path: root/test/template_classifier.py
diff options
authorNathan Skrzypczak <nathan.skrzypczak@gmail.com>2022-02-02 19:31:43 +0100
committerBeno�t Ganne <bganne@cisco.com>2022-03-18 11:33:51 +0000
commit762cfd408b16b6ab43ade3ab491292b93bdeb9b3 (patch)
tree3b303cb9db68a8003aca57820174b03902f3c714 /test/template_classifier.py
parent6798e9ec34a49df008ecb7f84559e531f6c0d651 (diff)
cnat: Fix conflicting rsession
When dNAT-ing to a VIP, it can happen that the return session conflicts with another forward session than the one we own. This patchs adds a rsession_flags CNAT_SESSION_RETRY_SNAT that makes cnat_session_create search for a free src port to use for the resulting return session. It also makes forward & return session share their fate in the session scanner. Type: fix Change-Id: Id0edf59abf8e5bc0c0d8941ba289c4563c77dee0 Signed-off-by: Nathan Skrzypczak <nathan.skrzypczak@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'test/template_classifier.py')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
'n141' href='#n141'>141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306
# Copyright (c) 2016 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Generate .siphon source fragments for later processing

import json
import logging
import os
import re

"""List of (regexp, siphon_name) tuples for matching the start of C
   initializer blocks in source files. Each siphon class registers
   themselves on this list."""
siphon_patterns = []

class Generate(object):
    """Matches a siphon comment block start"""
    siphon_block_start = re.compile("^\s*/\*\?\s*(.*)$")

    """Matches a siphon comment block stop"""
    siphon_block_stop = re.compile("^(.*)\s*\?\*/\s*$")

    """Siphon block directive delimiter"""
    siphon_block_delimiter = "%%"

    """Matches a siphon block directive such as
       '%clicmd:group_label Debug CLI%'"""
    siphon_block_directive = re.compile("(%s)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)\s+(.*)\s*(%s)" % \
            (siphon_block_delimiter, siphon_block_delimiter))

    """Matches the start of an initializer block"""
    siphon_initializer = re.compile("\s*=")

    """Collated output for each siphon"""
    output = None

    """Directory prefix to strip from input filenames to keep things tidy."""
    input_prefix = None

    """List of known siphons"""
    known_siphons = None

    """Logging handler"""
    log = None

    def __init__(self, output_directory, input_prefix):
        super(Generate, self).__init__()
        self.log = logging.getLogger("siphon.generate")

        # Build a list of known siphons
        self.known_siphons = []
        for item in siphon_patterns:
            siphon = item[1]
            if siphon not in self.known_siphons:

        # Setup information for siphons we know about
        self.output = {}
        for siphon in self.known_siphons:
            self.output[siphon] = {
                    "file": "%s/%s.siphon" % (output_directory, siphon),
                    "global": {},
                    "items": [],

        self.input_prefix = input_prefix

    count open and close braces in str
    return (0, index) when braces were found and count becomes 0.
    index indicates the position at which the last closing brace was
    return (-1, -1) if a closing brace is found before any opening one.
    return (count, -1) if not all opening braces are closed, count is the
    current depth
    def count_braces(self, str, count=0, found=False):
        for index in range(0, len(str)):
            if str[index] == '{':
                count += 1;
                found = True
            elif str[index] == '}':
                if count == 0:
                    # means we never found an open brace
                    return (-1, -1)
                count -= 1;

            if count == 0 and found:
                return (count, index)

        return (count, -1)

    def parse(self, filename):
        # Strip the current directory off the start of the
        # filename for brevity
        if filename[0:len(self.input_prefix)] == self.input_prefix:
            filename = filename[len(self.input_prefix):]
            if filename[0] == "/":
                filename = filename[1:]

        # Work out the abbreviated directory name
        directory = os.path.dirname(filename)
        if directory[0:2] == "./":
            directory = directory[2:]
        elif directory[0:len(self.input_prefix)] == self.input_prefix:
            directory = directory[len(self.input_prefix):]
        if directory[0] == "/":
            directory = directory[1:]

        # Open the file and explore its contents...
        self.log.info("Siphoning from %s." % filename)
        directives = {}
        with open(filename) as fd:
            siphon = None
            close_siphon = None
            siphon_block = ""
            in_block = False
            line_num = 0
            siphon_line = 0

            for line in fd:
                line_num += 1
                str = line[:-1] # filter \n

                """See if there is a block directive and if so extract it"""
                def process_block_directive(str, directives):
                    m = self.siphon_block_directive.search(str)
                    if m is not None:
                        k = m.group(2)
                        v = m.group(3).strip()
                        directives[k] = v
                        # Return only the parts we did not match
                        return str[0:m.start(1)] + str[m.end(4):]

                    return str

                def process_block_prefix(str):
                    if str.startswith(" * "):
                        str = str[3:]
                    elif str == " *":
                        str = ""
                    return str

                if not in_block:
                    # See if the line contains the start of a siphon doc block
                    m = self.siphon_block_start.search(str)
                    if m is not None:
                        in_block = True
                        t = m.group(1)

                        # Now check if the block closes on the same line
                        m = self.siphon_block_stop.search(t)
                        if m is not None:
                            t = m.group(1)
                            in_block = False

                        # Check for directives
                        t = process_block_directive(t, directives)

                        # Filter for normal comment prefixes
                        t = process_block_prefix(t)

                        # Add what is left
                        siphon_block += t

                        # Skip to next line

                    # Check to see if we have an end block marker
                    m = self.siphon_block_stop.search(str)
                    if m is not None:
                        in_block = False
                        t = m.group(1)
                        t = str

                    # Check for directives
                    t = process_block_directive(t, directives)

                    # Filter for normal comment prefixes
                    t = process_block_prefix(t)

                    # Add what is left
                    siphon_block += t + "\n"

                    # Skip to next line

                if siphon is None:
                    # Look for blocks we need to siphon
                    for p in siphon_patterns:
                        if p[0].match(str):
                            siphon = [ p[1], str + "\n", 0 ]
                            siphon_line = line_num

                            # see if we have an initializer
                            m = self.siphon_initializer.search(str)
                            if m is not None:
                                # count the braces on this line
                                (count, index) = \
                                siphon[2] = count
                                # TODO - it's possible we have the
                                # initializer all on the first line
                                # we should check for it, but also
                                # account for the possibility that
                                # the open brace is on the next line
                                #if count == 0:
                                #    # braces balanced
                                #    close_siphon = siphon
                                #    siphon = None
                                # no initializer: close the siphon right now
                                close_siphon = siphon
                                siphon = None
                    # See if we should end the siphon here - do we have
                    # balanced braces?
                    (count, index) = self.count_braces(str,
                            count=siphon[2], found=True)
                    if count == 0:
                        # braces balanced - add the substring and
                        # close the siphon
                        siphon[1] += str[:index+1] + ";\n"
                        close_siphon = siphon
                        siphon = None
                        # add the whole string, move on
                        siphon[2] = count
                        siphon[1] += str + "\n"

                if close_siphon is not None:
                    # Write the siphoned contents to the right place
                    siphon_name = close_siphon[0]

                    # Copy directives for the file
                    details = {}
                    for key in directives:
                        if ":" in key:
                            (sn, label) = key.split(":")
                            if sn == siphon_name:
                                details[label] = directives[key]
                            details[key] = directives[key]

                    # Copy details for this block
                    details['file'] = filename
                    details['directory'] = directory
                    details['line_start'] = siphon_line
                    details['line_end'] = line_num
                    details['siphon_block'] = siphon_block.strip()
                    details["block"] = close_siphon[1]

                    # Store the item

                    # All done
                    close_siphon = None
                    siphon_block = ""

            # Update globals
            for key in directives.keys():
                if ':' not in key:

                if filename.endswith("/dir.dox"):
                    # very special! use the parent directory name
                    l = directory
                    l = filename

                (sn, label) = key.split(":")

                if sn not in self.output:
                    self.output[sn] = {}
                if 'global' not in self.output[sn]:
                    self.output[sn]['global'] = {}
                if l not in self.output[sn]['global']:
                    self.output[sn]['global'][l] = {}

                self.output[sn]['global'][l][label] = directives[key]

    def deliver(self):
        # Write out the data
        for siphon in self.output.keys():
            self.log.info("Saving siphon data %s." % siphon)
            s = self.output[siphon]
            with open(s['file'], "a") as fp:
                json.dump(s, fp,
                    separators=(',', ': '), indent=4, sort_keys=True)