path: root/resources/tools/presentation
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/tools/presentation')
14 files changed, 1791 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/conf_cpta/conf.py b/resources/tools/presentation/conf_cpta/conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b6e5f3bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/conf_cpta/conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# CSIT report documentation build configuration file
+# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
+# containing dir.
+# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
+# autogenerated file.
+# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
+# serve to show the default.
+# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
+# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
+# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
+# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
+# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
+# needs_sphinx = '1.0'
+# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
+# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
+# ones.
+extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.programoutput',
+ 'sphinx.ext.ifconfig']
+# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
+templates_path = ['_templates']
+# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
+# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
+source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
+# The master toctree document.
+master_doc = 'index'
+# General information about the project.
+project = u'FD.io CSIT'
+copyright = u'2018, FD.io'
+author = u'FD.io CSIT'
+# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
+# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
+# built documents.
+# The short X.Y version.
+#version = u''
+# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
+#release = u''
+# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
+# for a list of supported languages.
+# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
+# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
+language = 'en'
+# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
+# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
+# This patterns also effect to html_static_path and html_extra_path
+exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
+# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
+pygments_style = 'sphinx'
+# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
+todo_include_todos = False
+# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
+# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
+# a list of builtin themes.
+html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
+# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
+# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
+# documentation.
+# html_theme_options = {}
+# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
+# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
+# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
+html_theme_path = ['env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sphinx_rtd_theme']
+# html_static_path = ['_build/_static']
+html_static_path = ['../_tmp/src/_static']
+html_context = {
+ 'css_files': [
+ '_static/theme_overrides.css', # overrides for wide tables in RTD theme
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/doc/pal_lld.rst b/resources/tools/presentation/doc/pal_lld.rst
index 7ca3ad43d5..81c2547a82 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/doc/pal_lld.rst
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/doc/pal_lld.rst
@@ -1368,6 +1368,113 @@ of an element is required, only a new algorithm needs to be implemented
and integrated.
+Continuous Performance Measurements and Trending
+Performance analysis and trending execution sequence:
+CSIT PA runs performance analysis, change detection and trending using specified
+trend analysis metrics over the rolling window of last <N> sets of historical
+measurement data. PA is defined as follows:
+ #. PA job triggers:
+ #. By PT job at its completion.
+ #. Manually from Jenkins UI.
+ #. Download and parse archived historical data and the new data:
+ #. New data from latest PT job is evaluated against the rolling window
+ of <N> sets of historical data.
+ #. Download RF output.xml files and compressed archived data.
+ #. Parse out the data filtering test cases listed in PA specification
+ (part of CSIT PAL specification file).
+ #. Calculate trend metrics for the rolling window of <N> sets of historical data:
+ #. Calculate quartiles Q1, Q2, Q3.
+ #. Trim outliers using IQR.
+ #. Calculate TMA and TMSD.
+ #. Calculate normal trending range per test case based on TMA and TMSD.
+ #. Evaluate new test data against trend metrics:
+ #. If within the range of (TMA +/- 3*TMSD) => Result = Pass,
+ Reason = Normal.
+ #. If below the range => Result = Fail, Reason = Regression.
+ #. If above the range => Result = Pass, Reason = Progression.
+ #. Generate and publish results
+ #. Relay evaluation result to job result.
+ #. Generate a new set of trend analysis summary graphs and drill-down
+ graphs.
+ #. Summary graphs to include measured values with Normal,
+ Progression and Regression markers. MM shown in the background if
+ possible.
+ #. Drill-down graphs to include MM, TMA and TMSD.
+ #. Publish trend analysis graphs in html format on
+ https://docs.fd.io/csit/master/trending/.
+Parameters to specify:
+- job to be monitored - the Jenkins job which results are used as input data for
+ this test;
+- builds used for trending plot(s) - specified by a list of build numbers or by
+ a range of builds defined by the first and the last buld number;
+- list plots to generate:
+ - plot title;
+ - output file name;
+ - data for plots;
+ - tests to be displayed in the plot defined by a filter;
+ - list of parameters to extract from the data;
+ - periods (daily = 1, weekly = 5, monthly = 30);
+ - plot layout
+ -
+ type: "cpta"
+ title: "Continuous Performance Trending and Analysis"
+ algorithm: "cpta"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/cpta"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ plots:
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "l2-1t1c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ # - "name"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "l2-2t2c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ # - "name"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_CPTA.py b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_CPTA.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1921fad9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_CPTA.py
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Generation of Continuous Performance Trending and Analysis.
+import datetime
+import logging
+import csv
+import prettytable
+import plotly.offline as ploff
+import plotly.graph_objs as plgo
+import plotly.exceptions as plerr
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from utils import find_outliers, archive_input_data, execute_command
+# Command to build the html format of the report
+HTML_BUILDER = 'sphinx-build -v -c conf_cpta -a ' \
+ '-b html -E ' \
+ '-t html ' \
+ '-D version="Generated on {date}" ' \
+ '{working_dir} ' \
+ '{build_dir}/'
+# .css file for the html format of the report
+THEME_OVERRIDES = """/* override table width restrictions */
+.wy-nav-content {
+ max-width: 1200px !important;
+COLORS = ["SkyBlue", "Olive", "Purple", "Coral", "Indigo", "Pink",
+ "Chocolate", "Brown", "Magenta", "Cyan", "Orange", "Black",
+ "Violet", "Blue", "Yellow"]
+def generate_cpta(spec, data):
+ """Generate all formats and versions of the Continuous Performance Trending
+ and Analysis.
+ :param spec: Specification read from the specification file.
+ :param data: Full data set.
+ :type spec: Specification
+ :type data: InputData
+ """
+ logging.info("Generating the Continuous Performance Trending and Analysis "
+ "...")
+ ret_code = _generate_all_charts(spec, data)
+ cmd = HTML_BUILDER.format(
+ date=datetime.date.today().strftime('%d-%b-%Y'),
+ working_dir=spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[WORKING,SRC]"],
+ build_dir=spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[BUILD,HTML]"])
+ execute_command(cmd)
+ with open(spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[CSS_PATCH_FILE]"], "w") as \
+ css_file:
+ css_file.write(THEME_OVERRIDES)
+ with open(spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[CSS_PATCH_FILE2]"], "w") as \
+ css_file:
+ css_file.write(THEME_OVERRIDES)
+ archive_input_data(spec)
+ logging.info("Done.")
+ return ret_code
+def _select_data(in_data, period, fill_missing=False, use_first=False):
+ """Select the data from the full data set. The selection is done by picking
+ the samples depending on the period: period = 1: All, period = 2: every
+ second sample, period = 3: every third sample ...
+ :param in_data: Full set of data.
+ :param period: Sampling period.
+ :param fill_missing: If the chosen sample is missing in the full set, its
+ nearest neighbour is used.
+ :param use_first: Use the first sample even though it is not chosen.
+ :type in_data: OrderedDict
+ :type period: int
+ :type fill_missing: bool
+ :type use_first: bool
+ :returns: Reduced data.
+ :rtype: OrderedDict
+ """
+ first_idx = min(in_data.keys())
+ last_idx = max(in_data.keys())
+ idx = last_idx
+ data_dict = dict()
+ if use_first:
+ data_dict[first_idx] = in_data[first_idx]
+ while idx >= first_idx:
+ data = in_data.get(idx, None)
+ if data is None:
+ if fill_missing:
+ threshold = int(round(idx - period / 2)) + 1 - period % 2
+ idx_low = first_idx if threshold < first_idx else threshold
+ threshold = int(round(idx + period / 2))
+ idx_high = last_idx if threshold > last_idx else threshold
+ flag_l = True
+ flag_h = True
+ idx_lst = list()
+ inc = 1
+ while flag_l or flag_h:
+ if idx + inc > idx_high:
+ flag_h = False
+ else:
+ idx_lst.append(idx + inc)
+ if idx - inc < idx_low:
+ flag_l = False
+ else:
+ idx_lst.append(idx - inc)
+ inc += 1
+ for i in idx_lst:
+ if i in in_data.keys():
+ data_dict[i] = in_data[i]
+ break
+ else:
+ data_dict[idx] = data
+ idx -= period
+ return OrderedDict(sorted(data_dict.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
+def _evaluate_results(in_data, trimmed_data, window=10):
+ """Evaluates if the sample value is regress, normal or progress compared to
+ previous data within the window.
+ We use the intervals defined as:
+ - regress: less than median - 3 * stdev
+ - normal: between median - 3 * stdev and median + 3 * stdev
+ - progress: more than median + 3 * stdev
+ :param in_data: Full data set.
+ :param trimmed_data: Full data set without the outliers.
+ :param window: Window size used to calculate moving median and moving stdev.
+ :type in_data: pandas.Series
+ :type trimmed_data: pandas.Series
+ :type window: int
+ :returns: Evaluated results.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ if len(in_data) > 2:
+ win_size = in_data.size if in_data.size < window else window
+ results = [0.0, ] * win_size
+ median = in_data.rolling(window=win_size).median()
+ stdev_t = trimmed_data.rolling(window=win_size, min_periods=2).std()
+ m_vals = median.values
+ s_vals = stdev_t.values
+ d_vals = in_data.values
+ for day in range(win_size, in_data.size):
+ if np.isnan(m_vals[day - 1]) or np.isnan(s_vals[day - 1]):
+ results.append(0.0)
+ elif d_vals[day] < (m_vals[day - 1] - 3 * s_vals[day - 1]):
+ results.append(0.33)
+ elif (m_vals[day - 1] - 3 * s_vals[day - 1]) <= d_vals[day] <= \
+ (m_vals[day - 1] + 3 * s_vals[day - 1]):
+ results.append(0.66)
+ else:
+ results.append(1.0)
+ else:
+ results = [0.0, ]
+ try:
+ median = np.median(in_data)
+ stdev = np.std(in_data)
+ if in_data.values[-1] < (median - 3 * stdev):
+ results.append(0.33)
+ elif (median - 3 * stdev) <= in_data.values[-1] <= (
+ median + 3 * stdev):
+ results.append(0.66)
+ else:
+ results.append(1.0)
+ except TypeError:
+ results.append(None)
+ return results
+def _generate_trending_traces(in_data, period, moving_win_size=10,
+ fill_missing=True, use_first=False,
+ show_moving_median=True, name="", color=""):
+ """Generate the trending traces:
+ - samples,
+ - moving median (trending plot)
+ - outliers, regress, progress
+ :param in_data: Full data set.
+ :param period: Sampling period.
+ :param moving_win_size: Window size.
+ :param fill_missing: If the chosen sample is missing in the full set, its
+ nearest neighbour is used.
+ :param use_first: Use the first sample even though it is not chosen.
+ :param show_moving_median: Show moving median (trending plot).
+ :param name: Name of the plot
+ :param color: Name of the color for the plot.
+ :type in_data: OrderedDict
+ :type period: int
+ :type moving_win_size: int
+ :type fill_missing: bool
+ :type use_first: bool
+ :type show_moving_median: bool
+ :type name: str
+ :type color: str
+ :returns: Generated traces (list) and the evaluated result (float).
+ :rtype: tuple(traces, result)
+ """
+ if period > 1:
+ in_data = _select_data(in_data, period,
+ fill_missing=fill_missing,
+ use_first=use_first)
+ data_x = [key for key in in_data.keys()]
+ data_y = [val for val in in_data.values()]
+ data_pd = pd.Series(data_y, index=data_x)
+ t_data, outliers = find_outliers(data_pd)
+ results = _evaluate_results(data_pd, t_data, window=moving_win_size)
+ anomalies = pd.Series()
+ anomalies_res = list()
+ for idx, item in enumerate(in_data.items()):
+ item_pd = pd.Series([item[1], ], index=[item[0], ])
+ if item[0] in outliers.keys():
+ anomalies = anomalies.append(item_pd)
+ anomalies_res.append(0.0)
+ elif results[idx] in (0.33, 1.0):
+ anomalies = anomalies.append(item_pd)
+ anomalies_res.append(results[idx])
+ anomalies_res.extend([0.0, 0.33, 0.66, 1.0])
+ # Create traces
+ color_scale = [[0.00, "grey"],
+ [0.25, "grey"],
+ [0.25, "red"],
+ [0.50, "red"],
+ [0.50, "white"],
+ [0.75, "white"],
+ [0.75, "green"],
+ [1.00, "green"]]
+ trace_samples = plgo.Scatter(
+ x=data_x,
+ y=data_y,
+ mode='markers',
+ line={
+ "width": 1
+ },
+ name="{name}-thput".format(name=name),
+ marker={
+ "size": 5,
+ "color": color,
+ "symbol": "circle",
+ },
+ )
+ traces = [trace_samples, ]
+ trace_anomalies = plgo.Scatter(
+ x=anomalies.keys(),
+ y=anomalies.values,
+ mode='markers',
+ hoverinfo="none",
+ showlegend=False,
+ legendgroup=name,
+ name="{name}: outliers".format(name=name),
+ marker={
+ "size": 15,
+ "symbol": "circle-open",
+ "color": anomalies_res,
+ "colorscale": color_scale,
+ "showscale": True,
+ "line": {
+ "width": 2
+ },
+ "colorbar": {
+ "y": 0.5,
+ "len": 0.8,
+ "title": "Circles Marking Data Classification",
+ "titleside": 'right',
+ "titlefont": {
+ "size": 14
+ },
+ "tickmode": 'array',
+ "tickvals": [0.125, 0.375, 0.625, 0.875],
+ "ticktext": ["Outlier", "Regression", "Normal", "Progression"],
+ "ticks": "",
+ "ticklen": 0,
+ "tickangle": -90,
+ "thickness": 10
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ traces.append(trace_anomalies)
+ if show_moving_median:
+ data_mean_y = pd.Series(data_y).rolling(
+ window=moving_win_size, min_periods=2).median()
+ trace_median = plgo.Scatter(
+ x=data_x,
+ y=data_mean_y,
+ mode='lines',
+ line={
+ "shape": "spline",
+ "width": 1,
+ "color": color,
+ },
+ name='{name}-trend'.format(name=name)
+ )
+ traces.append(trace_median)
+ return traces, results[-1]
+def _generate_chart(traces, layout, file_name):
+ """Generates the whole chart using pre-generated traces.
+ :param traces: Traces for the chart.
+ :param layout: Layout of the chart.
+ :param file_name: File name for the generated chart.
+ :type traces: list
+ :type layout: dict
+ :type file_name: str
+ """
+ # Create plot
+ logging.info(" Writing the file '{0}' ...".format(file_name))
+ plpl = plgo.Figure(data=traces, layout=layout)
+ try:
+ ploff.plot(plpl, show_link=False, auto_open=False, filename=file_name)
+ except plerr.PlotlyEmptyDataError:
+ logging.warning(" No data for the plot. Skipped.")
+def _generate_all_charts(spec, input_data):
+ """Generate all charts specified in the specification file.
+ :param spec: Specification.
+ :param input_data: Full data set.
+ :type spec: Specification
+ :type input_data: InputData
+ """
+ csv_table = list()
+ # Create the header:
+ builds = spec.cpta["data"].values()[0]
+ builds_lst = [str(build) for build in range(builds[0], builds[-1] + 1)]
+ header = "Build Number:," + ",".join(builds_lst) + '\n'
+ csv_table.append(header)
+ results = list()
+ for chart in spec.cpta["plots"]:
+ logging.info(" Generating the chart '{0}' ...".
+ format(chart.get("title", "")))
+ # Transform the data
+ data = input_data.filter_data(chart, continue_on_error=True)
+ if data is None:
+ logging.error("No data.")
+ return
+ chart_data = dict()
+ for job in data:
+ for idx, build in job.items():
+ for test_name, test in build.items():
+ if chart_data.get(test_name, None) is None:
+ chart_data[test_name] = OrderedDict()
+ try:
+ chart_data[test_name][int(idx)] = \
+ test["result"]["throughput"]
+ except (KeyError, TypeError):
+ pass
+ # Add items to the csv table:
+ for tst_name, tst_data in chart_data.items():
+ tst_lst = list()
+ for build in builds_lst:
+ item = tst_data.get(int(build), '')
+ tst_lst.append(str(item) if item else '')
+ csv_table.append("{0},".format(tst_name) + ",".join(tst_lst) + '\n')
+ for period in chart["periods"]:
+ # Generate traces:
+ traces = list()
+ win_size = 10 if period == 1 else 5 if period < 20 else 3
+ idx = 0
+ for test_name, test_data in chart_data.items():
+ if not test_data:
+ logging.warning("No data for the test '{0}'".
+ format(test_name))
+ continue
+ test_name = test_name.split('.')[-1]
+ trace, result = _generate_trending_traces(
+ test_data,
+ period=period,
+ moving_win_size=win_size,
+ fill_missing=True,
+ use_first=False,
+ name='-'.join(test_name.split('-')[3:-1]),
+ color=COLORS[idx])
+ traces.extend(trace)
+ results.append(result)
+ idx += 1
+ # Generate the chart:
+ period_name = "Daily" if period == 1 else \
+ "Weekly" if period < 20 else "Monthly"
+ chart["layout"]["title"] = chart["title"].format(period=period_name)
+ _generate_chart(traces,
+ chart["layout"],
+ file_name="{0}-{1}-{2}{3}".format(
+ spec.cpta["output-file"],
+ chart["output-file-name"],
+ period,
+ spec.cpta["output-file-type"]))
+ logging.info(" Done.")
+ # Write the tables:
+ file_name = spec.cpta["output-file"] + "-trending"
+ with open("{0}.csv".format(file_name), 'w') as file_handler:
+ file_handler.writelines(csv_table)
+ txt_table = None
+ with open("{0}.csv".format(file_name), 'rb') as csv_file:
+ csv_content = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
+ header = True
+ for row in csv_content:
+ if txt_table is None:
+ txt_table = prettytable.PrettyTable(row)
+ header = False
+ else:
+ if not header:
+ for idx, item in enumerate(row):
+ try:
+ row[idx] = str(round(float(item) / 1000000, 2))
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ txt_table.add_row(row)
+ txt_table.align["Build Number:"] = "l"
+ with open("{0}.txt".format(file_name), "w") as txt_file:
+ txt_file.write(str(txt_table))
+ # Evaluate result:
+ result = "PASS"
+ for item in results:
+ if item is None:
+ result = "FAIL"
+ break
+ if item == 0.66 and result == "PASS":
+ result = "PASS"
+ elif item == 0.33 or item == 0.0:
+ result = "FAIL"
+ logging.info("Partial results: {0}".format(results))
+ logging.info("Result: {0}".format(result))
+ return result
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_plots.py b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_plots.py
index ac77b3d425..b7fd420aa2 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_plots.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_plots.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import logging
import pandas as pd
import plotly.offline as ploff
import plotly.graph_objs as plgo
from plotly.exceptions import PlotlyError
from utils import mean
@@ -371,7 +372,6 @@ def plot_http_server_performance_box(plot, input_data):
# Create plot
plpl = plgo.Figure(data=traces, layout=plot["layout"])
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_report.py b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_report.py
index cf8a8d1675..6819f350b6 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/generator_report.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/generator_report.py
@@ -14,16 +14,12 @@
"""Report generation.
-import subprocess
import logging
import datetime
-from os import makedirs, environ
-from os.path import isdir
-from shutil import copy, Error, make_archive
+from shutil import make_archive
-from utils import get_files
-from errors import PresentationError
+from utils import get_files, execute_command, archive_input_data
# .css file for the html format of the report
@@ -82,7 +78,7 @@ def generate_report(release, spec):
"pdf": generate_pdf_report
- for report_format, versions in spec.output.items():
+ for report_format, versions in spec.output["format"].items():
report[report_format](release, spec, versions)
@@ -110,7 +106,7 @@ def generate_html_report(release, spec, versions):
- _execute_command(cmd)
+ execute_command(cmd)
with open(spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[CSS_PATCH_FILE]"], "w") as \
@@ -146,7 +142,7 @@ def generate_pdf_report(release, spec, versions):
for plot in plots:
file_name = "{0}".format(plot.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
cmd = convert_plots.format(html=plot, pdf=file_name)
- _execute_command(cmd)
+ execute_command(cmd)
# Generate the LaTeX documentation
build_dir = spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[BUILD,LATEX]"]
@@ -155,7 +151,7 @@ def generate_pdf_report(release, spec, versions):
- _execute_command(cmd)
+ execute_command(cmd)
# Build pdf documentation
archive_dir = spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[STATIC,ARCH]"]
@@ -174,7 +170,7 @@ def generate_pdf_report(release, spec, versions):
for cmd in cmds:
- _execute_command(cmd)
+ execute_command(cmd)
logging.info(" Done.")
@@ -193,64 +189,3 @@ def archive_report(spec):
logging.info(" Done.")
-def archive_input_data(spec):
- """Archive the report.
- :param spec: Specification read from the specification file.
- :type spec: Specification
- :raises PresentationError: If it is not possible to archive the input data.
- """
- logging.info(" Archiving the input data files ...")
- if spec.is_debug:
- extension = spec.debug["input-format"]
- else:
- extension = spec.input["file-format"]
- data_files = get_files(spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[WORKING,DATA]"],
- extension=extension)
- dst = spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[STATIC,ARCH]"]
- logging.info(" Destination: {0}".format(dst))
- try:
- if not isdir(dst):
- makedirs(dst)
- for data_file in data_files:
- logging.info(" Copying the file: {0} ...".format(data_file))
- copy(data_file, dst)
- except (Error, OSError) as err:
- raise PresentationError("Not possible to archive the input data.",
- str(err))
- logging.info(" Done.")
-def _execute_command(cmd):
- """Execute the command in a subprocess and log the stdout and stderr.
- :param cmd: Command to execute.
- :type cmd: str
- :returns: Return code of the executed command.
- :rtype: int
- """
- env = environ.copy()
- proc = subprocess.Popen(
- [cmd],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- shell=True,
- env=env)
- stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
- logging.info(stdout)
- logging.info(stderr)
- if proc.returncode != 0:
- logging.error(" Command execution failed.")
- return proc.returncode
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_files.py b/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_files.py
index 7dae834b4d..7e19478570 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_files.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_files.py
@@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ Download all data.
import re
+import gzip
import logging
from os import rename, remove
from os.path import join, getsize
from shutil import move
from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile, BadZipfile
from httplib import responses
from requests import get, codes, RequestException, Timeout, TooManyRedirects, \
HTTPError, ConnectionError
@@ -51,7 +52,13 @@ def download_data_files(spec):
for job, builds in spec.builds.items():
for build in builds:
if job.startswith("csit-"):
- url = spec.environment["urls"]["URL[JENKINS,CSIT]"]
+ if spec.input["file-name"].endswith(".zip"):
+ url = spec.environment["urls"]["URL[JENKINS,CSIT]"]
+ elif spec.input["file-name"].endswith(".gz"):
+ url = spec.environment["urls"]["URL[NEXUS,LOG]"]
+ else:
+ logging.error("Not supported file format.")
+ continue
elif job.startswith("hc2vpp-"):
url = spec.environment["urls"]["URL[JENKINS,HC]"]
@@ -106,25 +113,37 @@ def download_data_files(spec):
- expected_length = None
- try:
- expected_length = int(response.headers["Content-Length"])
- logging.debug(" Expected file size: {0}B".
- format(expected_length))
- except KeyError:
- logging.debug(" No information about expected size.")
- real_length = getsize(new_name)
- logging.debug(" Downloaded size: {0}B".format(real_length))
- if expected_length:
- if real_length == expected_length:
+ if spec.input["file-name"].endswith(".zip"):
+ expected_length = None
+ try:
+ expected_length = int(response.
+ headers["Content-Length"])
+ logging.debug(" Expected file size: {0}B".
+ format(expected_length))
+ except KeyError:
+ logging.debug(" No information about expected size.")
+ real_length = getsize(new_name)
+ logging.debug(" Downloaded size: {0}B".format(real_length))
+ if expected_length:
+ if real_length == expected_length:
+ status = "downloaded"
+ logging.info("{0}: {1}".format(code,
+ responses[code]))
+ else:
+ logging.error("The file size differs from the "
+ "expected size.")
+ else:
status = "downloaded"
logging.info("{0}: {1}".format(code, responses[code]))
- else:
- logging.error("The file size differs from the expected "
- "size.")
- else:
+ elif spec.input["file-name"].endswith(".gz"):
+ rename(new_name, new_name[:-7])
+ with open(new_name[:-7], 'r') as xml_file:
+ with gzip.open(new_name, 'wb') as gz_file:
+ gz_file.write(xml_file.read())
+ new_name = new_name[:-7]
status = "downloaded"
logging.info("{0}: {1}".format(code, responses[code]))
@@ -185,29 +204,30 @@ def unzip_files(spec):
directory = spec.environment["paths"]["DIR[WORKING,DATA]"]
file_name = join(build["file-name"])
- if build["status"] == "downloaded" and is_zipfile(file_name):
+ if build["status"] == "downloaded":
logging.info("Unziping: '{0}' from '{1}'.".
format(data_file, file_name))
new_name = "{0}{1}{2}".format(file_name.rsplit('.')[-2],
- with ZipFile(file_name, 'r') as zip_file:
- zip_file.extract(data_file, directory)
- logging.info("Moving {0} to {1} ...".
- format(join(directory, data_file),
- directory))
- move(join(directory, data_file), directory)
- logging.info("Renaming the file '{0}' to '{1}'".
- format(join(directory,
- data_file.split("/")[-1]),
- new_name))
- rename(join(directory, data_file.split("/")[-1]),
- new_name)
+ if is_zipfile(file_name):
+ with ZipFile(file_name, 'r') as zip_file:
+ zip_file.extract(data_file, directory)
+ logging.info("Moving {0} to {1} ...".
+ format(join(directory, data_file),
+ directory))
+ move(join(directory, data_file), directory)
+ logging.info("Renaming the file '{0}' to '{1}'".
+ format(join(directory,
+ data_file.split("/")[-1]),
+ new_name))
+ rename(join(directory, data_file.split("/")[-1]),
+ new_name)
+ spec.set_input_file_name(job, build["build"],
+ new_name)
status = "unzipped"
spec.set_input_state(job, build["build"], status)
- spec.set_input_file_name(job, build["build"],
- new_name)
except (BadZipfile, RuntimeError) as err:
logging.error("Failed to unzip the file '{0}': {1}.".
format(file_name, str(err)))
@@ -216,8 +236,7 @@ def unzip_files(spec):
format(data_file, str(err)))
if status == "failed":
- spec.set_input_file_name(job, build["build"],
- None)
+ spec.set_input_file_name(job, build["build"], None)
raise PresentationError("The file '{0}' does not exist or "
"it is not a zip file".
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_parser.py b/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_parser.py
index e1763b97d2..87d822f880 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_parser.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/input_data_parser.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import pandas as pd
import logging
from robot.api import ExecutionResult, ResultVisitor
+from robot import errors
from collections import OrderedDict
from string import replace
@@ -173,6 +174,9 @@ class ExecutionChecker(ResultVisitor):
REGEX_TCP = re.compile(r'Total\s(rps|cps|throughput):\s([0-9]*).*$')
+ REGEX_MRR = re.compile(r'MaxReceivedRate_Results\s\[pkts/(\d*)sec\]:\s'
+ r'tx\s(\d*),\srx\s(\d*)')
def __init__(self, **metadata):
@@ -219,7 +223,7 @@ class ExecutionChecker(ResultVisitor):
self.parse_msg = {
"setup-version": self._get_version,
"teardown-vat-history": self._get_vat_history,
- "teardown-show-runtime": self._get_show_run
+ "test-show-runtime": self._get_show_run
@@ -372,11 +376,11 @@ class ExecutionChecker(ResultVisitor):
self._data["suites"][suite.longname.lower().replace('"', "'").
replace(" ", "_")] = {
- "name": suite.name.lower(),
- "doc": doc_str,
- "parent": parent_name,
- "level": len(suite.longname.split("."))
- }
+ "name": suite.name.lower(),
+ "doc": doc_str,
+ "parent": parent_name,
+ "level": len(suite.longname.split("."))
+ }
@@ -415,17 +419,20 @@ class ExecutionChecker(ResultVisitor):
test_result["tags"] = tags
doc_str = test.doc.replace('"', "'").replace('\n', ' '). \
replace('\r', '').replace('[', ' |br| [')
- test_result["doc"] = replace(doc_str, ' |br| [', '[', maxreplace=1)
+ test_result["doc"] = replace(doc_str, ' |br| [', '[', maxreplace=1)
test_result["msg"] = test.message.replace('\n', ' |br| '). \
replace('\r', '').replace('"', "'")
- if test.status == "PASS" and ("NDRPDRDISC" in tags or "TCP" in tags):
+ if test.status == "PASS" and ("NDRPDRDISC" in tags or
+ "TCP" in tags or
+ "MRR" in tags):
if "NDRDISC" in tags:
test_type = "NDR"
elif "PDRDISC" in tags:
test_type = "PDR"
- elif "TCP" in tags: # Change to wrk?
+ elif "TCP" in tags:
test_type = "TCP"
+ elif "MRR" in tags:
+ test_type = "MRR"
@@ -458,6 +465,15 @@ class ExecutionChecker(ResultVisitor):
test_result["result"] = dict()
test_result["result"]["value"] = int(groups.group(2))
test_result["result"]["unit"] = groups.group(1)
+ elif test_type in ("MRR", ):
+ groups = re.search(self.REGEX_MRR, test.message)
+ test_result["result"] = dict()
+ test_result["result"]["duration"] = int(groups.group(1))
+ test_result["result"]["tx"] = int(groups.group(2))
+ test_result["result"]["rx"] = int(groups.group(3))
+ test_result["result"]["throughput"] = int(
+ test_result["result"]["rx"] /
+ test_result["result"]["duration"])
test_result["status"] = test.status
@@ -496,6 +512,9 @@ class ExecutionChecker(ResultVisitor):
elif keyword.type == "teardown":
self._lookup_kw_nr = 0
+ else:
+ self._lookup_kw_nr = 0
+ self.visit_test_kw(keyword)
except AttributeError:
@@ -508,6 +527,42 @@ class ExecutionChecker(ResultVisitor):
+ def visit_test_kw(self, test_kw):
+ """Implements traversing through the test keyword and its child
+ keywords.
+ :param test_kw: Keyword to process.
+ :type test_kw: Keyword
+ :returns: Nothing.
+ """
+ for keyword in test_kw.keywords:
+ if self.start_test_kw(keyword) is not False:
+ self.visit_test_kw(keyword)
+ self.end_test_kw(keyword)
+ def start_test_kw(self, test_kw):
+ """Called when test keyword starts. Default implementation does
+ nothing.
+ :param test_kw: Keyword to process.
+ :type test_kw: Keyword
+ :returns: Nothing.
+ """
+ if test_kw.name.count("Show Runtime Counters On All Duts"):
+ self._lookup_kw_nr += 1
+ self._show_run_lookup_nr = 0
+ self._msg_type = "test-show-runtime"
+ test_kw.messages.visit(self)
+ def end_test_kw(self, test_kw):
+ """Called when keyword ends. Default implementation does nothing.
+ :param test_kw: Keyword to process.
+ :type test_kw: Keyword
+ :returns: Nothing.
+ """
+ pass
def visit_setup_kw(self, setup_kw):
"""Implements traversing through the teardown keyword and its child
@@ -568,12 +623,6 @@ class ExecutionChecker(ResultVisitor):
if teardown_kw.name.count("Show Vat History On All Duts"):
self._vat_history_lookup_nr = 0
self._msg_type = "teardown-vat-history"
- elif teardown_kw.name.count("Show Statistics On All Duts"):
- self._lookup_kw_nr += 1
- self._show_run_lookup_nr = 0
- self._msg_type = "teardown-show-runtime"
- if self._msg_type:
def end_teardown_kw(self, teardown_kw):
@@ -710,7 +759,12 @@ class InputData(object):
with open(build["file-name"], 'r') as data_file:
- result = ExecutionResult(data_file)
+ try:
+ result = ExecutionResult(data_file)
+ except errors.DataError as err:
+ logging.error("Error occurred while parsing output.xml: {0}".
+ format(err))
+ return None
checker = ExecutionChecker(job=job, build=build)
@@ -736,6 +790,11 @@ class InputData(object):
logging.info(" Processing the file '{0}'".
data = InputData._parse_tests(job, build)
+ if data is None:
+ logging.error("Input data file from the job '{job}', build "
+ "'{build}' is damaged. Skipped.".
+ format(job=job, build=build["build"]))
+ continue
build_data = pd.Series({
"metadata": pd.Series(data["metadata"].values(),
@@ -793,7 +852,8 @@ class InputData(object):
index += 1
tag_filter = tag_filter[:index] + " in tags" + tag_filter[index:]
- def filter_data(self, element, params=None, data_set="tests"):
+ def filter_data(self, element, params=None, data_set="tests",
+ continue_on_error=False):
"""Filter required data from the given jobs and builds.
The output data structure is:
@@ -818,15 +878,18 @@ class InputData(object):
all parameters are included.
:param data_set: The set of data to be filtered: tests, suites,
+ :param continue_on_error: Continue if there is error while reading the
+ data. The Item will be empty then
:type element: pandas.Series
:type params: list
:type data_set: str
+ :type continue_on_error: bool
:returns: Filtered data.
:rtype pandas.Series
logging.info(" Creating the data set for the {0} '{1}'.".
- format(element["type"], element.get("title", "")))
+ format(element.get("type", ""), element.get("title", "")))
if element["filter"] in ("all", "template"):
@@ -847,8 +910,15 @@ class InputData(object):
data[job] = pd.Series()
for build in builds:
data[job][str(build)] = pd.Series()
- for test_ID, test_data in \
- self.data[job][str(build)][data_set].iteritems():
+ try:
+ data_iter = self.data[job][str(build)][data_set].\
+ iteritems()
+ except KeyError:
+ if continue_on_error:
+ continue
+ else:
+ return None
+ for test_ID, test_data in data_iter:
if eval(cond, {"tags": test_data.get("tags", "")}):
data[job][str(build)][test_ID] = pd.Series()
if params is None:
@@ -866,7 +936,7 @@ class InputData(object):
except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError) as err:
logging.error(" Missing mandatory parameter in the element "
- "specification.", err)
+ "specification: {0}".format(err))
return None
except AttributeError:
return None
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/pal.py b/resources/tools/presentation/pal.py
index 6d613e339c..98642c898c 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/pal.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/pal.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ from generator_plots import generate_plots
from generator_files import generate_files
from static_content import prepare_static_content
from generator_report import generate_report
+from generator_CPTA import generate_cpta
+from pprint import pprint
def parse_args():
@@ -81,8 +84,9 @@ def main():
except PresentationError:
logging.critical("Finished with error.")
- sys.exit(1)
+ return 1
+ ret_code = 0
env = Environment(spec.environment, args.force)
@@ -101,22 +105,31 @@ def main():
generate_tables(spec, data)
generate_plots(spec, data)
generate_files(spec, data)
- generate_report(args.release, spec)
- logging.info("Successfully finished.")
+ if spec.output["output"] == "report":
+ generate_report(args.release, spec)
+ logging.info("Successfully finished.")
+ elif spec.output["output"] == "CPTA":
+ sys.stdout.write(generate_cpta(spec, data))
+ logging.info("Successfully finished.")
+ else:
+ logging.critical("The output '{0}' is not supported.".
+ format(spec.output["output"]))
+ ret_code = 1
except (KeyError, ValueError, PresentationError) as err:
logging.info("Finished with an error.")
+ ret_code = 1
except Exception as err:
logging.info("Finished with an unexpected error.")
+ ret_code = 1
if spec is not None and not spec.is_debug:
- sys.exit(1)
+ return ret_code
if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/run_cpta.sh b/resources/tools/presentation/run_cpta.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..954f17d53c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/run_cpta.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+set -x
+# set default values in config array
+typeset -A DIR
+# Install system dependencies
+sudo apt-get -y update
+sudo apt-get -y install libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev build-essential \
+ zlib1g-dev unzip
+# Create working directories
+mkdir ${DIR[WORKING]}
+# Create virtual environment
+virtualenv ${DIR[WORKING]}/env
+. ${DIR[WORKING]}/env/bin/activate
+# Install python dependencies:
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
+STATUS=$(python pal.py \
+ --specification specification_CPTA.yaml \
+ --logging INFO \
+ --force)
+echo ${STATUS}
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/run_report.sh b/resources/tools/presentation/run_report.sh
index 34d6c5d7be..d294640fd1 100755
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/run_report.sh
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/run_report.sh
@@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ then
sudo sed -i.bak 's/^\(main_memory\s=\s\).*/\110000000/' /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/web2c/texmf.cnf
-# Clean-up when finished
-trap 'rm -rf ${DIR[WORKING]}; exit' EXIT
-trap 'rm -rf ${DIR[WORKING]}; exit' ERR
# Create working directories
mkdir ${DIR[WORKING]}
@@ -44,3 +40,6 @@ python pal.py \
--release ${RELEASE} \
--logging INFO \
+RETURN_STATUS=$(echo $?)
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/specification.yaml b/resources/tools/presentation/specification.yaml
index ddf53636ee..da4443dc30 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/specification.yaml
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/specification.yaml
@@ -627,6 +627,7 @@
type: "output"
+ output: "report"
- full
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/specification_CPTA.yaml b/resources/tools/presentation/specification_CPTA.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96a803f028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/specification_CPTA.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This is the specification of parameters for "Continuous Performance Trending
+# and Analysis" feature provided by PAL.
+ type: "environment"
+ configuration:
+ # Debug mode:
+ # - Skip:
+ # - Download of input data files
+ # - Do:
+ # - Read data from given zip / xml files
+ # - Set the configuration as it is done in normal mode
+ # If the section "type: debug" is missing, CFG[DEBUG] is set to 0.
+ paths:
+ # Top level directories:
+ ## Working directory
+ DIR[WORKING]: "_tmp"
+ ## Build directories
+ DIR[BUILD,HTML]: "_build"
+ ## Static .rst files
+ DIR[RST]: "../../../docs/cpta"
+ # Static html content
+ DIR[STATIC]: "{DIR[BUILD,HTML]}/_static"
+ # Working directories
+ ## Input data files (.zip, .xml)
+ ## Static source files from git
+ # .css patch file
+ DIR[CSS_PATCH_FILE]: "{DIR[STATIC]}/theme_overrides.css"
+ DIR[CSS_PATCH_FILE2]: "{DIR[WORKING,SRC,STATIC]}/theme_overrides.css"
+ urls:
+ URL[JENKINS,CSIT]: "https://jenkins.fd.io/view/csit/job"
+ URL[NEXUS,LOG]: "https://logs.fd.io/production/vex-yul-rot-jenkins-1"
+ URL[NEXUS]: "https://docs.fd.io/csit"
+ DIR[NEXUS]: "report/_static/archive"
+ make-dirs:
+ # List the directories which are created while preparing the environment.
+ # All directories MUST be defined in "paths" section.
+ build-dirs:
+ # List the directories where the results (build) is stored.
+ # All directories MUST be defined in "paths" section.
+ type: "configuration"
+ data-sets:
+ plot-performance-trending:
+ csit-vpp-perf-check-1801:
+ start: 1
+ end: "lastCompletedBuild" # "lastSuccessfulBuild" # take all from the 'start'
+ plot-layouts:
+ plot-cpta:
+ title: ""
+ autosize: False
+ showlegend: True
+ width: 1100
+ height: 800
+ yaxis:
+ showticklabels: True
+ title: "Throughput [Mpps]"
+ hoverformat: ".4s"
+ range: []
+ gridcolor: "rgb(238, 238, 238)"
+ linecolor: "rgb(238, 238, 238)"
+ showline: True
+ zeroline: False
+ tickcolor: "rgb(238, 238, 238)"
+ linewidth: 1
+ showgrid: True
+ xaxis:
+ showticklabels: True
+ title: "VPP Performance Trending Job ID"
+ autorange: True
+ showgrid: True
+ gridcolor: "rgb(238, 238, 238)"
+ linecolor: "rgb(238, 238, 238)"
+ fixedrange: False
+ zeroline: False
+ tickcolor: "rgb(238, 238, 238)"
+ showline: True
+ linewidth: 1
+ autotick: True
+ margin:
+ r: 20
+ b: 50
+ t: 50
+ l: 70
+ legend:
+ orientation: "h"
+ traceorder: "normal"
+# tracegroupgap: 10
+# bordercolor: "rgb(238, 238, 238)"
+# borderwidth: 1
+ hoverlabel:
+ namelength: -1
+ type: "debug"
+ general:
+ input-format: "xml" # zip or xml
+ extract: "robot-plugin/output.xml" # Only for zip
+ builds:
+ # The files must be in the directory DIR[WORKING,DATA]
+ csit-vpp-perf-mrr-daily-master:
+ -
+ build: 1
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_1.xml"
+ -
+ build: 2
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_2.xml"
+ -
+ build: 3
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_3.xml"
+ -
+ build: 4
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_4.xml"
+ -
+ build: 5
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_5.xml"
+ -
+ build: 6
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_5.xml"
+ -
+ build: 7
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_5.xml"
+ -
+ build: 8
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_5.xml"
+ -
+ build: 9
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_5.xml"
+ -
+ build: 10
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_5.xml"
+ -
+ build: 11
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_5.xml"
+ -
+ build: 12
+ file: "{DIR[WORKING,DATA]}/output_mrr_5.xml"
+ type: "static"
+ src-path: "{DIR[RST]}"
+ dst-path: "{DIR[WORKING,SRC]}"
+ type: "input" # Ignored in debug mode
+ general:
+# file-name: "output.xml.log.gz"
+# file-format: ".gz"
+# download-path: "{job}/{build}/archives/{filename}"
+# extract: "output.xml"
+ file-name: "robot-plugin.zip"
+ file-format: ".zip"
+ download-path: "{job}/{build}/robot/report/*zip*/{filename}"
+ extract: "robot-plugin/output.xml"
+ builds:
+ csit-vpp-perf-check-1801:
+ start: 1
+ end: "lastCompletedBuild" # take all from the 'start'
+ type: "output"
+ output:
+# "report"
+ "CPTA" # Continuous Performance Trending and Analysis
+ format:
+ html:
+ - full
+ pdf:
+ - minimal
+### C P T A ###
+# Plots VPP Continuous Performance Trending and Analysis
+ type: "cpta"
+ title: "Continuous Performance Trending and Analysis"
+ algorithm: "cpta"
+ output-file-type: ".html"
+ output-file: "{DIR[STATIC,VPP]}/cpta"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ plots:
+# L2
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "l2-1t1c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "l2-2t2c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "l2-4t4c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '4T4C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "l2-feature-1t1c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "l2-feature-2t2c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "l2-feature-4t4c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '4T4C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "l2-1t1c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '1T1C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "l2-2t2c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '2T2C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "l2-4t4c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '4T4C' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST' and not 'MEMIF'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+# IPv4
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-1t1c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-2t2c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-4t4c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE') and '4T4C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-feature-1t1c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-feature-2t2c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-feature-4t4c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'FEATURE' and '4T4C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-1t1c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '1T1C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-2t2c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '2T2C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-4t4c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '4T4C' and 'IP4FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+# IPv4 Tunnels
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-tunnels-1t1c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-tunnels-2t2c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv4 Tunnels 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip4-tunnels-4t4c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'ENCAP' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and ('VXLAN' or 'VXLANGPE' or 'LISP' or 'LISPGPE' or 'GRE') and not 'VHOST' and not 'IPSECHW'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+# IPv6
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip6-1t1c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '1T1C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip6-2t2c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '2T2C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip6-4t4c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '4T4C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip6-1t1c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '1T1C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip6-2t2c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '2T2C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPv6 78B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ip6-4t4c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '78B' and ('BASE' or 'SCALE' or 'FEATURE') and '4T4C' and 'IP6FWD' and not 'IPSEC' and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+# Container memif
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-1t1c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-2t2c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-4t4c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '4T4C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-1t1c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '1T1C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-2t2c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '2T2C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C L2 Container memif 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "container-memif-l2-4t4c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and 'MRR' and '64B' and 'BASE' and '4T4C' and 'MEMIF' and ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD') and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+# VM vhost
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "vm-vhost-ethip4-1t1c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "vm-vhost-ethip4-2t2c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost ethip4 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "vm-vhost-ethip4-4t4c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not ('L2BDMACSTAT' or 'L2BDMACLRN' or 'L2XCFWD')"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-1t1c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-2t2c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-4t4c-x520"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-X520-DA2' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-1t1c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-2t2c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C VM vhost eth 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "vm-vhost-eth-4t4c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'VHOST' and not 'VXLAN' and not 'IP4FWD' and not 'DOT1Q' and not '2VM'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+# IPSec
+ - title: "VPP 1T1C IPSec 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ipsec-1t1c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'IP4FWD' and 'MRR' and '1T1C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN') and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 2T2C IPSec 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ipsec-2t2c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'IP4FWD' and 'MRR' and '2T2C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN') and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
+ - title: "VPP 4T4C IPSec 64B Packet Throughput - {period} Trending"
+ output-file-name: "ipsec-4t4c-xl710"
+ data: "plot-performance-trending"
+ filter: "'NIC_Intel-XL710' and '64B' and 'IP4FWD' and 'MRR' and '4T4C' and 'IPSECHW' and ('IPSECTRAN' or 'IPSECTUN') and not 'VHOST'"
+ parameters:
+ - "result"
+ periods:
+ - 1
+ - 5
+ - 30
+ layout: "plot-cpta"
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/specification_parser.py b/resources/tools/presentation/specification_parser.py
index 501f9f191a..207507e3b6 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/specification_parser.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/specification_parser.py
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ from yaml import load, YAMLError
from pprint import pformat
from errors import PresentationError
+from utils import get_last_successful_build_number
+from utils import get_last_completed_build_number
class Specification(object):
@@ -53,7 +55,8 @@ class Specification(object):
"output": dict(),
"tables": list(),
"plots": list(),
- "files": list()}
+ "files": list(),
+ "cpta": dict()}
def specification(self):
@@ -173,6 +176,17 @@ class Specification(object):
return self._specification["files"]
+ @property
+ def cpta(self):
+ """Getter - Continuous Performance Trending and Analysis to be
+ generated.
+ :returns: List of specifications of Continuous Performance Trending and
+ Analysis to be generated.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ return self._specification["cpta"]
def set_input_state(self, job, build_nr, state):
"""Set the state of input
@@ -217,6 +231,44 @@ class Specification(object):
raise PresentationError("Job '{}' and build '{}' is not defined in "
"specification file.".format(job, build_nr))
+ def _get_build_number(self, job, build_type):
+ """Get the number of the job defined by its name:
+ - lastSuccessfulBuild
+ - lastCompletedBuild
+ :param job: Job name.
+ :param build_type: Build type:
+ - lastSuccessfulBuild
+ - lastCompletedBuild
+ :type job" str
+ :raises PresentationError: If it is not possible to get the build
+ number.
+ :returns: The build number.
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ # defined as a range <start, end>
+ if build_type == "lastSuccessfulBuild":
+ # defined as a range <start, lastSuccessfulBuild>
+ ret_code, build_nr, _ = get_last_successful_build_number(
+ self.environment["urls"]["URL[JENKINS,CSIT]"], job)
+ elif build_type == "lastCompletedBuild":
+ # defined as a range <start, lastCompletedBuild>
+ ret_code, build_nr, _ = get_last_completed_build_number(
+ self.environment["urls"]["URL[JENKINS,CSIT]"], job)
+ else:
+ raise PresentationError("Not supported build type: '{0}'".
+ format(build_type))
+ if ret_code != 0:
+ raise PresentationError("Not possible to get the number of the "
+ "build number.")
+ try:
+ build_nr = int(build_nr)
+ return build_nr
+ except ValueError as err:
+ raise PresentationError("Not possible to get the number of the "
+ "build number.\nReason: {0}".format(err))
def _get_type_index(self, item_type):
"""Get index of item type (environment, input, output, ...) in
specification YAML file.
@@ -354,9 +406,23 @@ class Specification(object):
self._specification["configuration"] = self._cfg_yaml[idx]
except KeyError:
raise PresentationError("No configuration defined.")
+ # Data sets: Replace ranges by lists
+ for set_name, data_set in self.configuration["data-sets"].items():
+ for job, builds in data_set.items():
+ if builds:
+ if isinstance(builds, dict):
+ build_nr = builds.get("end", None)
+ try:
+ build_nr = int(build_nr)
+ except ValueError:
+ # defined as a range <start, build_type>
+ build_nr = self._get_build_number(job, build_nr)
+ builds = [x for x in range(builds["start"], build_nr+1)]
+ self.configuration["data-sets"][set_name][job] = builds
def _parse_debug(self):
@@ -412,12 +478,22 @@ class Specification(object):
for key, value in self._cfg_yaml[idx]["general"].items():
self._specification["input"][key] = value
self._specification["input"]["builds"] = dict()
for job, builds in self._cfg_yaml[idx]["builds"].items():
if builds:
+ if isinstance(builds, dict):
+ build_nr = builds.get("end", None)
+ try:
+ build_nr = int(build_nr)
+ except ValueError:
+ # defined as a range <start, build_type>
+ build_nr = self._get_build_number(job, build_nr)
+ builds = [x for x in range(builds["start"], build_nr+1)]
self._specification["input"]["builds"][job] = list()
for build in builds:
- self._specification["input"]["builds"][job].\
+ self._specification["input"]["builds"][job]. \
append({"build": build, "status": None})
logging.warning("No build is defined for the job '{}'. "
"Trying to continue without it.".
@@ -440,8 +516,8 @@ class Specification(object):
raise PresentationError("No output defined.")
- self._specification["output"] = self._cfg_yaml[idx]["format"]
- except KeyError:
+ self._specification["output"] = self._cfg_yaml[idx]
+ except (KeyError, IndexError):
raise PresentationError("No output defined.")
@@ -535,6 +611,35 @@ class Specification(object):
count += 1
+ elif element["type"] == "cpta":
+ logging.info(" {:3d} Processing Continuous Performance "
+ "Trending and Analysis ...".format(count))
+ for plot in element["plots"]:
+ # Add layout to the plots:
+ layout = plot.get("layout", None)
+ if layout is not None:
+ try:
+ plot["layout"] = \
+ self.configuration["plot-layouts"][layout]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise PresentationError(
+ "Layout {0} is not defined in the "
+ "configuration section.".format(layout))
+ # Add data sets:
+ if isinstance(plot.get("data", None), str):
+ data_set = plot["data"]
+ try:
+ plot["data"] = \
+ self.configuration["data-sets"][data_set]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise PresentationError(
+ "Data set {0} is not defined in "
+ "the configuration section.".
+ format(data_set))
+ self._specification["cpta"] = element
+ count += 1
def read_specification(self):
diff --git a/resources/tools/presentation/static_content.py b/resources/tools/presentation/static_content.py
index fe2d0724bf..a02330c15f 100644
--- a/resources/tools/presentation/static_content.py
+++ b/resources/tools/presentation/static_content.py
@@ -34,8 +34,11 @@ def prepare_static_content(spec):
- src = spec.static["src-path"]
- dst = spec.static["dst-path"]
+ src = spec.static.get("src-path", None)
+ dst = spec.static.get("dst-path", None)
+ if src is None or dst is None:
+ logging.warning("No static content specified, skipping")
+ return
# Copy all the static content to the build directory:
logging.info("Copying the static content ...")