path: root/test/test_lb.py
diff options
authorDamjan Marion <damarion@cisco.com>2016-11-10 18:01:42 +0100
committerDave Barach <openvpp@barachs.net>2016-11-10 21:44:49 +0000
commit96b41f76097de4516251a43cef365641dd8760a4 (patch)
treeafa050b8434459b2d5e00b5684942426a1707f0a /test/test_lb.py
parentd6338ab75200fad9825f53640f7c2b2a650c5ce9 (diff)
feature: fix init issue when multiple arc are present
Change-Id: I9c76b6d7ffebeeb92d5eeca5852c487d73151f28 Signed-off-by: Damjan Marion <damarion@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'test/test_lb.py')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
d='n159' href='#n159'>159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463

from interfaces_e import IFType
import CustomLogger
import misc_methods
import telnetlib
import socket
import time
from collections import OrderedDict

class CCommandCache(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def __gen_clean_data_structure (self):
        self.cache =  {"IF"   : OrderedDict(),
                       "CONF" : [],
                       "EXEC" : []}

    def __list_append (self, dest_list, cmd):
        if isinstance(cmd, list):
            dest_list.extend( cmd )
            dest_list.append( cmd )

    def add (self, cmd_type, cmd, interface = None):

        if interface is not None: # this is an interface ("IF") config command
            if interface in self.cache['IF']:
                # interface commands already exists
                self.__list_append(self.cache['IF'][interface], cmd)
                # no chached commands for this interface
                self.cache['IF'][interface] = []
                self.__list_append(self.cache['IF'][interface], cmd)
        else:                 # this is either a CONF or EXEC command
            self.__list_append(self.cache[cmd_type.upper()], cmd)

    def dump_config (self):
        # dump IF config:
        print("configure terminal")
        for intf, intf_cmd_list in self.cache['IF'].items():
            print("interface {if_name}".format( if_name = intf ))

        if self.cache['IF']:
            # add 'exit' note only if if config actually took place
            print('exit')    # exit to global config mode

        # dump global config
        if self.cache['CONF']:

        # exit back to en mode

        # dump exec config
        if self.cache['EXEC']:

    def get_config_list (self):
        conf_list = []

        conf_list.append("configure terminal")
        for intf, intf_cmd_list in self.cache['IF'].items():
            conf_list.append( "interface {if_name}".format( if_name = intf ) )
            conf_list.extend( intf_cmd_list )
        if len(conf_list)>1:
            # add 'exit' note only if if config actually took place

        conf_list.extend( self.cache['CONF'] )
        conf_list.extend( self.cache['EXEC'] )

        return conf_list

    def clear_cache (self):
        # clear all pointers to cache data (erase the data structure)
        # Re-initialize the cache


class CCommandLink(object):
    def __init__(self, silent_mode = False, debug_mode = False):
        self.history        = []
        self.virtual_mode   = True
        self.silent_mode    = silent_mode
        self.telnet_con     = None
        self.debug_mode     = debug_mode

    def __transmit (self, cmd_list, **kwargs):
        if not self.silent_mode:
            print('\n'.join(cmd_list))   # prompting the pushed platform commands
        if not self.virtual_mode:
            # transmit the command to platform. 
            return self.telnet_con.write_ios_cmd(cmd_list, debug_mode = self.debug_mode, **kwargs)

    def run_command (self, cmd_list, **kwargs):
        response = ''
        for cmd in cmd_list:
            # check which type of cmd we handle
            if isinstance(cmd, CCommandCache):
                tmp_response = self.__transmit( cmd.get_config_list(), **kwargs )   # join the commands with new-line delimiter
                tmp_response = self.__transmit([cmd], **kwargs)
            if not self.virtual_mode:
                response += tmp_response
        return response

    def run_single_command (self, cmd, **kwargs):
        return self.run_command([cmd], **kwargs)

    def get_history (self, as_string = False):
        if as_string:
            return '\n'.join(self.history)
            return self.history

    def clear_history (self):
        # clear all pointers to history data (erase the data structure)
        del self.history[:]
        # Re-initialize the histoyr with clear one
        self.history = []

    def launch_platform_connectivity (self, device_config_obj):
        connection_info = device_config_obj.get_platform_connection_data()
        self.telnet_con     = CIosTelnet( **connection_info )
        self.virtual_mode   = False # if physical connectivity was successful, toggle virtual mode off

    def close_platform_connection(self):
        if self.telnet_con is not None:

class CDeviceCfg(object):
    def __init__(self, cfg_yaml_path = None):
        if cfg_yaml_path is not None:
            (self.platform_cfg, self.tftp_cfg) = misc_methods.load_complete_config_file(cfg_yaml_path)[1:3]
            self.interfaces_cfg = self.platform_cfg['interfaces'] # extract only the router interface configuration

    def set_platform_config(self, config_dict):
        self.platform_cfg = config_dict
        self.interfaces_cfg = self.platform_cfg['interfaces']

    def set_tftp_config(self, tftp_cfg):
        self.tftp_cfg = tftp_cfg

    def get_interfaces_cfg (self):
        return self.interfaces_cfg

    def get_ip_address (self):
        return self.__get_attr('ip_address')

    def get_line_password (self):
        return self.__get_attr('line_pswd')

    def get_en_password (self):
        return self.__get_attr('en_pswd')

    def get_mgmt_interface (self):
        return self.__get_attr('mgmt_interface')

    def get_platform_connection_data (self):
        return { 'host' : self.get_ip_address(), 'line_pass' : self.get_line_password(), 'en_pass' : self.get_en_password() }

    def get_tftp_info (self):
        return self.tftp_cfg

    def get_image_name (self):
        return self.__get_attr('image')

    def __get_attr (self, attr):
        return self.platform_cfg[attr]

    def dump_config (self):
        import yaml
        print(yaml.dump(self.interfaces_cfg, default_flow_style=False))

class CIfObj(object):
    _obj_id = 0

    def __init__(self, if_name, ipv4_addr, ipv6_addr, src_mac_addr, dest_mac_addr, if_type):
        self.if_name        = if_name
        self.if_type        = if_type
        self.src_mac_addr   = src_mac_addr
        self.dest_mac_addr  = dest_mac_addr
        self.ipv4_addr      = ipv4_addr 
        self.ipv6_addr      = ipv6_addr 
        self.pair_parent    = None     # a pointer to CDualIfObj which holds this interface and its pair-complement

    def __get_and_increment_id (self):
        self._obj_id = CIfObj._obj_id
        CIfObj._obj_id += 1

    def get_name (self):
        return self.if_name

    def get_src_mac_addr (self):
        return self.src_mac_addr

    def get_dest_mac (self):
        return self.dest_mac_addr

    def get_id (self):
        return self._obj_id

    def get_if_type (self):
        return self.if_type

    def get_ipv4_addr (self):
        return self.ipv4_addr

    def get_ipv6_addr (self):
        return self.ipv6_addr

    def set_ipv4_addr (self, addr):
        self.ipv4_addr = addr

    def set_ipv6_addr (self, addr):
        self.ipv6_addr = addr

    def set_pair_parent (self, dual_if_obj):
        self.pair_parent = dual_if_obj

    def get_pair_parent (self):
        return self.pair_parent

    def is_client (self):
        return (self.if_type == IFType.Client)

    def is_server (self):
        return (self.if_type == IFType.Server)


class CDualIfObj(object):
    _obj_id = 0

    def __init__(self, vrf_name, client_if_obj, server_if_obj):
        self.vrf_name       = vrf_name
        self.client_if      = client_if_obj
        self.server_if      = server_if_obj

        # link if_objects to its parent dual_if

    def __get_and_increment_id (self):
        self._obj_id = CDualIfObj._obj_id
        CDualIfObj._obj_id += 1

    def get_id (self):
        return self._obj_id

    def get_vrf_name (self):
        return self.vrf_name

    def is_duplicated (self):
        return self.vrf_name != None

class CIfManager(object):
    _ipv4_gen = misc_methods.get_network_addr()
    _ipv6_gen = misc_methods.get_network_addr(ip_type = 'ipv6')

    def __init__(self):
        self.interfarces     = OrderedDict()
        self.dual_intf       = []
        self.full_device_cfg = None

    def __add_if_to_manager (self, if_obj):
        self.interfarces[if_obj.get_name()] = if_obj

    def __add_dual_if_to_manager (self, dual_if_obj):

    def __get_ipv4_net_client_addr(self, ipv4_addr):
        return misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr (ipv4_addr)

    def __get_ipv6_net_client_addr(self, ipv6_addr):
        return misc_methods.get_single_net_client_addr (ipv6_addr, {'7' : 1}, ip_type = 'ipv6')

    def load_config (self, device_config_obj):
        self.full_device_cfg = device_config_obj
        # first, erase all current config
        del self.dual_intf[:]

        # than, load the configuration
        intf_config = device_config_obj.get_interfaces_cfg()

        # finally, parse the information into data-structures
        for intf_pair in intf_config:
            # generate network addresses for client side, and initialize client if object
            tmp_ipv4_addr = self.__get_ipv4_net_client_addr (next(CIfManager._ipv4_gen)[0])
            tmp_ipv6_addr = self.__get_ipv6_net_client_addr (next(CIfManager._ipv6_gen))

            client_obj = CIfObj(if_name = intf_pair['client']['name'],
                ipv4_addr = tmp_ipv4_addr,
                ipv6_addr = tmp_ipv6_addr,
                src_mac_addr  = intf_pair['client']['src_mac_addr'],
                dest_mac_addr = intf_pair['client']['dest_mac_addr'],
                if_type   = IFType.Client)

            # generate network addresses for server side, and initialize server if object
            tmp_ipv4_addr = self.__get_ipv4_net_client_addr (next(CIfManager._ipv4_gen)[0])
            tmp_ipv6_addr = self.__get_ipv6_net_client_addr (next(CIfManager._ipv6_gen))
            server_obj = CIfObj(if_name = intf_pair['server']['name'],
                ipv4_addr = tmp_ipv4_addr,
                ipv6_addr = tmp_ipv6_addr,
                src_mac_addr  = intf_pair['server']['src_mac_addr'],
                dest_mac_addr = intf_pair['server']['dest_mac_addr'],
                if_type   = IFType.Server)

            dual_intf_obj = CDualIfObj(vrf_name = intf_pair['vrf_name'],
                client_if_obj = client_obj,
                server_if_obj = server_obj)

            # update single interfaces pointers

            # finally, update the data-structures with generated objects

    def get_if_list (self, if_type = IFType.All, is_duplicated = None):
        result = []
        for if_name,if_obj in self.interfarces.items():
            if (if_type == IFType.All) or ( if_obj.get_if_type() == if_type) :
                if (is_duplicated is None) or (if_obj.get_pair_parent().is_duplicated() == is_duplicated):
                    # append this if_obj only if matches both IFType and is_duplicated conditions
        return result

    def get_duplicated_if (self):
        result = []
        for dual_if_obj in self.dual_intf:
            if dual_if_obj.get_vrf_name() is not None :
                result.extend( (dual_if_obj.client_if, dual_if_obj.server_if) )
        return result

    def get_dual_if_list (self, is_duplicated = None):
        result = []
        for dual_if in self.dual_intf:
            if (is_duplicated is None) or (dual_if.is_duplicated() == is_duplicated):
        return result

    def dump_if_config (self):
        if self.full_device_cfg is None:
            print("Device configuration isn't loaded.\nPlease load config and try again.")

class AuthError(Exception): 

class CIosTelnet(telnetlib.Telnet):
    AuthError = AuthError

    # wrapper for compatibility with Python2/3, convert input to bytes
    def str_to_bytes_wrapper(self, func, text, *args, **kwargs):
        if type(text) in (list, tuple):
            text = [elem.encode('ascii') if type(elem) is str else elem for elem in text]
        res = func(self, text.encode('ascii') if type(text) is str else text, *args, **kwargs)
        return res.decode() if type(res) is bytes else res

    def read_until(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.str_to_bytes_wrapper(telnetlib.Telnet.read_until, *args, **kwargs)

    def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.str_to_bytes_wrapper(telnetlib.Telnet.write, *args, **kwargs)

    def expect(self, *args, **kwargs):
        res = self.str_to_bytes_wrapper(telnetlib.Telnet.expect, *args, **kwargs)
        return [elem.decode() if type(elem) is bytes else elem for elem in res]

    def __init__ (self, host, line_pass, en_pass, port = 23, str_wait = "#"):
        self.host           = host
        self.port           = port
        self.line_passwd    = line_pass
        self.enable_passwd  = en_pass
        self.pr             = str_wait
#       self.set_debuglevel (1)
            self.open(self.host,self.port, timeout = 5)
            self.write("{line_pass}\n".format(line_pass = self.line_passwd) )
            res = self.read_until(">",1)
            if 'Password' in res:
                raise AuthError('Invalid line password was provided')
            self.write("enable 15\n")
            self.write("{en_pass}\n".format(en_pass = self.enable_passwd) )
            res = self.read_until(self.pr,1)
            if 'Password' in res:
                raise AuthError('Invalid en password was provided')
            self.write_ios_cmd(['terminal length 0'])

        except socket.timeout:
            raise socket.timeout('A timeout error has occured.\nCheck platform connectivity or the hostname defined in the config file')
        except Exception as inst:

    def write_ios_cmd (self, cmd_list, result_from = 0, timeout = 60, **kwargs):
        assert (isinstance (cmd_list, list) == True)
        self.read_until(self.pr, timeout = 1)

        res = ''
        if 'read_until' in kwargs:
            wf = kwargs['read_until']
            wf = self.pr

        for idx, cmd in enumerate(cmd_list):
            start_time = time.time()
            if kwargs.get('debug_mode'):
                print('-->\n%s' % cmd)
            if type(wf) is list:
                output = self.expect(wf, timeout)[2]
                output = self.read_until(wf, timeout)
            if idx >= result_from:
                res += output
            if kwargs.get('debug_mode'):
                print('<-- (%ss)\n%s' % (round(time.time() - start_time, 2), output))
            if time.time() - start_time > timeout - 1:
                raise Exception('Timeout while performing telnet command: %s' % cmd)
        if 'Invalid' in res:
            print('Warning: telnet command probably failed.\nCommand: %s\nResponse: %s' % (cmd_list, res))
#       return res.split('\r\n')
        return res  # return the received response as a string, each line is seperated by '\r\n'.

if __name__ == "__main__":
#   dev_cfg = CDeviceCfg('config/config.yaml')
#   print dev_cfg.get_platform_connection_data()
#   telnet = CIosTelnet( **(dev_cfg.get_platform_connection_data() ) )

#   if_mng  = CIfManager()
#   if_mng.load_config(dev_cfg)
#   if_mng.dump_config()