path: root/src/vpp-api/vapi/vapi_internal.h
diff options
authorNathan Skrzypczak <nathan.skrzypczak@gmail.com>2019-08-12 12:02:25 +0200
committerFlorin Coras <florin.coras@gmail.com>2019-08-19 20:50:24 +0000
commita8462fbca3bdfa5da602f7787f83bbdf8da64d5d (patch)
tree1bfcb12b58289df0ca10bbb60233d1d9d4525ee5 /src/vpp-api/vapi/vapi_internal.h
parent1682b51c416561b083d84194d49ff617e070eb47 (diff)
hsa: move tcp_echo to vpp_echo
Type: refactor Change-Id: Ic23859a1686eff2ae4d08a86b69ff4813498459e Signed-off-by: Nathan Skrzypczak <nathan.skrzypczak@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vpp-api/vapi/vapi_internal.h')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
f='#n166'>166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# test/scaffold.py
# Part of ‘python-daemon’, an implementation of PEP 3143.
# Copyright © 2007–2015 Ben Finney <ben+python@benfinney.id.au>
# This is free software: you may copy, modify, and/or distribute this work
# under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0 as published by the
# Apache Software Foundation.
# No warranty expressed or implied. See the file ‘LICENSE.ASF-2’ for details.

""" Scaffolding for unit test modules.

from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals)

import unittest
import doctest
import logging
import os
import sys
import operator
import textwrap
from copy import deepcopy
import functools

    # Python 2 has both ‘str’ (bytes) and ‘unicode’ (text).
    basestring = basestring
    unicode = unicode
except NameError:
    # Python 3 names the Unicode data type ‘str’.
    basestring = str
    unicode = str

import testscenarios
import testtools.testcase

test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(test_dir)
if not test_dir in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(1, test_dir)
if not parent_dir in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(1, parent_dir)

# Disable all but the most critical logging messages.

def get_function_signature(func):
    """ Get the function signature as a mapping of attributes.

        :param func: The function object to interrogate.
        :return: A mapping of the components of a function signature.

        The signature is constructed as a mapping:

        * 'name': The function's defined name.
        * 'arg_count': The number of arguments expected by the function.
        * 'arg_names': A sequence of the argument names, as strings.
        * 'arg_defaults': A sequence of the default values for the arguments.
        * 'va_args': The name bound to remaining positional arguments.
        * 'va_kw_args': The name bound to remaining keyword arguments.

        # Python 3 function attributes.
        func_code = func.__code__
        func_defaults = func.__defaults__
    except AttributeError:
        # Python 2 function attributes.
        func_code = func.func_code
        func_defaults = func.func_defaults

    arg_count = func_code.co_argcount
    arg_names = func_code.co_varnames[:arg_count]

    arg_defaults = {}
    if func_defaults is not None:
        arg_defaults = dict(
                (name, value)
                for (name, value) in
                    zip(arg_names[::-1], func_defaults[::-1]))

    signature = {
            'name': func.__name__,
            'arg_count': arg_count,
            'arg_names': arg_names,
            'arg_defaults': arg_defaults,

    non_pos_names = list(func_code.co_varnames[arg_count:])
    if func_code.co_flags & COLLECTS_ARBITRARY_POSITIONAL_ARGS:
        signature['var_args'] = non_pos_names.pop(0)
    if func_code.co_flags & COLLECTS_ARBITRARY_KEYWORD_ARGS:
        signature['var_kw_args'] = non_pos_names.pop(0)

    return signature

def format_function_signature(func):
    """ Format the function signature as printable text.

        :param func: The function object to interrogate.
        :return: A formatted text representation of the function signature.

        The signature is rendered a text; for example::

            foo(spam, eggs, ham=True, beans=None, *args, **kwargs)

    signature = get_function_signature(func)

    args_text = []
    for arg_name in signature['arg_names']:
        if arg_name in signature['arg_defaults']:
            arg_text = "{name}={value!r}".format(
                    name=arg_name, value=signature['arg_defaults'][arg_name])
            arg_text = "{name}".format(
    if 'var_args' in signature:
    if 'var_kw_args' in signature:
    signature_args_text = ", ".join(args_text)

    func_name = signature['name']
    signature_text = "{name}({args})".format(
            name=func_name, args=signature_args_text)

    return signature_text

class TestCase(testtools.testcase.TestCase):
    """ Test case behaviour. """

    def failUnlessOutputCheckerMatch(self, want, got, msg=None):
        """ Fail unless the specified string matches the expected.

            :param want: The desired output pattern.
            :param got: The actual text to match.
            :param msg: A message to prefix on the failure message.
            :return: ``None``.
            :raises self.failureException: If the text does not match.

            Fail the test unless ``want`` matches ``got``, as determined by
            a ``doctest.OutputChecker`` instance. This is not an equality
            check, but a pattern match according to the ``OutputChecker``

        checker = doctest.OutputChecker()
        want = textwrap.dedent(want)
        source = ""
        example = doctest.Example(source, want)
        got = textwrap.dedent(got)
        checker_optionflags = functools.reduce(operator.or_, [
        if not checker.check_output(want, got, checker_optionflags):
            if msg is None:
                diff = checker.output_difference(
                        example, got, checker_optionflags)
                msg = "\n".join([
                        "Output received did not match expected output",
            raise self.failureException(msg)

    assertOutputCheckerMatch = failUnlessOutputCheckerMatch

    def failUnlessFunctionInTraceback(self, traceback, function, msg=None):
        """ Fail if the function is not in the traceback.

            :param traceback: The traceback object to interrogate.
            :param function: The function object to match.
            :param msg: A message to prefix on the failure message.
            :return: ``None``.

            :raises self.failureException: If the function is not in the

            Fail the test if the function ``function`` is not at any of the
            levels in the traceback object ``traceback``.

        func_in_traceback = False
        expected_code = function.func_code
        current_traceback = traceback
        while current_traceback is not None:
            if expected_code is current_traceback.tb_frame.f_code:
                func_in_traceback = True
            current_traceback = current_traceback.tb_next

        if not func_in_traceback:
            if msg is None:
                msg = (
                        "Traceback did not lead to original function"
                        " {function}"
            raise self.failureException(msg)

    assertFunctionInTraceback = failUnlessFunctionInTraceback

    def failUnlessFunctionSignatureMatch(self, first, second, msg=None):
        """ Fail if the function signatures do not match.

            :param first: The first function to compare.
            :param second: The second function to compare.
            :param msg: A message to prefix to the failure message.
            :return: ``None``.

            :raises self.failureException: If the function signatures do
                not match.

            Fail the test if the function signature does not match between
            the ``first`` function and the ``second`` function.

            The function signature includes:

            * function name,

            * count of named parameters,

            * sequence of named parameters,

            * default values of named parameters,

            * collector for arbitrary positional arguments,

            * collector for arbitrary keyword arguments.

        first_signature = get_function_signature(first)
        second_signature = get_function_signature(second)

        if first_signature != second_signature:
            if msg is None:
                first_signature_text = format_function_signature(first)
                second_signature_text = format_function_signature(second)
                msg = (textwrap.dedent("""\
                        Function signatures do not match:
                            {first!r} != {second!r}
            raise self.failureException(msg)

    assertFunctionSignatureMatch = failUnlessFunctionSignatureMatch

class TestCaseWithScenarios(testscenarios.WithScenarios, TestCase):
    """ Test cases run per scenario. """

class Exception_TestCase(TestCaseWithScenarios):
    """ Test cases for exception classes. """

    def test_exception_instance(self):
        """ Exception instance should be created. """
        self.assertIsNot(self.instance, None)

    def test_exception_types(self):
        """ Exception instance should match expected types. """
        for match_type in self.types:
            self.assertIsInstance(self.instance, match_type)

def make_exception_scenarios(scenarios):
    """ Make test scenarios for exception classes.

        :param scenarios: Sequence of scenarios.
        :return: List of scenarios with additional mapping entries.

        Use this with `testscenarios` to adapt `Exception_TestCase`_ for
        any exceptions that need testing.

        Each scenario is a tuple (`name`, `map`) where `map` is a mapping
        of attributes to be applied to each test case. Attributes map must
        contain items for:

            :key exc_type:
                The exception type to be tested.
            :key min_args:
                The minimum argument count for the exception instance
            :key types:
                Sequence of types that should be superclasses of each
                instance of the exception type.

    updated_scenarios = deepcopy(scenarios)
    for (name, scenario) in updated_scenarios:
        args = (None,) * scenario['min_args']
        scenario['args'] = args
        instance = scenario['exc_type'](*args)
        scenario['instance'] = instance

    return updated_scenarios

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