path: root/src/vpp-api/vapi/vapi_internal.h
diff options
authorJay Wang <jay.wang2@arm.com>2025-03-11 10:49:43 +0000
committerDave Wallace <dwallacelf@gmail.com>2025-03-14 01:58:15 +0000
commit9c93af3b7fe849f0d2662b1757d9a437e16f03de (patch)
treeff568fd648b3cc8a3b7ab21cc2c3650b0931cb4d /src/vpp-api/vapi/vapi_internal.h
parentbdf1288528cfc9cead581356f10a7f95fb1cc9be (diff)
build: remove the duplicate `make install-dep` in `make pkg-verify`
In Makefile, when a target has multiple prerequisites, the order of execution of prerequisites is not guaranteed. So we might encounter the following `apt-get` lock issue when executing `make pkg-verify` due to the duplicate execution of `make install-dep` command. Reading package lists... E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock. It is held by process 21872 (apt-get) E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/ make[1]: *** [Makefile:404: install-dep] Error 100 make[1]: Leaving directory '/builds/software/ias/networking/vpp' make: *** [Makefile:373: /builds/software/ias/networking/vpp/build-root/.deps.ok] Error 2 Type: fix Change-Id: I057cebf5e31c0f3eef42f7ad07c7759a2d8e7f73 Signed-off-by: Jay Wang <jay.wang2@arm.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vpp-api/vapi/vapi_internal.h')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
3'>193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228

import re
import misc_methods

class PlatformResponseMissmatch(Exception): 
    def __init__(self, message):
        # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
        super(PlatformResponseMissmatch, self).__init__(message + ' is not available for given platform state and data.\nPlease make sure the relevant features are turned on in the platform.')

class PlatformResponseAmbiguity(Exception): 
    def __init__(self, message):
        # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
        super(PlatformResponseAmbiguity, self).__init__(message + ' found more than one file matching the provided filename.\nPlease provide more distinct filename.')

class CShowParser(object):

    def parse_drop_stats (query_response, interfaces_list):
        res          = {'total_drops' : 0}
        response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
        mtch_found   = 0

        for line in response_lst:
            mtch = re.match("^\s*(\w+/\d/\d)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)", line)
            if mtch:
                mtch_found += 1
                if (mtch.group(1) in interfaces_list):
                    res[mtch.group(1)] = (int(mtch.group(2)) + int(mtch.group(3)))
                    res['total_drops'] += (int(mtch.group(2)) + int(mtch.group(3)))
#       if mtch_found == 0: # no matches found at all
#           raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('Drop stats')
#       else:
#           return res
        return res

    def parse_nbar_stats (query_response):
        response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
        stats        = {}
        final_stats  = {}
        mtch_found   = 0

        for line in response_lst:
            mtch = re.match("\s*([\w-]+)\s*(\d+)\s*(\d+)\s+", line)
            if mtch:
                mtch_found += 1
                key     = mtch.group(1)
                pkt_in  = int(mtch.group(2))
                pkt_out = int(mtch.group(3))

                avg_pkt_cnt = ( pkt_in + pkt_out )/2
                if avg_pkt_cnt == 0.0:
                    # escaping zero division case
                if key in stats:
                    stats[key] += avg_pkt_cnt
                    stats[key] = avg_pkt_cnt
        # Normalize the results to percents
        for protocol in stats:
            protocol_norm_stat = int(stats[protocol]*10000/stats['Total'])/100.0 # round the result to x.xx format
            if (protocol_norm_stat != 0.0):
                final_stats[protocol] = protocol_norm_stat

        if mtch_found == 0: # no matches found at all
            raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('NBAR classification stats')
            return { 'percentage' : final_stats, 'packets' : stats }

    def parse_nat_stats (query_response):
        response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
        res          = {}
        mtch_found   = 0

        for line in response_lst:
            mtch = re.match("Total (active translations):\s+(\d+).*(\d+)\s+static,\s+(\d+)\s+dynamic", line)
            if mtch:
                mtch_found += 1
                res['total_active_trans']   = int(mtch.group(2))
                res['static_active_trans']  = int(mtch.group(3))
                res['dynamic_active_trans'] = int(mtch.group(4))

            mtch = re.match("(Hits):\s+(\d+)\s+(Misses):\s+(\d+)", line)
            if mtch:
                mtch_found += 1
                res['num_of_hits']   = int(mtch.group(2))
                res['num_of_misses'] = int(mtch.group(4))

        if mtch_found == 0: # no matches found at all
            raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('NAT translations stats')
            return res

    def parse_cpu_util_stats (query_response):
        response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
        res = { 'cpu0' : 0,
                'cpu1' : 0 }
        mtch_found = 0
        for line in response_lst:
            mtch = re.match("\W*Processing: Load\D*(\d+)\D*(\d+)\D*(\d+)\D*(\d+)\D*", line)
            if mtch:
                mtch_found += 1
                res['cpu0'] += float(mtch.group(1))
                res['cpu1'] += float(mtch.group(2))

        if mtch_found == 0: # no matches found at all
            raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('CPU utilization processing')
            res['cpu0'] = res['cpu0']/mtch_found
            res['cpu1'] = res['cpu1']/mtch_found
            return res

    def parse_cft_stats (query_response):
        response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
        res = {}
        mtch_found = 0
        for line in response_lst:
            mtch = re.match("\W*(\w+)\W*([:]|[=])\W*(\d+)", line)
            if mtch:
                mtch_found += 1
                res[ str( mix_string(m.group(1)) )] = float(m.group(3))
        if mtch_found == 0: # no matches found at all
            raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('CFT counters stats')
            return res

    def parse_cvla_memory_usage(query_response):
        response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
        res      = {}
        res2     = {}
        cnt      = 0
        state    = 0
        name     = ''
        number   = 0.0

        for line in response_lst:
            if state == 0:
                mtch = re.match("\W*Entity name:\W*(\w[^\r\n]+)", line)
                if mtch:
                    name = misc_methods.mix_string(mtch.group(1))
                    state = 1
                    cnt += 1
            elif state == 1:
                mtch = re.match("\W*Handle:\W*(\d+)", line)
                if mtch:
                    state = state + 1
                    state = 0;
            elif state == 2:
                mtch = re.match("\W*Number of allocations:\W*(\d+)", line)
                if mtch:
                    state = state + 1
                    state = 0;
            elif state == 3:
                mtch = re.match("\W*Memory allocated:\W*(\d+)", line)
                if mtch:
                    state = 0
                    res[name]   = float(mtch.group(1))
                    res2[name]  = number
                    state = 0
        if cnt == 0:
            raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('CVLA memory usage stats')

        return (res,res2)

    def parse_show_image_version(query_response):
        response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
        res      = {}

        for line in response_lst:
            mtch = re.match("System image file is \"(\w+):(.*/)?(.+)\"", line)
            if mtch:
                res['drive'] = mtch.group(1)
                res['image'] = mtch.group(3)
                return res

        raise PlatformResponseMissmatch('Running image info')

    def parse_image_existence(query_response, img_name):
        response_lst = query_response.split('\r\n')
        cnt      = 0

        for line in response_lst:
            regex = re.compile(".* (?!include) %s" % img_name )
            mtch = regex.match(line)
            if mtch:
                cnt += 1
        if cnt == 1:
            return True
        elif cnt > 1:
            raise PlatformResponseAmbiguity('Image existence')
            return False

    def parse_file_copy (query_response):
        rev_response_lst = reversed(query_response.split('\r\n'))
        lines_parsed     = 0

        for line in rev_response_lst:
            mtch = re.match("\[OK - (\d+) bytes\]", line)
            if mtch:
                return True
            lines_parsed += 1

            if lines_parsed > 5:
                return False
        return False

if __name__ == "__main__":