path: root/resources/tools/presentation/generator_alerts.py
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diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_alerts.py b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_alerts.py
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index da45d75891..0000000000
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_alerts.py
+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Generator of alerts:
-- failed tests
-- regressions
-- progressions
-import smtplib
-import logging
-import re
-from email.mime.text import MIMEText
-from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
-from os.path import isdir
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from pal_utils import get_last_completed_build_number
-from pal_errors import PresentationError
-class AlertingError(PresentationError):
- """Exception(s) raised by the alerting module.
- When raising this exception, put this information to the message in this
- order:
- - short description of the encountered problem (parameter msg),
- - relevant messages if there are any collected, e.g., from caught
- exception (optional parameter details),
- - relevant data if there are any collected (optional parameter details).
- """
- def __init__(self, msg, details=u'', level=u"CRITICAL"):
- """Sets the exception message and the level.
- :param msg: Short description of the encountered problem.
- :param details: Relevant messages if there are any collected, e.g.,
- from caught exception (optional parameter details), or relevant data
- if there are any collected (optional parameter details).
- :param level: Level of the error, possible choices are: "DEBUG", "INFO",
- :type msg: str
- :type details: str
- :type level: str
- """
- super(AlertingError, self).__init__(f"Alerting: {msg}", details, level)
- def __repr__(self):
- return (
- f"AlertingError(msg={self._msg!r},details={self._details!r},"
- f"level={self._level!r})"
- )
-class Alerting:
- """Class implementing the alerting mechanism.
- """
- def __init__(self, spec):
- """Initialization.
- :param spec: The CPTA specification.
- :type spec: Specification
- """
- # Implemented alerts:
- self._implemented_alerts = (u"failed-tests", )
- self._spec = spec
- try:
- self._spec_alert = spec.alerting
- except KeyError as err:
- raise AlertingError(u"Alerting is not configured, skipped.",
- repr(err),
- self._path_failed_tests = spec.environment[u"paths"][u"DIR[STATIC,VPP]"]
- # Verify and validate input specification:
- self.configs = self._spec_alert.get(u"configurations", None)
- if not self.configs:
- raise AlertingError(u"No alert configuration is specified.")
- for config_type, config_data in self.configs.items():
- if config_type == u"email":
- if not config_data.get(u"server", None):
- raise AlertingError(u"Parameter 'server' is missing.")
- if not config_data.get(u"address-to", None):
- raise AlertingError(u"Parameter 'address-to' (recipient) "
- u"is missing.")
- if not config_data.get(u"address-from", None):
- raise AlertingError(u"Parameter 'address-from' (sender) is "
- u"missing.")
- elif config_type == u"jenkins":
- if not isdir(config_data.get(u"output-dir", u"")):
- raise AlertingError(u"Parameter 'output-dir' is "
- u"missing or it is not a directory.")
- if not config_data.get(u"output-file", None):
- raise AlertingError(u"Parameter 'output-file' is missing.")
- else:
- raise AlertingError(
- f"Alert of type {config_type} is not implemented."
- )
- self.alerts = self._spec_alert.get(u"alerts", None)
- if not self.alerts:
- raise AlertingError(u"No alert is specified.")
- for alert_data in self.alerts.values():
- if not alert_data.get(u"title", None):
- raise AlertingError(u"Parameter 'title' is missing.")
- if not alert_data.get(u"type", None) in self._implemented_alerts:
- raise AlertingError(u"Parameter 'failed-tests' is missing or "
- u"incorrect.")
- if not alert_data.get(u"way", None) in self.configs.keys():
- raise AlertingError(u"Parameter 'way' is missing or incorrect.")
- if not alert_data.get(u"include", None):
- raise AlertingError(u"Parameter 'include' is missing or the "
- u"list is empty.")
- def __str__(self):
- """Return string with human readable description of the alert.
- :returns: Readable description.
- :rtype: str
- """
- return f"configs={self.configs}, alerts={self.alerts}"
- def __repr__(self):
- """Return string executable as Python constructor call.
- :returns: Executable constructor call.
- :rtype: str
- """
- return f"Alerting(spec={self._spec})"
- def generate_alerts(self):
- """Generate alert(s) using specified way(s).
- """
- for alert_data in self.alerts.values():
- if alert_data[u"way"] == u"jenkins":
- self._generate_email_body(alert_data)
- else:
- raise AlertingError(
- f"Alert with way {alert_data[u'way']} is not implemented."
- )
- @staticmethod
- def _send_email(server, addr_from, addr_to, subject, text=None, html=None):
- """Send an email using predefined configuration.
- :param server: SMTP server used to send email.
- :param addr_from: Sender address.
- :param addr_to: Recipient address(es).
- :param subject: Subject of the email.
- :param text: Message in the ASCII text format.
- :param html: Message in the HTML format.
- :type server: str
- :type addr_from: str
- :type addr_to: list
- :type subject: str
- :type text: str
- :type html: str
- """
- if not text and not html:
- raise AlertingError(u"No text/data to send.")
- msg = MIMEMultipart(u'alternative')
- msg[u'Subject'] = subject
- msg[u'From'] = addr_from
- msg[u'To'] = u", ".join(addr_to)
- if text:
- msg.attach(MIMEText(text, u'plain'))
- if html:
- msg.attach(MIMEText(html, u'html'))
- smtp_server = None
- try:
- logging.info(f"Trying to send alert {subject} ...")
- logging.debug(f"SMTP Server: {server}")
- logging.debug(f"From: {addr_from}")
- logging.debug(f"To: {u', '.join(addr_to)}")
- logging.debug(f"Message: {msg.as_string()}")
- smtp_server = smtplib.SMTP(server)
- smtp_server.sendmail(addr_from, addr_to, msg.as_string())
- except smtplib.SMTPException as err:
- raise AlertingError(u"Not possible to send the alert via email.",
- str(err))
- finally:
- if smtp_server:
- smtp_server.quit()
- def _get_compressed_failed_tests(self, alert, test_set, sort=True):
- """Return the dictionary with compressed faild tests. The compression is
- done by grouping the tests from the same area but with different NICs,
- frame sizes and number of processor cores.
- For example, the failed tests:
- 10ge2p1x520-64b-1c-ethip4udp-ip4scale4000-udpsrcscale15-nat44-mrr
- 10ge2p1x520-64b-2c-ethip4udp-ip4scale4000-udpsrcscale15-nat44-mrr
- 10ge2p1x520-64b-4c-ethip4udp-ip4scale4000-udpsrcscale15-nat44-mrr
- 10ge2p1x520-imix-1c-ethip4udp-ip4scale4000-udpsrcscale15-nat44-mrr
- 10ge2p1x520-imix-2c-ethip4udp-ip4scale4000-udpsrcscale15-nat44-mrr
- 10ge2p1x520-imix-4c-ethip4udp-ip4scale4000-udpsrcscale15-nat44-mrr
- will be represented as:
- ethip4udp-ip4scale4000-udpsrcscale15-nat44 \
- (10ge2p1x520, 64b, imix, 1c, 2c, 4c)
- Structure of returned data:
- {
- "trimmed_TC_name_1": {
- "nics": [],
- "framesizes": [],
- "cores": []
- }
- ...
- "trimmed_TC_name_N": {
- "nics": [],
- "framesizes": [],
- "cores": []
- }
- }
- :param alert: Files are created for this alert.
- :param test_set: Specifies which set of tests will be included in the
- result. Its name is the same as the name of file with failed tests.
- :param sort: If True, the failed tests are sorted alphabetically.
- :type alert: dict
- :type test_set: str
- :type sort: bool
- :returns: CSIT build number, VPP version, Number of passed tests,
- Number of failed tests, Compressed failed tests.
- :rtype: tuple(str, str, int, int, OrderedDict)
- """
- directory = self.configs[alert[u"way"]][u"output-dir"]
- failed_tests = OrderedDict()
- file_path = f"{directory}/{test_set}.txt"
- version = u""
- try:
- with open(file_path, u'r') as f_txt:
- for idx, line in enumerate(f_txt):
- if idx == 0:
- build = line[:-1]
- continue
- if idx == 1:
- version = line[:-1]
- continue
- if idx == 2:
- passed = line[:-1]
- continue
- if idx == 3:
- failed = line[:-1]
- continue
- try:
- test = line[:-1].split(u'-')
- name = u'-'.join(test[3:-1])
- except IndexError:
- continue
- if failed_tests.get(name, None) is None:
- failed_tests[name] = dict(nics=list(),
- framesizes=list(),
- cores=list())
- if test[0] not in failed_tests[name][u"nics"]:
- failed_tests[name][u"nics"].append(test[0])
- if test[1] not in failed_tests[name][u"framesizes"]:
- failed_tests[name][u"framesizes"].append(test[1])
- if test[2] not in failed_tests[name][u"cores"]:
- failed_tests[name][u"cores"].append(test[2])
- except IOError:
- logging.error(f"No such file or directory: {file_path}")
- return None, None, None, None, None
- if sort:
- sorted_failed_tests = OrderedDict()
- for key in sorted(failed_tests.keys()):
- sorted_failed_tests[key] = failed_tests[key]
- return build, version, passed, failed, sorted_failed_tests
- return build, version, passed, failed, failed_tests
- def _list_gressions(self, alert, idx, header, re_pro):
- """Create a file with regressions or progressions for the test set
- specified by idx.
- :param alert: Files are created for this alert.
- :param idx: Index of the test set as it is specified in the
- specification file.
- :param header: The header of the list of [re|pro]gressions.
- :param re_pro: 'regression' or 'progression'.
- :type alert: dict
- :type idx: int
- :type header: str
- :type re_pro: str
- """
- if re_pro not in (u"regressions", u"progressions"):
- return
- in_file = (
- f"{self.configs[alert[u'way']][u'output-dir']}/"
- f"{re_pro}-{alert[u'urls'][idx].split(u'/')[-1]}.txt"
- )
- out_file = (
- f"{self.configs[alert[u'way']][u'output-dir']}/"
- f"trending-{re_pro}.txt"
- )
- try:
- with open(in_file, u'r') as txt_file:
- file_content = txt_file.read()
- with open(out_file, u'a+') as reg_file:
- reg_file.write(header)
- if file_content:
- reg_file.write(file_content)
- else:
- reg_file.write(f"No {re_pro}")
- except IOError as err:
- logging.warning(repr(err))
- def _generate_email_body(self, alert):
- """Create the file which is used in the generated alert.
- :param alert: Files are created for this alert.
- :type alert: dict
- """
- if alert[u"type"] != u"failed-tests":
- raise AlertingError(
- f"Alert of type {alert[u'type']} is not implemented."
- )
- text = u""
- for idx, test_set in enumerate(alert.get(u"include", list())):
- test_set_short = u""
- device = u""
- try:
- groups = re.search(
- re.compile(r'((vpp|dpdk)-\dn-(skx|clx|hsw|tsh|dnv)-.*)'),
- test_set
- )
- test_set_short = groups.group(1)
- device = groups.group(2)
- except (AttributeError, IndexError):
- logging.error(
- f"The test set {test_set} does not include information "
- f"about test bed. Using empty string instead."
- )
- build, version, passed, failed, failed_tests = \
- self._get_compressed_failed_tests(alert, test_set)
- if build is None:
- ret_code, build_nr, _ = get_last_completed_build_number(
- self._spec.environment[u"urls"][u"URL[JENKINS,CSIT]"],
- alert[u"urls"][idx].split(u'/')[-1])
- if ret_code != 0:
- build_nr = u''
- text += (
- f"\n\nNo input data available for {test_set_short}. "
- f"See CSIT build {alert[u'urls'][idx]}/{build_nr} for more "
- f"information.\n"
- )
- continue
- text += (
- f"\n\n{test_set_short}, {failed} tests failed, {passed} tests "
- f"passed, CSIT build: {alert[u'urls'][idx]}/{build}, "
- f"{device} version: {version}\n\n"
- )
- class MaxLens():
- """Class to store the max lengths of strings displayed in
- failed tests list.
- """
- def __init__(self, tst_name, nics, framesizes, cores):
- """Initialisation.
- :param tst_name: Name of the test.
- :param nics: NICs used in the test.
- :param framesizes: Frame sizes used in the tests
- :param cores: Cores used in th test.
- """
- self.name = tst_name
- self.nics = nics
- self.frmsizes = framesizes
- self.cores = cores
- max_len = MaxLens(0, 0, 0, 0)
- for name, params in failed_tests.items():
- failed_tests[name][u"nics"] = u",".join(sorted(params[u"nics"]))
- failed_tests[name][u"framesizes"] = \
- u",".join(sorted(params[u"framesizes"]))
- failed_tests[name][u"cores"] = \
- u",".join(sorted(params[u"cores"]))
- if len(name) > max_len.name:
- max_len.name = len(name)
- if len(failed_tests[name][u"nics"]) > max_len.nics:
- max_len.nics = len(failed_tests[name][u"nics"])
- if len(failed_tests[name][u"framesizes"]) > max_len.frmsizes:
- max_len.frmsizes = len(failed_tests[name][u"framesizes"])
- if len(failed_tests[name][u"cores"]) > max_len.cores:
- max_len.cores = len(failed_tests[name][u"cores"])
- for name, params in failed_tests.items():
- text += (
- f"{name + u' ' * (max_len.name - len(name))} "
- f"{params[u'nics']}"
- f"{u' ' * (max_len.nics - len(params[u'nics']))} "
- f"{params[u'framesizes']}"
- f"{u' ' * (max_len.frmsizes-len(params[u'framesizes']))} "
- f"{params[u'cores']}"
- f"{u' ' * (max_len.cores - len(params[u'cores']))}\n"
- )
- gression_hdr = (
- f"\n\n{test_set_short}, "
- f"CSIT build: {alert[u'urls'][idx]}/{build}, "
- f"{device} version: {version}\n\n"
- )
- # Add list of regressions:
- self._list_gressions(alert, idx, gression_hdr, u"regressions")
- # Add list of progressions:
- self._list_gressions(alert, idx, gression_hdr, u"progressions")
- text += f"\nFor detailed information visit: {alert[u'url-details']}\n"
- file_name = f"{self.configs[alert[u'way']][u'output-dir']}/" \
- f"{self.configs[alert[u'way']][u'output-file']}"
- logging.info(f"Writing the file {file_name}.txt ...")
- try:
- with open(f"{file_name}.txt", u'w') as txt_file:
- txt_file.write(text)
- except IOError:
- logging.error(f"Not possible to write the file {file_name}.txt.")