path: root/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 850 deletions
diff --git a/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/__init__.py b/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5692432123..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/layout.py b/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/layout.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 73fabdf884..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/layout.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,707 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Plotly Dash HTML layout override.
-import logging
-import pandas as pd
-import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
-from flask import Flask
-from dash import dcc
-from dash import html
-from dash import callback_context
-from dash import Input, Output, State
-from yaml import load, FullLoader, YAMLError
-from copy import deepcopy
-from ..data.data import Data
-from ..utils.constants import Constants as C
-from ..utils.utils import classify_anomalies, show_tooltip, gen_new_url, \
- get_ttypes, get_cadences, get_test_beds, get_job, generate_options, \
- set_job_params
-from ..utils.url_processing import url_decode
-from ..data.data import Data
-from .tables import table_news
-class Layout:
- """The layout of the dash app and the callbacks.
- """
- def __init__(self, app: Flask, html_layout_file: str, data_spec_file: str,
- tooltip_file: str) -> None:
- """Initialization:
- - save the input parameters,
- - read and pre-process the data,
- - prepare data for the control panel,
- - read HTML layout file,
- - read tooltips from the tooltip file.
- :param app: Flask application running the dash application.
- :param html_layout_file: Path and name of the file specifying the HTML
- layout of the dash application.
- :param data_spec_file: Path and name of the file specifying the data to
- be read from parquets for this application.
- :param tooltip_file: Path and name of the yaml file specifying the
- tooltips.
- :type app: Flask
- :type html_layout_file: str
- :type data_spec_file: str
- :type tooltip_file: str
- """
- # Inputs
- self._app = app
- self._html_layout_file = html_layout_file
- self._data_spec_file = data_spec_file
- self._tooltip_file = tooltip_file
- # Read the data:
- data_stats, data_mrr, data_ndrpdr = Data(
- data_spec_file=self._data_spec_file,
- debug=True
- ).read_stats(days=C.NEWS_TIME_PERIOD)
- df_tst_info = pd.concat([data_mrr, data_ndrpdr], ignore_index=True)
- # Prepare information for the control panel:
- jobs = sorted(list(df_tst_info["job"].unique()))
- d_job_info = {
- "job": list(),
- "dut": list(),
- "ttype": list(),
- "cadence": list(),
- "tbed": list()
- }
- for job in jobs:
- lst_job = job.split("-")
- d_job_info["job"].append(job)
- d_job_info["dut"].append(lst_job[1])
- d_job_info["ttype"].append(lst_job[3])
- d_job_info["cadence"].append(lst_job[4])
- d_job_info["tbed"].append("-".join(lst_job[-2:]))
- self.job_info = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d_job_info)
- self._default = set_job_params(self.job_info, C.NEWS_DEFAULT_JOB)
- # Pre-process the data:
- def _create_test_name(test: str) -> str:
- lst_tst = test.split(".")
- suite = lst_tst[-2].replace("2n1l-", "").replace("1n1l-", "").\
- replace("2n-", "")
- return f"{suite.split('-')[0]}-{lst_tst[-1]}"
- def _get_rindex(array: list, itm: any) -> int:
- return len(array) - 1 - array[::-1].index(itm)
- tst_info = {
- "job": list(),
- "build": list(),
- "start": list(),
- "dut_type": list(),
- "dut_version": list(),
- "hosts": list(),
- "failed": list(),
- "regressions": list(),
- "progressions": list()
- }
- for job in jobs:
- # Create lists of failed tests:
- df_job = df_tst_info.loc[(df_tst_info["job"] == job)]
- last_build = max(df_job["build"].unique())
- df_build = df_job.loc[(df_job["build"] == last_build)]
- tst_info["job"].append(job)
- tst_info["build"].append(last_build)
- tst_info["start"].append(data_stats.loc[
- (data_stats["job"] == job) &
- (data_stats["build"] == last_build)
- ]["start_time"].iloc[-1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
- tst_info["dut_type"].append(df_build["dut_type"].iloc[-1])
- tst_info["dut_version"].append(df_build["dut_version"].iloc[-1])
- tst_info["hosts"].append(df_build["hosts"].iloc[-1])
- failed_tests = df_build.loc[(df_build["passed"] == False)]\
- ["test_id"].to_list()
- l_failed = list()
- try:
- for tst in failed_tests:
- l_failed.append(_create_test_name(tst))
- except KeyError:
- l_failed = list()
- tst_info["failed"].append(sorted(l_failed))
- # Create lists of regressions and progressions:
- l_reg = list()
- l_prog = list()
- tests = df_job["test_id"].unique()
- for test in tests:
- tst_data = df_job.loc[df_job["test_id"] == test].sort_values(
- by="start_time", ignore_index=True)
- x_axis = tst_data["start_time"].tolist()
- if "-ndrpdr" in test:
- tst_data = tst_data.dropna(
- subset=["result_pdr_lower_rate_value", ]
- )
- if tst_data.empty:
- continue
- try:
- anomalies, _, _ = classify_anomalies({
- k: v for k, v in zip(
- x_axis,
- tst_data["result_ndr_lower_rate_value"].tolist()
- )
- })
- except ValueError:
- continue
- if "progression" in anomalies:
- l_prog.append((
- _create_test_name(test).replace("-ndrpdr", "-ndr"),
- x_axis[_get_rindex(anomalies, "progression")]
- ))
- if "regression" in anomalies:
- l_reg.append((
- _create_test_name(test).replace("-ndrpdr", "-ndr"),
- x_axis[_get_rindex(anomalies, "regression")]
- ))
- try:
- anomalies, _, _ = classify_anomalies({
- k: v for k, v in zip(
- x_axis,
- tst_data["result_pdr_lower_rate_value"].tolist()
- )
- })
- except ValueError:
- continue
- if "progression" in anomalies:
- l_prog.append((
- _create_test_name(test).replace("-ndrpdr", "-pdr"),
- x_axis[_get_rindex(anomalies, "progression")]
- ))
- if "regression" in anomalies:
- l_reg.append((
- _create_test_name(test).replace("-ndrpdr", "-pdr"),
- x_axis[_get_rindex(anomalies, "regression")]
- ))
- else: # mrr
- tst_data = tst_data.dropna(
- subset=["result_receive_rate_rate_avg", ]
- )
- if tst_data.empty:
- continue
- try:
- anomalies, _, _ = classify_anomalies({
- k: v for k, v in zip(
- x_axis,
- tst_data["result_receive_rate_rate_avg"].\
- tolist()
- )
- })
- except ValueError:
- continue
- if "progression" in anomalies:
- l_prog.append((
- _create_test_name(test),
- x_axis[_get_rindex(anomalies, "progression")]
- ))
- if "regression" in anomalies:
- l_reg.append((
- _create_test_name(test),
- x_axis[_get_rindex(anomalies, "regression")]
- ))
- tst_info["regressions"].append(
- sorted(l_reg, key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True))
- tst_info["progressions"].append(
- sorted(l_prog, key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True))
- self._data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(tst_info)
- # Read from files:
- self._html_layout = str()
- self._tooltips = dict()
- try:
- with open(self._html_layout_file, "r") as file_read:
- self._html_layout = file_read.read()
- except IOError as err:
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"Not possible to open the file {self._html_layout_file}\n{err}"
- )
- try:
- with open(self._tooltip_file, "r") as file_read:
- self._tooltips = load(file_read, Loader=FullLoader)
- except IOError as err:
- logging.warning(
- f"Not possible to open the file {self._tooltip_file}\n{err}"
- )
- except YAMLError as err:
- logging.warning(
- f"An error occurred while parsing the specification file "
- f"{self._tooltip_file}\n{err}"
- )
- self._default_tab_failed = table_news(self.data, self._default["job"])
- # Callbacks:
- if self._app is not None and hasattr(self, 'callbacks'):
- self.callbacks(self._app)
- @property
- def html_layout(self) -> dict:
- return self._html_layout
- @property
- def data(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
- return self._data
- @property
- def default(self) -> dict:
- return self._default
- def add_content(self):
- """Top level method which generated the web page.
- It generates:
- - Store for user input data,
- - Navigation bar,
- - Main area with control panel and ploting area.
- If no HTML layout is provided, an error message is displayed instead.
- :returns: The HTML div with the whole page.
- :rtype: html.Div
- """
- if self.html_layout:
- return html.Div(
- id="div-main",
- children=[
- dcc.Store(id="control-panel"),
- dcc.Location(id="url", refresh=False),
- dbc.Row(
- id="row-navbar",
- class_name="g-0",
- children=[
- self._add_navbar(),
- ]
- ),
- dbc.Row(
- id="row-main",
- class_name="g-0",
- children=[
- self._add_ctrl_col(),
- self._add_plotting_col(),
- ]
- )
- ]
- )
- else:
- return html.Div(
- id="div-main-error",
- children=[
- dbc.Alert(
- [
- "An Error Occured",
- ],
- color="danger",
- ),
- ]
- )
- def _add_navbar(self):
- """Add nav element with navigation panel. It is placed on the top.
- :returns: Navigation bar.
- :rtype: dbc.NavbarSimple
- """
- return dbc.NavbarSimple(
- id="navbarsimple-main",
- children=[
- dbc.NavItem(
- dbc.NavLink(
- "Continuous Performance News",
- disabled=True,
- external_link=True,
- href="#"
- )
- )
- ],
- brand="Dashboard",
- brand_href="/",
- brand_external_link=True,
- class_name="p-2",
- fluid=True,
- )
- def _add_ctrl_col(self) -> dbc.Col:
- """Add column with control panel. It is placed on the left side.
- :returns: Column with the control panel.
- :rtype: dbc.Col
- """
- return dbc.Col(
- id="col-controls",
- children=[
- self._add_ctrl_panel(),
- ],
- )
- def _add_plotting_col(self) -> dbc.Col:
- """Add column with tables. It is placed on the right side.
- :returns: Column with tables.
- :rtype: dbc.Col
- """
- return dbc.Col(
- id="col-plotting-area",
- children=[
- dbc.Row( # Failed tests
- id="row-table-failed",
- class_name="g-0 p-2",
- children=self._default_tab_failed
- ),
- dbc.Row(
- class_name="g-0 p-2",
- align="center",
- justify="start",
- children=[
- dbc.InputGroup(
- class_name="me-1",
- children=[
- dbc.InputGroupText(
- style=C.URL_STYLE,
- children=show_tooltip(
- self._tooltips,
- "help-url", "URL",
- "input-url"
- )
- ),
- dbc.Input(
- id="input-url",
- readonly=True,
- type="url",
- style=C.URL_STYLE,
- value=""
- )
- ]
- )
- ]
- )
- ],
- width=9,
- )
- def _add_ctrl_panel(self) -> dbc.Row:
- """Add control panel.
- :returns: Control panel.
- :rtype: dbc.Row
- """
- return dbc.Row(
- id="row-ctrl-panel",
- class_name="g-0",
- children=[
- dbc.Row(
- class_name="g-0 p-2",
- children=[
- dbc.Row(
- class_name="gy-1",
- children=[
- dbc.Label(
- class_name="p-0",
- children=show_tooltip(self._tooltips,
- "help-dut", "Device under Test")
- ),
- dbc.Row(
- dbc.RadioItems(
- id="ri-duts",
- inline=True,
- value=self.default["dut"],
- options=self.default["duts"]
- )
- )
- ]
- ),
- dbc.Row(
- class_name="gy-1",
- children=[
- dbc.Label(
- class_name="p-0",
- children=show_tooltip(self._tooltips,
- "help-ttype", "Test Type"),
- ),
- dbc.RadioItems(
- id="ri-ttypes",
- inline=True,
- value=self.default["ttype"],
- options=self.default["ttypes"]
- )
- ]
- ),
- dbc.Row(
- class_name="gy-1",
- children=[
- dbc.Label(
- class_name="p-0",
- children=show_tooltip(self._tooltips,
- "help-cadence", "Cadence"),
- ),
- dbc.RadioItems(
- id="ri-cadences",
- inline=True,
- value=self.default["cadence"],
- options=self.default["cadences"]
- )
- ]
- ),
- dbc.Row(
- class_name="gy-1",
- children=[
- dbc.Label(
- class_name="p-0",
- children=show_tooltip(self._tooltips,
- "help-tbed", "Test Bed"),
- ),
- dbc.Select(
- id="dd-tbeds",
- placeholder="Select a test bed...",
- value=self.default["tbed"],
- options=self.default["tbeds"]
- )
- ]
- ),
- dbc.Row(
- class_name="gy-1",
- children=[
- dbc.Alert(
- id="al-job",
- color="info",
- children=self.default["job"]
- )
- ]
- )
- ]
- )
- ]
- )
- class ControlPanel:
- """A class representing the control panel.
- """
- def __init__(self, panel: dict, default: dict) -> None:
- """Initialisation of the control pannel by default values. If
- particular values are provided (parameter "panel") they are set
- afterwards.
- :param panel: Custom values to be set to the control panel.
- :param default: Default values to be set to the control panel.
- :type panel: dict
- :type defaults: dict
- """
- self._defaults = {
- "ri-ttypes-options": default["ttypes"],
- "ri-cadences-options": default["cadences"],
- "dd-tbeds-options": default["tbeds"],
- "ri-duts-value": default["dut"],
- "ri-ttypes-value": default["ttype"],
- "ri-cadences-value": default["cadence"],
- "dd-tbeds-value": default["tbed"],
- "al-job-children": default["job"]
- }
- self._panel = deepcopy(self._defaults)
- if panel:
- for key in self._defaults:
- self._panel[key] = panel[key]
- def set(self, kwargs: dict) -> None:
- """Set the values of the Control panel.
- :param kwargs: key - value pairs to be set.
- :type kwargs: dict
- :raises KeyError: If the key in kwargs is not present in the Control
- panel.
- """
- for key, val in kwargs.items():
- if key in self._panel:
- self._panel[key] = val
- else:
- raise KeyError(f"The key {key} is not defined.")
- @property
- def defaults(self) -> dict:
- return self._defaults
- @property
- def panel(self) -> dict:
- return self._panel
- def get(self, key: str) -> any:
- """Returns the value of a key from the Control panel.
- :param key: The key which value should be returned.
- :type key: str
- :returns: The value of the key.
- :rtype: any
- :raises KeyError: If the key in kwargs is not present in the Control
- panel.
- """
- return self._panel[key]
- def values(self) -> list:
- """Returns the values from the Control panel as a list.
- :returns: The values from the Control panel.
- :rtype: list
- """
- return list(self._panel.values())
- def callbacks(self, app):
- """Callbacks for the whole application.
- :param app: The application.
- :type app: Flask
- """
- @app.callback(
- Output("control-panel", "data"), # Store
- Output("row-table-failed", "children"),
- Output("input-url", "value"),
- Output("ri-ttypes", "options"),
- Output("ri-cadences", "options"),
- Output("dd-tbeds", "options"),
- Output("ri-duts", "value"),
- Output("ri-ttypes", "value"),
- Output("ri-cadences", "value"),
- Output("dd-tbeds", "value"),
- Output("al-job", "children"),
- State("control-panel", "data"), # Store
- Input("ri-duts", "value"),
- Input("ri-ttypes", "value"),
- Input("ri-cadences", "value"),
- Input("dd-tbeds", "value"),
- Input("url", "href")
- )
- def _update_application(cp_data: dict, dut: str, ttype: str,
- cadence:str, tbed: str, href: str) -> tuple:
- """Update the application when the event is detected.
- :param cp_data: Current status of the control panel stored in
- browser.
- :param dut: Input - DUT name.
- :param ttype: Input - Test type.
- :param cadence: Input - The cadence of the job.
- :param tbed: Input - The test bed.
- :param href: Input - The URL provided by the browser.
- :type cp_data: dict
- :type dut: str
- :type ttype: str
- :type cadence: str
- :type tbed: str
- :type href: str
- :returns: New values for web page elements.
- :rtype: tuple
- """
- ctrl_panel = self.ControlPanel(cp_data, self.default)
- # Parse the url:
- parsed_url = url_decode(href)
- if parsed_url:
- url_params = parsed_url["params"]
- else:
- url_params = None
- trigger_id = callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0]
- if trigger_id == "ri-duts":
- ttype_opts = generate_options(get_ttypes(self.job_info, dut))
- ttype_val = ttype_opts[0]["value"]
- cad_opts = generate_options(
- get_cadences(self.job_info, dut, ttype_val))
- cad_val = cad_opts[0]["value"]
- tbed_opts = generate_options(get_test_beds(
- self.job_info, dut, ttype_val, cad_val))
- tbed_val = tbed_opts[0]["value"]
- ctrl_panel.set({
- "ri-duts-value": dut,
- "ri-ttypes-options": ttype_opts,
- "ri-ttypes-value": ttype_val,
- "ri-cadences-options": cad_opts,
- "ri-cadences-value": cad_val,
- "dd-tbeds-options": tbed_opts,
- "dd-tbeds-value": tbed_val
- })
- elif trigger_id == "ri-ttypes":
- cad_opts = generate_options(get_cadences(
- self.job_info, ctrl_panel.get("ri-duts-value"), ttype))
- cad_val = cad_opts[0]["value"]
- tbed_opts = generate_options(get_test_beds(
- self.job_info, ctrl_panel.get("ri-duts-value"),
- ttype, cad_val))
- tbed_val = tbed_opts[0]["value"]
- ctrl_panel.set({
- "ri-ttypes-value": ttype,
- "ri-cadences-options": cad_opts,
- "ri-cadences-value": cad_val,
- "dd-tbeds-options": tbed_opts,
- "dd-tbeds-value": tbed_val
- })
- elif trigger_id == "ri-cadences":
- tbed_opts = generate_options(get_test_beds(
- self.job_info, ctrl_panel.get("ri-duts-value"),
- ctrl_panel.get("ri-ttypes-value"), cadence))
- tbed_val = tbed_opts[0]["value"]
- ctrl_panel.set({
- "ri-cadences-value": cadence,
- "dd-tbeds-options": tbed_opts,
- "dd-tbeds-value": tbed_val
- })
- elif trigger_id == "dd-tbeds":
- ctrl_panel.set({
- "dd-tbeds-value": tbed
- })
- elif trigger_id == "url":
- # TODO: Add verification
- if url_params:
- new_job = url_params.get("job", list())[0]
- if new_job:
- job_params = set_job_params(self.job_info, new_job)
- ctrl_panel = self.ControlPanel(None, job_params)
- else:
- ctrl_panel = self.ControlPanel(cp_data, self.default)
- job = get_job(
- self.job_info,
- ctrl_panel.get("ri-duts-value"),
- ctrl_panel.get("ri-ttypes-value"),
- ctrl_panel.get("ri-cadences-value"),
- ctrl_panel.get("dd-tbeds-value")
- )
- ctrl_panel.set({"al-job-children": job})
- tab_failed = table_news(self.data, job)
- ret_val = [
- ctrl_panel.panel,
- tab_failed,
- gen_new_url(parsed_url, {"job": job})
- ]
- ret_val.extend(ctrl_panel.values())
- return ret_val
diff --git a/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/news.py b/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/news.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a0d05f1483..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/news.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Instantiate the News Dash application.
-import dash
-from ..utils.constants import Constants as C
-from .layout import Layout
-def init_news(server):
- """Create a Plotly Dash dashboard.
- :param server: Flask server.
- :type server: Flask
- :returns: Dash app server.
- :rtype: Dash
- """
- dash_app = dash.Dash(
- server=server,
- routes_pathname_prefix=C.NEWS_ROUTES_PATHNAME_PREFIX,
- external_stylesheets=C.EXTERNAL_STYLESHEETS
- )
- layout = Layout(
- app=dash_app,
- html_layout_file=C.NEWS_HTML_LAYOUT_FILE,
- data_spec_file=C.DATA_SPEC_FILE,
- tooltip_file=C.TOOLTIP_FILE,
- )
- dash_app.index_string = layout.html_layout
- dash_app.layout = layout.add_content()
- return dash_app.server
diff --git a/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/tables.py b/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/tables.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a6c7d2556..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/dash/app/pal/news/tables.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""The tables with news.
-import pandas as pd
-import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
-from ..utils.constants import Constants as C
-def table_news(data: pd.DataFrame, job: str) -> list:
- """Generates the tables with news:
- 1. Falied tests from the last run
- 2. Regressions and progressions calculated from the last C.NEWS_TIME_PERIOD
- days.
- :param data: Trending data with calculated annomalies to be displayed in the
- tables.
- :param job: The job name.
- :type data: pandas.DataFrame
- :type job: str
- """
- job_data = data.loc[(data["job"] == job)]
- failed = job_data["failed"].to_list()[0]
- regressions = {"Test Name": list(), "Last Regression": list()}
- for itm in job_data["regressions"].to_list()[0]:
- regressions["Test Name"].append(itm[0])
- regressions["Last Regression"].append(itm[1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
- progressions = {"Test Name": list(), "Last Progression": list()}
- for itm in job_data["progressions"].to_list()[0]:
- progressions["Test Name"].append(itm[0])
- progressions["Last Progression"].append(
- itm[1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
- return [
- dbc.Table.from_dataframe(pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
- "Job": job_data["job"],
- "Last Build": job_data["build"],
- "Date": job_data["start"],
- "DUT": job_data["dut_type"],
- "DUT Version": job_data["dut_version"],
- "Hosts": ", ".join(job_data["hosts"].to_list()[0])
- }), bordered=True, striped=True, hover=True, size="sm", color="light"),
- dbc.Table.from_dataframe(pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
- (
- f"Last Failed Tests on "
- f"{job_data['start'].values[0]} ({len(failed)})"
- ): failed
- }), bordered=True, striped=True, hover=True, size="sm", color="light"),
- dbc.Label(
- class_name="p-0",
- size="lg",
- children=(
- f"Regressions during the last {C.NEWS_TIME_PERIOD} days "
- f"({len(regressions['Test Name'])})"
- )
- ),
- dbc.Table.from_dataframe(
- pd.DataFrame.from_dict(regressions),
- bordered=True, striped=True, hover=True, size="sm", color="light"),
- dbc.Label(
- class_name="p-0",
- size="lg",
- children=(
- f"Progressions during the last {C.NEWS_TIME_PERIOD} days "
- f"({len(progressions['Test Name'])})"
- )
- ),
- dbc.Table.from_dataframe(
- pd.DataFrame.from_dict(progressions),
- bordered=True, striped=True, hover=True, size="sm", color="light")
- ]