path: root/resources/libraries/python/HoststackUtil.py
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1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/resources/libraries/python/HoststackUtil.py b/resources/libraries/python/HoststackUtil.py
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index 0000000000..9e6e20014c
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+++ b/resources/libraries/python/HoststackUtil.py
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+# Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Host Stack util library."""
+from time import sleep
+from robot.api import logger
+from resources.libraries.python.ssh import exec_cmd, exec_cmd_no_error
+from resources.libraries.python.PapiExecutor import PapiSocketExecutor
+from resources.libraries.python.DUTSetup import DUTSetup
+class HoststackUtil():
+ """Utilities for Host Stack tests."""
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_vpp_echo_command(vpp_echo_attributes):
+ """Construct the vpp_echo command using the specified attributes.
+ :param vpp_echo_attributes: vpp_echo test program attributes.
+ :type vpp_echo_attributes: dict
+ :returns: Command line components of the vpp_echo command
+ 'name' - program name
+ 'args' - command arguments.
+ :rtype: dict
+ """
+ # TODO: Use a python class instead of dictionary for the return type
+ proto = vpp_echo_attributes[u"uri_protocol"]
+ addr = vpp_echo_attributes[u"uri_ip4_addr"]
+ port = vpp_echo_attributes[u"uri_port"]
+ vpp_echo_cmd = {}
+ vpp_echo_cmd[u"name"] = u"vpp_echo"
+ vpp_echo_cmd[u"args"] = f"{vpp_echo_attributes[u'role']} " \
+ f"socket-name {vpp_echo_attributes[u'vpp_api_socket']} " \
+ f"{vpp_echo_attributes[u'json_output']} " \
+ f"uri {proto}://{addr}/{port} " \
+ f"nclients {vpp_echo_attributes[u'nclients']} " \
+ f"quic-streams {vpp_echo_attributes[u'quic_streams']} " \
+ f"time {vpp_echo_attributes[u'time']} " \
+ f"fifo-size {vpp_echo_attributes[u'fifo_size']} " \
+ f"TX={vpp_echo_attributes[u'tx_bytes']} " \
+ f"RX={vpp_echo_attributes[u'rx_bytes']}"
+ if vpp_echo_attributes[u"rx_results_diff"]:
+ vpp_echo_cmd[u"args"] += u" rx-results-diff"
+ if vpp_echo_attributes[u"tx_results_diff"]:
+ vpp_echo_cmd[u"args"] += u" tx-results-diff"
+ return vpp_echo_cmd
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_hoststack_quic_fifo_size(node, fifo_size):
+ """Set the QUIC protocol fifo size.
+ :param node: Node to set the QUIC fifo size on.
+ :param fifo_size: fifo size, passed to the quic set fifo-size command.
+ :type node: dict
+ :type fifo_size: str
+ """
+ cmd = f"quic set fifo-size {fifo_size}"
+ PapiSocketExecutor.run_cli_cmd(node, cmd)
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_hoststack_quic_crypto_engine(node, quic_crypto_engine,
+ fail_on_error=False):
+ """Set the Hoststack QUIC crypto engine on node
+ :param node: Node to enable/disable HostStack.
+ :param quic_crypto_engine: type of crypto engine
+ :type node: dict
+ :type quic_crypto_engine: str
+ """
+ vpp_crypto_engines = {u"openssl", u"ia32", u"ipsecmb"}
+ if quic_crypto_engine == u"nocrypto":
+ logger.trace(u"No QUIC crypto engine.")
+ return
+ if quic_crypto_engine in vpp_crypto_engines:
+ cmds = [u"quic set crypto api vpp",
+ f"set crypto handler aes-128-gcm {quic_crypto_engine}",
+ f"set crypto handler aes-256-gcm {quic_crypto_engine}"]
+ elif quic_crypto_engine == u"picotls":
+ cmds = [u"quic set crypto api picotls"]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown QUIC crypto_engine {quic_crypto_engine}")
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ try:
+ PapiSocketExecutor.run_cli_cmd(node, cmd)
+ except AssertionError:
+ if fail_on_error:
+ raise
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_hoststack_test_program_logs(node, program):
+ """Get HostStack test program stdout log.
+ :param node: DUT node.
+ :param program: test program.
+ :type node: dict
+ :type program: dict
+ """
+ program_name = program[u"name"]
+ cmd = f"sh -c \'cat /tmp/{program_name}_stdout.log\'"
+ stdout_log, _ = exec_cmd_no_error(node, cmd, sudo=True, \
+ message=f"Get {program_name} stdout log failed!")
+ cmd = f"sh -c \'cat /tmp/{program_name}_stderr.log\'"
+ stderr_log, _ = exec_cmd_no_error(node, cmd, sudo=True, \
+ message=f"Get {program_name} stderr log failed!")
+ return stdout_log, stderr_log
+ @staticmethod
+ def start_hoststack_test_program(node, namespace, program):
+ """Start the specified HostStack test program.
+ :param node: DUT node.
+ :param namespace: Net Namespace to run program in.
+ :param program: Test program.
+ :type node: dict
+ :type namespace: str
+ :type program: dict
+ :returns: Process ID
+ :rtype: int
+ :raises RuntimeError: If node subtype is not a DUT or startup failed.
+ """
+ # TODO: Pin test program to core(s) on same numa node as VPP.
+ if node[u"type"] != u"DUT":
+ raise RuntimeError(u"Node type is not a DUT!")
+ program_name = program[u"name"]
+ DUTSetup.kill_program(node, program_name, namespace)
+ if namespace == u"default":
+ shell_cmd = u"sh -c"
+ else:
+ shell_cmd = f"ip netns exec {namespace} sh -c"
+ env_vars = f"{program[u'env_vars']} " if u"env_vars" in program else u""
+ args = program[u"args"]
+ cmd = f"nohup {shell_cmd} \'{env_vars}{program_name} {args} " \
+ f">/tmp/{program_name}_stdout.log " \
+ f"2>/tmp/{program_name}_stderr.log &\'"
+ try:
+ exec_cmd_no_error(node, cmd, sudo=True)
+ return DUTSetup.get_pid(node, program_name)[0]
+ except RuntimeError:
+ stdout_log, stderr_log = \
+ HoststackUtil.get_hoststack_test_program_logs(node,
+ program)
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Start {program_name} failed!\nSTDERR:\n" \
+ f"{stderr_log}\nSTDOUT:\n{stdout_log}")
+ return None
+ @staticmethod
+ def stop_hoststack_test_program(node, program, pid):
+ """Stop the specified Hoststack test program.
+ :param node: DUT node.
+ :param program: Test program.
+ :param pid: Process ID of test program.
+ :type node: dict
+ :type program: dict
+ :type pid: int
+ """
+ program_name = program[u"name"]
+ if program_name == u"nginx":
+ cmd = u"nginx -s quit"
+ errmsg = u"Quit nginx failed!"
+ else:
+ cmd = f'if [ -n "$(ps {pid} | grep {program_name})" ] ; ' \
+ f'then kill -s SIGTERM {pid}; fi'
+ errmsg = f"Kill {program_name} ({pid}) failed!"
+ exec_cmd_no_error(node, cmd, message=errmsg, sudo=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def hoststack_test_program_finished(node, program_pid):
+ """Wait for the specified HostStack test program process to complete.
+ :param node: DUT node.
+ :param program_pid: test program pid.
+ :type node: dict
+ :type program_pid: str
+ :raises RuntimeError: If node subtype is not a DUT.
+ """
+ if node[u"type"] != u"DUT":
+ raise RuntimeError(u"Node type is not a DUT!")
+ cmd = f"sh -c 'strace -qqe trace=none -p {program_pid}'"
+ exec_cmd(node, cmd, sudo=True)
+ # Wait a bit for stdout/stderr to be flushed to log files
+ # TODO: see if sub-second sleep works e.g. sleep(0.1)
+ sleep(1)
+ @staticmethod
+ def analyze_hoststack_test_program_output(node, role, nsim_attr,
+ program):
+ """Gather HostStack test program output and check for errors.
+ :param node: DUT node.
+ :param role: Role (client|server) of test program.
+ :param nsim_attr: Network Simulation Attributes.
+ :param program: Test program.
+ :param program_args: List of test program args.
+ :type node: dict
+ :type role: str
+ :type nsim_attr: dict
+ :type program: dict
+ :returns: tuple of no results bool and test program results.
+ :rtype: bool, str
+ :raises RuntimeError: If node subtype is not a DUT.
+ """
+ if node[u"type"] != u"DUT":
+ raise RuntimeError(u"Node type is not a DUT!")
+ program_name = program[u"name"]
+ program_stdout, program_stderr = \
+ HoststackUtil.get_hoststack_test_program_logs(node, program)
+ if len(program_stdout) == 0 and len(program_stderr) == 0:
+ logger.trace(f"Retrying {program_name} log retrieval")
+ program_stdout, program_stderr = \
+ HoststackUtil.get_hoststack_test_program_logs(node, program)
+ no_results = False
+ env_vars = f"{program[u'env_vars']} " if u"env_vars" in program else u""
+ program_cmd = f"{env_vars}{program_name} {program[u'args']}"
+ test_results = f"Test Results of '{program_cmd}':\n"
+ if nsim_attr[u"output_feature_enable"] or \
+ nsim_attr[u"cross_connect_feature_enable"]:
+ if nsim_attr[u"output_feature_enable"]:
+ feature_name = u"output"
+ else:
+ feature_name = u"cross-connect"
+ test_results += \
+ f"NSIM({feature_name}): delay " \
+ f"{nsim_attr[u'delay_in_usec']} usecs, " \
+ f"avg-pkt-size {nsim_attr[u'average_packet_size']}, " \
+ f"bandwidth {nsim_attr[u'bandwidth_in_bits_per_second']} " \
+ f"bits/sec, pkt-drop-rate {nsim_attr[u'packets_per_drop']} " \
+ f"pkts/drop\n"
+ if u"error" in program_stderr.lower():
+ test_results += f"ERROR DETECTED:\n{program_stderr}"
+ raise RuntimeError(test_results)
+ if program_stdout:
+ bad_test_results = False
+ if program == u"vpp_echo" and u"JSON stats" not in program_stdout:
+ test_results += u"Invalid test data output!\n"
+ bad_test_results = True
+ test_results += program_stdout
+ if bad_test_results:
+ raise RuntimeError(test_results)
+ else:
+ no_results = True
+ test_results += f"\nNo {program} test data retrieved!\n"
+ cmd = u"ls -l /tmp/*.log"
+ ls_stdout, _ = exec_cmd_no_error(node, cmd, sudo=True)
+ test_results += f"{ls_stdout}\n"
+ # TODO: Incorporate show error stats into results analysis
+ host = node[u"host"]
+ test_results += \
+ f"\n{role} VPP 'show errors' on host {host}:\n" \
+ f"{PapiSocketExecutor.run_cli_cmd(node, u'show error')}\n"
+ return no_results, test_results
+ @staticmethod
+ def no_hoststack_test_program_results(server_no_results, client_no_results):
+ """Return True if no HostStack test program output was gathered.
+ :param server_no_results: server no results value.
+ :param client_no_results: client no results value.
+ :type server_no_results: bool
+ :type client_no_results: bool
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return server_no_results and client_no_results