path: root/resources/libraries/robot/overlay
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/libraries/robot/overlay')
3 files changed, 79 insertions, 503 deletions
diff --git a/resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp.robot b/resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp.robot
index 16d04767e9..6ca75b4570 100644
--- a/resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp.robot
+++ b/resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp.robot
@@ -12,13 +12,16 @@
# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
+| Library | resources.libraries.python.IPUtil
| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispAdjacency
| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispEidTableMap
-| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispLocalEid
| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispLocator
+| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispLocalEid
| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispLocatorSet
| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispRemoteMapping
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/default.robot
+| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp_api.robot
*** Keywords ***
| Configure topology for IPv4 LISP testing
@@ -57,6 +60,79 @@
| | VPP Add IP Neighbor
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${DUT1_${int}2}[0] | ${tg_if2_ip6} | ${TG_pf2_mac}[0]
+| Configure LISP topology in 3-node circular topology
+| | [Documentation] | Set up Lisp static adjacency topology.
+| |
+| | ... | *Arguments:*
+| | ... | - dut1_node - DUT1 node. Type: dictionary
+| | ... | - dut1_int_name - DUT1 node interface name. Type: string
+| | ... | - dut1_int_index - DUT1 node interface index. Type: integer
+| | ... | - dut2_node - DUT2 node. Type: dictionary
+| | ... | - dut2_int_name - DUT2 node interface name. Type: string
+| | ... | - dut2_int_index - DUT2 node interface index. Type: integer
+| | ... | - locator_set - Locator set values. Type: dictionary
+| | ... | - dut1_eid - Dut1 node eid address. Type: dictionary
+| | ... | - dut2_eid - Dut2 node eid address. Type: dictionary
+| | ... | - dut1_static_adjacency - Dut1 static adjacency. Type: dictionary
+| | ... | - dut2_static_adjacency - Dut2 static address. Type: dictionary
+| |
+| | ... | *Return:*
+| | ... | - No value returned
+| |
+| | ... | *Example:*
+| | ... | \| Configure LISP topology in 3-node circular topology \
+| | ... | \| ${dut1_node} \| ${interface_name} \| None \
+| | ... | \| ${dut2_node} \| ${interface_name} \| None \
+| | ... | \| ${locator_set} \| ${dut1_eid} \| ${dut2_eid} \
+| | ... | \| ${dut1_static_adjacency} \| ${dut2_static_adjacency} \|
+| |
+| | [Arguments] | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_int_name} | ${dut1_int_index}
+| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_int_name} | ${dut2_int_index}
+| | ... | ${locator_set} | ${dut1_eid} | ${dut2_eid}
+| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency} | ${dut2_static_adjacency}
+| | ${dut1_int_index}= | Run Keyword If | ${dut1_int_index} is None
+| | ... | Get Interface Sw Index | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_int_name}
+| | ... | ELSE | Set Variable | ${dut1_int_index}
+| | ${dut2_int_index}= | Run Keyword If | ${dut2_int_index} is None
+| | ... | Get Interface Sw Index | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_int_name}
+| | ... | ELSE | Set Variable | ${dut2_int_index}
+| | Enable Lisp | ${dut1_node}
+| | Vpp Add Lisp Locator Set | ${dut1_node} | ${locator_set['locator_name']}
+| | Vpp Add Lisp Locator | ${dut1_node} | ${locator_set['locator_name']}
+| | ... | ${dut1_int_index} | ${locator_set['priority']}
+| | ... | ${locator_set['weight']}
+| | Vpp Add Lisp Local Eid | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_eid['locator_name']}
+| | ... | ${dut1_eid['vni']} | ${dut1_eid['eid']} | ${dut1_eid['prefix']}
+| | Vpp Add Lisp Remote Mapping | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_static_adjacency['vni']}
+| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['deid']}
+| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
+| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['seid']}
+| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
+| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['rloc']}
+| | Vpp Add Lisp Adjacency | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_static_adjacency['vni']}
+| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['deid']}
+| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
+| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['seid']}
+| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
+| | Enable Lisp | ${dut2_node}
+| | Vpp Add Lisp Locator Set | ${dut2_node} | ${locator_set['locator_name']}
+| | Vpp Add Lisp Locator | ${dut2_node} | ${locator_set['locator_name']}
+| | ... | ${dut2_int_index} | ${locator_set['priority']}
+| | ... | ${locator_set['weight']}
+| | Vpp Add Lisp Local Eid | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_eid['locator_name']}
+| | ... | ${dut2_eid['vni']} | ${dut2_eid['eid']} | ${dut2_eid['prefix']}
+| | Vpp Add Lisp Remote Mapping | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_static_adjacency['vni']}
+| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['deid']}
+| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['prefix']}
+| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['seid']}
+| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['prefix']}
+| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['rloc']}
+| | Vpp Add Lisp Adjacency | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_static_adjacency['vni']}
+| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['deid']}
+| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['prefix']}
+| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['seid']}
+| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['prefix']}
| Configure LISP in 2-node circular topology
| | [Documentation] | Configure LISP topology in 2-node circular topology.
| |
diff --git a/resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp_api.robot b/resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp_api.robot
index 21f17d51f1..d2245c3f9a 100644
--- a/resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp_api.robot
+++ b/resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp_api.robot
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
@@ -13,293 +13,12 @@
*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/shared/interfaces.robot
| Library | resources.libraries.python.NodePath
| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispStatus
-| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispSetup
| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispGpeStatus
-| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispUtil
*** Keywords ***
-| Generate LISP locator_set data
-| | [Documentation] | Generate lisp locator_set data for test
-| | ... | the lisp locator_set and locator API.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - locator_set_number - Number how many locator_set data
-| | ... | will be generated. Type: integer
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | _NOTE:_ This KW sets following test case variables:
-| | ... | - locator_set_values - New generated locator_set data.
-| | ... | - locator_set_values_vat - New generated locator_set data expected\
-| | ... | from VAT.
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Given Generate LISP locator_set data \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \
-| | ... | \| ${locator_set_number} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node} | ${locator_set_number}
-| | ${locator_set_values} | ${locator_set_values_vat}=
-| | ... | Generate Unique Lisp Locator Set Data
-| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${locator_set_number}
-| | Set Test Variable | ${locator_set_values}
-| | Set Test Variable | ${locator_set_values_vat}
-| Configure LISP locator_set data
-| | [Documentation] | Set the lisp locator_set and locator on the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | _NOTE:_ This KW requires following test case variables:
-| | ... | - locator_set_values - Generated locator_set data from
-| | ... | KW locator_set data is prepared, which will be set on the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| When Configure LISP locator_set data \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node}
-| | Vpp Set Lisp Locator Set | ${dut_node} | ${locator_set_values}
-| LISP locator_set shpuld be configured correctly
-| | [Documentation] | Test if the locator_set is set correctly on the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | _NOTE:_ This KW requires following test case variables:
-| | ... | - locator_set_values_vat - Generated locator_set data from
-| | ... | KW locator_set data is prepared, which are expected from VPP via VAT.
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Then LISP locator_set should be configured correctly \
-| | ... | \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node}
-| | ${show_locator_set}= | Vpp Show Lisp Locator Set | ${dut_node} | local
-| | Lisp Locator S Should Be Equal
-| | ... | ${locator_set_values_vat} | ${show_locator_set}
-| Delete all LISP locator_set from VPP
-| | [Documentation] | Delete all lisp locator_set on the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | _NOTE:_ This KW requires following test case variables:
-| | ... | - locator_set_values - Generated locator_set data from
-| | ... | KW locator_set data is prepared, which was set on the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| When Delete all LISP locator_set from VPP \
-| | ... | \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node}
-| | Vpp Unset Lisp Locator Set | ${dut_node} | ${locator_set_values}
-| LISP locator_set should be unset
-| | [Documentation] | Test if all locator_set are unset from VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Then LISP locator_set should be unset \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node}
-| | ${show_locator_set}= | Vpp Show Lisp Locator Set | ${dut_node} | ${EMPTY}
-| | Lisp Is Empty | ${show_locator_set}
-| Lisp locator_set data use for test reset locator_set are prepared
-| | [Documentation] | Generate lisp special type of locator_set data.
-| | ... | This data will be use for test reset locator_set.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - locator_set_number - Number how many locator_set data
-| | ... | it will generate. Type: integer
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | _NOTE:_ This KW sets following test case variables:
-| | ... | - locator_set_values - New generate locator_set data.
-| | ... | - locator_set_values_vat - New generated locator_set data expected\
-| | ... | from VAT.
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Given Lisp locator_set data use for test reset locator_set \
-| | ... | are prepared \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \| ${locator_set_number} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node} | ${locator_set_number}
-| | ${locator_set_values} | ${locator_set_values_vat}=
-| | ... | Generate Duplicate Lisp Locator Set Data
-| | ... | ${dut_node} | ${locator_set_number}
-| | Set Test Variable | ${locator_set_values}
-| | Set Test Variable | ${locator_set_values_vat}
-| Configure LISP eid address
-| | [Documentation] | Set the lisp eid address on the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - set_eid - Test eid data. Type: list
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| When Configure LISP eid address \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \
-| | ... | \| ${eid_table} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node} | ${set_eid}
-| | Vpp Set Lisp Eid Table | ${dut_node} | ${set_eid}
-| LISP eid address should be set correctly to eid table
-| | [Documentation] | Test if the locator_set is set correctly on the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - set_eid - Example eid data, which was set to the VPP node.
-| | ... | Type: list
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | _NOTE:_ This KW requires following test case variables:
-| | ... | - set_eid - Generated eid data, which will be set to the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Then LISP eid address should be set correctly to eid table \
-| | ... | \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \| ${eid_table} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node} | ${set_eid}
-| | ${show_eid}= | Vpp Show Lisp Eid Table | ${dut_node}
-| | Lisp Should Be Equal | ${set_eid} | ${show_eid}
-| Delete all LISP eid address from VPP
-| | [Documentation] | Delete all lisp eid address from the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - set_eid - Eid data which will be removed from the VPP node.
-| | ... | Type: list
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| When Delete all LISP eid address from VPP \
-| | ... | \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \| ${eid_table} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node} | ${set_eid}
-| | Vpp Unset Lisp Eid Table | ${dut_node} | ${set_eid}
-| LISP eid table should be empty
-| | [Documentation] | Test if the eid table is empty.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Then LISP eid table should be empty \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node}
-| | ${show_eid}= | Vpp Show Lisp Eid Table | ${dut_node}
-| | Lisp Is Empty | ${show_eid}
-| Configure LISP map resolver address
-| | [Documentation] | Set the lisp map resolver address in the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - set_map_resolver - Map resolver data, which will be set on
-| | ... | the VPP node. Type: list
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| When Configure LISP map resolver address \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \
-| | ... | \| ${map_resolver} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node} | ${set_map_resolver}
-| | Vpp Set Lisp Map Resolver | ${dut_node} | ${set_map_resolver}
-| LISP map resolver address should be configured correctly
-| | [Documentation] | Test if the map resolver address is set correctly
-| | ... | on the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - set_map_resolver - Map resolver data, which was set on
-| | ... | the VPP node. Type: list
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Then LISP map resolver address should be configured correctly \
-| | ... | \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \| ${map_resolver} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node} | ${set_map_resolver}
-| | ${show_map_resolver}= | Vpp Show Lisp Map Resolver | ${dut_node}
-| | Lisp Should Be Equal | ${set_map_resolver} | ${show_map_resolver}
-| Delete all LISP map resolver address from VPP
-| | [Documentation] | Delete all lisp map resolver address on the VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - map_resolver - Map resolver data, which will be remove from
-| | ... | the VPP. Type: list
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| When Delete all LISP map resolver address from VPP \
-| | ... | \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \| ${map_resolver} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node} | ${set_map_resolver}
-| | Vpp Unset Lisp Map Resolver | ${dut_node} | ${set_map_resolver}
-| LISP map resolver address should be empty
-| | [Documentation] | Test if the map resolver are empty.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Then LISP map resolver address should be empty \
-| | ... | \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node}
-| | ${show_map_resolver}= | Vpp Show Lisp Map Resolver | ${dut_node}
-| | Lisp Is Empty | ${show_map_resolver}
| Enable LISP
| | [Documentation] | Enable LISP on VPP node.
| |
@@ -315,25 +34,6 @@
| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node}
| | Vpp Lisp Enable Disable | ${dut_node} | enable
-| LISP should be enabled
-| | [Documentation] | Check if the lisp is enabled.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - lisp_status_data - Lisp status data, which was set on
-| | ... | the VPP node. Type: list
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| LISP should be enabled \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \
-| | ... | \| ${lisp_status_data} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node} | ${lisp_status_data}
-| | ${show_lisp_stat}= | Vpp Show Lisp State | ${dut_node}
-| | Lisp Should Be Equal | ${show_lisp_stat} | ${lisp_status_data[1]}
| Disable LISP
| | [Documentation] | Disable LISP on VPP node.
| |
@@ -349,24 +49,6 @@
| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node}
| | Vpp Lisp Enable Disable | ${dut_node} | disable
-| LISP Should be disabled
-| | [Documentation] | LISP Should be disabled.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - lisp_status_data - Lisp status data, which was set on
-| | ... | the VPP node. Type: list
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| LISP Should be disabled \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \
-| | ... | \| ${lisp_status_data} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node} | ${lisp_status_data}
-| | ${show_lisp_stat}= | Vpp Show Lisp State | ${dut_node}
-| | Lisp Should Be Equal | ${show_lisp_stat} | ${lisp_status_data[0]}
| Enable Lisp Gpe
| | [Documentation] | Enable Lisp Gpe on VPP node.
@@ -382,18 +64,3 @@
| |
| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node}
| | Vpp Lisp Gpe Enable Disable | ${dut_node} | enable
-| Disable Lisp Gpe
-| | [Documentation] | Disable Lisp Gpe on VPP node.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut_node - DUT node. Type: dictionary
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Disable Lisp Gpe \| ${nodes['DUT1']} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut_node}
-| | Vpp Lisp Gpe Enable Disable | ${dut_node} | disable
diff --git a/resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp_static_adjacency.robot b/resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp_static_adjacency.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index a68bb7e747..0000000000
--- a/resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp_static_adjacency.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-*** Settings ***
-| Library | resources.libraries.python.IPUtil
-| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispAdjacency
-| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispLocator
-| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispLocalEid
-| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispLocatorSet
-| Library | resources.libraries.python.LispSetup.LispRemoteMapping
-| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/overlay/lisp_api.robot
-| Documentation | Lisp static adjacency suite keywords
-*** Keywords ***
-| Configure LISP topology in 3-node circular topology
-| | [Documentation] | Set up Lisp static adjacency topology.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut1_node - DUT1 node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - dut1_int_name - DUT1 node interface name. Type: string
-| | ... | - dut1_int_index - DUT1 node interface index. Type: integer
-| | ... | - dut2_node - DUT2 node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - dut2_int_name - DUT2 node interface name. Type: string
-| | ... | - dut2_int_index - DUT2 node interface index. Type: integer
-| | ... | - locator_set - Locator set values. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - dut1_eid - Dut1 node eid address. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - dut2_eid - Dut2 node eid address. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - dut1_static_adjacency - Dut1 static adjacency. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - dut2_static_adjacency - Dut2 static address. Type: dictionary
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Configure LISP topology in 3-node circular topology \
-| | ... | \| ${dut1_node} \| ${interface_name} \| None \
-| | ... | \| ${dut2_node} \| ${interface_name} \| None \
-| | ... | \| ${locator_set} \| ${dut1_eid} \| ${dut2_eid} \
-| | ... | \| ${dut1_static_adjacency} \| ${dut2_static_adjacency} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_int_name} | ${dut1_int_index}
-| | ... | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_int_name} | ${dut2_int_index}
-| | ... | ${locator_set} | ${dut1_eid} | ${dut2_eid}
-| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency} | ${dut2_static_adjacency}
-| | ${dut1_int_index}= | Run Keyword If | ${dut1_int_index} is None
-| | ... | Get Interface Sw Index | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_int_name}
-| | ... | ELSE | Set Variable | ${dut1_int_index}
-| | ${dut2_int_index}= | Run Keyword If | ${dut2_int_index} is None
-| | ... | Get Interface Sw Index | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_int_name}
-| | ... | ELSE | Set Variable | ${dut2_int_index}
-| | Enable Lisp | ${dut1_node}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Locator Set | ${dut1_node} | ${locator_set['locator_name']}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Locator | ${dut1_node} | ${locator_set['locator_name']}
-| | ... | ${dut1_int_index} | ${locator_set['priority']}
-| | ... | ${locator_set['weight']}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Local Eid | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_eid['locator_name']}
-| | ... | ${dut1_eid['vni']} | ${dut1_eid['eid']} | ${dut1_eid['prefix']}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Remote Mapping | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_static_adjacency['vni']}
-| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['deid']}
-| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['seid']}
-| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['rloc']}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Adjacency | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_static_adjacency['vni']}
-| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['deid']}
-| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['seid']}
-| | ... | ${dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | Enable Lisp | ${dut2_node}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Locator Set | ${dut2_node} | ${locator_set['locator_name']}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Locator | ${dut2_node} | ${locator_set['locator_name']}
-| | ... | ${dut2_int_index} | ${locator_set['priority']}
-| | ... | ${locator_set['weight']}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Local Eid | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_eid['locator_name']}
-| | ... | ${dut2_eid['vni']} | ${dut2_eid['eid']} | ${dut2_eid['prefix']}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Remote Mapping | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_static_adjacency['vni']}
-| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['deid']}
-| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['seid']}
-| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['rloc']}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Adjacency | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_static_adjacency['vni']}
-| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['deid']}
-| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['seid']}
-| | ... | ${dut2_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| Change LISP Configuration
-| | [Documentation] | Change configuration of the Lisp protocol.
-| |
-| | ... | *Arguments:*
-| | ... | - dut1_node - DUT1 node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - dut2_node - DUT2 node. Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - dut1_to_dut2 - DUT1 towards DUT2 interface name. Type: string
-| | ... | - dut2_to_dut1 - DUT2 towards DUT1 interface name. Type: string
-| | ... | - dut1_to_dut2_mac - DUT1 towards DUT2 interface mac address.
-| | ... | Type: string
-| | ... | - dut2_to_dut1_mac - DUT2 towards DUT1 interface mac address.
-| | ... | Type: string
-| | ... | - new_dut1_ip - New DUT1 towards DUT2 interface IP address.
-| | ... | Type: string
-| | ... | - new_dut2_ip - New DUT2 towards DUT1 interface IP address.
-| | ... | Type: string
-| | ... | - prefix - Prefix of the DUT nodes. Type: integer
-| | ... | - old_dut1_static_adjacency - Old DUT1 static adjacency.
-| | ... | Type: dictionary
-| | ... | - new_dut1_static_adjacency - New DUT1 static adjacency.
-| | ... | Type: dictionary
-| |
-| | ... | *Return:*
-| | ... | - No value returned
-| |
-| | ... | *Example:*
-| | ... | \| Change LISP Configuration \| ${dut1_node} \| ${dut2_node} \
-| | ... | \| ${dut1_to_dut2} \| ${dut2_to_dut1} | "08:00:27:20:e0:0d" \
-| | ... | \| "08:00:27:b1:94:b1" \| "" \| "" \| "24" \
-| | ... | \| ${old_dut1_static_adjacency} \| ${new_dut1_static_adjacency} \|
-| |
-| | [Arguments] | ${dut1_node} | ${dut2_node} | ${dut1_to_dut2}
-| | ... | ${dut2_to_dut1} | ${dut1_to_dut2_mac} | ${dut2_to_dut1_mac}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_ip} | ${new_dut2_ip} | ${prefix}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency} | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency}
-| | Flush IP Addresses | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_dut1}
-| | Vpp Del Lisp Remote Mapping | ${dut1_node}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency['vni']}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency['deid']}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency['seid']}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency['rloc']}
-| | Vpp Del Lisp Adjacency | ${dut1_node}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency['vni']}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency['deid']}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency['seid']}
-| | ... | ${old_dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | VPP Interface Set IP Address | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_dut1}
-| | ... | ${new_dut2_ip} | ${prefix}
-| | VPP Add IP Neighbor | ${dut1_node} | ${dut1_to_dut2} | ${new_dut2_ip}
-| | ... | ${dut2_to_dut1_mac}
-| | VPP Add IP Neighbor | ${dut2_node} | ${dut2_to_dut1} | ${new_dut1_ip}
-| | ... | ${dut1_to_dut2_mac}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Remote Mapping | ${dut1_node}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency['vni']}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency['deid']}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency['seid']}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency['rloc']}
-| | Vpp Add Lisp Adjacency | ${dut1_node}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency['vni']}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency['deid']}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency['seid']}
-| | ... | ${new_dut1_static_adjacency['prefix']}