target=id,
+ placement="auto"
+ )
+ ]
+def label(key: str) -> str:
+ """Returns a label for input elements (dropdowns, ...).
+ If the label is not defined, the function returns the provided key.
+ :param key: The key to the label defined in Constants.LABELS.
+ :type key: str
+ :returns: Label.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return C.LABELS.get(key, key)
+def sync_checklists(options: list, sel: list, all: list, id: str) -> tuple:
+ """Synchronize a checklist with defined "options" with its "All" checklist.
+ :param options: List of options for the cheklist.
+ :param sel: List of selected options.
+ :param all: List of selected option from "All" checklist.
+ :param id: ID of a checklist to be used for synchronization.
+ :returns: Tuple of lists with otions for both checklists.
+ :rtype: tuple of lists
+ """
+ opts = {v["value"] for v in options}
+ if id =="all":
+ sel = list(opts) if all else list()
+ else:
+ all = ["all", ] if set(sel) == opts else list()
+ return sel, all
+def list_tests(selection: dict) -> list:
+ """Transform list of tests to a list of dictionaries usable by checkboxes.
+ :param selection: List of tests to be displayed in "Selected tests" window.
+ :type selection: list
+ :returns: List of dictionaries with "label", "value" pairs for a checkbox.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ if selection:
+ return [{"label": v["id"], "value": v["id"]} for v in selection]
+ else:
+ return list()
+def get_date(s_date: str) -> datetime:
+ """Transform string reprezentation of date to datetime.datetime data type.
+ :param s_date: String reprezentation of date.
+ :type s_date: str
+ :returns: Date as datetime.datetime.
+ :rtype: datetime.datetime
+ """
+ return datetime(int(s_date[0:4]), int(s_date[5:7]), int(s_date[8:10]))
+def gen_new_url(url_components: dict, params: dict) -> str:
+ """Generate a new URL with encoded parameters.
+ :param url_components: Dictionary with URL elements. It should contain
+ "scheme", "netloc" and "path".
+ :param url_components: URL parameters to be encoded to the URL.
+ :type parsed_url: dict
+ :type params: dict
+ :returns Encoded URL with parameters.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ if url_components:
+ return url_encode(
+ {
+ "scheme": url_components.get("scheme", ""),
+ "netloc": url_components.get("netloc", ""),
+ "path": url_components.get("path", ""),
+ "params": params
+ }
+ )
+ else:
+ return str()
+def get_duts(df: pd.DataFrame) -> list:
+ """Get the list of DUTs from the pre-processed information about jobs.
+ :param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
+ :type df: pandas.DataFrame
+ :returns: Alphabeticaly sorted list of DUTs.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ return sorted(list(df["dut"].unique()))
+def get_ttypes(df: pd.DataFrame, dut: str) -> list:
+ """Get the list of test types from the pre-processed information about
+ jobs.
+ :param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
+ :param dut: The DUT for which the list of test types will be populated.
+ :type df: pandas.DataFrame
+ :type dut: str
+ :returns: Alphabeticaly sorted list of test types.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ return sorted(list(df.loc[(df["dut"] == dut)]["ttype"].unique()))
+def get_cadences(df: pd.DataFrame, dut: str, ttype: str) -> list:
+ """Get the list of cadences from the pre-processed information about
+ jobs.
+ :param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
+ :param dut: The DUT for which the list of cadences will be populated.
+ :param ttype: The test type for which the list of cadences will be
+ populated.
+ :type df: pandas.DataFrame
+ :type dut: str
+ :type ttype: str
+ :returns: Alphabeticaly sorted list of cadences.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ return sorted(list(df.loc[(
+ (df["dut"] == dut) &
+ (df["ttype"] == ttype)
+ )]["cadence"].unique()))
+def get_test_beds(df: pd.DataFrame, dut: str, ttype: str, cadence: str) -> list:
+ """Get the list of test beds from the pre-processed information about
+ jobs.
+ :param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
+ :param dut: The DUT for which the list of test beds will be populated.
+ :param ttype: The test type for which the list of test beds will be
+ populated.
+ :param cadence: The cadence for which the list of test beds will be
+ populated.
+ :type df: pandas.DataFrame
+ :type dut: str
+ :type ttype: str
+ :type cadence: str
+ :returns: Alphabeticaly sorted list of test beds.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ return sorted(list(df.loc[(
+ (df["dut"] == dut) &
+ (df["ttype"] == ttype) &
+ (df["cadence"] == cadence)
+ )]["tbed"].unique()))
+def get_job(df: pd.DataFrame, dut, ttype, cadence, testbed):
+ """Get the name of a job defined by dut, ttype, cadence, test bed.
+ Input information comes from the control panel.
+ :param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
+ :param dut: The DUT for which the job name will be created.
+ :param ttype: The test type for which the job name will be created.
+ :param cadence: The cadence for which the job name will be created.
+ :param testbed: The test bed for which the job name will be created.
+ :type df: pandas.DataFrame
+ :type dut: str
+ :type ttype: str
+ :type cadence: str
+ :type testbed: str
+ :returns: Job name.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ return df.loc[(
+ (df["dut"] == dut) &
+ (df["ttype"] == ttype) &
+ (df["cadence"] == cadence) &
+ (df["tbed"] == testbed)
+ )]["job"].item()
+def generate_options(opts: list, sort: bool=True) -> list:
+ """Return list of options for radio items in control panel. The items in
+ the list are dictionaries with keys "label" and "value".
+ :params opts: List of options (str) to be used for the generated list.
+ :type opts: list
+ :returns: List of options (dict).
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ if sort:
+ opts = sorted(opts)
+ return [{"label": i, "value": i} for i in opts]
+def set_job_params(df: pd.DataFrame, job: str) -> dict:
+ """Create a dictionary with all options and values for (and from) the
+ given job.
+ :param df: DataFrame with information about jobs.
+ :params job: The name of job for and from which the dictionary will be
+ created.
+ :type df: pandas.DataFrame
+ :type job: str
+ :returns: Dictionary with all options and values for (and from) the
+ given job.
+ :rtype: dict
+ """
+ l_job = job.split("-")
+ return {
+ "job": job,
+ "dut": l_job[1],
+ "ttype": l_job[3],
+ "cadence": l_job[4],
+ "tbed": "-".join(l_job[-2:]),
+ "duts": generate_options(get_duts(df)),
+ "ttypes": generate_options(get_ttypes(df, l_job[1])),
+ "cadences": generate_options(get_cadences(df, l_job[1], l_job[3])),
+ "tbeds": generate_options(
+ get_test_beds(df, l_job[1], l_job[3], l_job[4]))
+ }
+def get_list_group_items(
+ items: list,
+ type: str,
+ colorize: bool=True,
+ add_index: bool=False
+ ) -> list:
+ """Generate list of ListGroupItems with checkboxes with selected items.
+ :param items: List of items to be displayed in the ListGroup.
+ :param type: The type part of an element ID.
+ :param colorize: If True, the color of labels is set, otherwise the default
+ color is used.
+ :param add_index: Add index to the list items.
+ :type items: list
+ :type type: str
+ :type colorize: bool
+ :type add_index: bool
+ :returns: List of ListGroupItems with checkboxes with selected items.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ children = list()
+ for i, l in enumerate(items):
+ idx = f"{i + 1}. " if add_index else str()
+ label = f"{idx}{l['id']}" if isinstance(l, dict) else f"{idx}{l}"
+ children.append(
+ dbc.ListGroupItem(
+ children=[
+ dbc.Checkbox(
+ id={"type": type, "index": i},
+ label=label,
+ value=False,
+ label_class_name="m-0 p-0",
+ label_style={
+ "font-size": ".875em",
+ "color": get_color(i) if colorize else "#55595c"
+ },
+ class_name="info"
+ )
+ ],
+ class_name="p-0"
+ )
+ )
+ return children
+def relative_change_stdev(mean1, mean2, std1, std2):
+ """Compute relative standard deviation of change of two values.
+ The "1" values are the base for comparison.
+ Results are returned as percentage (and percentual points for stdev).
+ Linearized theory is used, so results are wrong for relatively large stdev.
+ :param mean1: Mean of the first number.
+ :param mean2: Mean of the second number.
+ :param std1: Standard deviation estimate of the first number.
+ :param std2: Standard deviation estimate of the second number.
+ :type mean1: float
+ :type mean2: float
+ :type std1: float
+ :type std2: float
+ :returns: Relative change and its stdev.
+ :rtype: float
+ """
+ mean1, mean2 = float(mean1), float(mean2)
+ quotient = mean2 / mean1
+ first = std1 / mean1
+ second = std2 / mean2
+ std = quotient * sqrt(first * first + second * second)
+ return (quotient - 1) * 100, std * 100
+def get_hdrh_latencies(row: pd.Series, name: str) -> dict:
+ """Get the HDRH latencies from the test data.
+ :param row: A row fron the data frame with test data.
+ :param name: The test name to be displayed as the graph title.
+ :type row: pandas.Series
+ :type name: str
+ :returns: Dictionary with HDRH latencies.
+ :rtype: dict
+ """
+ latencies = {"name": name}
+ for key in C.LAT_HDRH:
+ try:
+ latencies[key] = row[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ return latencies
+def graph_hdrh_latency(data: dict, layout: dict) -> go.Figure:
+ """Generate HDR Latency histogram graphs.
+ :param data: HDRH data.
+ :param layout: Layout of plot.ly graph.
+ :type data: dict
+ :type layout: dict
+ :returns: HDR latency Histogram.
+ :rtype: plotly.graph_objects.Figure
+ """
+ fig = None
+ traces = list()
+ for idx, (lat_name, lat_hdrh) in enumerate(data.items()):
+ try:
+ decoded = hdrh.histogram.HdrHistogram.decode(lat_hdrh)
+ except (hdrh.codec.HdrLengthException, TypeError):
+ continue
+ previous_x = 0.0
+ prev_perc = 0.0
+ xaxis = list()
+ yaxis = list()
+ hovertext = list()
+ for item in decoded.get_recorded_iterator():
+ # The real value is "percentile".
+ # For 100%, we cut that down to "x_perc" to avoid
+ # infinity.
+ percentile = item.percentile_level_iterated_to
+ x_perc = min(percentile, C.PERCENTILE_MAX)
+ xaxis.append(previous_x)
+ yaxis.append(item.value_iterated_to)
+ hovertext.append(
+ f"<b>{C.GRAPH_LAT_HDRH_DESC[lat_name]}</b><br>"
+ f"Direction: {('W-E', 'E-W')[idx % 2]}<br>"
+ f"Percentile: {prev_perc:.5f}-{percentile:.5f}%<br>"
+ f"Latency: {item.value_iterated_to}uSec"
+ )
+ next_x = 100.0 / (100.0 - x_perc)
+ xaxis.append(next_x)
+ yaxis.append(item.value_iterated_to)
+ hovertext.append(
+ f"<b>{C.GRAPH_LAT_HDRH_DESC[lat_name]}</b><br>"
+ f"Direction: {('W-E', 'E-W')[idx % 2]}<br>"
+ f"Percentile: {prev_perc:.5f}-{percentile:.5f}%<br>"
+ f"Latency: {item.value_iterated_to}uSec"
+ )
+ previous_x = next_x
+ prev_perc = percentile
+ traces.append(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=xaxis,
+ y=yaxis,
+ name=C.GRAPH_LAT_HDRH_DESC[lat_name],
+ mode="lines",
+ legendgroup=C.GRAPH_LAT_HDRH_DESC[lat_name],
+ showlegend=bool(idx % 2),
+ line=dict(
+ color=get_color(int(idx/2)),
+ dash="solid",
+ width=1 if idx % 2 else 2
+ ),
+ hovertext=hovertext,
+ hoverinfo="text"
+ )
+ )
+ if traces:
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ fig.add_traces(traces)
+ layout_hdrh = layout.get("plot-hdrh-latency", None)
+ if lat_hdrh:
+ fig.update_layout(layout_hdrh)
+ return fig
+def navbar_trending(active: tuple):
+ """Add nav element with navigation panel. It is placed on the top.
+ :param active: Tuple of boolean values defining the active items in the
+ navbar. True == active
+ :type active: tuple
+ :returns: Navigation bar.
+ :rtype: dbc.NavbarSimple
+ """
+ return dbc.NavbarSimple(
+ children=[
+ dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink(
+ active=active[0],
+ external_link=True,
+ href="/trending"
+ )),
+ dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink(
+ active=active[1],
+ external_link=True,
+ href="/news"
+ )),
+ dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink(
+ active=active[2],
+ external_link=True,
+ href="/stats"
+ )),
+ dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink(
+ active=active[3],
+ external_link=True,
+ href="/search"
+ )),
+ dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink(
+ "Documentation",
+ id="btn-documentation",
+ ))
+ ],
+ id="navbarsimple-main",
+ brand=C.BRAND,
+ brand_href="/",
+ brand_external_link=True,
+ class_name="p-2",
+ fluid=True
+ )
+def navbar_report(active: tuple):
+ """Add nav element with navigation panel. It is placed on the top.
+ :param active: Tuple of boolean values defining the active items in the
+ navbar. True == active
+ :type active: tuple
+ :returns: Navigation bar.
+ :rtype: dbc.NavbarSimple
+ """
+ return dbc.NavbarSimple(
+ id="navbarsimple-main",
+ children=[
+ dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink(
+ active=active[0],
+ external_link=True,
+ href="/report"
+ )),
+ dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink(
+ "Comparisons",
+ active=active[1],
+ external_link=True,
+ href="/comparisons"
+ )),
+ dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink(
+ "Coverage Data",
+ active=active[2],
+ external_link=True,
+ href="/coverage"
+ )),
+ dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink(
+ active=active[3],
+ external_link=True,
+ href="/search"
+ )),
+ dbc.NavItem(dbc.NavLink(
+ "Documentation",
+ id="btn-documentation",
+ ))
+ ],
+ brand=C.BRAND,
+ brand_href="/",
+ brand_external_link=True,
+ class_name="p-2",
+ fluid=True
+ )
+def filter_table_data(
+ store_table_data: list,
+ table_filter: str
+ ) -> list:
+ """Filter table data using user specified filter.
+ :param store_table_data: Table data represented as a list of records.
+ :param table_filter: User specified filter.
+ :type store_table_data: list
+ :type table_filter: str
+ :returns: A new table created by filtering of table data represented as
+ a list of records.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ # Checks:
+ if not any((table_filter, store_table_data, )):
+ return store_table_data
+ def _split_filter_part(filter_part: str) -> tuple:
+ """Split a part of filter into column name, operator and value.
+ A "part of filter" is a sting berween "&&" operator.
+ :param filter_part: A part of filter.
+ :type filter_part: str
+ :returns: Column name, operator, value
+ :rtype: tuple[str, str, str|float]
+ """
+ for operator_type in C.OPERATORS:
+ for operator in operator_type:
+ if operator in filter_part:
+ name_p, val_p = filter_part.split(operator, 1)
+ name = name_p[name_p.find("{") + 1 : name_p.rfind("}")]
+ val_p = val_p.strip()
+ if (val_p[0] == val_p[-1] and val_p[0] in ("'", '"', '`')):
+ value = val_p[1:-1].replace("\\" + val_p[0], val_p[0])
+ else:
+ try:
+ value = float(val_p)
+ except ValueError:
+ value = val_p
+ return name, operator_type[0].strip(), value
+ return (None, None, None)
+ df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(store_table_data)
+ for filter_part in table_filter.split(" && "):
+ col_name, operator, filter_value = _split_filter_part(filter_part)
+ if operator == "contains":
+ df = df.loc[df[col_name].str.contains(filter_value, regex=True)]
+ elif operator in ("eq", "ne", "lt", "le", "gt", "ge"):
+ # These operators match pandas series operator method names.
+ df = df.loc[getattr(df[col_name], operator)(filter_value)]
+ elif operator == "datestartswith":
+ # This is a simplification of the front-end filtering logic,
+ # only works with complete fields in standard format.
+ # Currently not used in comparison tables.
+ df = df.loc[df[col_name].str.startswith(filter_value)]
+ return df.to_dict("records")
+def sort_table_data(
+ store_table_data: list,
+ sort_by: list
+ ) -> list:
+ """Sort table data using user specified order.
+ :param store_table_data: Table data represented as a list of records.
+ :param sort_by: User specified sorting order (multicolumn).
+ :type store_table_data: list
+ :type sort_by: list
+ :returns: A new table created by sorting the table data represented as
+ a list of records.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ # Checks:
+ if not any((sort_by, store_table_data, )):
+ return store_table_data
+ df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(store_table_data)
+ if len(sort_by):
+ dff = df.sort_values(
+ [col["column_id"] for col in sort_by],
+ ascending=[col["direction"] == "asc" for col in sort_by],
+ inplace=False
+ )
+ else:
+ # No sort is applied
+ dff = df
+ return dff.to_dict("records")
+def show_trending_graph_data(
+ trigger: Trigger,
+ data: dict,
+ graph_layout: dict
+ ) -> tuple:
+ """Generates the data for the offcanvas displayed when a particular point in
+ a trending graph (daily data) is clicked on.
+ :param trigger: The information from trigger when the data point is clicked
+ on.
+ :param graph: The data from the clicked point in the graph.
+ :param graph_layout: The layout of the HDRH latency graph.
+ :type trigger: Trigger
+ :type graph: dict
+ :type graph_layout: dict
+ :returns: The data to be displayed on the offcanvas and the information to
+ show the offcanvas.
+ :rtype: tuple(list, list, bool)
+ """
+ if trigger.idx == "tput":
+ idx = 0
+ elif trigger.idx == "bandwidth":
+ idx = 1
+ elif trigger.idx == "lat":
+ idx = len(data) - 1
+ else:
+ return list(), list(), False
+ try:
+ data = data[idx]["points"][0]
+ except (IndexError, KeyError, ValueError, TypeError):
+ return list(), list(), False
+ metadata = no_update
+ graph = list()
+ list_group_items = list()
+ for itm in data.get("text", None).split("<br>"):
+ if not itm:
+ continue
+ lst_itm = itm.split(": ")
+ if lst_itm[0] == "csit-ref":
+ list_group_item = dbc.ListGroupItem([
+ dbc.Badge(lst_itm[0]),
+ html.A(
+ lst_itm[1],
+ href=f"{C.URL_LOGS}{lst_itm[1]}",
+ target="_blank"
+ )
+ ])
+ else:
+ list_group_item = dbc.ListGroupItem([
+ dbc.Badge(lst_itm[0]),
+ lst_itm[1]
+ ])
+ list_group_items.append(list_group_item)
+ if trigger.idx == "tput":
+ title = "Throughput"
+ elif trigger.idx == "bandwidth":
+ title = "Bandwidth"
+ elif trigger.idx == "lat":
+ title = "Latency"
+ hdrh_data = data.get("customdata", None)
+ if hdrh_data:
+ graph = [dbc.Card(
+ class_name="gy-2 p-0",
+ children=[
+ dbc.CardHeader(hdrh_data.pop("name")),
+ dbc.CardBody(
+ dcc.Graph(
+ id="hdrh-latency-graph",
+ figure=graph_hdrh_latency(hdrh_data, graph_layout)
+ )
+ )
+ ])
+ ]
+ metadata = [
+ dbc.Card(
+ class_name="gy-2 p-0",
+ children=[
+ dbc.CardHeader(children=[
+ dcc.Clipboard(
+ target_id="tput-lat-metadata",
+ title="Copy",
+ style={"display": "inline-block"}
+ ),
+ title
+ ]),
+ dbc.CardBody(
+ dbc.ListGroup(list_group_items, flush=True),
+ id="tput-lat-metadata",
+ class_name="p-0",
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ return metadata, graph, True
+def show_iterative_graph_data(
+ trigger: Trigger,
+ data: dict,
+ graph_layout: dict
+ ) -> tuple:
+ """Generates the data for the offcanvas displayed when a particular point in
+ a box graph (iterative data) is clicked on.
+ :param trigger: The information from trigger when the data point is clicked
+ on.
+ :param graph: The data from the clicked point in the graph.
+ :param graph_layout: The layout of the HDRH latency graph.
+ :type trigger: Trigger
+ :type graph: dict
+ :type graph_layout: dict
+ :returns: The data to be displayed on the offcanvas and the information to
+ show the offcanvas.
+ :rtype: tuple(list, list, bool)
+ """
+ if trigger.idx == "tput":
+ idx = 0
+ elif trigger.idx == "bandwidth":
+ idx = 1
+ elif trigger.idx == "lat":
+ idx = len(data) - 1
+ else:
+ return list(), list(), False
+ try:
+ data = data[idx]["points"]
+ except (IndexError, KeyError, ValueError, TypeError):
+ return list(), list(), False
+ def _process_stats(data: list, param: str) -> list:
+ """Process statistical data provided by plot.ly box graph.
+ :param data: Statistical data provided by plot.ly box graph.
+ :param param: Parameter saying if the data come from "tput" or
+ "lat" graph.
+ :type data: list
+ :type param: str
+ :returns: Listo of tuples where the first value is the
+ statistic's name and the secont one it's value.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ if len(data) == 7:
+ stats = ("max", "upper fence", "q3", "median", "q1",
+ "lower fence", "min")
+ elif len(data) == 9:
+ stats = ("outlier", "max", "upper fence", "q3", "median",
+ "q1", "lower fence", "min", "outlier")
+ elif len(data) == 1:
+ if param == "lat":
+ stats = ("average latency at 50% PDR", )
+ elif param == "bandwidth":
+ stats = ("bandwidth", )
+ else:
+ stats = ("throughput", )
+ else:
+ return list()
+ unit = " [us]" if param == "lat" else str()
+ return [(f"{stat}{unit}", f"{value['y']:,.0f}")
+ for stat, value in zip(stats, data)]
+ customdata = data[0].get("customdata", dict())
+ datapoint = customdata.get("metadata", dict())
+ hdrh_data = customdata.get("hdrh", dict())
+ list_group_items = list()
+ for k, v in datapoint.items():
+ if k == "csit-ref":
+ if len(data) > 1:
+ continue
+ list_group_item = dbc.ListGroupItem([
+ dbc.Badge(k),
+ html.A(v, href=f"{C.URL_LOGS}{v}", target="_blank")
+ ])
+ else:
+ list_group_item = dbc.ListGroupItem([dbc.Badge(k), v])
+ list_group_items.append(list_group_item)
+ graph = list()
+ if trigger.idx == "tput":
+ title = "Throughput"
+ elif trigger.idx == "bandwidth":
+ title = "Bandwidth"
+ elif trigger.idx == "lat":
+ title = "Latency"
+ if len(data) == 1:
+ if hdrh_data:
+ graph = [dbc.Card(
+ class_name="gy-2 p-0",
+ children=[
+ dbc.CardHeader(hdrh_data.pop("name")),
+ dbc.CardBody(dcc.Graph(
+ id="hdrh-latency-graph",
+ figure=graph_hdrh_latency(hdrh_data, graph_layout)
+ ))
+ ])
+ ]
+ for k, v in _process_stats(data, trigger.idx):
+ list_group_items.append(dbc.ListGroupItem([dbc.Badge(k), v]))
+ metadata = [
+ dbc.Card(
+ class_name="gy-2 p-0",
+ children=[
+ dbc.CardHeader(children=[
+ dcc.Clipboard(
+ target_id="tput-lat-metadata",
+ title="Copy",
+ style={"display": "inline-block"}
+ ),
+ title
+ ]),
+ dbc.CardBody(
+ dbc.ListGroup(list_group_items, flush=True),
+ id="tput-lat-metadata",
+ class_name="p-0"
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ return metadata, graph, True