path: root/docs/_scripts/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/_scripts/Makefile')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/_scripts/Makefile b/docs/_scripts/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7893f92cf72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_scripts/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Build the documentation
+# Default target
+.PHONY: all
+all: siphon
+# These should be passed in by the root Makefile
+WS_ROOT ?= $(CURDIR)/../..
+BR ?= $(WS_ROOT)/build-root
+BUILDDIR ?= ${BR}/docs
+DOCS_DIR ?= ${WS_ROOT}/docs
+# Tag used in github repository path.
+# Change this when genearting for a release
+VPP_TAG ?= master
+REPOSITORY_URL ?= https://github.com/FDio/vpp/blob/$(VPP_TAG)/
+# Doxygen configuration and our utility scripts
+SCRIPTS_DIR ?= $(WS_ROOT)/docs/_scripts
+# docs root directory
+FEATURE_LIST_FILE = ${BUILDDIR_SRC}/aboutvpp/featurelist.md
+# Siphoned fragements are processed into here
+# Siphoned fragments end up in here
+# Primary source directories
+ $(shell find $(SIPHON_SRC) -name '*.md' -print | xargs dirname \
+ | sort | uniq) \
+ $(SIPHON_SRC)/vppinfra \
+ $(SIPHON_SRC)/svm \
+ $(SIPHON_SRC)/vlib \
+ $(SIPHON_SRC)/vlibapi \
+ $(SIPHON_SRC)/vlibmemory \
+ $(SIPHON_SRC)/vnet \
+ $(SIPHON_SRC)/vpp \
+ $(SIPHON_SRC)/vpp-api \
+ $(SIPHON_SRC)/examples
+# Input directories and files
+ $(wildcard $(WS_ROOT)/*.md) \
+ $(wildcard $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/*.md) \
+ $(SIPHON_SRC)/plugins \
+ extras
+# Strip leading workspace path from input names
+# Files to exclude, from pre-Doxygen steps, eg because they're
+# selectively compiled.
+# Examples would be to exclude non-DPDK related sources when
+# there's a DPDK equivalent that conflicts.
+# These must be left-anchored paths for the regexp below to work.
+ $(SIPHON_SRC)/vpp-api/lua
+# Generate a regexp for filenames to exclude
+SIPHON_EXCLUDE_REGEXP = ($(subst .,\.,$(shell echo '$(strip $(SIPHON_EXCLUDE))' | sed -e 's/ /|/g')))
+# Include all the normal source directories in the include file path
+# Find API header directories and include them in the header path.
+# This is only useful if VPP and plugins are already built; nothing
+# here depends on those targets. We don't build documentation for these
+# header files, they're just added to the INCLUDE search path for Doxygen.
+_vpp_br = $(shell find "$(BR)" -maxdepth 1 -type d \
+ '(' -name build-vpp_debug-native -o -name build-vpp-native ')' -print \
+ | sed -e 's@^$(WS_ROOT)/*@@' -e 1q)
+ifneq ($(strip $(_vpp_br)),)
+ $(_vpp_br)/vlib-api \
+ $(_vpp_br)/vpp
+# Also include any plugin directories that exist
+ $(shell find $(WS_ROOT)/$(_vpp_br)/plugins -maxdepth 1 -type d | sed -e 's@^$(WS_ROOT)/*@@')
+# Discover if we have CPP available
+_cpp = $(shell which cpp)
+ifneq ($(strip $(_cpp)),)
+# Add whatever directories CPP normally includes to the header path
+SIPHON_INCLUDE_PATH += $(shell set -e; $(_cpp) -v </dev/null 2>&1 | awk 'f&&/^ /{print $$1} /^\#include/{f=1}')
+# All the siphon types we know about
+SIPHONS ?= clicmd syscfg
+SIPHON_FILES = $(addprefix $(SIPHON_INPUT_DIR)/,$(addsuffix .siphon,$(SIPHONS)))
+SIPHON_DOCS = $(addprefix $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/,$(addsuffix .rst,$(SIPHONS)))
+BUILT_ON = $(shell date '+%d %B %Y')
+VPP_VERSION = $(shell ${WS_ROOT}/src/scripts/version)
+ @( \
+ cd $(WS_ROOT) && \
+ find . -name FEATURE.yaml | \
+ ./src/scripts/fts.py \
+ --markdown \
+ --repolink $(REPOSITORY_URL) > \
+ )
+ @touch $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/.featurelist.done
+ @mkdir -p "$(DYNAMIC_RENDER_DIR)"
+ @python3 $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/includes_renderer.py ${WS_ROOT} ${DYNAMIC_RENDER_DIR}
+ @touch $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/.includes-render.done
+ @sed -ie "s/__VPP_VERSION__/${VPP_VERSION}/g" ${BUILDDIR_SRC}/index.rst
+ @sed -ie "s/__BUILT_ON__/${BUILT_ON}/g" ${BUILDDIR_SRC}/index.rst
+ @( \
+ for f in $$(grep -l -R __REPOSITORY_URL__ ${BUILDDIR_SRC} | grep -e '\.rst$$' -e '\.md$$' ) ;\
+ do \
+ if [ ! -z $${f} ]; then \
+ echo "TEMPLATING $${f}" ;\
+ sed -ie "s@__REPOSITORY_URL__@${REPOSITORY_URL}@g" $${f} ;\
+ fi ;\
+ done ; \
+ )
+ @touch $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/.template-index.done
+$(SIPHON_FILES): $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/siphon-generate \
+ $(addprefix,$(WSROOT),$(SIPHON_INPUT)) \
+ $(wildcard $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/siphon/*.py)
+ @echo "Validating source tree..."
+ @set -e; for input in $(SIPHON_INPUT); do \
+ if [ ! -e "$(WS_ROOT)/$$input" ]; then \
+ echo "ERROR: Input path '$$input' does not exist." >&2; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ done
+ @touch $(SIPHON_INPUT_DIR)/files
+ @echo "Collating source file list for siphoning..."
+ @for input in $(SIPHON_INPUT); do \
+ cd "$(WS_ROOT)"; \
+ find "$$input" -type f \
+ \( -name '*.[ch]' -or -name '*.dox' \) -print \
+ | grep -v -E '^src/examples/' \
+ | grep -v -E '^$(SIPHON_EXCLUDE_REGEXP)' \
+ >> $(SIPHON_INPUT_DIR)/files; \
+ done
+ @echo "Generating siphons..."
+ @set -e; \
+ cd "$(WS_ROOT)"; \
+ $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/siphon-generate \
+ --output="$(SIPHON_INPUT_DIR)" \
+ "@$(SIPHON_INPUT_DIR)/files"
+# Evaluate this to build a siphon doc output target for each desired
+# output type:
+# $(eval $(call siphon-process,file_extension,output_type_name))
+define siphon-process
+$(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/%.$(1): $(SIPHON_INPUT_DIR)/%.siphon \
+ $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/siphon-process \
+ $(wildcard $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/siphon/*.py) \
+ $(wildcard $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/siphon_templates/$(2)/*/*.$(1))
+ @echo "Processing siphon for $(2) from $$(notdir $$<)..."
+ @set -e; \
+ cd "$(WS_ROOT)"; \
+ mkdir -p $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/$$(basename $$(notdir $$<)).$(1).dir; \
+ $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/siphon-process \
+ --type=$$(basename $$(notdir $$<)) \
+ --format=$(2) \
+ --repolink=$(REPOSITORY_URL)/ \
+ --outdir=$(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/$$(basename $$(notdir $$<)).$(1).dir \
+ --output="$$@" \
+ "$$<"
+# Process the .siphon source fragments and render them into siphon flavored
+# markdown documentation
+$(eval $(call siphon-process,rst,markdown))
+# This target can be used just to generate the siphoned things
+.PHONY: siphon
+ @cp $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/clicmd.rst $(BUILDDIR_SRC)/cli-reference/index.rst
+ @mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR_SRC)/cli-reference/clis
+ @cp -r $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/clicmd.rst.dir/* $(BUILDDIR_SRC)/cli-reference/clis
+ @touch $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/.siphon.done
+.PHONY: clean-siphons
+ @( \
+ echo "find $(SIPHON_INPUT) -newer $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/.siphon.done" ; \
+ cd $(WS_ROOT); \
+ if [ -f $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/.siphon.done ] && \
+ [ $$(find $(SIPHON_INPUT) -type f -newer $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/.siphon.done \
+ -not -name '*.md' \
+ -not -name '*.rst' | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then \
+ rm -r $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR); \
+ echo "removing... $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)"; \
+ fi; \
+ )
+ @echo "Copying docs files..."
+ @cp -r $(DOCS_DIR) ${BUILDDIR_SRC}
+ @cd ${BUILDDIR_SRC} && find . -type l -exec cp --remove-destination -L ${DOCS_DIR}/{} {} \;
+ @touch $(BUILDDIR)/.docsrc.sync.ok
+.PHONY: copy-src
+copy-src: ${BUILDDIR}/.docsrc.sync.ok
+ @echo "Syncing changed files..."
+ @cd $(DOCS_DIR) && find . -type f -not -path '*/_scripts/*' -newer $(BUILDDIR)/.docsrc.sync.ok -exec cp {} ${BUILDDIR_SRC}/{} \;
+ @cd ${DOCS_DIR} && find . -type l -not -path '*/_scripts/*' -newer $(BUILDDIR)/.docsrc.sync.ok -exec cp --remove-destination -L ${DOCS_DIR}/{} ${BUILDDIR_SRC}/{} \;
+ @cd ${DOCS_DIR} && find -L . -type f -not -path '*/_scripts/*' -newer $(BUILDDIR)/.docsrc.sync.ok -exec cp --remove-destination -L ${DOCS_DIR}/{} ${BUILDDIR_SRC}/{} \;
+ @touch $(BUILDDIR)/.docsrc.sync.ok
+.PHONY: generate
+generate: copy-src clean-siphons $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/.siphon.done $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/.includes-render.done $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/.template-index.done $(DOCS_GENERATED_DIR)/.featurelist.done
+.PHONY: clean
+ @rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)
+ @rm -rf $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/siphon/__pycache__