.githubUnnamed repository10 months
ci-managementManagement repo for Jenkins Job Builder, script and management related to the Je...15 hours
cicnARCHIVED- 2022-09-08 at the request of the project3 years
csitIntegration tests2 hours
deb_dpdkARCHIVED- 2020-02-20 at the request of the project5 years
dmmARCHIVED- 2020-12-15 at the request of the project4 years
govppThe GoVPP Gerrit repository has been archived.2 years
hc2vppARCHIVED- 2022-08-30 at the request of the project3 years
hicnHybrid Information-Centric Networking2 years
honeycombARCHIVED- 2020-12-03 at the request of the project4 years
jvppARCHIVED- 2021-02-05 at the request of the project3 years
main_testRepository to test main branch4 years
nsh_sfcARCHIVED- 2020-09-17 at the request of the project4 years
odp4vppARCHIVED- 2020-10-13 at the request of the project4 years
oneARCHIVED- 2020-10-13 at the request of the project4 years
opflexvppARCHIVED- 2020-12-03 at the request of the project4 years
p4vppARCHIVED- 2020-10-13 at the request of the project4 years
pma_toolsARCHIVED- 2020-11-12 at the request of the project4 years
puppet-fdioARCHIVED- 2020-12-03 at the request of the project4 years
rpm_dpdkARCHIVED- 2020-09-10 at the request of the project4 years
sweetcombARCHIVED- 2020-12-03 at the request of the project21 months
test_injectorThis is a test project for training purposes.5 years
tldk*** ARCHIVED ***23 months
trexARCHIVED- 2020-07-23 at the request of the project19 months
udpiARCHIVED- 2022-08-30 at the request of the project3 years
vppVector Packet Processing4 hours
vppsbVPP Sandbox5 years
vsapVSAP(VPP Stack Acceleration Project) aims to establish an industry user space ap...19 months