path: root/resources/libraries/python/NginxConfigGenerator.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'resources/libraries/python/NginxConfigGenerator.py')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/resources/libraries/python/NginxConfigGenerator.py b/resources/libraries/python/NginxConfigGenerator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a0f5f077a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/libraries/python/NginxConfigGenerator.py
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+# Copyright (c) 2021 Intel and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Nginx Configuration File Generator library.
+from resources.libraries.python.ssh import exec_cmd_no_error
+from resources.libraries.python.topology import NodeType
+from resources.libraries.python.NginxUtil import NginxUtil
+__all__ = [u"NginxConfigGenerator"]
+class NginxConfigGenerator:
+ """NGINX Configuration File Generator."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize library."""
+ # VPP Node to apply configuration on
+ self._node = u""
+ # NGINX Startup config location
+ self._nginx_path = u"/usr/local/nginx/"
+ # Serialized NGinx Configuration
+ self._nginx_config = u""
+ # VPP Configuration
+ self._nodeconfig = dict()
+ def set_node(self, node):
+ """Set DUT node.
+ :param node: Node to store configuration on.
+ :type node: dict
+ :raises RuntimeError: If Node type is not DUT.
+ """
+ if node[u"type"] != NodeType.DUT:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ u"Startup config can only be applied to DUTnode."
+ )
+ self._node = node
+ def set_nginx_path(self, packages_dir, nginx_version):
+ """Set NGINX Conf Name.
+ :param packages_dir: NGINX install path.
+ :param nginx_version: Test NGINX version.
+ :type packages_dir: str
+ :type nginx_version: str
+ :raises RuntimeError: If Node type is not DUT.
+ """
+ if nginx_version:
+ self._nginx_path = f"{packages_dir}/nginx-{nginx_version}"
+ def add_http_server_listen(self, value):
+ """Add Http Server listen port configuration."""
+ path = [u"http", u"server", u"listen"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_http_server_root(self, value=u"html"):
+ """Add Http Server root configuration."""
+ path = [u"http", u"server", u"root"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_http_server_index(self, value=u"index.html index.htm"):
+ """Add Http Server index configuration."""
+ path = [u"http", u"server", u"index"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_config_item(self, config, value, path):
+ """Add NGINX configuration item.
+ :param config: Startup configuration of node.
+ :param value: Value to insert.
+ :param path: Path where to insert item.
+ :type config: dict
+ :type value: str
+ :type path: list
+ """
+ if len(path) == 1:
+ config[path[0]] = value
+ return
+ if path[0] not in config:
+ config[path[0]] = dict()
+ elif isinstance(config[path[0]], str):
+ config[path[0]] = dict() if config[path[0]] == u"" \
+ else {config[path[0]]: u""}
+ self.add_config_item(config[path[0]], value, path[1:])
+ def dump_config(self, obj, level=-1):
+ """Dump the startup configuration in NGINX config format.
+ :param obj: Python Object to print.
+ :param level: Nested level for indentation.
+ :type obj: Obj
+ :type level: int
+ :returns: nothing
+ """
+ indent = u" "
+ if level >= 0:
+ self._nginx_config += f"{level * indent}{{\n"
+ if isinstance(obj, dict):
+ for key, val in obj.items():
+ if hasattr(val, u"__iter__") and not isinstance(val, str):
+ self._nginx_config += f"{(level + 1) * indent}{key}\n"
+ self.dump_config(val, level + 1)
+ else:
+ self._nginx_config += f"{(level + 1) * indent}" \
+ f"{key} {val};\n"
+ else:
+ for val in obj:
+ self._nginx_config += f"{(level + 1) * indent}{val};\n"
+ if level >= 0:
+ self._nginx_config += f"{level * indent}}}\n"
+ def write_config(self, filename=None):
+ """Generate and write NGINX startup configuration to file.
+ :param filename: NGINX configuration file name.
+ :type filename: str
+ """
+ if filename is None:
+ filename = f"{self._nginx_path}/conf/nginx.conf"
+ self.dump_config(self._nodeconfig)
+ cmd = f"echo \"{self._nginx_config}\" | sudo tee {filename}"
+ exec_cmd_no_error(
+ self._node, cmd, message=u"Writing config file failed!"
+ )
+ def add_http_server_location(self, size):
+ """Add Http Server location configuration.
+ :param size: File size.
+ :type size: int
+ """
+ if size == 0:
+ files = u"return"
+ elif size >= 1024:
+ files = f"{int(size / 1024)}KB.json"
+ else:
+ files = f"{size}B.json"
+ key = f"{files}"
+ size_str = size * u"x"
+ value = "200 '%s'" % size_str
+ path = [u"http", u"server", f"location /{key}", u"return"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_http_access_log(self, value=u"off"):
+ """Add Http access_log configuration."""
+ path = [u"http", u"access_log"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_http_include(self, value=u"mime.types"):
+ """Add Http include configuration."""
+ path = [u"http", u"include"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_http_default_type(self, value=u"application/octet-stream"):
+ """Add Http default_type configuration."""
+ path = [u"http", u"default_type"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_http_sendfile(self, value=u"on"):
+ """Add Http sendfile configuration."""
+ path = [u"http", u"sendfile"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_http_keepalive_timeout(self, value):
+ """Add Http keepalive alive timeout configuration."""
+ path = [u"http", u"keepalive_timeout"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_http_keepalive_requests(self, value):
+ """Add Http keepalive alive requests configuration."""
+ path = [u"http", u"keepalive_requests"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_events_use(self, value=u"epoll"):
+ """Add Events use configuration."""
+ path = [u"events", u"use"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_events_worker_connections(self, value=10240):
+ """Add Events worker connections configuration."""
+ path = [u"events", u"worker_connections"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_events_accept_mutex(self, value=u"off"):
+ """Add Events accept mutex configuration."""
+ path = [u"events", u"accept_mutex"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_events_multi_accept(self, value=u"off"):
+ """Add Events multi accept configuration."""
+ path = [u"events", u"multi_accept"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_worker_rlimit_nofile(self, value=10240):
+ """Add Events worker rlimit nofile configuration."""
+ path = [u"worker_rlimit_nofile"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_master_process(self, value=u"on"):
+ """Add master process configuration."""
+ path = [u"master_process"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_daemon(self, value=u"off"):
+ """Add daemon configuration."""
+ path = [u"daemon"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def add_worker_processes(self, value, smt_used):
+ """Add worker processes configuration."""
+ # nginx workers : vpp used phy workers = 2:1
+ if smt_used:
+ value = value * 4
+ else:
+ value = value * 2
+ path = [u"worker_processes"]
+ self.add_config_item(self._nodeconfig, value, path)
+ def apply_config(self, filename=None, verify_nginx=True):
+ """Generate and write NGINX configuration to file and
+ verify configuration.
+ :param filename: NGINX configuration file name.
+ :param verify_nginx: Verify NGINX configuration.
+ :type filename: str
+ :type verify_nginx: bool
+ """
+ self.write_config(filename=filename)
+ app_path = f"{self._nginx_path}/sbin/nginx"
+ if verify_nginx:
+ NginxUtil.nginx_config_verify(self._node, app_path)