BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mastertests: allow to define SKIP_TESTS in a similar fashion to TESTAndrew Yourtchenko11 hours
stable/2502vrrp: force sleeps between timer eventsMatthew Smith7 days
stable/2410misc: VPP 24.10 Release NotesAndrew Yourtchenko5 months
stable/2406prom: test_prom fixMatus Fabian8 months
stable/2402build: update octeon-roc checksum to updated versionDave Wallace8 months
stable/2310sr: use correct reply to sr_policy_add_v2Vratko Polak11 months
stable/2306vpp-swan: fix configuration of policiesGabriel Oginski18 months
stable/2302vlib: reset stop_timer_handle on expired processesMatthew Smith18 months
stable/2210nat: fix nat44 vrf handlersDaniel Béreš24 months
stable/2206misc: VPP 22.06.1 Release NotesDave Wallace2 years
v25.02commit af12ed005d...Andrew Yourtchenko3 weeks
v25.02-rc2commit 9af015750c...Andrew Yourtchenko5 weeks
v25.02-rc1commit 90f9501ea2...Andrew Yourtchenko8 weeks
v25.06-rc0commit bf0f803208...Andrew Yourtchenko8 weeks
v24.10commit cfa0953251...Andrew Yourtchenko5 months
v24.10-rc2commit 466b350538...Andrew Yourtchenko5 months
v24.10-rc1commit b91e15387d...Andrew Yourtchenko6 months
v25.02-rc0commit 8f989630b0...Andrew Yourtchenko6 months
v24.06commit 6e8b350a01...Andrew Yourtchenko9 months
v24.06-rc2commit 55457075d9...Andrew Yourtchenko9 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
11 hourstests: allow to define SKIP_TESTS in a similar fashion to TESTHEADmasterAndrew Yourtchenko3-3/+52
11 hourstests: use vcl_test_client and server for installationIvan Ivanets1-1/+0
31 hoursquic: Fix compilation error with CMake 4.0.0nucleo1-0/+16
3 dayshs-test: lower minimum iperf perf requirementsAdrian Villin3-3/+3
4 daysaf_xdp: Backport Get rid of llc and use clang to build BPF object files directlynucleo1-0/+130
4 daysdpdk: rte_eth_tx_prepare need to called before transmiting packetsNicolas PLANEL4-23/+50
6 dayshs-test: added session, tcp, svm unit testsAdrian Villin6-8/+48
6 daysip: fix ICMP inner payload parsingKlement Sekera20-56/+42
7 dayshs-test: enable coverage file filtering correctlySemir Sionek2-2/+2
7 daysvcl: fix cl sendto on unbound socketFlorin Coras4-5/+222